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The prevalence of renal myxosporidiosis in wild brown trout, Salmo trutta, in seven river catchments in South-West England was investigated. Three hundred and twenty-seven fish were sampled from 16 sites, of which 54 (16.5%) were found, by histological examination of the kidney, to be infected with Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease. No T. bryosalmonae infected fish were found in one river catchment, in other catchments the prevalence ranged from 2.5% to 36%. Hepatitis was strongly associated with the presence of T. bryosalmonae (odds ratio = 20.2, P < 0.001). Chloromyxum schurovi was found in 25% of fish and in six of seven river catchments, where the prevalence ranged from 2.4% to 63%. There was a strong negative association between the presence of T. bryosalmonae and C. schurovi (odds ratio = 0.10, P < 0.001). A hierarchical binomal model of the variance indicated that for T. bryosalmonae most of the variance existed at the site level, whereas for C. schurovi most variance existed at the river catchment level, suggesting that prevalence of T. bryosalmonae infection is determined largely by site level factors (e.g. presence of alternate host). The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were 0.2 and 0.4 for T. bryosalmonae and C. schurovi, respectively, indicating the latter has higher effective transmission because of a higher level of infectiousness and/or abundance of alternate oligochaete hosts. These values can be used in future studies to estimate the sample sizes required to generate prevalence estimates with the required precision.  相似文献   
Three species of myxobolid parasites were found infecting the gills of the Iberian nase, Chondrostoma polylepis , in the River Ulla (Galicia, NW Spain), Myxobolus leuciscini , M. impressus and M. gallaicus sp. nov., which is described herein. Myxobolus leuciscini locates in the intralamellar space and the plasmodium begins to develop in the endothelium of the capillaries of the secondary lamellae. Myxobolus impressus plasmodia are located in the interlamellar multilayered epithelium. Myxobolus gallaicus plasmodia are elongated and are located exclusively in the central venous sinus of the branchial filament, suggesting that they begin their development in branchial endothelial tissue. We also present data on spore size and morphology, plasmodium and pansporoblast characteristics and pathological effects of the three species in the host branchial tissues.  相似文献   
探索建立鱼类寄生圆形碘孢虫(Myacobolus rotuzudus Nemezek,1911,Myxosporea,Bivalvulida)完整孢子酶联免疫吸附试验(Enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测的可行性,对丙酮、戊二醛、甲醛、多聚甲醛、乙醇等几种常用固定剂应用于此方法的效果进行评价,初步建立了针对鱼类黏孢子虫的完整孢子ELISA检测模式。结果显示,同比其他几种固定剂,2%的多聚甲醛、0.25%的戊二醛对圆形碘孢虫完整孢子ELISA有较好的效果,经二者固定后,最低可检出10个成熟的完整孢子,这为筛选鱼类黏孢子虫孢子表面抗原分子的特异性配体,如单克隆抗体及基因工程抗体或抗体片断,分析其表面分子性质奠定了基础。同时,讨论了该方法在鱼类黏孢子虫病原检测、属种鉴定、系统发育及黏孢子虫基础生物学研究等方面的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   
Enteromyxoses are relevant diseases for turbot and gilthead sea bream aquaculture. The myxozoan parasites invade the intestinal mucosa, causing a cachectic syndrome associated with intestinal barrier alteration; nonetheless, their pathological impact is different. Turbot infected by Enteromyxum scophthalmi develop more severe intestinal lesions, reaching mortality rates of 100%, whereas in E. leei-infected gilthead sea bream, the disease progresses slowly, and mortality rates are lower. The mechanisms underlying the different pathogenesis are still unclear. We studied the distribution and expression changes of E-cadherin, a highly conserved protein of the adherens junctions, in the intestine of both species by immunohistochemistry and quantitative PCR, using the same immunohistochemical protocol and common primers. The regular immunostaining pattern observed in control fish turned into markedly irregular in parasitized turbot, showing an intense immunoreaction at the host–parasite interface. Nevertheless, E-cadherin gene expression was not significantly modulated in this species. On the contrary, no evident changes in the protein distribution were noticed in gilthead sea bream, whereas a significant gene downregulation occurred in advanced infection. The results contribute to the understanding of the different host–parasite interactions in enteromyxoses. Host and parasite cells appear to establish diverse relationships in these species, which could underlie the different pathological picture.  相似文献   
A suspected new enteric Sphaerospora species was believed to be directly associated with the mass mortality of yearling groupers of Epinephelus spp. in South China. The epizootic generally emerged from late September to late April of the following year. The infection prevalence and mortality rate were significantly negatively correlated with fish size. Clinical signs included anorexia, cachexia and extrusion of white pulp‐like substance from anus after gentle pressure on the abdomen. Upon necropsy, severe intestinal oedema, thin and transparent intestinal wall, swollen spleen, kidney and gall bladder could be observed. Wet preparation of the infected samples showed large amount of typical disporous plasmodia of the genus Sphaerospora, but no mature spores were observed. Epidemiological investigation showed that this parasite exclusively infected Epinephelus groupers. Histopathologically, this species mainly infected the epithelium of intestine and kidney tubules and caused severe epithelia sloughing and the collapse of intestinal villus. Interestingly, this enteric myxosporidiosis did not cause severe emaciation of infected fish for mass mortality usually emerged within 2–3 days after appearance of clinical signs. The species was most genetically related to Sphaerospora fugu (89% sequence identity) and phylogenetically positioned within marine Sphaerospora lineage. This is the first report of enteric sphaerosporosis of groupers.  相似文献   
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