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豫西济源谭庄组河流沉积中的Stipsellus遗迹组构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
豫西济源盆地上三叠统谭庄组下段为曲流河沉积。本文通过描述和分析谭庄组河流沉积特征,划分了4种不同河流沉积组合类型,识别出Stipsellus遗迹组构,并发现该遗迹组构常与曲流河沉积物伴生,可作为此类沉积的典型生物遗迹标志。其中,Stipsellus sp.A代表发育在河漫滩较浅水体下或潮湿的软底细粒沉积物中的一种遗迹组构类型;Stipsellus sp.B则代表发育在曲流砂坝上部的男一种遗迹组构类型。  相似文献   
在塔里木盆地塔中地区志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组中共发现遗迹化石 11属 12种,包括Skolithoslinearis、Skolithosverticalis、Ophiomorphanodosa、Arenicolitesisp.、Cylindrichnusisp.、Thalassinoidessuevicus、Diplocraterionparallelum、Taenidi umsatanassi、Macaronichnussegregatis、Palaeophycustubularis、Planolitesbeverlegensis和Cochlichnusanguineus。这些遗迹化石主要是无脊椎动物的居住迹、进食迹和觅食迹,其中大部分呈全浮痕保存,少数呈上浮痕或下浮痕保存。按其古生态和沉积学特征,可划分出三个遗迹组合:①Skolithos-Thalassinoides遗迹组合,代表了平坦底型条件下的砂坪沉积环境;②Planolites-Palaeophycus遗迹组合,反映了潮间带砂泥坪沉积环境;③Cochlichnus-Planolites遗迹组合,代表了平均低潮线附近的泥坪沉积环境。  相似文献   
Geochemical and isotopic analyses of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary deposits were conducted at the Caravaca section (External Subbetic, southeast of Spain) in order to evaluate the recovery of the macrobenthic tracemaker community and the bioturbational disturbance. Samples from the infilling material of several lower Danian dark-colored trace fossils (Chondrites, Planolites, Thalassinoides and Zoophycos) located in the uppermost 8-cm of the light upper Maastrichtian strata, as well as samples from the host sedimentary rock of these trace fossils, were analyzed and compared with data from the lower Danian deposits. The values of element ratios indicative of extraterrestrial contamination (Cr/Al, Co/Al and Ni/Al) are higher in the infilling trace fossil material than in the upper Maastrichtian and lower Danian deposits, which suggests a contribution of the ejecta layer. Regarding the isotope composition, the δ13C values are lower in the infilling material than in the Maastrichtian host sedimentary rocks surrounding the traces, while the δ18O are higher in the infilling material. The geochemical and isotopic compositions of the infilling material evidence the unconsolidated character of the sediment, including the red boundary layer. Softground conditions confirm a relatively rapid recovery by the macrobenthic tracemaker community, starting a few millimeters above the K/Pg boundary layer. The mixture of the infilling material of the trace fossils moreover reveals a significant macrobenthic tracemaker activity affecting K–Pg boundary transition sediments that may have significantly altered original signatures.  相似文献   
The Jianchang Basin is one of the main localities of the precious fossils of Jehol Biota in western Liaoning. The fossil-bearing horizons are mainly in the Yixian- and J iufotang formations. In the Weijialing-Yaolugou of southwest Jianchang Basin, many precious fossils have been found at Luojiagou Bed of the 2nd Member of the Yixian Formation and at Xidian Bed of the 1st member of the Jiufotang Formation. The geologic setting, sedimentary environment and paleogeography of the precious fossil-bearing beds were also studied.  相似文献   
西南极利文斯顿岛晚三叠世迈尔斯陡崖组形成于海底浊积扇中扇的上、下部分,发育着许多海相遗迹化石.在采集到的样品中鉴定共有15个遗迹属、16个遗迹种,其中有10个可以鉴定到遗迹种、两个比较种,4个只鉴定到遗迹属,未鉴定到遗迹种;并建立了1个新遗迹属及新遗迹种是文献中从未发现的.除新遗迹属种外,其余14个遗迹属,15个遗迹种都曾经在深海相浊积岩内发现过,Belorhaphe、Glockerichnus、Lophoctenium、Rhabdoglyphus、Paleodictyon、Sublorenzinia、Spirophycus、Strobilorhaphe、Tuberculichnus、Cochlichnus等属于浊流前产生在深海相泥岩内的高度分异的雕画迹(Graphoglyptida),它们产于泥岩却保存为上覆砂岩底面的铸型凸起.Fucusopsis和Neonereites却产生在砂岩内代表浊流后形成的沉积后遗迹组合.这些遗迹化石属深水的Nereites遗迹相,为研究区的沉积环境增添了可靠依据.  相似文献   
中国的遗迹化石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚一鸣 《矿物岩石》2001,21(3):205-207
中国的遗迹化石在20世纪后期取得了长足的进展,主要表现在三个方面:前寒武纪遗迹化石与后生动物的起源和演化研究,将后生动物遗迹化石记录追索到1500Ma甚至1800Ma左右的元古宙早期;遗迹化石和遗迹组构与沉积环境和层序地层的关系研究,描述了大量的遗迹化石,建立了多种地方性的遗迹相,遗迹组构研究开始渗透到遗迹学研究的众多方面;拓扑遗迹分析,将拓扑学与遗迹学紧密联系,创立了遗迹学研究的新方法。  相似文献   
本文在系统收集、整理阜新—义县盆地和医巫闾山地区的地质学、古生物学、地貌学和年代地质学资料的基础上,对辽宁锦州古生物化石和花岗岩国家地质公园的地质遗迹景观资源进行了系统总结.进一步的研究揭示了阜新—义县盆地和医巫闾山同属于医巫闾山变质核杂岩系统,阜新—义县盆地的发育、热河生物群兴起与医巫闾山的形成密切相关.这一结论为整...  相似文献   
利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-AES),对采自河南西峡晚白垩世的十三枚恐龙蛋化石壳及蛋内充填物和部分围岩进行了测试。发现Sr元素具有明显的超高异常。恐龙蛋化石壳中的Sr的含量分布在1962×10-6~11010×10-6之间,平均5532×10-6,比古代和现代富Sr的腕足类外壳高一到数倍,比地壳丰度值高一个数量级还多。这种超高异常可能与恐龙蛋壳中含有一定数量的文石有关。而由于文石稳定性较差,在石化过程中会逐渐向低镁方解石转化,所以现在已无法再见到蛋壳中的文石,但Sr却保留了下来。反映了中生代时陆生爬行动物的蛋壳与海相生物硬壳一样具有文石和方解石共存的局面。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地东北缘发育的下石炭统南明水组沉积岩是对晚古生代北疆地区洋壳俯冲消减作用的沉积响应。本次研究在南明水组地层中发现丰富的遗迹化石:Scalarituba, Planolites,Cosmorhaphe,Spirophycus和Helminthoida。岩性组合特征和遗迹化石所代表的遗迹相,反映了南明水组的主要沉积相类型为扇三角洲前缘、浅海、深海-半深海,从下往上为一个由浅变深再变浅的不对称的完整层序。南明水组的岩性、层序演化以及砂、泥岩地球化学特征表明,该套地层发育的构造背景为弧后盆地。早石炭世准噶尔盆地东部存在的洋壳俯冲消减作用是研究区弧后盆地发育的动力机制。  相似文献   
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