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徐深气田兴城开发区营一段火山岩气藏岩性岩相研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐深气田兴城开发区营城组一段火山岩气藏位于松辽盆地北部徐家围子断陷升平-兴城构造带上,储层以酸性火山岩为主,可分为火山熔岩和火山角砾岩两大类。岩相类型有爆发相、溢流相、火山沉积相、火山通道相和侵出相五种类型,其中爆发相和溢流相分布范围广、物性好。是有利的储集相带。根据地震反射参数,从内部反射结构和外部几何形态出发,结合反射同相轴的振幅和连续性,在地震反射剖面上识别出丘状、楔状、亚平行状、柱状和伞状五种地震相类型,这些地震相类型与对应井点处单井相解释结果一致,与岩相类型对应关系明确。在剖面相准确识别的基础上,编制火山岩相平面分布图,为优选建产区块和部署开发井位提供依据。  相似文献   
This paper examines in a very broad fashion the formation of geothermal resources at lithospheric subduction zones. Regions of highly silicic calc-alkaline Quaternary volcanoes and/or plutons have been identified as prime candidates for having high-temperature hydrothermal systems. Regions of large tholeiitic Quaternary volcanoes have been identified as prime candidates for having large moderate-temperature hydrothermal systems. In addition, active magmatic, phreatomagnetic, and/or tectonic fracturing must be occurring in order to keep any moderate to high temperature hydrothermal system from chemically sealing. Connate, meteoric and/or oceanic water sources must also be present. Owing to tectonic and magmatic processes, volcanic arcs of subduction zones represent regions of the crust that have anomalously high mechanical and heat energy. Such arc regions are expected to contain significantly more moderate to high temperature hydrothermal systems than what is presently known. Many of these arcs are briefly discussed with respect to their potential for containing such resources.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of investigations to assess the suitability of using volcanic ash (VA) as a cement replacement material to produce high performance concrete. Tests were conducted on concrete mixtures replacing 0 to 20% by mass of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) by VA. The performance of high performance volcanic ash concrete (HPVAC) mixtures was evaluated by conducting comprehensive series of tests on fresh and hardened properties as well as durability. The mechanical properties were assessed by compressive strength, while durability characteristics were investigated by rapid chloride permeability (RCP), drying shrinkage (DS), mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and microhardness tests. HPVACs showed better durability properties compared to control concrete with 0% VA. The improved performance of HPVACs was attributed to the refinement of pore structure, and pozzolanic action of VA. HPVAC having a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 60 MPa can be obtained by replacing up to 20% (by mass) of cement by VA. Development of non-expensive and environmentally friendly HPVAC with acceptable strength and durability characteristics (as illustrated in this study) is extremely helpful for the sustainable development and rehabilitation of volcanic disaster areas around the world.  相似文献   
藏北布若错地区新生代火山岩及其成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布若错地区新生代火山岩发育两种组合,一是由粗面安山岩、粗面岩、响岩等组成的钾质-超钾质火山岩组合,二是由玄武粗面安山岩、流纹岩组成的双峰式火山岩组合,K-Ar同位素年龄分别为31.5、39.3 Ma.它们都是北羌塘新生火山岩带的组成部分.火山岩具有高碱(K20+ Na20=6.66%~14.34%)、富钾(3.78%~8.22%,K20/Na2O=1.15 ~5.37)、高∑REE(中基性岩平均值1 161.22×10-6,酸性岩154.19×10-6),强烈富集LREE(∑LREE/Σ HREE=20.52~40.29)和大离子亲石元素(LILE) Sr、Ba、K、Th、Rb,高场强元素(HFSE) Ta、Nb、P、Ti相对亏损等特征,兼有板内和岛弧火山岩的双重地球化学特性.结合区域地质构造背景研究表明,该火山岩形成于晚侏罗世末一早白垩世早期北羌塘陆内碰撞造山后的拉张环境,为富集地幔或壳-幔混合层发生部分熔融产物,但岩浆向上隆升过程中发生了一定的分离结晶和下地壳部分熔融作用.  相似文献   
