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We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   
试验将槐花蜂花粉进行振动磨超微粉碎破壁,分别按1 g/kg、5 g/kg、10 g/kg三个不同剂量混到蛋鸡饲料中,从7日龄开始饲喂至50日龄,每个剂量分两个试验,试验一用新城疫Ⅳ系疫苗免疫雏鸡,利用β-微量法监测血清中的血凝抑制抗体效价的动态变化;试验二用大肠杆菌油乳苗免疫雏鸡,利用间接血凝法监测血清中大肠杆菌抗体效价的动态变化。分别定期称重捕杀取脾、胸腺、法氏囊,计算免疫器官指数,取肠道内容物计数大肠杆菌和乳酸菌,测定肠道内pH值。结果表明,不同剂量的破壁蜂花粉均能不同程度地提高病毒抗原性抗体效价和菌体抗原性抗体效价,对雏鸡免疫器官的发育以及肠道内环境、菌群的平衡也有一定影响。  相似文献   
毒死蜱和甲氰菊酯对蜜蜂毒性与安全评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过接触法和摄入法测定了毒死蜱和甲氰菊酯对蜜蜂的毒性。结果表明,毒死蜱和甲氰菊酯对蜜蜂的接触毒性(24h LD50)分别为0.1634μg/蜂和0.0501μg/蜂,胃毒毒性(24h LE50)分别为0.6406mg/L和7.8261mg/L。根据Atkins毒性等级划分标准,毒死蜱和甲氰菊酯对蜜蜂的毒性均为高毒,应禁止在蜜蜂活动区域使用。  相似文献   
在一定条件下,分别采用二硫代二硝基苯甲酸(DTNB)、N-溴代琥珀酰亚胺(NBS)、苯甲基磺酰氟(PMSF)、溴乙酸(BrAc)、乙酰丙酮、巯基乙醇(ME)等化学修饰剂选择修饰中华蜜蜂碱性磷酸酶多种氨基酸残基,并测定其酶活力变化。结果表明,DTNB、PMSF的修饰不表现对酶的抑制作用,而NBS、BrAc、ME能显著抑制酶的活力,乙酰丙酮也能抑制酶的活力,但是不太明显。因此认为Trp、His是中华蜜蜂工蜂碱性磷酸酶的必需功能基团,部分二硫键对保护酶的催化功能也是必需的。  相似文献   
意蜂采用2,3日龄工蜂幼虫产浆的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对意蜂采用2和3日龄工蜂幼虫产浆的王台接受率和不同时间取浆浆量进行了研究。研究结果显示:①2日龄工蜂幼虫的王台接受率(82.42%)与采用3日龄幼虫的(81.21%)无显著差异;②2和3日龄幼虫产浆的台平均产浆量最高峰分别在各自移虫后第60小时和第48小时,浆量较高时段分别在移虫后上时和第42-54小时;③2日龄幼虫产浆最高时段台平产浆量(0.3754g)极显著高于3日龄的(0.3157g)但采用  相似文献   
本试验以Ogura晚抽薹不结球白菜薹ms等为材料,通过观察和比较熊蜂对不同白菜品种访花次数和访花滞留时间的差异,选择出能吸引熊蜂访花且访花滞留时间长的Ogura薹ms植株。对选择出植株的蜜腺大小和开花结实特性进行了进一步鉴定,结果表明选出的薹ms株蜜腺发达,开花结实正常,为选育优良晚抽薹胞质不结球白菜雄性不育系奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The hexagonal structure of the honey bee comb cell has been the source of many studies attempting to understand its structure and function. In the storage area of the comb, only honey is stored and no brood is reared. We predicted that honey bees may construct different hexagonal cells for brood rearing and honey storage. We used quantitative analyses to evaluate the structure and function of the natural comb cell in the Chinese bee, Apis cerana cerana and the Italian bee, A. mellifera ligustica. We made cell molds using a crystal glue solution and measured the structure and inclination of cells. We found that the comb cells of A. c. cerana had both upward-sloping and downward-sloping cells; while the A. m. ligustica cells all tilted upwards. Interestingly, the cells did not conform to the regular hexagonal prism structure and showed irregular diameter sizes. In both species, comb cells also were differentiated into worker, drone and honey cells, differing in their diameter and depth. This study revealed unique differences in the structure and function of comb cells and showed that honey bees design their cells with precise engineering to increase storage capacity, and to create adequate growing room for their brood.  相似文献   
The American beekeeping industry continually experiences colony mortality with annual losses as high as 43%. A leading cause of this is the exotic, ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Mesostigmata: Varroidae). Integrated Pest Management (IPM) options are used to keep mite populations from reaching lethal levels, however, due to resistance and/or the lack of suitable treatment options, novel controls for reducing mites are warranted. Oxalic acid for controlling V. destructor has become a popular treatment regimen among commercial and backyard beekeepers. Applying vaporized oxalic acid inside a honey bee hive is a legal application method in the U.S., and results in the death of exposed mites. However, if mites are in the reproductive stage and therefore under the protective wax capping, oxalic acid is ineffective. One popular method of applying oxalic is vaporizing multiple times over several weeks to try and circumvent the problem of mites hiding in brood cells. By comparing against control colonies, we tested oxalic acid vaporization in colonies treated with seven applications separated by 5 d (35 d total). We tested in apiaries in Georgia and Alabama during 2019 and 2020, totaling 99 colonies. We found that adult honey bees Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae), and developing brood experienced no adverse impacts from the oxalic vaporization regime. However, we did not find evidence that frequent periodic application of oxalic during brood-rearing periods is capable of bringing V. destructor populations below treatment thresholds.  相似文献   
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