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Polyculture with Chinese shrimp Penaeus chinensis, jellyfish Rhopilema esculenta and razor clam Sinonovacula constricta (S.J.R) is a common aquaculture system in Dandong, China. Investigation on the composition and function of microbial communities and their relationship with environmental factors in aquaculture systems have crucial implications. Therefore, the sequencing of 16S rRNA gene was applied to profile the bacterial community composition of water and sediment in S.J.R polyculture system in the present study. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in S.J.R polyculture ponds following with Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes in water; in contrast, more diverse phyla were detected in sediments. Water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were determined the bacterial community composition in the S.J.R polyculture systems. Specially, Planktomarina, PS1 clade, Candidatus Aquiluna and Fibrobacteres, which can resist the phytoplankton blooms or degrade the cellulose, were more abundant in water at the early stage of cultivation in the S.J.R polyculture system. Moreover, the functions of bacterial communities in water were mainly associated with cell communication mediated, while the functions related to basal metabolism were enriched in sediments. The findings of this study allowed us to better understand the bacterial community in the S.J.R polyculture system and accumulated data for the improvement of cultural management.  相似文献   
锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用3口池塘共1.14 hm2进行锯缘青蟹大眼幼体与凡纳滨对虾的混养试验,投放锯缘青蟹大眼幼体8500只,凡纳滨对虾苗2.03×105尾,经96~129 d的养殖,收获锯缘青蟹729.1 kg,凡纳滨对虾2804.3 kg;锯缘青蟹平均312 g/只,凡纳滨对虾57.5尾/kg;锯缘青蟹大眼幼体成活率27.5%,凡纳滨对虾成活率79.4%。试验结果表明,锯缘青蟹大眼幼体可以直接投入池塘中与凡纳滨对虾混养,将为今后大规模发展锯缘青蟹养殖摸索出一条有效途径。  相似文献   
低盐水体南美白对虾与鲢鳙鱼混养的试验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在6口低盐淡水(盐度2~10)池塘中放养体长0 8~1 0cm的南美白对虾(Penaeusvan namei)(30万尾/hm2),其中三口塘再放养鲢(Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix)、鳙(Aristichthysno bilis)夏花(体长2 0~3 0cm)(1500尾/hm2,鲢:鳙=1:1)。鱼、虾分别精养90d和60d。混养池塘中对虾的成活率(24 6%)为单养池(9 1%)的2 7倍,产量(800 0±86 7)kg/hm2为单养池的3 2倍;鱼产量为(93 9±7 9)kg/hm2,鳙的出塘规格大于鲢,产量高于鲢。混养池塘水中氨氮、亚硝态氮和溶解氧含量低;透明度和活性磷含量高;pH值波动幅度小。  相似文献   
2004年7月28日-10月28日在浙江省诸暨市淡水珍珠业省级科技创新服务中心枫桥实验基地通过围隔实验研究了不同放养和管理模式对1龄和2龄三角帆蚌生长与养殖产量的影响。实验中采用三种放养模式:三角帆蚌单养,三角帆蚌与鲢、鳙混养,三角帆蚌与异育银鲫混养。每种放养模式采用施肥、施肥结合投喂鱼或蚌配合饲料两种管理措施。实验开始和结束时测量三角帆蚌壳长、蚌壳宽、蚌重和鱼体重,根据蚌、鱼成活率和生长计算产量。实验结果表明:1龄和2龄三角帆蚌生长和养殖产量因放养模式而异,鱼蚌混养不仅额外获得鱼产量,同时也提高了蚌产量。两种鱼蚌混养模式相比,混养异育银鲫对1龄三角帆蚌生长较有利,混养鲢和鳙对2龄三角帆蚌生长较有利。在施肥、施肥结合投喂鱼或蚌配合饲料两种管理措施下,三角帆蚌生长和产量无明显差异。  相似文献   
Cage‐pond integration system is a new model for enhancing productivity of pond aquaculture system. A field trial was conducted using African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in cages and carps in earthen ponds. There were four treatments replicated five times: (1) carps in ponds without cage, (2) tilapia at 30 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (3) catfish at 100 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (4) tilapia and catfish at 30 and 100 fish m?3, respectively, in separate cages and carps in open pond. The carps were stocked at 1 fish m?2. The cage