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Based on the number of planet-approaching cometary orbits at Mars and Venus relative to the Earth, there should be ample opportunities for observing meteor activity at those two planets. The ratio of planet-approaching Jupiter family comets (JFCs) at Mars, Earth, and Venus is 4:2:1 indicating that JFC-related outbursts would be more frequent at Mars than the Earth. The relative numbers of planet-approaching Halley-type comets (HTCs) implies that the respective levels of annual meteor activity at those three planets are similar. We identify several instances where near-comet outbursts (Jenniskens, P.: 1995, Astron. Astrophys. 295, 206–235) may occur. A possible double outburst of this type at Venus related to 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Padjusakova may be observable by the ESA Venus Express spacecraft in the summer of 2006. Similarly, the Japanese Planet-C Venus orbiter may observe an outburst related to 27P/Crommelin’s perihelion passage in July 2011. Several additional opportunities exist to observe such outbursts at Mars from 2019 to 2026 associated with comets 38P/Stephan-Oterma, 13P/Olbers and 114P/Wiseman-Skiff.  相似文献   
We present results from a new simulation code that accounts for the evolution of the reservoirs of carbon dioxide on Mars, from its early years to the present. We establish a baseline model parameter set that produces results compatible with the present (i.e., Patm?6.5 mbar with permanent CO2 ice cap) for a wide range of initial inventories. We find that the initial inventory of CO2 broadly determines the evolutionary course of the reservoirs of CO2. The reservoirs include the atmosphere, ice cap, adsorbed CO2 in the regolith, and carbonate rocks. We track the evolution of the free inventory: the atmosphere, ice cap and regolith. Simulations begin at 4.53 Gyr before present with a rapid loss of free inventory to space in the early Noachian. Models that assume a relatively small initial inventory (?5 bar) have pronounced minima in the free inventory of CO2 toward the end of the Noachian. Under baseline parameters, initial inventories below ∼4.5 bar result in a catastrophic loss of the free inventory to space. The current free inventory would be then determined by the balance between outgassing, sputtering losses and chemical weathering following the end of the late bombardment. We call these “thin” models. They generically predict small current free inventories in line with expectations of a small present CO2 ice cap. For “thick” models, with initial inventories ?5 bar, a surplus of 300-700 mbar of free CO2 remains during the late-Noachian. The histories of free inventory in time for thick models tend to converge within the last 3.5 Gyr toward a present with an ice cap plus atmospheric inventory of about 100 mbar. For thick models, the convergence is largely due to the effects of chemical weathering, which draws down higher free inventories more rapidly than the low. Thus, thick models have ?450 mbar carbonate reservoirs, while thin models have ?200 mbar. Though both thick and thin scenarios can reproduce the current atmospheric pressure, the thick models imply a relatively large current CO2 ice cap and thin models, little or none. While the sublimation of a massive cap at a high obliquity would create a climate swing of greenhouse warming for thick models, under the thin model, mean temperatures and pressures would be essentially unaffected by increases in obliquity.  相似文献   
Faults provide a record of a planet’s crustal stress state and interior dynamics, including volumetric changes related to long-term cooling. Previous work has suggested that Mars experienced a pulse of large-scale global contraction during Hesperian time. Here we evaluate the evidence for martian global contraction using a recent compilation of thrust faults. Fault-related strains were calculated for wrinkle ridges and lobate scarps to provide lower and upper bounds, respectively, on the magnitude of global contraction from contractional structures observed on the surface of Mars. During the hypothesized pulse of global contraction, contractional strain of −0.007% to −0.13% is indicated by the structures, corresponding to decreases in planetary radius of 112 m to 2.24 km, respectively. By contrast, consideration of all recognized thrust faults regardless of age produces a globally averaged contractional strain of −0.011% to −0.22%, corresponding to a radius decrease of 188 m to 3.77 km since the Early Noachian. The amount of global contraction predicted by thermal models is larger than what is recorded by the faults at the surface, paralleling similar studies for Mercury and the Moon, which suggests that observations of fault populations at the surface may provide tighter bounds on planetary thermal evolution than models alone.  相似文献   
Recent observations of the surface of Mars have shown several fresh mid-latitude craters. Some of these craters show exposed ice (Byrne, S. et al. [2009]. Science 325, 1674-1676.). In some craters, albedo of ice slowly decreases, while in others, it remains nearly constant. We attempt to determine influence of the regolith structure on the rate of sublimation of ice. For this purpose we performed numerical simulations describing evolution of the exposed ice in model craters located at middle latitudes.We consider a new model for the structure and evolution of the material at- and beneath the crater floors. In contrast to the previous study by Dundas and Byrne (Dundas, C.M., Byrne, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 716-728.) we do not investigate sublimation of dirty ice, and the related formation of a sublimation lag. Instead, we consider sublimation of a pure