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Infectious pathogens figure prominently among those factors threatening marine wildlife. Mass mortality events caused by pathogens can fundamentally alter the structure of wild fish stocks and depress recruitment rates and yield. In the most severe instances, this can precipitate stock collapses resulting in dramatic economic losses to once valuable commercial fisheries. An outbreak of a herpes‐like virus among commercially fished abalone populations in the south‐west fishery of Victoria, Australia, during 2006–2007, has been associated with high mortality rates among all cohorts. Long‐term records from fishery‐independent surveys of blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) enabled abundance from pre‐ and post‐viral periods to be analysed to estimate stock density and biomass. The spatial distribution of abundance in relation to physical habitat variables derived from high‐resolution bathymetric LiDAR data was investigated. Significant differences were observed in both measures between pre‐ and post‐viral periods. Although there was some limited evidence of gradual stock improvement in recent years, disease‐affected reefs have remained below productivity rates prior to the disease outbreak suggesting a reduction in larval availability or settlement success. This was corroborated by trends in sublegal sized blacklip abalone abundance that has yet to show substantial recovery post‐disease. Abundance data were modelled as a function of habitat variables using a generalised additive model (GAM) and indicated that high abundance was associated with complex reef structures of coastal waters (<15 m). This study highlights the importance of long‐term surveys to understand abalone recovery following mass mortality and the links between stock abundance and seafloor variability.  相似文献   
A GIS model of the littoral bathymetry and substrate composition of Lake Taupo was created using ArcInfo. Littoral substrates were mapped by aerial photography and confirmed by ground-truthing. Water depths were determined by echosounding linked to a differential GPS. These data were imported into ArcInfo where a 3D GIS model was used to calculate the total area of smelt, Retropinna retropinna Richardson, spawning habitat (i.e. clean sand between depths of 0.5–2.5 m) at each of five lake levels. There was little change in area over the first 50 cm below the natural maximum lake level, but spawning habitat decreased rapidly over the next 1.4 m such that a 30% reduction occurred at the natural minimum level. Anecdotal information on inter-annual variations in lake level and smelt abundance supported the notion that high lake levels in spring result in high recruitment of smelt. The GIS model also predicted effects of lake level change on areas of macrophyte cover and on other littoral substrates, and could be used to assess effects of lake level changes on the habitats of other biota.  相似文献   
The Baltic Sea is a stratified, semienclosed sea typified by a low-salinity surface layer and a deep saline layer of varying volume, salinity, temperature and oxygen concentration. The relationships between these oceanographic factors and the distribution of Baltic cod are presented, utilizing results from a survey carried out during the 1995 spawning period in the Bornholm Basin, at present the main spawning area of this stock. Cod distribution, abundance and population structure were estimated from hydroacoustic and trawl data and related to hydrographic parameters as well as to bottom depth. In the central basin, cod were aggregated in an intermediate layer about 15 m thick. This area of peak abundance was defined at its upper limit by the halocline and at the lower limit by oxygen content. The majority of individuals caught in the basin centre were in spawning or pre-spawning condition with a high proportion of males to females. On the basin slopes, aggregations of cod were found near the bottom. These individuals were mainly immature and maturing stages with an increasing proportion of females to males with size. Salinity and oxygen conditions were found to be the major factors influencing the vertical and horizontal distribution of adult cod. Abundance of immature cod was also positively related to decreasing bottom depths. The effect of temperature was minor. The observed size- and sex-dependent spawning aggregation patterns, in association with habitat volume and stock size, may influence cod catchability and thereby the assessment and exploitation patterns of this stock.  相似文献   
Five native Sargassaceae species from Brittany (France) living in rockpools were surveyed over time to investigate photoprotective strategies according to their tidal position. We gave evidences for the existence of a species distribution between pools along the shore, with the most dense and smallest individuals in the highest pools. Pigment contents were higher in lower pools, suggesting a photo-adaptive process by which the decreasing light irradiance toward the low shore was compensated by a high production of pigments to ensure efficient photosynthesis. Conversely, no xanthophyll cycle-related photoprotective mechanism was highlighted because high levels of zeaxanthin rarely occurred in the upper shore. Phlorotannins were not involved in photoprotection either; only some lower-shore species exhibited a seasonal trend in phlorotannin levels. The structural complexity of phlorotannins appears more to be a taxonomic than an ecological feature: Ericaria produced simple phloroglucinol while Cystoseira and Gongolaria species exhibited polymers. Consequently, tide pools could be considered as light-protected areas on the intertidal zone, in comparison with the exposed emerged substrata where photoprotective mechanisms are essential.  相似文献   
  1. Organisms utilize suitable habitat patches wherein they optimize fitness. For marine megafauna such as cetaceans, foraging is generally the explanation for their utilization distribution. However, an explicit link between cetaceans' distribution and spatio-temporal pattern of food resource is usually lacking.
