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为了更精确地对甲壳动物血细胞进行快速分类和功能分析,本研究以中华绒螯蟹为例,依据其血细胞内具有颗粒结构的特征,与常规显微观察对比,探讨了一种基于图像流式细胞仪的血细胞自动化分类新方法,并测量了体质量为(10±3) g的中华绒螯蟹的血细胞对直径1μm微球的吞噬情况。结果显示,两种方法都可将中华绒螯蟹血细胞分为4个类群。显微镜观察分类基于胞内可见颗粒,但由于缺乏精细的量化标准,批次样品的人工辨识结果波动较大;而图像流式方法以胞内全部颗粒结构为对象,利用高精度检测模块测量,结果更准确、客观,而且通量高、重复性好。测量结果显示,中华绒螯蟹血淋巴中无颗粒、小颗粒、中颗粒及大颗粒细胞占比分别为40.62%±2.65%、36.68%±6.84%、7.80%±1.16%和16.51%±5.60%,依据测量的颗粒特征区分的4个类群界限清晰,缺乏过渡样点,提示各类细胞之间可能没有相互转化。进一步的活体微球吞噬实验证实,中华绒螯蟹的4类血细胞都具有吞噬功能,并以无颗粒细胞为主要吞噬类群;吞噬微球的细胞比例在注射后6 h内呈钟型曲线变化,4 h可达峰值(5.69%±0.44%),表明中华绒螯蟹血细胞能高效清除血淋巴中的异物。研究表明,图像流式细胞仪适合于中华绒螯蟹的血细胞分类分析和功能研究,本研究结果为同类研究提供了重要参考,将有助于更全面了解甲壳动物血细胞的功能。  相似文献   
The ability of a set of Photobacterium damselae ssp. piscicida strains isolated from different fish species to produce different superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase enzymes was determined. Unlike other bacterial pathogens, P. damselae ssp. piscicida is not able to produce different isoforms of SOD or catalase containing different metal cofactors when cultured under oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide or methyl viologen, or under iron depleted conditions. However, iron content of the growth medium influenced the levels of SOD and catalase activity in cells, these levels decreasing with iron availability of the medium. Comparison of virulent and non-virulent strains of P. damselae ssp. piscicida showed similar contents of SOD, but higher levels of catalase were detected in cells of the virulent strain. Incubation of bacteria with sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup), phagocytes has shown that survival rates range from 19% to 62%, these rates being higher for the virulent strain. The increased levels of catalase activity detected in the virulent strain indicates a possible role for this enzyme in bacterial survival.  相似文献   
为探讨黑嘴病病原菌感染对中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius吞噬作用相关免疫指标的影响,选用壳径约2 cm的中间球海胆108只,用注射器针头刺入海胆体腔,再用浓度102 CFU/mL的黑嘴病病原菌液浸泡,经病原菌胁迫后0、1、6、12、24、48 h时测定各体腔细胞密度、细胞凋亡率、细...  相似文献   
采用皮质醇混饲投喂的方法.模拟自然条件下的慢性应激,研究皮质醇对黄颡鱼咸鱼吞噬细胞呼吸暴发和血清补体旁路溶血活性(ACH50)的影响。研究结果与结论如下。皮质醇混饲投喂可使血清皮质醇浓度持续显著升高,各周对照组血清皮质醇含量均无显著性差异,证明采用皮质醇混饲投喂的方法可模拟自然慢性应激情况下的血清皮质醇浓度持续显著升高。从第2周开始头肾吞噬细胞的呼吸暴发功能显著下降(P〈0.05),证明皮质醇对头肾吞噬细胞的杀菌能力产生显著抑制作用。10mg/kg剂量组,ACH50在投喂第2、第5、第6周显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),100mg/kg剂量组,ACH50从第2周开始一直都极显著低于同期对照组(P〈0.01),证明皮质醇显著抑制血清补体旁路溶血活性,且血清皮质醇浓度越高其抑制作用越强。  相似文献   
The present study examined the influence of leucine metabolite β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate (HMB), a natural product HMB, on nonspecific cell‐mediated defence mechanisms and protection against enteric redmouth disease (ERM) in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate was fed in a pelletted ration at 50 mg kg?1 of the feed for 8 weeks. The phagocytic ability and potential killing activity of blood and pronephric phagocytes were examined in HMB‐ and control‐fed fish before and after 8 weeks of feeding HMB. Simultaneously, the proliferative response of blood and pronephric lymphocytes stimulated by mitogens concanavaline A and lipopolisaccharide were examined in experimental and control groups. Following 8 weeks of HMB feeding, a challenge test was performed by injecting the fish with live pathogenic bacteria Yersinia ruckeri. β‐hydroxy‐β‐methylbutyrate applied in the diet for 8 weeks prompted a statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in phagocytic ability and potential killing activity of the blood and pronephric phagocytes and the proliferative response of blood and pronephric lymphocytes. The changes in these mechanisms correlated with protection against Y. ruckeri, the ERM pathogen. The results showed that feeding HMB increased the nonspecific cell‐mediated defence mechanisms and protection against ERM by reducing cumulative mortality (30%) following the challenge with pathogenic bacteria. Future studies will include determination of optimal doses and protocols of oral application of HMB to maximize the immunomodulatory effects and protection against viral diseases in intensive pikeperch culture.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Neoparamoeba sp. infection on the innate immune responses of Atlantic salmon. Atlantic salmon were experimentally infected with Neoparamoeba sp. and serially sampled 0, 1, 4, 6, 8 and 11 days post-exposure (dpe). Histological analysis of infected fish gill arches identified the presence of characteristic amoebic gill disease lesions as early as 1 dpe with a steady increase in the number of affected gill filaments over time. Immune parameters investigated were anterior kidney phagocyte function (respiratory burst, chemotaxis and phagocytosis) and total plasma protein and lysozyme. In comparison with non-exposed control fish basal respiratory burst responses were suppressed at 8 and 11 dpe, while phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated activity was significantly suppressed at 11 dpe. Variable differences in phagocytic activity and phagocytic rate following infection were identified. There was an increase in the chemotactic response of anterior kidney macrophages isolated from exposed fish relative to control fish at 8 dpe. Total protein and lysozyme levels were not affected by Neoparamoeba sp. exposure.  相似文献   