ice layer on top of layered regolith. In our model the observed reflectivity decreases due to the sublimation-driven changes of the optical properties of thinning clean ice. This offers an alternative to the deposition of the dust embedded in ice (sublimation lag).We have shown that in our model among many parameters affecting ice sublimation rate, volumetric fraction of water ice in the subsurface beneath the crater has the strongest influence. Hence observed darkening of the ice patch on the crater floor might be sufficient to determine the content of water ice in the subsurface. Our calculations show that an albedo decrease of fresh ice patches in mid-latitude craters can be explained by either strong dust sedimentation or, if this is excluded, by sublimation of a thin layer of water ice from the regolith with large thermal inertia. This is consistent with a large volumetric fraction of water ice beneath the crater floor and contributes to evidence for an extended subsurface water reservoir on Mars.The overall conclusion of our work is that a thin post-impact surface ice coating over ice-rich ground beneath the crater floors is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   
Large impacts not only create giant basins on terrestrial planets but also heat their interior by shock waves. We investigate the impacts that have created the largest basins existing on the planets: Utopia on Mars, Caloris on Mercury, Aitken on Moon, all formed at ∼4 Ga. We determine the impact-induced temperature increases in the interior of a planet using the “foundering” shock heating model of Watters et al. (Watters, W.A., Zuber, M.T., Hager, B.H. [2009]. J. Geophys. Res. 114, E02001. doi:10.1029/2007JE002964). The post-impact thermal evolution of the planet is investigated using 2D axi-symmetric convection in a spherical shell of temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity, and pressure-dependent thermal expansion. The impact heating creates a superheated giant plume in the upper mantle which ascends rapidly and develops a strong convection in the mantle of the sub-impact hemisphere. The upwelling of the plume rapidly sweeps up the impact-heated base of the mantle away from the core-mantle boundary and replaces it with the colder surrounding material, thus reducing the effects of the impact-heated base of the mantle on the heat flux out of core. However, direct shock heating of the core stratifies the core, suppresses the pre-existing thermal convection, and cripples a pre-existing thermally-driven core dynamo. It takes about 17, 4, and 5 Myr for the stratified cores of Mars, Mercury, and Moon to exhaust impact heat and resume global convection, possibly regenerating core dynamos.  相似文献   
Fifteen organic and three inorganic compounds were tested for methane (CH4) evolution under simulated martian conditions of 6.9 mbar; UVC (200-280 nm) flux of 4 W m−2; 20 °C; simulated optical depth of 0.1; and a Mars gas composition of CO2 (95.3%), N2 (2.7%), Ar (1.7%), O2 (0.13%), and water vapor (0.03%). All three inorganic compounds (i.e., NaCl, CaCO3, graphite) failed to evolve methane at the minimum detection level 0.5 ppm, or above. In contrast, all organic compounds evolved methane when exposed to UV irradiation under simulated martian conditions. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, pyrene, released the most methane per unit of time at 0.175 nmol CH4 g−1 h−1, and a spectral reflectance target material used for the MER rovers and Phoenix lander released the least methane at 0.00065 nmol CH4 cm−2 h−1. Methane was also released from UV-killed bacterial endospores of Bacillus subtilis. Although all organic compounds evolved methane when irradiated with UV photons under martian conditions, the concentrations of residual organics, biogenic signature molecules, and dead microbial cells should be relatively low on the exterior surfaces of the MSL rover, and, thus, not significant sources of methane contamination. In contrast, kapton tape was found to evolve methane at the rate of 0.00165 nmol CH4 cm−2 h−1 (16.5 nmol m−2 h−1) under the UV and martian conditions tested. Although the evolution of methane from kapton tape was found to decline over time, the large amount of kapton tape used on the MSL rover (lower bound estimated at 3 m2) is likely to create a significant source of terrestrial methane contamination during the early part of the mission.  相似文献   
More than 490 elliptical aerobraking and science phasing orbits made by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) in 1997 and 1998 provide unprecedented coverage of the solar wind in the vicinity of the orbits of the martian moons Phobos and Deimos. We have performed a comprehensive survey of magnetic field perturbations in the solar wind to search for possible signatures of solar wind interaction with dust or gas escaping from the moons. A total of 1246 solar wind disturbance events were identified and their distribution was examined relative to Phobos, the Phobos orbit, and the Deimos orbit. We find that the spatial distribution of solar wind perturbations does not increase near or downstream of Phobos, Phobos’ orbit, or Deimos’ orbit, which would have been expected if there is significant outgassing or dust escape from the martian moons. Of the 1246 magnetic field perturbation events found in the MGS data set, 11 events were found within 2000 km of the Phobos orbit, while three events were found within 2000 km of the Deimos orbit. These events were analyzed in detail and found to likely have other causes than outgassing/dust escape from the martian moons. Thus we conclude that the amount of gas/dust escaping the martian moons is not significant enough to induce detectable magnetic field perturbations in the solar wind. In essence we have not found any clear evidence in the MGS magnetic field data for outgassing or dust escape from the martian moons.  相似文献   
