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The tree root distribution pattern and biomass of seventeen year old trees of Grewia optiva, Morus alba, Celtis australis, Bauhinia variegata and Robinia pseudoacacia were studied by excavation method. B. variegata roots penetrated to a maximum depth of 4.78 m, whereas, M. alba roots were found down to 1.48 m depth. Lateral spread was minimum in B. variegata (1.10 m)and maximum inR. pseudoacacia (7.33 m). Maximum root biomass of 6.30 kg was found in R. pseudoacacia and minimum (2.43 kg) was found in M. alba. For four species viz.,G. optiva, M. alba, C. australis andR. pseudoacacia, 68%-87% root biomass occurred within top 0-30 cm soil depth, but forB. variegata this was only45%. The soil binding factor was maximum in G. optiva and minimum in B. variegata. Soil physico-chemical properties also showed wide variation. The study suggests thatB. variegata with a deep root system is the most suitable species for plantation under agroforestry systems. R. pseudoacacia and G. optiva with deep root systems, more lateral spread and high soil binding factor are suitable for plantation on degraded lands for soil conservation.  相似文献   
正近年来,广西国土资源厅土地整理中心(以下简称整理中心)在致力于土地整治事业服务"三农"的同时,不断加强内部管理,通过多种途径规范土地整治工作流程,提高工作执行力与效率,有效地促进了广西土地整治事业的发展。2012、2013年度,广西国土资源厅土地整理中心连续2年100%完成了广西国土资源厅绩效考核内容,并获得广西国土资源厅绩效排名第一,被评为2012、2013年度广西国土资源厅机关各处(室、局、中心)和厅直属单位考核结果一等奖。整理中心近年来取得的可喜成绩,归根结  相似文献   
本文通过分析《内经》中缪刺法的选穴治病方法,结合“根结”“标本”理论,结合现代临床研究,认为二者是紧密联系的,缪刺法选穴多在四肢末端,同“根结”“标本”理论相通,临床可深入挖掘其相关性,探索缪刺法适应病症的最精简有效的选穴组方。  相似文献   
区域经济发展新思路多中心发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济发展形成了各种不同的发展理论,如罗森斯坦一罗丹(Rosenstein.Rodan)的平均增长理论:赫尔希曼(A.Hirschman)的不平衡增长理论;佩鲁(F.Perroux)的增长极理论等以及中国区域经济的梯度理论,反梯度理论.战略西移理论等,他们都为经济发展做出了重要贡献。尽管区域经济发展理论林林总总,归根结底分为两种:平衡增长与不  相似文献   
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