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为了更好的了解柔鱼和日本爪乌贼个体发育期营养生态位变化,根据2021-2022年“淞航”号渔业资源调查船所采集36尾柔鱼和30尾日本爪乌贼样本,对其眼睛晶体进行了碳氮稳定同位素分析。结果表明:柔鱼个体δ13C、δ15N值变化幅度分别为0.10‰-1.68‰、0.79‰-7.51‰;日本爪乌贼个体δ13C、δ15N值变化幅度分别为0.15‰-1.20‰、0.81‰-7.05‰。柔鱼、日本爪乌贼生态位面积变化范围分别为0.40‰2-5.85‰2、0.27‰2-5.36‰2。GAM模型分析显示:柔鱼眼睛晶体δ13C、δ15N与晶体直径均具有显著的相关性(P<0.01),偏差解释率分别为31.9%和34.3%。日本爪乌贼眼睛晶体δ13C、δ15N与晶体直径均具有显著的相关性(P<0.01),偏差解释率分别为12.9%和19.4%。分析认为,个体营养生态位的变化幅度较大,侧面反映了西北太平洋黑潮-亲潮过渡区同位素基线值变化幅度较大;该海域的柔鱼、日本爪乌贼个体摄食水平存在很大差异;个体发育和基线值是影响组织δ13C、δ15N值的因素。  相似文献   
西北太平洋以其独特的地理位置和复杂的海洋环境,孕育了极为丰富的渔业资源,成为全球海洋生物多样性保护和渔业资源管理的热点区域。为了更有效地进行鱼类种类识别和多样性的调查,本研究建立了西北太平洋常见鱼类DNA条形码本地数据库。基于线粒体COI基因,对2023年6-8月在西北太平洋海域所采集的307份样品进行扩增和测序,共获得7目13科20属25种鱼类的COI基因序列。77.96%的COI序列在公共数据库中都能比对到高相似度序列。种间平均遗传距离为0.233,种内平均遗传距离为0.003,种间遗传距离是种内遗传距离的77.67倍,且能够形成明显的条形码间隙,不存在物种区分困难的现象。基于COI基因序列构建的系统发育树显示,同一属的鱼类首先聚为一支,随后与同一科的鱼类聚为一支,最后,同目不同科的鱼类聚为一支。综上所述,COI基因具有物种特异性,能够有效的区分西北太平洋常见鱼类物种,本数据库的初步建立,有利于后期利用环境DNA技术进行西北太平洋鱼类多样性的监测和调查,为西北太平洋海域生物多样性保护、资源管理和种群动态监测提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
为给内蒙古高原区、黄土高原区和西北荒漠绿洲区紫花苜蓿测土施肥奠定科学基础,采用零散实验数据整合法以及养分平衡-地力差减法,开展了三大自然区域紫花苜蓿土壤速效钾丰缺指标和推荐施钾量研究.结果表明,内蒙古高原区紫花苜蓿土壤速效钾第1~4级指标依次为≥342mg/kg、89~342mg/kg、24~89mg/kg和<24mg...  相似文献   
西汉时期西北地区农业开发的自然灾害背景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
西汉时期是中国历史上西北开发的关键时期,尤其是汉武帝一朝,西北开发功勋卓著。在西汉时期大规模开发西北的决策过程中,政治、经济、军事等方面的因素发挥了重要的影响作用,但是自然灾害对西北开发的影响作用也不容忽视。西汉时期严峻的灾害形势对关中和山东农区造成了重大破坏作用,国家粮食安全岌岌可危。出于化解灾害风险的现实需要,西汉王朝不得不以战争的手段解决北部匈奴问题,依靠农业生产扩大西北地区耕地面积,移民实边。经过两百年的刻苦经营,西汉时期终于奠定了西北农业生产的基本格局,关中、河套、河西、河湟主要农业生产区全面形成,中国传统农业阶段第一个人口高峰出现并维持了一千多年之久。  相似文献   
A six-week growth trial was conducted to compare the effects of different feeding strate- gies of dietary immunostimulants on the growth and immunity of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (4.70 ±0.20g). Shrimps were fed with diet containing glycyrrhizin continuously, containing β -glucan continuously, discontinuously (seven days with diet containing β -gluseven days with diet without -glucan; two days with diet containing β-glucan following five days with diet without -glucan),  相似文献   
对湖南石门壶瓶山景关门、桑植龙潭坪茅垭村样地的长果安息香(Changiostyrax raxdolichocarpa)种群数量和分布格局进行调查和分析。结果表明:长果安息香种群的年龄结构呈衰退型,个体数量主要集中在小树(IV龄段),幼龄级株数和老龄级株数匮乏;长果安息香种群在进入生理死亡年龄前有2个死亡高峰,第1个峰值产生于幼树(II、III龄段),主要原因是种内和种间竞争(主要是光照),第2个峰值产生于中树长成大树阶段(V、VI龄段),除种内、种间对环境的竞争外,生长地土层浅薄、大树倒伏及人为砍伐亦加剧了该峰值的产生;种群整体呈聚集分布类型,小树向中树、大树变化过程表现出聚集分布向随机分布转变,导致长果安息香濒危的主要原因是种子萌发率极低、种群竞争能力较差以及人为干扰等。  相似文献   
月相对北太平洋海域柔鱼钓获率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
月相是影响光诱鱿钓作业效率的重要因素之一。通过对1995~2000年北太平洋8~10月150°E~165°E柔鱼盛渔期的生产统计分析,各月月相在朔期间的产量分别为望期间产量的1.16、1.53和1.20倍,平均日产量分别增加0.38 t/d、0.9 t/d和0.21 t/d。经过GAM模型分析,月相对日产量的影响是显著的,其PC f值均在0.14以下,模型分析结果满意。  相似文献   
Plant eradication is difficult, particularly in remote, protected areas. The Southern Ocean Islands are very isolated and highly protected, but the flora contains many alien plants. Small restricted populations have been eradicated, but eradication of established species has proven difficult. A better understanding of the efficacy of control methods at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and their off‐target impacts may increase eradication success. With interest in controlling non‐native Poa annua in the region, we aimed to determine if physical and chemical methods can control P. annua (the