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为配合2005年辽东湾渔场海蜇人工增殖放流项目,笔者对人工放流过程中,海蜇幼体由于从育苗室人海而引起的温盐环境突变以及在长途运输过程中引起的死亡率进行实验研究,其死亡率直接影响到海蜇的回捕率,进而对辽东湾渔场海蜇的资源量造成影响。实验中发现,在超出海蜇生存最佳盐度范围(20~30),海蜇在高温(30℃、35℃)条件下,较高盐度组(35、40)较较低盐度组(15、20)的海蜇幼体的生存状态好、成活率高。同时,在低温(10℃、15℃)条件下,较低盐度组(15、20)较较高盐度组(35、40)的海蜇幼体的生存状态好、成活率高。  相似文献   
深水张网是吕四渔场传统的作业方式,渔获量占江苏省海洋捕捞总量的比重较大。根据2004年4月~2005年11月吕四渔场深水张网渔业监测资料,结合渔业统计数据,分析了该渔业渔获物种类组成及其季节变化,以及主要经济鱼类渔获物种类组成和幼鱼比例。结果表明,各季节深水张网优势渔获物种类组成具有明显的季节变化特征,春季主要以小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和葛氏长臂虾为主,夏季为小黄鱼、黄鲫、焦氏舌鳎和银鲳,秋季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼、灰鲳和银鲳,冬季为小黄鱼、焦氏舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼和斑鰶;小黄鱼和焦氏舌鳎是深水张网渔业常年优势渔获物。主要经济鱼类小黄鱼以6月份平均网产最高,但主要以幼鱼为主,2004年和2005年的平均体重分别仅0.81 g/ind和1.04 g/ind,幼鱼渔获尾数分别占到99.1%和99.8%,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别达1.84×107ind和2.37×107ind;银鲳平均体重3.22 g/ind和3.8 g/ind,累计损害幼鱼尾数分别为4.84×105ind和4.41×105ind。建议对深水张网渔业加强管理,可对该渔业提前一个月休渔,提高网囊网目尺寸,并强化管理力度。  相似文献   
根据2008年4,5,6月在浙江中北部沿岸禁渔区线内45个站位开展的产卵场调查资料,研究分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布。结果表明,本海区共出现鱼卵、仔稚鱼64个种类,分别隶属13目36科47属,能鉴定到种的有47种,鉴定到科的有17种。3个航次的调查共采集到鱼卵5 846个和仔稚鱼5 502个。其中4月最少,仅采集到鱼卵366个和仔稚鱼1 445个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的6.26%、26.26%;5月份共采集到鱼卵1 530个和仔稚鱼1 551个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的26.17%、28.19%;6月份数量最多,共采集到鱼卵3 950个和仔稚鱼2 506个,分别占总数的67.57%、45.55%,4—6月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的数量呈月递增趋势。鱼卵中石首鱼科未定种最多占10.06%,其次黄姑鱼占6.45%,再次为凤鲚占总数的6.06%。凤鲚仔稚鱼数量最多,占总种类数的34.06%,其次为虾虎鱼科仔稚鱼,占24.25%,再次为鲻科鱼类仔稚鱼,占23.57%。调查发现杭州湾是凤鲚的主要产卵场,其仔稚鱼也主要分布在杭州湾内,少量分布在舟山渔场和鱼山渔场。小黄鱼产卵场主要分布在舟山渔场、鱼山渔场外侧。从产卵时间和渔场分布来看,鱼山渔场是最早集中的水域,随着时间推移,产卵场的中心区向北部水域的舟山渔场转移。研究的海域内重要经济鱼类大黄鱼、小黄鱼、银鲳的鱼卵数量百分比明显下降,由1960年的优势种成为现在的非优势种;主要经济鱼类中鳓、凤鲚所占比例相对增加,但绝对数量有所下降。在某种程度上说明,沿岸水域资源补充量有所减少,这可能与水域环境变化及过度捕捞导致亲体量减少有关。  相似文献   
本研究以自育的26份番茄育种种质和抗南方根结线虫番茄品种‘仙客1号’及感南方根结线虫品种‘阿乃兹’为试验材料,采用病土盘栽自然发病鉴定、苗期二龄幼虫人工接种鉴定和PCR扩增及CAPS检测相结合的方法,研究供试材料对南方根结线虫的抗性水平及基因型。鉴定结果表明,供试的28份番茄材料中,高抗17份、抗病6份(包括抗病对照‘仙客1号’)、感病2份、高感3份(包括感病对照‘阿乃兹’),无免疫材料,且病土盘栽鉴定与苗期接种鉴定的结果一致。PCR扩增结果表明,27份番茄材料均能检测到一条750 bp的特异条带;TaqⅠ酶切结果显示,具有酶切位点的22份试材中有15份含纯合显性Mi-1/Mi-1基因、5份含杂合显性Mi-1/mi-1基因、2份含180 bp+250 bp+300 bp三条特异性片段,并且这22份试材对南方根结线虫表现高抗或抗,而其余5份不含显性Mi-1基因的试材则表现高感或感,证明Mi-1是具有抗南方根结线虫能力的基因,分子检测结果与病土盘栽鉴定和苗期接种鉴定的结果吻合率达92.6%;含有180 bp+250 bp+300 bp三条特异性片段的高抗材料可能含有其它抗根结线虫基因。分子检测与抗性鉴定相结合,能为创制抗南方根结线虫新种质提供一种更加省时、省力且经济有效的科学育种方法,可为番茄抗南方根结线虫育种提供理论依据和实践经验。  相似文献   
社区矫正的宗旨与我国对未成年人采取惩罚、教育、挽救的刑事政策相契合,实现了刑罚执行方式由监禁刑向非监禁刑的转变。现实存在的影响未成年人社区矫正工作的诸多因素,导致矫正的实然效果与制度本身的应然预期存在差异。应从行刑社会化理念、完善未成年人社区矫正法律制度、建立职业化和专业的社区矫正工作队伍、提高社会参与度、创新矫正方案和矫正项目等方面入手,对未成年人社区矫正制度进行修正和创新,以更好地发挥制度本身所蕴涵的价值。  相似文献   