Previous studies have indicated that Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., affected by amoebic gill disease (AGD) are resistant to re‐infection. These observations were based upon a comparison of gross gill lesion abundance between previously infected and naïve control fish. Anecdotal evidence from Atlantic salmon farms in southern Tasmania suggests that previous infection does not protect against AGD as indicated by a lack of temporal change in freshwater bathing intervals. Experiments were conducted to determine if previous infection of Atlantic salmon with Neoparamoeba sp. would provide protection against challenge and elucidate the immunological basis of any protection. Atlantic salmon were infected with Neoparamoeba sp. for 12 days then treated with a 4‐h freshwater bath. Fish were separated into two groups and maintained in either sea water or fresh water for 6 weeks. Fish were then transferred to one tank with a naïve control group and challenged with Neoparamoeba sp. Fish kept in sea water had lower mortality rates compared with first time exposed and freshwater maintained fish, however, these data are believed to be biased by ongoing mortalities during the seawater maintenance phase. Phagocyte function decreased over exposure time and freshwater maintained fish demonstrated an increased ability to mount a specific immune response. These results suggest that under the challenge conditions herein described, antigen exposure via infection does not induce protection to subsequent AGD.  相似文献   
断奶仔猪铁过负荷的组织病理学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王天有  钟华  赵恒章  王相如  尚伟杰 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(18):4620-4621,4624
采用冰冻切片、组织化学染色技术,对铁过负荷断奶仔猪的淋巴结、脾脏、肝脏等重要器官进行了组织学观察和研究。结果表明,猪饲料中添加过量的补铁剂可造成猪的铁过负荷,过剩的铁以铁血黄素的形式,广泛沉积于单核吞噬细胞系统的细胞和肝窦及脾窦的内皮细胞,从而使这些细胞呈现Perlps染色阳性。  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to determine the mechanism of cytosolic calcium ion concentration [Ca2+]i elevation in chicken and rat phagocytes stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), leukotriene B4 (LTB4), formyl‐methionyl‐leucyl‐phenylananine (fMLP) and Saccaromyces cerevisiae culture supernatant (SCS). Pretreatment with EGTA completely suppressed the PMA‐induced [Ca2+]i elevation in rat and chicken phagocytes, suggesting that all the [Ca2+]i elevation induced in the PMA‐stimulated rat and chicken phagocytes was attributable to the influx of extracellular Ca2+. On the other hand, the elevation of LTB4‐, FMLP‐ and SCS‐induced [Ca2+]i was only partially suppressed by ethyleneglycol‐bis (β‐aminoethyl)‐N,N,N′,N′‐tetraacetic acid ethylene (EGTA) pretreatment of phagocytes. The results indicated that two pathways of [Ca2+]i elevation, recruitment from the intracellular Ca2+ store and influx of extracellular Ca2+, are involved in the [Ca2+]i elevation of LTB4‐, fMLP‐ and SCS‐stimulated phagocytes. In fMLP‐stimulated rat neutrophils, [Ca2+]i elevation showed a two‐phase pattern in which the time lag between the first and second phase was approximately 1 min. The EGTA treatment of the fMLP‐stimulated cells induced a reduction of the first phase level and a disappearance of the second phase. The reason for the special influence of EGTA observed in fMLP‐stimulated cells is unknown, but the disappearance of the second phase of the [Ca2+]i may be elicited by the EGTA‐induced decrease of the first phase [Ca2+]i elevation that depends on IP3 and diacylglycerol induced by fMLP.  相似文献   
按正交法L9(34)在不含脂肪酸的基础饲料中,分别添加亚油酸(C18:2n-6)、亚麻酸(C18:3n-3)、二十碳五稀酸(C20:5n-3,EPA)和二十二碳六稀酸(C22:6n-3,DHA),采用宝应湖野生黄鳝群体进行投喂饲养,数据统计采用SPSS11.5软件进行分析。结果显示,饲料中添加不饱和脂肪酸对黄鳝增重率和增长率的第一限制因子为C18:3n-3,其次是C18:2n-6和EPA DHA;影响肥满度的主要因子是C18:2n-6;对肝体指数产生一定影响的是EPA DHA;对成活率没有产生影响。血清溶菌酶(LSZ)活性有不同程度的提高,血细胞吞噬率和吞噬指数相关系数达到显著水平,显著地增加了黄鳝非特异性免疫能力。由此得到黄鳝饲料中不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)C18:2n-6、C18:3n-3和EPA DHA的最佳含量分别为1.30%、1.55%和0.25%。  相似文献   
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