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对我国西南地区河谷深厚覆盖层成因机理的新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在我国水能资源开发过程中,发现各河流现代河床以下普遍堆积厚达数十米甚至上百米的松散堆积物。河谷深厚覆盖层的存在,不仅严重制约了工程坝址的选择,影响相关流域水电资源的开发利用,也给坝工设计带来巨大的困难。由于深厚覆盖层埋藏于现代河床之下,其形成年代一般先于一二级阶地,有悖于河流发育演化的常理,其成因一直令人费解。首次将河谷深切和深厚堆积事件与全球气候变化、海平面升降运动、地壳运动等有机地联系起来,并提出冰期、间冰期全球海平面大幅度升降,是导致河流深切成谷并形成深厚堆积的主要原因的新观点。在此基础上,引入层序地层学原理,从理论上较好地解释了全球气候变化导致海平面和河流侵蚀基准面大幅变化,并产生河谷深切和深厚堆积的原因和过程。最后,进一步将沿河大型古滑坡的孕育和发生与河谷深切事件相联系,提出沿河大型古滑坡是在河谷深切期因前缘临空较好而形成的新观点,从而对沿河古滑坡前缘剪出口高程往往低于现代河床数十米的原因给出了较合理的解释。  相似文献   
Kela 2 Gas Field, with high formation pressure (74.35MPa), high pressure coefficient (2.022) and difficulty of potential test and evaluation, is the largest integrated proved dry gas reservoir in China so far and the principal source for West-East Gas Development Project. In order to correctly evaluate the elastic-plastic deformation of rocks caused by the pressure decline during production, some researches, as the experiment on reservoir sensitivity to stress of gas filed with abnormal high pressure, are made. By testing the rock mechanic properties, porosities and permeabilities at different temperature and pressure of 342 core samples from 5 wells in this area, the variations of petro-physical properties at changing pressure are analyzed, and the applicable inspection relationship is concluded. The average productivity curve with the reservoir sensitivity to stress is plotted on the basis of the research, integrated with the field-wide productivity equation. The knowledge lays a foundation for the gas well productivity evaluation in the field and the gas field development plan, and provides effective techniques and measures for basic research on the development of similar gas fields.  相似文献   
胡金山  张世殊  甘霖  蔡红 《工程地质学报》2016,24(s1):1243-1249
本文通过深厚覆盖层基坑开挖现场原位试验及室内试验论证了覆盖层沉积时代越早、埋深越大和在有上覆盖重情况下力学性能和抗渗性能均有明显提高,总结了国内外覆盖层建坝土体利用经验,提出了覆盖层土体利用原则,以达到充分利用坝基下覆盖层、节约工期及降低造价目的。同时本研究可推动深厚覆盖层建坝技术发展,可供水利水电工程技术人员借鉴。  相似文献   
The enigma of the origin and development of plains-type folds, as they were christened in the early 20th Century, essentially has been solved. The folds, a considerable distance from the tectonic disturbance, were formed by draping of sediments over differentially displaced Precambrian basement fault blocks. These Precambrian basement fault blocks controlled the location, size, and shape of the folds. Forces were transmitted through the rigid basement causing readjustment along the indigenous fracture/fault pattern formed much earlier. In the U.S. Midcontinent, the crystalline basement is overlain by a thin veneer of sediments, and once the structures were formed, they continued to develop as evidenced by features in the overlying sediments. As the stress was transmitted through the basement and then relaxed, the fault blocks moved differentially in concert to these outside forces. Sediment compaction and nondeposition over structural topographic highs reacted