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This study tested different tags for each size of farm-reared gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. juveniles, used in enhancement programmes. The following tags were tested: dye mark, fingerling tag, opercular tag, anchor tag A (filament diameter of 1.20 mm) and anchor tag B (0.85 mm). Tag/mark retention, wounds produced by the tag, ease of application, ease of detection and cost were examined. Epidermal dye marks had poor retention and detection rates. Of the tags tested, retention was greater for the anchor tag A (80–100%) after 7 months; anchor tag B showed a retention rate of only 20% after 3 months. The fingerling tag had a retention rate of 27.5% after 12 months. The opercular tag had a retention rate of 44% after 20 days but fractured the opercular bone in many cases. Tag incisions and wounds persisted in some fish for the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   
[目的]降低草鱼池塘养殖生产成本,提高池塘水体利用率和综合养殖效益,增强养殖模式的抗风险能力以及示范推广作用.[方法]在江苏省宿迁市宿城区中扬镇开展了草苗种、泥鳅池塘双主养模式养殖试验.[结果]放养260尾/kg的泥鳅苗种180 000尾/hm2,放养2 000尾/kg的草苗种60 000尾/hm2的养殖模式,以及放养260尾/kg的泥鳅苗种120 000尾/hm2,放养2 000尾/kg的草苗种75 000尾/hm2的养殖模式,产出投入比均较高.[结论]放养260尾/kg的泥鳅苗种120 000尾/hm2,放养2 000尾/kg的草苗种75 000尾/hm2的养殖模式更容易被养殖者接受,更容易被大面积推广应用.  相似文献   
赤眼鳟人工繁殖与苗种培育技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验进行了野生赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)的人工驯养、繁殖及苗种培育,并对其受精卵的胚胎发育情况进行了观察,结果表明:单独使用或组合使用促黄体素释放激素类似物(LRH-A2)、马来酸地欧酮(DOM),以胸腹注射法进行一针或两针人工催产,效果都较好,效应时间一般随水温升高而缩短,24℃~27.5℃一针注射后的效应时间为10~12 h;22℃~23℃两针注射(距第二针)的效应时间为8h左右;浮盘与水泥池组合式孵化方式合理、可靠,3年累计孵出鱼苗218.2万尾;赤眼鳟的孵化时间与水温呈负相关,水温越高,孵化时间越短,在21~24℃时,一般需32 h孵出,而当水温上升至24~27.5℃时,则仅需20~24h即可出膜;鱼种培育阶段,生长较快,冬片鱼种规格也能达到10 cm~15 cm,3年累计育出赤眼鳟冬片鱼种22.81万尾,平均成活率达82.95%.  相似文献   
使用广西水产研究所池塘人工驯化饲育3年的天然三角鲤亲鱼1676尾,采用经筛选的鱼类敏感药物(PG、LHRH-A2、HCG)单一或混合催产的方法,在2002-2005年,先后进行了10批共600组的三角鲤人工繁殖试验。收集受精卵795.5万粒,在水温20.0~28.5℃条件下,利用环道池孵化出鱼苗680.9万尾,平均孵化率为85.6%。并使用光学显微镜观察了自受精卵至鱼苗破膜而出的发育全过程,拍摄了各个阶段胚胎发育图谱。培育出2.5 cm以上鱼种631.7万尾,平均成活率达92.8%。  相似文献   
大规格罗非鱼种池塘围栏越冬技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨大规格罗非鱼种池塘围栏的越冬技术,为罗非鱼养殖提供低成本、高收益的安全越冬技术。【方法】在3个池塘中设置隔水围栏,越冬期陆续抽取地下温水补充注入围栏内,并对围栏内与外塘相近区域水温及水体溶解氧、氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮等水质指标进行监测。【结果】越冬期,除2号池塘外,围栏内水温保持在16~18℃,水体溶解氧的变化范围为3.5~6.0mg/L,氨氮平均值低于0.5mg/L,亚硝酸盐氮低于0.06mg/L;3个池塘罗非鱼鱼种成活率分别为98.0%、62.0%和99.0%。【结论】采用池塘围栏与抽取地下温水注入相结合的越冬模式,能确保大规格罗非鱼种安全越冬且生长效果较好,可在广西范围内推广应用。  相似文献   
本文从病理组织学的角度,研究了罗非鱼鱼种肠炎病的发生与发展,为其诊断与防治奠定了理论基础。结果表明,该病病原体为产气单胞菌。  相似文献   
采用捕自黑龙江水域的怀头鲶为母本,鲶鱼为父本,应用自制催产药物DOS与LRH-A2、HCG进行人工催产,使催产率、受精率分别达到92%和88%。20-21.5℃水温条件下43h孵化出苗,孵化率75%。出膜仔鱼体长3.93mm,7.83mm下塘,池塘培育8天达到34.08mm,培育成活率50%。  相似文献   
黄颡鱼的生物学特性与养殖技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对黄颡鱼的生物学特性、繁殖技术、苗种培育技术、养殖技术、放养模式、病害防治技术的系统研究,探明了黄颡鱼的食性、溶氧需求、温度适应性、盐度耐受性等生物学特性,报道了黄颡鱼繁殖与苗种培育措施,提出池塘养殖所需配套技术及常见病害防治技术。  相似文献   
乌鳢苗种繁育及池塘高产养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨乌鳢的人工养殖技术,对乌鳢苗种繁育及池塘养殖阶段的关键环节:亲鱼培育、人工催产、鱼卵孵化、鱼种培育、成鱼养殖等进行了系统研究。并总结了一套实用的乌鳢养殖技术。实践证明,使用该技术能提高乌鳢鱼苗成活率和成鱼产量。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Three diets supplemented with taurine, β-alanine andGABA and a control diet were fed to juvenile and fingerling Japaneseflounder to investigate the effects of the diets on growth and metabolicchanges of free amino acids in whole body and tissues. In experimentI, three diets supplemented with 1% each of taurine, β-alanineand GABA and a control diet were fed to juvenile Japanese flounderwith an initial mean body weight of 0.4 g for 4 weeks at20°C. In experiment II, the taurine-supplemented diet anda control diet were fed to fingerling Japanese flounder with an initialmean body weight of 15 g for 4 weeks at 20°C.Only supplementation of taurine in the diet of juvenile flounderimproved their growth performance in experiment I, but fingerlinggrowth performance of experiment II was not significantly relatedto taurine supplementation in the experimental diet. These resultssuggest that there is a greater requirement for taurine for thegrowth of juvenile Japanese flounder than fingerling Japanese flounder.  相似文献   
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