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田海涛 《科教文汇》2020,(15):53-54
为提升军队院校实战化教学训练水平,依据实战化教学环境建设原则,分析实战化教学环境建设存在的问题,提出实战化教学环境建设策略,推动军队院校教学训练向实战聚焦,向部队靠拢。  相似文献   

The renaissance of Asian martial arts is a conspicuous example of cultural hybridity in a global setting. Globalization brings these arts under the dual sway of cinema and sport to a degree unprecedented in their history. This pull, which I describe in terms from Deleuze and Guattari as deterritorialization, creates new challenges for Asian martial arts practice. To explore these challenges and their stakes, I demonstrate the relevance of the concept of the war machine from Deleuze and Guattari, and discuss their distinction between weapons and tools as it bears on Asian martial arts history and practice.  相似文献   
中国共产党走过了八十多年光辉战斗历程,面对新世纪新阶段、新任务,必须按照“三个代表”重要思想的要求,全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,必须坚持不懈地开展反腐败斗争,加强党风廉政建设,构建强有力的权力制衡机制,从体制上铲除腐败。只有这样才能增强党的凝聚力、战斗力、创造力,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   
每个教育层次都应根据自己的培养目标构建独特的教育模式。服装高职学校是为服装行业第一线培养技能型人才的教育机构,应采取实战型教育模式,培养学生的艺术创造能力、实际操作能力、市场适应能力,以实现自己的教育目标。  相似文献   
推进军队院校实战化教学,首要的任务就是促进教员队伍能力素质的提高。文章对实战化教学对教员的要求进行分析,针对当前军队院校教员队伍部队实践经历少,与部队交流欠缺,知战教战、为战研战能力不强,缺乏实战化教学主动性等问题,提出要通过转变理念培树创新能力、聚焦实战提高军事应用能力、持续学习提高专业知识更新能力、强化培训提高实战化教学组训能力,不断提高教员综合素质、教学实践能力,培养过硬的实战化教员队伍,为军队新型军事人才培养奠定基础。  相似文献   
一方面由于现代科学技术综合化的发展趋势,另一方面由于战场体系对抗和武器装备体系的发展,军事技术的综合化、体系化发展已经成为大势所趋,并且发展成为军事技术学。军事技术学学科体系可以分解成基础研究-应用研究-发展研究的过程模型,也可以分解为共性基础技术-应用技术的层次模型,并且在不同的军事技术学体系中有不同的带头学科。从初级概括、系统普遍化和综合的理解三个层面上来看,军事技术学具有跨学科学的本质特征。因此,军事技术学是跨学科学的一个典型案例。认识到这一点,对军事技术学与跨学科学研究都有重要的意义。  相似文献   
通过注意理论在警务实战应用的相关分析,探索注意理论在警务实战中应用的可行依据。利用对比分析警务实战中的注意控制、选择、集中,讨论注意控制训练方法在警务实战中的应用基本途径,得出警务实战注意应用就是通过各种训练方法提高人民警察注意稳定性、抗干扰性和注意集中转换能力的过程。在警务实战中根据警情变化合理利用注意的控制、选择和集中,能够有利于人民警察进行快速反应和准确决策,提高执法战斗能力。  相似文献   
从“暴力美学”视角对武术散打进行审视与分析,在社会的现代化发展中,武术徒手格斗形式运动项目中的散打与暴力美学的结合表达了当前社会人们对格斗竞技类项目的态度与观点。散打运动中体现着暴力美学,外在展现的暴力动作实际上是内心世界的写照,同时也是观众内心情感的寄托宣泄。如今的社会,散打运动的独特魅力吸引着更多的人来认识它,攻防技击的本质是散打运动发展的基石,也是对它的准确定位。  相似文献   
Prior research indicates that providing participants with positive augmented feedback tends to enhance motor learning and performance, whereas the opposite occurs with negative feedback. However, the majority of studies were conducted with untrained participants performing unfamiliar motor tasks and so it remains unclear if elite athletes completing familiar tasks respond in a similar fashion. Thus, this study investigated the effects of three different versions of false-performance feedback on punching force (N), pacing (force over time) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in 15 elite amateur male boxers. Athletes completed a simulated boxing bout consisting of three rounds with 84 maximal effort punches delivered to a punching integrator on four separate days. Day one was a familiarisation session in which no feedback was provided. In the following three days athletes randomly received false-positive, false-negative and false-neutral feedback on their punching performance between each round. No statistical or meaningful differences were observed in punching forces, pacing or RPE between conditions (> 0.05; ≤ 2%). These null results could stem from the elite status of the athletes involved, the focus on performance rather than learning, or they may indicate that false feedback has a less potent effect on performance than previously thought.  相似文献   
Research indicates that instructing athlete’s to focus on bodily movements (internal focus of attention [IFA]) may hinder performance, whereas instructing them to focus on the movement outcome (external focus of attention [EFA]) often enhances performance. Despite the importance of instructions in striking combat sports, limited research has examined the influence of IFA and EFA on performance in well-trained combat athletes. This study investigated the effects of different instructional cues on punching velocity (m · s?1) and normalised impact forces (N · kg?1) among intermediate (n = 8) and expert (n = 7) competitive boxers and kickboxers. Athletes completed three rounds of 12 maximal effort punches delivered to a punching integrator on three separate days. Day one was a familiarisation session with only control instructions provided. In the following two days athletes randomly received IFA, EFA or control instructions prior to each of the three rounds. Athletes punching with EFA were 4% faster and 5% more forceful than IFA (< 0.05), and 2% faster and 3% more forceful than control (< 0.05). Furthermore, experts punched 11% faster and with 13% greater force compared with intermediate athletes (< 0.05). EFA led to a positive effect on punching performance and should be favoured over IFA and control instructions.  相似文献   
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