sub‐Antarctic biotype) in sub‐Antarctic conditions and examined their impact on native plants. We quantified the effectiveness of physical control methods on P. annua in situ on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island through field‐based experiments and assessed their selectivity on P. annua compared with native grasses. We also quantified the effectiveness of several herbicides on P. annua at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and assessed their selectivity on native grasses. Of the four physical disturbance methods tested, none effectively reduced P. annua cover as one‐off treatments. Of the herbicide treatments, glyphosate and trifloxysulfuron sodium were effective and were less damaging to native grass species, indicating potential selectivity. Physical control was of limited effectiveness, but did not affect native species richness. An integrated weed management programme utilising the strategic use of selective herbicides with follow‐up chemical and physical intervention may balance control and biodiversity outcomes. This research highlights the importance of site‐specific testing of control methods and understanding off‐target impacts of control when managing alien plant species in protected areas.  相似文献   
Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) was stored chilled for 8 days. The evolution of fluorescence of the aqueous and organic extracts of muscle during storage at 4°C was studied and correlated with common damage indices; pH, total volatile basic nitrogen, free fatty acids, and the fluorescence intensity of the aqueous phase showed a good correlation with storage time. The excitation-emission matrices of the aqueous extracts were also obtained. A fluorescence landscape that could be attributed to tryptophan decreased with storage time, meanwhile a peak (around 340 and 400 nm for excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively) is developed during chilled storage.  相似文献   
Populations of tropical and subtropical marine fish are being depleted worldwide to supply increasing demands of the aquarium industry and fresh seafood market. Overfishing and destructive harvest techniques have left some marine fish populations virtually extirpated in a number of primarily underdeveloped countries. In situations where only small remnant populations and significantly degraded habitat remain, population recovery even under the complete absence of collection will be slow, with the high potential for population loss due to natural environmental and recruitment variability. Stock enhancement, supplementing natural recruitment with hatchery produced fry, has the potential to significantly increase the rate of population recovery while maintaining population vigor.Stock enhancement research on Pacific threadfin has demonstrated measurable positive impacts on recreational and commercial fisheries for this species in experimental scale releases; similar successes can be expected for enhancement efforts directed toward species of ornamental value. The major technological barrier to ornamental fish enhancement, the development of appropriate culture capabilities, is being addressed in research directed to the commercial production of fish for the aquarium trade.  相似文献   
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