accordingly to form the features as seen today. To determine the structural history, structural closure on different horizons on the anticline is plotted in their appropriate stratigraphic position at depth. This gives a compaction line for each tectonically coherent segment. Similar segments show a relatively straightline with offsets at major unconformities indicating breaks in the continuum. It is at these breaks that the section can be stretched until the compaction line matches as a continuum with the resulting gap giving the approximate amount of missing section for that part of the rock column. Conversely, the amount of closure on a structure at depth for each line segment can be estimated by extrapolating downward in that segment. This technique to determine depth of burial and thus the amount of missing stratigraphic section from well data at numerous locations has been compared with estimates made by other methods and the results are similar. Where no other data are available or for quick estimates, then, it is proposed that this approach will give reasonable results and that the values can be used as a constraint in basin modeling.  相似文献   
地电化学方法作为覆盖区矿产资源勘查的一种有效手段,其原理是在人工外加电场作用下,将近地表介质中呈电活动态的物质选择性地提取,通过研究电提取元素组合、含量分布及异常特征,进而提供找矿信息的一种勘查方法。笔者通过在内蒙古洛恪顿矿区开展地电化学勘查研究,验证了地电化学法在内蒙古东乌旗风成砂覆盖区勘查的有效性,并通过对不同提取时间、不同密度的载体物质等提取条件的对比研究,确定在该区进行地电化学勘查的提取时间为24 h,载体物质选用高密度泡塑。  相似文献   
为了验证YGL-S100型声波钻机在复杂地层的成孔取样效果,在向家坝水电站深厚覆盖层进行了钻孔试验。阐述了YGL-S100型声波钻机的技术特点、各项参数以及在钻进过程中的施工技术。  相似文献   
如何“剥离”盖层,以获取盖层下伏基岩地质(地层、岩浆岩、构造)及矿化信息是开展成矿带浅覆盖区地质填图的重要研究内容。结合区域地质及地球物理场特征,梳理了填图区与基岩地质填图有关问题,在填图区岩石物性分析的基础上,通过对1:5万重力、磁力和激电(IP)测量数据处理分析,采用多参数互约束解释技术和钻探验证约束技术“剥离”盖层,进而获得杜热一带覆盖区下伏基岩地质图,并提出以“穿透性”地球物理探测技术(重磁电)为先导,融合地质、地球化学、浅钻为一体的综合调查技术。在填图区新识别隐伏岩体43处(包括中酸性岩体18处,中基性岩体21处, 基性—超基性岩体4处),划分主要断裂构造22条,进而划分出阿尔曼太-扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩带、北部萨吾尔—二台古生代复合岛弧带和南部谢米斯台-库兰喀孜干古生代复合岛弧带3个三级地质构造分区;划分出奥依达格-吉勒库木铜金钴、铬铁矿找矿远景区1处,圈定找矿靶区4处,其中位于阿尔曼太-扎河坝蛇绿混杂岩带西延带的浅覆盖区玉塔斯铜金钴找矿靶区具有很好的找矿潜力。通过地球物理解译和钻探验证,成功预测并新发现准格尔北缘盆山结合带扎河坝-阿尔曼太蛇绿混杂岩带向西部浅覆盖区延伸。杜热一带浅覆盖区基岩地质填图效果表明,开展成矿带浅覆盖区基岩地质填图可为区域构造环境、成矿地质背景研究和找矿靶区预测提供重要基础地质和矿化蚀变信息。  相似文献   
介绍了孔内纠偏与造斜技术在处理怒江松塔水电站孔内事故中的特殊应用。在覆盖层钻探中由于地层软硬不均,使得套管偏斜,阻碍了钻探工作的Jt~,J进行,使用纠偏技术进行钻孔纠偏,保证了孔壁垂直,提高了钻进质量;在破碎岩石中钻进,由于地层破碎塌孔造成埋钻使得钻进无法进行,如果废孔将会造成成孔成本的巨大浪费,使用孔内造斜技术进行孔内事故的处理,有效地消除了埋钻造成的不利影响,保证了钻探工作继续进行。孔内纠偏与造斜技术在怒江松塔水电站深厚覆盖层及破碎岩石钻探中发挥了很好的作用,具有一定的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
湖州地区地处杭嘉湖平原,地热资源开发具有良好的前提条件。以往的地质勘查工作中,由于上部白垩系和侏罗系较厚,对深部钻探控制程度不够,影响了该区地热资源的开发利用。在分析该区地层、含水层,特别是断裂构造的基础上,对区内的热储特征进行了研究,指出:区内热源主要来自区域大地热流;盖层主要为分布连续是,且受断裂构造影响相对较少的侏罗系及白垩系;热储层有二叠系长兴组、栖霞组,石炭系船组、黄龙组以灰岩为主的灰岩热储和由泥盆系五通组、志留系茅口组砂岩组成的砂岩热储;热储通道为区内发育的深大断裂及其次生构造。构建了区域地热模式。根据地热赋存状态、盖层条件等,结合当前地热开发现状,将湖州地区划分为四个地热分区,认为Ⅲ区地热开发条件为最好,是首选区域,以控制层状热储(石炭、二叠系灰岩)为主;Ⅱ区次之;Ⅰ区断裂发育,缺乏有效盖层条件,若开发地热资源,则应以寻找深层对流型热储(深大断裂)为主;Ⅳ区因盖层厚度偏大,地质情况不明,现阶段开发地热资源需慎重。该研究对指导下一阶段区域性地热勘查工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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