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Objective: To assess the perceptions and practices of a national sample of college and university presidents regarding their support for concealed handguns being carried on college campuses. Participants: The sample for this study consisted of a national random sample of 900 college or university presidents. Methods: In the spring of 2013, a 3-wave mailing procedure was used to ensure an adequate response rate to a valid and reliable questionnaire. Results: The response rate was 46%, more than what was needed based on the power analysis. The vast majority (95%) of respondents were not supportive of carrying concealed handguns on campuses. They perceived there to be more disadvantages than advantages to handguns on campus. However, college administrators were not focused enough on the primary prevention of campus firearm trauma. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest a number of activities that could be implemented to enhance safety on college and university campuses.  相似文献   

The possibility that persons with dementia possess firearms is cause for concern, but only a limited number of research studies have been conducted on such a topic, usually in the form of case reports. Reducing the occurrence of the firearm-related violence requires effectively identifying dangerous individuals and keeping firearms out of their hands. The health care professionals, i.e. the social workers and the physicians, need to work together and to produce a suitable evaluation of patients with dementia to prevent firearm-related injuries and serious and irreparable damage to persons.  相似文献   
法治国刑法文化应当以个人为本位,注重与强调个人的权利和自由,保护弱者应有之权利。因此,最大限度地保障包括犯罪人基本人权在内的全体公民的基本人权是刑法的价值所在。刑法解释是适用刑法进而实现刑法价值的一个能动的过程。在释法过程中,"刑法的谦抑性"、"有利于被告"以及"常理"是司法者应当遵循的规则和坚守的底线。只有如此,才能保证释法的结果符合普通公民的意志,也才能够最终实现刑法的价值。  相似文献   
明末西方传华火器技术包含了很多方面,火器倍径技术是其核心技术之一。火器倍径技术在西方经过了长期的发展过程,最终依托传教士作为载体传播到了明朝,并深深地改变了明代的传统火器技术和知识,使得中国传统火器技术从明末开始走向现代化。《西法神机》和《火攻挈要》完整的记载了西方传华火器倍径技术,并且在明末的军事实践中多有体现,对明末以后的火器技术也影响深远。  相似文献   
明末清初出现了两本全面介绍西方的军事技术的专著:《西法神机》、《火攻挈要》,也出现了部分介绍西方火器知识的兵书《兵录》。通过比较不同背景、成书时间相近的三本兵书,从“西方传入火器知识”、“中国传统知识的痕迹”两个方面进行考察与对比,从而对当时火器技术的有关问题进行探讨,得出三者在内容与结构上的一些结论,提出三者相关版本流传的可能情况,并同西方相关资料进行对照,以期对西方火器知识在明末这段特定历史时期的传播有所了解。  相似文献   
Abstract. Ecstasy (MDMA) has been added to the spectrum of illicit drugs used by college students. In this study, the authors estimated the prevalence of ecstasy use within a large college student sample and investigated the polydrug-use history of those ecstasy users. They administered an anonymous questionnaire to college students (N = 1,206) in classrooms at a large university in the mid-Atlantic United States. The overall student response rate was 91%. Nine percent of the sample reported lifetime ecstasy use. Because 98% of ecstasy users had used marijuana, the authors compared polydrug use between ecstasy users and individuals who had used marijuana but not ecstasy. Ecstasy users, as compared with these marijuana users, were significantly more likely to have used inhalants (38% vs. 10%), LSD (38% vs. 5%), cocaine (46% vs 2%), and heroin (17% vs 1%) in the past year. Significant polydrug use among college student ecstasy users has important implications for their substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study assessed college counselors’ anticipatory guidance on firearms for student clients. Participants: The membership of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors was used to identify a national random sample of counseling centers (n = 361). One counselor from each center was selected to survey. Methods: In the winter of 2008, a 3-wave mailing procedure was used to maximize the response rate. Completed surveys served as consent (as approved by the University Human Subjects Committee). Results: A total of 213 counselors (59%) responded. They were unlikely to provide anticipatory guidance (6%), chart/keep records on client ownership/access to firearms (17%), or to counsel the majority of clients from various diagnostic categories on firearms. Conclusions: University personnel are likely to refer students with suspected mental health problems to university counseling centers. The findings indicate that few counseling centers will address firearm issues with students.  相似文献   

Context: Firearms are used in the majority of college aged suicides and homicides. With recent efforts by various gun lobbying groups to have firearms more accessible to college students on campuses, there is the potential for more firearm-related morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study assessed university police chiefs’ perceptions and practices concerning selected issues of firearm violence and its reduction on college campuses. Participants: The Directory of the International Association for College Law Enforcement Administrators was used to identify a national random sample of campus police chiefs (n = 600). The respondents were predominantly males (89%), 40 to 59 years of age (71%), Caucasian (85%), and worked for 21or more years in law enforcement (75%). Methods: In the fall of 2008, a 2-wave mailing procedure was used to ensure an adequate response rate to a valid and reliable questionnaire. Results: A total of 417 (70%) questionnaires were returned. A firearm incident had occurred in the past year on 25% of campuses and on 35% of campuses within the past 5 years. The majority of campuses (57%) had a plan in place for longer than a year to deal with an “active shooter” on campus. Virtually all (97%) of the campuses had a policy in place that prohibited firearms on campus. The primary barrier (46%) to a highly visible campus plan for preventing firearms violence was the perception that firearms violence was not a problem on their campus. Conclusions: A greater awareness of the importance of a highly visible campus firearm policy and its potential for reducing firearm trauma on college campuses is needed.  相似文献   
古朝鲜从国外,主要是从中国和日本引入与改进火药和火器的发展史及其特征进行了考察.当时南宋时期中国火药制造术已经传入朝鲜,17世纪后期朝鲜所用的煮硝法有别于中国,发火和铁信炮不同于中国模式的新火器等观点提出了质疑,并发现:朝鲜从中国多次引入煮硝方后,经过焰硝提取术的四次变革,焰硝的纯度和产量均得到很大提高;朝鲜制造和使用的火器种类比较少.17世纪中期之前,以使用发射箭簇的铳筒为主,但是发明了不同于中国型式的火器,如火器战车和震天雷等;自然资源以及技术等的限制造成火药产量难以满足需要;西式火器则主要在17世纪从日本引进.  相似文献   
哲学思想通过影响技术创新主体的创新意识、创新题目的选择、创新方法的设计,以及创新成果的理论解释等渠道渗入技术创新的全过程.在近代史上,西方以实验为基础的实证主义哲学对于技术创新具有积极意义;中国"经世致用"、"天人合一"等传统哲学思想对于技术创新具有消极影响.  相似文献   
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