Evidence of recent gully activity on Mars has been reported based on the formation of new light toned deposits within the past decade, the origin of which remains controversial. Analogous recent light toned gully features have formed by liquid water activity in the Atacama Desert on Earth. These terrestrial deposits leave no mineralogical trace of water activity but rather show an albedo difference due to particle size sorting within a fine-grained mudflow. Therefore, spectral differences indicating varying mineralogy between a recent gully deposit and the surrounding terrain may not be the most relevant criteria for detecting water flow in arid environments. Instead, variation in particle size between the deposit and surrounding terrain is a possible discriminator to identify a water-based flow. We show that the Atacama deposit is similar to the observed Mars gully deposits, and both are consistent with liquid water activity. The light-toned Mars gully deposits could have formed from dry debris flows, but a liquid water origin cannot be ruled out because not all liquid water flows leave hydrated minerals behind on the surface. Therefore, the Mars deposits could be remnant mudflows that formed on Mars within the last decade.  相似文献   
We have mapped 18,000+ circular mounds in a portion of southern Acidalia Planitia using their sizes, shapes, and responses in Nighttime IR. We estimate that 40,000+ of these features could occur in the area, with a distribution generally corresponding to the southern half of the proposed Acidalia impact basin. The mounds have average diameters of about 1 km and relief up to 180 m and most overlie units mapped as Early Amazonian.High resolution images of mound surfaces show relatively smooth veneers, apron-like extensions onto the plains, moats, and concentric circular crestal structures. Some images show lobate and flow-like features associated with the mounds. Albedo of the mounds is generally higher than that of the surrounding plains. Visible and near-infrared spectra suggest that the mounds and plains have subtle mineralogical differences, with the mounds having enhanced coatings or possibly greater quantities of crystalline ferric oxides.Multiple analogs for these structures were assessed in light of new orbital data and regional mapping. Mud volcanism is the closest terrestrial analogy, though the process in Acidalia would have had distinctly martian attributes. This interpretation is supported by the geologic setting of the Acidalia which sits at the distal end of the Chryse-Acidalia embayment into which large quantities of sediments were deposited through the Hesperian outflow channels. In its distal position, Acidalia would have been a depocenter for accumulation of mud and fluids from outflow sedimentation.Thus, the profusion of mounds in Acidalia is likely to be a consequence of this basin’s unique geologic setting. Basinwide mud eruption may be attributable to overpressure (developed in response to rapid outflow deposition) perhaps aided by regional triggers for fluid expulsion related to events such as tectonic or hydrothermal pulses, destabilization of clathrates, or sublimation of a frozen body of water. Significant release of gas may have been involved, and the extensive mud volcanism could have created long-lived conduits for upwelling groundwaters, providing potential habitats for an in situ microbiota.Mud volcanism transports minimally-altered materials from depth to the surface, and mud volcanoes in Acidalia, therefore, could provide access to samples from deep zones that would otherwise be inaccessible. Since the distal setting of Acidalia also would favor concentration and preservation of potentially-present organic materials, samples brought to the surface by mud volcanism could include biosignatures of possible past or even present life. Accordingly, the mounds of Acidalia may offer a new class of exploration target.  相似文献   
Daisuke Kobayashi 《Icarus》2010,210(1):37-42
The crustal magnetic anomalies on Mars may represent hot spot tracks resulting from lithospheric drift on ancient Mars. As evidence, an analysis of lineation patterns derived from the ΔBr magnetic map is presented. The ΔBr map, largely free of external magnetic field effects, allows excellent detail of the magnetic anomaly pattern, particularly in areas of Mars where the field is relatively weak. Using cluster analysis, we show that the elongated anomalies in the martian magnetic field form concentric small circles (parallels of latitude) about two distinct north pole locations. If these pole locations represent ancient spin axes, then tidal force on the early lithosphere by former satellites in retrograde orbits may have pulled the lithosphere in an east-west direction over hot mantle plumes. With an active martian core dynamo, this may have resulted in the observed magnetic anomaly pattern of concentric small circles. As further evidence, we observe that, of the 15 martian giant impact basins that were possibly formed while the core dynamo was active, seven lie along the equators of our two proposed paleopoles. We also find that four other re-magnetized giant impact basins lie along a great circle about the mean magnetic paleopole of Mars. These 11 impact basins, likely the result of fallen retrograde satellite fragments, indicate that Mars once had moons large enough to cause tidal drag on the early martian lithosphere. The results of this study suggest that the magnetic signatures of this tidal interaction have been preserved to the present day.  相似文献   
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