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为掌握黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀(Engraulis japonicus)产卵场的分布特征及其关键环境因子,基于2021年4—12月开展的产卵场综合调查获取的鳀样品及其鱼卵密度数据,运用Garrison重心分布法阐释鳀产卵洄游分布特征及其主产卵期;通过基于Tweedie分布的广义可加模型(generalized additive model, GAM)的构建,分析主产卵期内鳀卵密度与同步获取的海水表层温度(SST)、海水表层盐度(SSS)、海水表层叶绿素浓度(Chla)、浮游动物丰度(Fd)、浮游植物丰度(Fz)和深度(Depth)等6个环境因子,以及时间(月份,Month)和空间(经纬度、Lon和Lat)因子之间关系,并识别主控因子。结果显示,海域内鳀产卵期较长,由4月持续至11月,5—8月为主产卵期,其中,5—6月为产卵盛期。鳀产卵场规模和位置时空变化明显,时空因子与鳀卵密度分布呈密切非线性相关(累积偏差解释率为48.1%),(SST, SSS) (18.7%)和Depth (5%)次之。鳀产卵期适温范围较广,产卵场分布表现出高温高盐(低温低盐)增效作用和高温低盐限制作用。产卵初期(4月),鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均较低,产卵重心位于海洋岛东南侧深水区;盛期(5月底—6月初)在SST主导下,鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均至年内最高值,核心产卵场位于石城岛–庄河河口一带海域;此后,随着辽南沿岸水系盐度的下降,高温低盐的抑制作用使SSS因素主导产卵鱼群避开沿岸海域,鳀产卵场迁移至外海深水区,7月后位于30~50 m等深线之间;9—10月鳀繁殖活动基本结束,10月鳀卵仅零星分布于调查海域,直至12月未有鳀卵采获。研究可为黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀产卵场研究及鳀资源合理开发利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Simulation studies have indicated that a valuable increase in mean annual yield could be achieved in the South African anchovy, Engraulis capensis , fishery if below-average recruitment could be forecast at the start of the fishing season, 6 months before recruitment can he reliably measured. This paper reports on initial investigations into biological and environmental indicator- which could be used to make such forecasts. Valid estimates of recruitment strength in the species are available from 1985 to 1992 and the environmental and biological indicators of interest have been monitored for periods starting from between 1984 and 1988, to the present. Most of the data were obtained from monitoring on anchovy spawner biomass surveys which have been undertaken each November since 1984.
A conceptual model of the factors influencing the recruitment process was constructed and the available data were examined for empirical evidence of the importance of each event included in the model. Fluctuations in copepod biomass and production on the spawning grounds, the incidence of oocyte atresia in adult females, the incidence of southerly winds at Cape Point and the distance offshore of the 16°C isotherm at Cape Columbine were associated with fluctuations in anchovy recruitment. It is suggested that particular attention should be paid to monitoring of these variables to investigate further these associations. If persistent relationships are found, it may be possible to construct an expert system to forecast recruitment from observed values of these variables at the start of a fishing season. A preliminary set of three decision rules is presented.  相似文献   
In order to understand better the recruitment variability in European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay, it is important to investigate the processes that affect survival during the early life stages. Anchovy juvenile growth trajectories and hatch‐date distributions were inferred over a 3‐year period based on otolith microstructure analysis. Otolith growth trajectories showed a characteristic shape depending on their hatch‐date timing. Earlier‐born juveniles had notably broader maximum increments than later born conspecifics, resulting in higher growth rates. This observation suggests that early hatching would be beneficial for larval and juvenile growth, and, therefore, survival. The estimated juvenile hatch‐date distributions were relatively narrow compared with the extended anchovy spawning season (March–August) in the Bay of Biscay and indicated that only individuals originated mainly from the summer months (June–August) survived until autumn. Hatch‐date distributions were markedly different among years and seemed to influence the interannual recruitment strength of anchovy. We conclude that years characterized by juvenile survivors originating from the peak spawning period (May and June) would lead to considerable recruitment success. Downwelling events during the peak spawning period seem to affect larval survival. Furthermore, size‐dependent overwinter mortality would be an additional process that regulates recruitment strength in the anchovy population in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   
