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讨论了一类与区域分解算法有关的空间分解问题,将二阶问题的已有的空间分解结果推广到四阶问题的相应空间中。还证明了一致重迭性条件与Badea条件的等价性。  相似文献   
近43年黄河上游来水来沙变化特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取黄河头道拐站实测水沙序列(1960-2002年)资料,对水沙序列进行了多时间尺度和趋势识别的小波分析。结果表明:①黄河上游来水来沙量汛期所占比例减少,而非汛期所占比例增加;在年际变化上,水沙量逐年减少;同时,水沙相关关系具有一定的变化;②黄河上游水沙序列具有相同的多时间尺度(准周期)变化,但同一尺度下,水沙所处的丰枯变化并不一致;③年水沙序列趋势变化基本一致,20世纪80年代以来,两者存在明显减少趋势;但在非汛期,两者的趋势变化有较大区别。  相似文献   
甘肃省年有效降水次数的异常特征分析   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用1958-2001年甘肃省45个气象站的逐日降水资料,统计出年有效降水次数,通过经验正交展开(EOF)和旋转经验正交展开(REOF),研究其异常的空间结构及时间演变规律,同时利用墨西哥帽子波变换技术,对甘肃省年有效降水次数进行多时间尺度分析.结果表明:大范围区域一致性异常是甘肃省年有效降水次数的首要特征;甘肃省年有效降水次数异常区域大致分为4个关键区;从总体上看(较大时间尺度),甘肃省年有效降水次数是增加的,而从较小时间尺度看,则表现为增中有减,减中有增的复杂变化.  相似文献   
为了精确分析双吸泵作液力透平叶轮内的非定常流动特性,采用SST k-ω湍流模型在设计工况下进行数值模拟。对一个周期的非定常速度场进行动态模态分解(DMD),并结合Q准则,得到前4阶主要模态及其相应的时空信息。分析结果表明:DMD方法将叶轮内复杂的流场特征分解为动静干扰模态、基本模态和耗散模态。其中动静干扰模态占主导地位,频率为叶轮旋转频率,反映出叶轮内流动受静止部件干扰的流动特征,涡结构主要为点状涡和不连续的管状涡;基本模态频率为0Hz,反映出叶片流道几何特征引起的稳态流场特征,涡结构主要为连续的管状涡;3阶及4阶模态为耗散模态,反映出叶轮内流动受静止部件干扰,在叶片上产生的流动分离及不稳定涡结构脱落的特征,以片状涡和不连续的管状涡为主。在特定频率下DMD方法可以对叶轮流场结构进行分解,能够清楚地分析双吸泵作液力透平叶轮内复杂流场的非定常特性。  相似文献   
通过室内模拟的方式,分别研究了秋季黑藻、苦草和春季菹草的衰亡过程,分析了沉水植物在衰亡期间水、沉积物中磷与环境因子[pH、氧化还原电位(Eh)和溶解氧(DO)]的相互作用。结果表明:沉水植物黑藻和菹草在衰亡期间能显著提高水中总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷(DTP)、颗粒磷(PP)、溶解性活性磷(SRP)和溶解性有机磷(DOP)的含量;苦草在衰亡期对水体各形态磷含量影响不显著,且各形态磷含量的变化相对较小(TP,0.04-0.06 mg/L);环境因子的变化对水中磷含量影响显著,黑藻和菹草水体中TP的含量和环境因子pH、DO和Eh均呈负相关,而苦草组水中各形态磷的含量受环境因子影响不显著。实验期间不同植物组沉积物中总磷(TP)、NaOH提取磷(NaOH-P)、HCl提取磷(HCl-P)、无机磷(IP)和有机磷(OP)的含量均呈上升趋势。沉积物IP的含量主要受NaOH-P的影响,OP对TP的影响要大于IP,沉积物OP与OM(有机质)的含量存在显著正相关。  相似文献   
为了探究河蟹生态养殖池塘常见的3种水草腐解对水质的影响,进行了为期60 d的室内桶装模拟试验,监测水草质量损失率和桶内水体水质指标的变化。结果表明:3种水草的腐解速率有相同的特点,即前期较快,中、后期较慢,同时也存在差异性,轮叶黑藻和伊乐藻的腐解速率相近且较快,金鱼藻最慢;试验结束时,轮叶黑藻、伊乐藻和金鱼藻的质量损失率分别达到72.3%±2.1%、71.7%±1.5%和58.3%±0.6%。腐解前期水质因子的变化较大,水体由中性变为酸性;3种水草水体化学需氧量较试验初期升高约4.5倍,水体发黄、发臭;溶解氧被极大地消耗,水体处于缺氧或厌氧环境,促进了反硝化的进行,硝氮迅速降低,而亚硝氮和氨氮迅速升高,其中氨氮约是初始含量的6倍;总氮、总磷升高明显,其中总磷在所有水质因子中变化幅度最大,第3天,轮叶黑藻、伊乐藻和金鱼藻处理组水体总磷分别增加约123、124和66倍。随着腐解的进行,水体的部分氮、磷沉积进入底泥。总而言之,较多的水草残留在池塘中,会引起水体缺氧,加剧植物残体的腐解,导致水质恶化,因此需要适时地通过人工打捞来控制水草残体的生物量。  相似文献   
