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采用情绪量表 ,考察在运动技能学习过程中情绪变化的状况 ,发现在技能学习的不同阶段 ,情绪有其变化的特征 ,随着学习的不断深入 ,情绪总趋势朝良性方向发展 ,这在一定程度上支持了情绪的动力平衡理论。  相似文献   
太极,无极而生,阴阳之母也。太极是体,阴阳是体中之气。拳,权也,所以权物而知其轻重也。太极拳教学中,要树立健康观,根据大学生的生理、心理和社会适应能力,依据技能动作的掌握特点和形成过程,运用电化直观教学、表象训练,多种启发等教学方法,激发、引导学生学好太极拳。  相似文献   
文章具体分析了“留守学生”中普遍存在的自理能力差、依赖性强、厌学情绪严重、相互攀比、消极模仿等异常心理行为。同时,提供了以“培训家长”、“建立优良班风”、“搞好个别教育”等有效的教育方法。  相似文献   
体育活动与“身心”紧密相关,具体地表征着生理与心理的内在统一性。从体育活动与人的心智发展关系上来思考,则更能看清楚体育的教育价值。  相似文献   
目前用幻灯片来辅助教学已经是教育领域中不可缺少的一部分,几乎所有的学校都拥有多媒体教室,因此制作一个好的幻灯片来适应现在的教学要求变的越来越重要了。本文主要根据人机工程学的原理,综合考虑了人类的视觉要求、心理学和美学等因素,介绍了如何制作一个较为成功的幻灯片。  相似文献   
A paired-associate memory task with pictures and words as items was used to categorize fourth graders into four learner types: HH, high picture-high word; HL, high picture-low word; LH, low picture-high word; LL, low picture-low word. Some children in each classification read prose passages with picture adjunct aids; other children read the passages without adjunct aids. Although free recall for the prose passage yielded inconclusive data, a constructed response test for facts in the prose passages revealed significant Aptitude × Treatment interactions, such that poor paired-associate learners (i.e., LLs) profited more than did good paired-associate learners (i.e., HHs) from picture aids on the prose task. The children's standardized reading scores were positively related to memory performance, but good and poor readers did not differ in their ability to profit from picture aids. It was suggested that less-strategic learners, such as those who perform poorly on paired-associate tasks, are more likely to be helped by externally provided mediational aids, while more-strategic learners are more likely to be helped by instructions to generate their own mediational aids.  相似文献   
研究通过对我校心理学专业四个年级学生职业期望的调查,结果:(1)低年级学生相较于毕业生对所学专业满意度更高,对自身的求职前景也比较乐观.(2)从学生对求职前景的定位上看,心理专业学生期望毕业后直接就业人数占主流.(3)对薪水、就业地区、单位稳定性和环境优越性的期望较高.  相似文献   
试论体育教学中学生的心理障碍   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理过程始终伴随着整个教学过程 ,教师必须在教学过程中调节好学生的心理状态 ,消除其心理上的障碍 ,这对提高教学质量和效果有着极其重要的意义  相似文献   
In studying the historical development of early years provision, a clear factor in raising its profile was the growth in scientific study of children, especially the reception and interpretation of Piaget's research. For an understanding of how the mediation of new thinking and new discoveries influenced students and teachers, textbooks provide an important documentary source, but evidence is also available through oral history in the living memories of practitioners themselves. This paper draws on the testimony of early years teachers who began their careers between 1927 and 1955 and continued teaching into the 1960s and 1970s. The account below begins with reflections on psychology and education in the early decades of the twentieth century drawn from a 1936 conference organised by the Nursery School Association of Great Britain, and from a widely used textbook that represents the gradual trend towards ‘fragmentation’ of educational theory into a multiplicity of disciplines. Reference is then made to two popular textbooks by prominent Froebelians, Brearley and Hitchfield, and by Ruth Beard illustrating the growing influence of Piaget as a post facto rationale for a pedagogy that was proceeding by instinct. Walkerdine, Lister and Hall are researchers who have investigated from various angles the impact of Piagetian psychology on primary practice, but the process whereby this translation from the laboratory to the classroom takes place is one that demands further investigation. Vital evidence lies in the living memories of early years teachers whose careers spanned the 1930s to the 1970s and a rich quality and personal texture of the data is apparent as retired early years teachers recounted their professional careers. It offers a more complex account than the grand narratives that historians have traditionally compiled from purely documentary evidence centring on great thinkers, key texts and policy initiatives. The role of in‐service education was clearly important in the experiences recalled in this paper. Above all we find evidence of a distinctive shift in teacher–child relationships over that historical period and of the contribution made to this by psychological theory, epitomised in the figure of Piaget and in his focus on the individual learner.  相似文献   
该文通过引用弗洛依德(Saigmund Fred,1856—1939)及容格(Carl Gustav jung,1875—1961)心理学原理,从象征主义本质出发,对典型象征主义绘画作品进行分析,总结并归纳出判断象征主义绘画的规律。  相似文献   
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