In the mid 1970s, the fishery catch of postlarval Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonica) in a shelf region of the Enshu‐nada Sea, off the central Pacific coast of Japan, started to decline corresponding to a rapid increase of postlarval sardine (Sardinops melanostictus). In late 1980s, sardine started to decline, and it was replaced by anchovy in the 1990s. This alternating dominance of postlarval sardine and anchovy corresponded to the alternation in egg abundance of these two species in the spawning habitat of this sea. It was also noteworthy that during the period of sardine decline, sardine spawning occurred in April–May, a delay of two months compared with spawning in the late 1970s. The implication of oceanographic changes in the spawning habitat for the alternating dominance of sardine and anchovy eggs was explored using time‐series data obtained in 1975–1998, focusing on the effect of the Kuroshio meander. Large meanders of the Kuroshio may have enhanced the onshore intrusion of the warm water into the shelf region and contributed to an increase in temperature in the spawning habitat. This might favour sardine, because its egg abundance in the shelf region was more dependent on the temperature in early spring than was that of anchovy. In addition, enhanced onshore intrusion could contribute to transport of sardine larvae from upstream spawning grounds of the Kuroshio region. On the other hand, anchovy egg abundance was more closely related to lower transparency at the shelf edge, which may indicate the prevalence and prolonged residence of the coastal water, and therefore higher food availability, frequently accompanying non‐meandering Kuroshio. The expansion/shrinkage of the spawning habitat of sardine and anchovy in the shelf region, apparently responding to the change in the Kuroshio, possibly makes the alternation in dominance of postlarval sardine and anchovy most prominent in the Enshu‐nada Sea, in combination with changes in the abundance of spawning adults, which occurred almost simultaneously in the overall Kuroshio region. The implication of this rather regional feature for the alternating dominance of sardine and anchovy populations on a larger spatial scale is also discussed.  相似文献   
The ability to discriminate local stocks of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus was assessed based on data from four elements (K, Na, P, and Sr) using an electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA) and data from three elements (Ba, Mn, and Sr) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) from the otoliths of 40 anchovy (23.6–47.0 mm body length). Anchovy were caught at three sites (Aki-nada, Hiuchi-nada, and Osaka Bay) in the Seto Inland Sea, and one site (Kuroshio extension) in the Pacific Ocean in 2002. In order to discriminate different spawning grounds, EPMA data from the core portion (from core to 30 μm in the core-posterior axis) were used. Results showed that it was difficult to discriminate between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy by EPMA data. Conversely, it was possible to discriminate between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy by ICP-MS data from bulk otoliths. Our results showed that Mn contents of otoliths using ICP-MS discriminate between spawning grounds most, and Ba and Sr discriminate less. The difference in elemental compositions in anchovy otoliths between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific Ocean might be reflected by cumulative experienced elemental composition of ambient sea water during life history between the Seto Inland Sea and the Pacific anchovy.  相似文献   