Larval and early juvenile fishes were sampled from the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) shelf during summer from 1996 to 2000. Data from these collections were used to examine spatial and temporal patterns in species assemblage structure and abundance. Cluster analyses based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarity coefficients were used to group species and stations according to similar abundance and species composition. Ordination techniques were used to verify groupings, and a non‐parametric stepwise procedure using a Spearman correlation coefficient (BIO‐ENV) was used to relate groupings to predominant environmental variables. These approaches revealed a pattern of station groupings that were generally related to bathymetry in 1996, 1997, 1999, and 2000, although no obvious relationship to geographic boundaries was observed in 1998. Significant differences in species associations were observed in 1997 and 1998, and depressions in abundance were also noted among many species between 1997 and 1999. A regional, full primitive equation model was used to simulate float trajectories on the EBS shelf in each year to better relate fish distributional observations to prevailing current patterns. Model results indicated general variations in flow in several years, although 1998 stood out with stronger northeast flow than in any of the other years examined. Observed disruptions of larval and early juvenile fish assemblages could be related to the strong El‐Niño event of 1997–98 in the EBS. If this idea is confirmed, our study suggests that larval and juvenile fish are sensitive and respond relatively quickly (1–2 yr) to environmental perturbations, and as such, may be timely indicators of environmental change.  相似文献   
In order to understand better the recruitment variability in European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay, it is important to investigate the processes that affect survival during the early life stages. Anchovy juvenile growth trajectories and hatch‐date distributions were inferred over a 3‐year period based on otolith microstructure analysis. Otolith growth trajectories showed a characteristic shape depending on their hatch‐date timing. Earlier‐born juveniles had notably broader maximum increments than later born conspecifics, resulting in higher growth rates. This observation suggests that early hatching would be beneficial for larval and juvenile growth, and, therefore, survival. The estimated juvenile hatch‐date distributions were relatively narrow compared with the extended anchovy spawning season (March–August) in the Bay of Biscay and indicated that only individuals originated mainly from the summer months (June–August) survived until autumn. Hatch‐date distributions were markedly different among years and seemed to influence the interannual recruitment strength of anchovy. We conclude that years characterized by juvenile survivors originating from the peak spawning period (May and June) would lead to considerable recruitment success. Downwelling events during the peak spawning period seem to affect larval survival. Furthermore, size‐dependent overwinter mortality would be an additional process that regulates recruitment strength in the anchovy population in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   