  2. The Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis; VU listed in the IUCN Red List) inhabits the coastal waters from south-east China to eastern India. Seasonal distribution of the humpback dolphin was explored in the northern Beibu Gulf, China. Sightings of the humpback dolphin were systematically collected at monthly intervals from 2012 winter till 2018 spring and used to derive distribution patterns from kernel density estimates. Satellite remotely sensed net primary productivity (NPP) and bathymetry were used to present oceanographic characteristics in the study region.
  3. Seasonal variations were observed in oceanographic characteristics and spatial distribution of the humpback dolphin. Although the core distribution area of the humpback dolphin showed seasonal expansion and contraction, it had consistently higher NPP and shallower depth than the survey range throughout the seasons.
  4. Our findings indicate a clear profile of these two oceanographic characteristics (i.e. NPP and bathymetry) in the humpback dolphin's core distribution area. Food resource utilization could play an important role in the humpback dolphin's distribution within the study site. The seasonal dynamics imply that not only food abundance, but also efficiency in accessing/capturing the prey may affect distribution of the humpback dolphin.
  5. In the study site, human activities that can change regional topography and productivity of the coastal water through land reclamation, dredging, sand mining and bottom trawling, should be mitigated, regulated or avoided. Proactive conservation should incorporate catchment management of the main rivers to address potential sediment and nutrient load into the estuary to protect local habitat configuration in terms of NPP and bathymetry.
Quantifying the dispersion and habitats of far‐ranging seabirds, turtles, and cetaceans is essential to assess whether zoning strategies can help protect upper‐trophic marine predators. In this paper, we focus on Black‐footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) use of three US national marine sanctuaries off central California: Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones, and Monterey Bay. We assessed the significance of these protected areas to albatrosses by: (i) documenting commuting flights between Hawaiian breeding sites and the California Current System (CCS); (ii) quantifying albatross dispersion patterns on the central California continental shelf and slope, and (iii) characterizing albatross habitats within sanctuary waters using concurrent satellite‐tracking data and vessel‐based sightings. Chick‐rearing albatrosses commuted from their colony on Tern Island, Hawaii (23.878°N, 166.288°W), to the CCS (34–48°N) and two of the eight satellite‐tracked birds entered the marine sanctuaries. Among the telemetry locations within sanctuary waters, two‐thirds (24 of 36) straddled the shelf break and slope (201–2000‐m depth), a pattern underscored by a concurrent vessel‐based survey in which 144 Black‐footed Albatrosses were sighted. This study illustrates the value of coordinated satellite telemetry and vessel‐based surveys to assess the distributions of protected species within existing marine protected areas. More specifically, our results underscore the importance of three central California marine sanctuaries to Hawaiian albatrosses breeding in subtropical waters, approximately 4500 km away.  相似文献   
C3D测深侧扫声呐系统在人工鱼礁建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来将多波束测深数据和侧扫声呐图像进行融合叠加,一直是水下测绘领域的研究难题,而美国Benthos公司近年推出的C3D测深侧扫声呐系统,采用了多阵列换能器,CAATI专利算法,可同步获得高分辨率的侧扫图像和高质量的测深数据。本文着重研究:(1)在鱼礁区的设计阶段,C3D系统提供三维的水下地形、等深线等数据,进行三维可视化的鱼礁礁址的选择和布设方案设计;提供高分辨率的水下地貌图像,进行海底地质的分类,也可直观判断水下的各种地貌和障碍物等。(2)在鱼礁施工阶段,利用C3D水下图像对鱼礁的位置和状态进行评估,改进投放方法和工艺,确保设计方案的实施到位。(3)在鱼礁竣工后的监测阶段,利用不同时期的C3D高分辨率图像及水深数据进行比对,以判断鱼礁区的地形地貌变化,鱼礁的稳定性、掩埋损坏等情况。实验表明,C3D是一款性能优越的水下声呐探测系统,可为人工鱼礁方案设计提供详细的海底地形和底质信息,可对人工鱼礁建设的过程和结果进行科学的评估,将为各地人工鱼礁工程的顺利实施和效果保障发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
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