Summaries of maritime weather reports and mean seasonal satellite-sensed ocean colour distributions for the Mediterranean Sea are used to identify characteristic configurations of physical mechanisms promoting (i) nutrient enrichment, (ii) concentration of larval food distributions, and (iii) local retention of eggs and larvae. Five subbasin scale `ocean triads', hypothesized to be particularly favourable groupings, are identified in the Aegean Sea, the Gulf of Lions and nearby Catalan Coast, the Alboran Sea, the Straits of Sicily/Tunisian Coast, and the Adriatic Sea. These are examined in relation to available knowledge of anchovy spawning grounds. All areas are characterized by patterns of linked wind-driven Ekman upwelling and downwelling. All areas except the Straits of Sicily are found to have inputs of less saline surface waters offering raised nutrient concentrations, enhanced upper layer stability, and frontal density contrasts, and to have areas where the characteristic rate of turbulent mixing energy input by the wind fall below a reference intensity level. All areas, except the Sicilian Channel/Tunisian Coast, also contain abundant locally reproducing anchovy populations.  相似文献   
南黄海春季鳀和赤鼻棱鳀的食物竞争   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据南黄海鳀(Engraulis japonicus)和赤鼻棱鳀(Thrissa kammalensis)及其饵料的碳氮稳定同位素比值,采用IsoSource软件计算了两者饵料的质量贡献比。发现二者食物来源较为一致,其中仔稚鱼对鳀和赤鼻棱鳀的质量贡献率分别为42%~50%和53%~70%,是两者的首要能量与营养源。在获得食物贡献比的基础上,分别采用食物重叠指数法、聚类分析法和稳定同位素法3种方法,针对5种不同的摄食条件,依次对鳀与赤鼻棱鳀的食物重叠度进行计算。其中在饵料平均贡献比条件下,3种方法的计算结果相差不大,都在70%左右,计算偏差≤5%。研究结果表明,两者的食物竞争主要是针对仔稚鱼展开的,两者间存在显著的食物竞争关系。  相似文献   
Anchovy makes up 90% of pelagic fishery catches in northern Chile. For the present work, anchovy (Engraulis ringens, Jenyns 1842) catches between 1997 and 2016 were analyzed to determine changes in distribution, concentration, and reproductive behavior before, during, and after ENSO events, using spatial indexes: gravity center (GC), inertia, coverage (CI), Gini index, and gonadosomatic index (GI). At the start of ENSO, anchovy catches increased and concentrated along the coast (rising Gini index), while CI decreased. During ENSO, Gini decreased, registering a southward displacement of the GC and smaller catches. In the long run, anchovy occupied lesser area (<CI) starting from 2008, concentrating in coastal areas. It developed a size structure composed mainly of specimens smaller than 17.0 cm. In addition, specimens < 12.0 cm were positively correlated with thermal anomalies, CI and MEI, reaching more than 60% of the catches during the 1997–1998 and 2015–2016 ENSO cycles. Results suggest that the warm phase of ENSO alters the anchovies’ reproductive activity, delaying its onset up to 4 weeks, and reducing GI intensity to 50%, due to increased participation in the reproductive process of individuals 12.0–13.5 cm. Therefore, large‐scale environmental processes, such as ENSO, significantly affect size structure and contribute to reduction of occupied area and higher reproductive activity of small‐size anchovies.  相似文献   
We propose a method of estimating natural mortality of marine pelagic fishes, especially for early-life stages, based on their fecundity. To estimate size-dependent fecundity, growth and mortality of Pacific anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), the most abundant fish species in coastal waters off the Korean peninsula, we undertook a synthesis of results from past studies and data. Assuming that the growth coefficient K varies with water temperature, we derived a modified von Bertalanffy growth equation covering all life stages based on otolith analysis of anchovies collected from southwestern coastal area of Korea in 1996. By revisting a past study on spawning and egg production of anchovies in the southern Korean coastal waters, we calculated a monthly-averaged fraction of mature females spawning per day to estimate that an average female anchovy spawns 36 times per year, and that the mean number of eggs produced by an average female is ca. 160 × 103 yr−1. Accepting the ‘bigger-is-better’ hypothesis, we derived a theoretical mortality curve that assumes instantaneous natural mortality as an inverse function of anchovy body length. Assuming equilibrium status of stock, estimated annual instantaneous mortality of anchovy between egg to age-1 stage was 11.3 yr−1 and estimated size-specific mortality was 1.24 d−1 mm in fork length. The derived theoretical mortality curve fit well the stage-specific mortalities, which were estimated independently based on ichthyoplankton surveys and anchovy samples collected by commercial nets, but underestimated the egg mortality (0.89 d−1 vs. 0.83 d−1).  相似文献   
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