We evaluated the water characteristics and particle sedimentation in Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller 1862) grow‐out ponds supplied with a high inflow of nutrient‐rich water. Prawns were subject to different stocking and harvesting strategies: upper‐graded juveniles, lower‐graded juveniles, non‐graded juveniles+selective harvesting and traditional farming (non‐grading juveniles and total harvest only). Dissolved oxygen, afternoon N‐ammonia and N‐nitrate and soluble orthophosphate were lower in the ponds in comparison with inflow water through the rearing cycle. Ponds stocked with the upper population fraction of graded prawns showed higher turbidity, total suspended solids and total Kjeldahl nitrogen than the remaining treatments. An increase in the chemical oxygen demand:biochemical oxygen demand ratio from inlet (4.9) to pond (7.1–8.0) waters indicated a non‐readily biodegradable fraction enhancement in ponds. The sedimentation mean rate ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mm day?1 and sediment contained >80% of organic matter. The major factors affecting pond ecosystem dynamic were the organic load (due to primary production and feed addition) and bioturbation caused by stocking larger animals. Data suggest that M. amazonicum grow‐out in ponds subjected to a high inflow of nutrient‐rich water produce changes in the water properties, huge accumulation of organic sediment at the pond bottom and non‐readily biodegradable material in the water column. However, the water quality remains suitable for aquaculture purposes. Therefore, nutrient‐rich waters, when available, may represent a source of unpaid nutrients, which may be incorporated into economically valued biomass if managed properly.  相似文献   
试验分析了投喂卤虫无节幼体条件下黄颡鱼(Pseudogrus fulvidraco)仔稚鱼生长、存活率、摄食力和体成分的变化。随着仔稚鱼的生长和发育,摄食率和胃充塞度逐渐加大,体长大于10 mm的仔鱼,摄食率都在93.3%以上,大多数个体胃充塞度都在3~5级。投喂卤虫无节幼体的黄颡鱼仔稚鱼生长较传统育苗方式生长快,存活率高。体内粗养分、氨基酸与脂肪酸含量都发生相应变化。黄颡鱼淀粉酶、蛋白酶与脂肪酶活性均在1日龄时即可检测到,开口期即5日龄时,3种消化酶比活力均达到较高值,15日龄后消化酶比活力又都降低到较低水平。卤虫无节幼体体内营养物质含量丰富,大小适口,是黄颡鱼仔稚鱼开口摄食的优质生物饵料。  相似文献   
本研究阐述了棕点石斑鱼(♀)×鞍带石斑鱼(♂)杂交子代(简称珍珠龙胆石斑鱼)的胚胎发育和仔稚幼鱼形态发育的特征及其养殖过程中的一些难点、要点,以期为今后苗种的规模化培育生产提供参考依据。通过对珍珠龙胆石斑鱼各个发育期连续取样,系统观察并记录各发育期的形态变化及生长特征。结果表明,1)在水温27-28℃条件下,历时25 h 25 min孵化出膜,整个发育过程划分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期和器官形成期。2)在水温(27.0±0.5)℃、盐度30、p H 8的培育条件下,根据卵黄囊、第二背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长与伸缩及鳞片、体色的变化将胚后发育分为仔鱼、稚鱼、幼鱼3个时期。仔鱼期根据卵黄囊的有无分为前期仔鱼和后期仔鱼。初孵至孵化后4 d为前期仔鱼;孵化后5 d,仔鱼卵黄囊完全消失,成为后期仔鱼;孵化后32 d,50%的仔鱼进入稚鱼期;孵化后46 d,50%的稚鱼完成变态,成为幼鱼。初孵仔鱼的全长平均为(1.65±0.11)mm,发育至70 d时,幼鱼平均全长已达(75.47±0.19)mm。跟踪观察的结果发现,珍珠龙胆石斑鱼作为杂交子代,从受精到发育的各阶段均能健康正常地生长发育,且生长快速、抗病力强,具有"虎斑头、龙胆尾"的外型,具有明显的杂交优势。  相似文献   
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