occupied about 3% of the pond area. The caged tilapia and catfish were fed and the control ponds were fertilized. Results showed that the combined extrapolated net yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the catfish, tilapia and carps integration system (9.4 ± 1.6 t ha?1 year?1) than in the carp polyculture (3.3 ± 0.7 t ha?1 year?1). The net return from the tilapia and carps (6860 US$ ha?1 year?1) and catfish, tilapia and carps integration systems (6668 US$ ha?1 year?1) was significantly higher than in the carp polyculture (1709 US$ ha?1 year?1) (P < 0.05). This experiment demonstrated that the cage‐pond integration of African catfish and Nile tilapia with carps is the best technology to increase production; whereas integration of tilapia and carp for profitability.  相似文献   
The production performances of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in C/N‐controlled periphyton‐based polyculture systems were evaluated in triplicate. Three different management practices were compared: the traditional practice without addition of periphyton substrates and carbohydrate (Control), addition of maize flour to maintain a carbon: nitrogen rate of 20:1 (treatment CN) and addition of both maize flour and periphyton substrates (treatment CN+P). This experiment used a pre‐optimized stocking density of tilapia and freshwater prawn by Asaduzzaman et al. Aquaculture [286 (2009) 72]. All ponds were stocked with prawn (3 m2) and monosex Nile tilapia (1 m?2). Bamboo side shoots were posted vertically into the pond bottoms as periphyton substrate covering an additional area of 171 m2 for periphyton development. A locally formulated and prepared feed containing 17% crude protein with C/N ratio close to 15:1 was applied twice daily in all ponds considering the body weight of freshwater prawn only. Water quality parameters, except total alkalinity did not vary significantly (> 0.05) among treatments. Both, organic matter and total heterotrophic bacterial loads (THB) in the sediment were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in treatment CN+P followed by treatment CN and control. Periphyton biomass in terms of dry matter and chlorophyll a values constantly decreased during the culture period. Substrates contributed 66% and 102% higher net yield of freshwater prawn than CN and control treatment respectively.  相似文献   
鱼蚌混养对池塘水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2012年4月26日—2012年12月12日通过在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中放养不同密度的三角帆蚌,研究不同三角帆蚌放养比例对鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中水质、藻相结构及三角帆蚌生长的影响。实验中,鲢鳙放养比例统一为3∶7,总密度为1.5尾/m3。三角帆蚌放养密度则设置4个水平,分别为单养鲢鳙鱼池塘(0只/m3),低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(0.8只/m3),中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.0只/m3)和高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘(1.2只/m3)。结果显示,混养三角帆蚌池塘的水化指标(TP、PO4-P、NH3-N、NO2-N和NO3-N)均显著低于单养鱼池塘。中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘除NH3-N和化学需氧量(COD)与低密度三角帆蚌混养池塘无显著差异外,其他各项水化指标均显著低于其他3个池塘,并且极显著低于单养鲢鳙鱼池塘。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘藻类平均密度均极显著高于鱼蚌混养池塘,其中在鱼蚌混养池塘中浮游植物密度与三角帆蚌密度成负相关关系。单养鲢鳙鱼池塘的浮游植物生物量均极显著低于中、高密度鱼蚌混养池塘,并且显著低于低密度混养池塘。浮游植物生物量与三角帆蚌密度成正相关关系,鱼蚌池塘中绿藻和裸藻的生物量在养殖过程中上升显著。低、中密度三角帆蚌混养池塘三角帆蚌存活率均显著高于高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘;低密度混养池塘中蚌湿重、壳长及壳宽相对增长率均为最大,显著高于中、高密度三角帆蚌混养池塘。研究表明,养鱼池塘混养三角帆蚌不仅能改善养殖池塘的水质,还能控制藻类数量,促使绿藻和裸藻等大型藻类的生长,提高养殖水体浮游植物的生物量总量,最终还能有效提高三角帆蚌的存活率及生长率。从改善水质,藻相结构,蚌成活率及生长等指标角度考虑,在鲢鳙鱼养殖池塘中,三角帆蚌最佳放养密度为1.0只/m3。  相似文献   