南澜沧江火山岩成矿带位于特提斯亚构造域(东段)之澜沧江晚古生代-三叠纪火山岩浆弧带。成矿带构造复杂,岩浆活动频繁,矿产资源丰富,矿种和类型多,具有良好的成矿地质条件。成矿带内铜矿类型有火山岩及火山沉积型铜矿床;与酸性侵入岩有关的热液脉状型、矽卡岩型和斑岩型铜矿床,以及复合成因的脉状铜矿床。介绍了区带内相继发现的一批以海相火山岩型(大平掌、三达山等)、热(卤)水沉积-改造型和斑岩-火山岩型(民乐铜矿)为主的大、中型铜矿床;展望了澜沧江火山岩成矿带具有寻找火山岩型铜矿的良好前景。  相似文献   
The high-Mg volcanic rocks of the Yixian Formation in the Sihetun area have the obvious characteristics of mantle-derived lava in rare earth, trace element characteristics with high Mg# (62~70) and high content of compatible elements. In the meantime, the volcanic rocks also have the obvious characteristics of Crust-source material in rare earth, trace element characteristics with high ∑REE (158.78×10-6~359.66×10-6), high (La/Yb)N (14.61~29.60), high La/Nb(2.37~7.52) and high Ba/Nb(67.58~205.96), obvious positive anomaly of Pb and negative anomaly of Nb, Ta in trace element spider-gram. In Sr-Nd-Pb isotope the (87Sr/86Sr)i ratio is higher than 0.706 and the εNd(t) ratio is from -3.4 to -13, both reflect enriched Mantle characteristics. The characteristics above of the volcanic rocks combined with the content of Sr, Ba, Y, Yb and the ratio of Sr/Y show that the volcanic rocks have the property of the Sanukite rocks in Setouchi Japan beside subduction zone, and illuminate that the Sanukite rocks can be formed not only in island-arc near subduction zone but also in intro-plate. The analysis indicates that the high-Mg volcanic rocks in the Sihetun area result from the collective function of mantle-derived lava and crust-source materials. The result illuminates that the West Liaoning region is very special in tectonic geochemical background in Cretaceous in East China, and is an ideal region for us to further study the characteristics of magmatic activity as well as the process of Crust-Mantle interaction in Eastern China.  相似文献   
交鲁山—东天山火山岩带位于大兴安岭德尔布干成矿带东北端,1∶5万水系沉积物测量圈出了一处显示Au成矿潜力的HS-8化探组合异常,运用大比例尺土壤地球化学测量、激电中梯测量方法,对可能导致HS-8化探组合异常的深部隐伏控矿构造及矿化蚀变进行了查证。查证结果:共圈定地球化学组合异常6处,推断断裂构造4条;对1∶2万土壤地球化学测量、激电中梯测量异常进行了槽探工程验证,并根据化学样分析结果圈出了6条金矿(化)体。研究表明,激电中梯测量视极化率(ηs)异常主要与黄铁(褐铁)矿化有关,成矿元素金在英安岩和流纹岩中具有明显的富集趋势,这两种岩石可能为金矿化提供了物质来源。  相似文献   
西西伯利亚盆地上侏罗统-下白垩统巴热诺夫组硅质-钙质富有机质泥页岩总有机碳(TOC)含量高且有机质成熟度适中,是俄罗斯目前页岩油的勘探首选目的层系。近年研究表明,该套富有机质页岩层段发育数套厘米-毫米级的火山灰夹层,具黄色荧光,岩心薄片见大量沸石等火山灰蚀变矿物,使该区火山灰与富有机质形成的相互关系引起关注。以该盆地的巴热诺夫组为例,介绍了火山灰对该区富有机质页岩形成的影响。巴热诺夫组的地质-地球化学分析表明,在火山灰发育同期沉积的富有机质层段中不仅硅、磷等营养元素含量高,而且钡、锰、钼、铀等藻类繁殖催化元素含量也高,推测火山灰携带物质促进了巴热诺夫页岩沉积时期古生物的大量繁殖甚至爆发,为富有机质的形成奠定了物质基础;同时,在火山灰发育层段之上的富有机质泥页岩中大量发育草莓状黄铁矿,且呈层状分布,Co/Ni比值小于1,S/Fe比值偏高,指示火山灰喷发之后形成缺氧的强还原环境,有利于泥页岩中有机质的保存;火山灰发育井区TOC含量高(多>7%),有机质成熟度与邻近火山灰不发育区相比偏高(Ro=0.7%~1.1%),生烃潜力高且已达到生油高峰,推测可能火山灰携带的...  相似文献   
为明确火山活动控制陆相含油气盆地优质烃源岩发育的作用机制,对古今火山、碱湖以及优质烃源岩这三者的相互联系进行广泛的文献调研,认为碱湖是联系火山活动与优质烃源岩发育的中间场所。火山活动喷发的CO2进入热液、地下水或河流中,加速硅酸盐水解,产生大量HCO3-,输入湖泊中导致水体pH值升高,形成碱湖。而碱湖中高pH值可以活化Mo、磷酸盐和硅酸盐等多种营养元素和化合物,提高水体的初级生产力;同时也可以使硅质在水体中的溶解度呈指数增大,这种溶解的硅质在有机质初始降解等pH值降低过程中易发生沉淀,形成硅质保护层,避免有机质的进一步降解。由此提出火山活动-碱湖-优质烃源岩的成因链模式,该模式形成的页岩油气储集层微晶白云石等矿物含量高,凝灰物质易发生蒙脱石—沸石—钾长石—钠长石转变,可以有效增加页岩油气储集层的脆性和微孔隙。  相似文献   
松辽盆地的侵出式火山机构中可赋存气藏,其储层特征明显有别于爆发式或喷溢式火山机构。为了明确侵出式火山机构的储层分布特征,以伊通火山群为例,根据野外露头调查、岩石组构特征、压氦法孔隙度测量和图像法宏观面缝率测量,分别对代表侵出式火山机构下部、中部和上部的西尖山火山、大孤山火山和东小山火山开展了储层分布模式分析,并讨论了柱状节理几何形态与裂缝密度和地层渗透性的关系。侵出式火山机构的储层为裂缝-孔隙型,发育丰富的冷凝收缩缝(柱状节理缝)、少量的气孔和杏仁孔以及微量的构造裂缝,具有低—中孔隙度、高渗透率的特征。受火山岩冷凝收缩作用和挥发份逸出作用控制,整个侵出式火山机构的储层可以通过柱状节理沟通。有利储层多分布在火山机构的顶部,厚度为数十米,中心相带的储层物性相对较好,向边部变差。整体上储层与地层的厚度比较小。针对未遭受剥蚀的侵出式火山机构,可采用揭示其火山中心相带上层的方法,而对于遭受剥蚀严重的侵出式火山机构,可采用揭示其翼部上层的方法寻找有利储层位置。  相似文献   
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