杜氏盐藻和亚心型扁藻混合培养生长的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室条件下研究了杜氏盐藻和亚心型扁藻在单独培养和相同接种比例混合培养下的生长情况。结果显示,单独培养盐藻的生长经历了3个明显的阶段,生长曲线呈现"S"型;单独培养扁藻与混合培养藻在18 d内还未到达稳定期,仍保持一定的生长态势。混合培养、单独培养盐藻以及单独培养扁藻的最大光密度值(OD680)分别为0.784、0.702和0.765。混合培养藻的生物量(0.841 mg/ml)也稍高于单独培养盐藻(0.582 mg/ml)和单独培养扁藻的生物量(0.819 mg/ml)。试验结果表明,混合培养盐藻和扁藻具有一定的促进藻生长和提高生物量产出的潜力。  相似文献   
To compare the effect of polyculture against conventional monoculture on ornamental carp production, investigations on food selection and growth performance of koi carp (K), Cyprinus carpio L. and goldfish (G), Carassius auratus (L.) were conducted in a 11‐week rearing experiment in two monoculture (100% K and 100% G) and five polyculture (90% K–10% G, 70% K–30% G, 50% K–50% G, 30% K–70% G and 10% K–90% G) conditions in tropical ponds. There were three replicates for each treatment. Environmental conditions and food availability were similar in all the treatments. Ivlev's electivity index showed that both fish species avoided phytoplankton and preferred cladocerans to other zooplankton groups (copepods and rotifers) in monotypic conditions. However, in the polyculture treatments, the positive electivity of goldfish towards cladocerans reduced significantly (P<0.05), while the percentage of copepods, rotifers and phytoplankton in the gut content increased. No significant differences in weight gain, specific growth rate and deformities were recorded at harvest for koi carp between the different treatments (P>0.05). Even the survival rate of koi carp recorded above 90% in all the treatments. However, the goldfish recorded significantly better weight gain, specific growth rate and survival in monoculture (100% G), compared with the polyculture treatments (P<0.05). Goldfish deformities were lowest (P<0.05) in the monoculture treatment (2.42%). The number of marketable fish above a set size limit of 4 g total weight was significantly higher in the two monoculture treatments, compared with the five polyculture treatments (P<0.05). Keeping in view of the dietary similarities of koi carp and goldfish, and the aggressive nature of koi carp in polyculture, it is suggested to refrain from polyculture of goldfish and koi carp until further documentations relating to optimum stocking density and management of polyculture of ornamental carps are available.  相似文献   
中国对虾与缢蛏投饵混养的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在4 个50 m × 50 m ×18 m 的陆基围隔中分别放入缢蛏 ( Sinonovacula constricta) 0 ,250 , 375 和500 只( 0 , 10 ,15 和20 只/ m 2) , 壳长为 540 cm ±035 c m , 再放入等量 (6 尾/ m 2) 的中国对虾 ( Penaeus chinensis) , 体长为285 cm ±016 c m 。投饵饲养3 个月结果表明, 缢蛏放养密度为20 只/ m 2 时, 对虾的成活率 (740 % ) 和产量 (4136 kg/h m 2) 最高, 分别比单养对虾的成活率(650 % ) 和产量 (3054 kg/h m 2) 高138 % 和354 % , 氮的绝对利用率提高了53 % 。缢蛏密度为10 只/ m 2 时, 其成活率和产量最高, 为904 % 和316 kg/h m 2 ; 密度为20 只/ m 2 时, 降至 782 % 和92 kg/h m 2。本系统中对虾的生产潜力为124 g/ ( m 2·d) , 缢蛏的极限配养量为1500 kg/h m 2 左右。  相似文献   
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