【目的】研究五道沟地区1971—2020年0~320 cm土层月平均地温变化及其对气温的响应。【方法】利用五道沟水文实验站1971—2020年月平均气温和月0~320 cm(0、10、40、80、160、320 cm)土层地温资料,采用线性倾向估计、M-K检验以及Morlet小波分析等方法,分析了该地区1971—2020年0~320 cm土层温度月尺度变化规律及其对气温的响应。【结果】(1)五道沟实验站1971—2020年各土层地温趋势变化,除6—9月,其余月份均呈增加的趋势,最大增幅在3月,最小增幅在10月;0~160 cm土层地温总体呈上升的趋势,0 cm增幅最大,160 cm增幅最小,320 cm总体呈下降趋势。(2)利用小波分析可知各层年均地温具有明显的3~6、8~12 a和15~25 a周期变化,其中以3~6 a和8~12 a尺度为主周期。(3)M-K突变检验表明,0、10、80、160 cm和320 cm各层年均地温均发生突变,突变的年份分别在2013、2016、2019、2017年和1972年,其中0、10 cm和80 cm土层突变后地温显著性上升。(4)不同深度的月平均...  相似文献   
乙烯分解纳米光催化反应器关键性能参数研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
果品与蔬菜在采后贮藏过程中所产生和释放的乙烯是加速成熟、衰老和腐烂的重要环境因子。该研究采用纳米光催化技术开发设计了一种可以去除气调库中乙烯的玻璃管光催化反应器,并对其主要性能参数进行了模拟测试与分析。结果表明:气体流量、玻璃管直径与长度以及光源种类均是影响光催化反应器乙烯分解性能的主要因素。在该试验条件下,气体流量在40~80 L/h的范围内较佳;玻璃管的适宜内径为50 mm;在相同功率条件下黑光灯的光催化效果优于紫光灯。光催化反应器可以多级串联使用,以便提高系统的乙烯分解能力。这些研究结果为气调库用光催化乙烯分解装置设计提供了基础设计参数和指标。  相似文献   
Accumulation of soil carbon is mainly controlled by the balance between litter production and litter decomposition. Usually In Mediterranean forests there are contrasting conditions in the distribution of faunal activity and the moss layer that may have different effects on litter decomposition. Decomposition and faunal activity were studied by exposing litter of contrasting quality (Pinus halepensis Mill. and Quercus ilex L.) for 3.5 yr in three Mediterranean pine forests of the eastern Iberian Peninsula. The effects of mosses on decomposition and on faunal activity were studied by exposing P. halepensis litter either on moss patches or directly on the forest floor. Faecal pellet production was used as an indication of faunal activity. Water availability or soil characteristics seem to limit faunal activities in the drier sites. Faecal pellets were not found during the first stages of decomposition and in all sites they appeared when about a 30% of the initial litter had decomposed. Under wet conditions faecal pellet production was very high and a mass balance suggested that soil faunal activity may result in a net flow of organic matter from the lower organic horizons to the surface Oi horizon. Mosses slightly increased mass loss of pine litter probably as a consequence of high potentially mineralizable nitrogen in the Oa horizon of moss patches and also, perhaps, as a consequence of the higher moisture content measured in the Oi horizon needles sampled among the mosses. In contrast, moss patches reduced faunal activity. The effect of litter quality on mass loss was not always significant, suggesting an interaction between litter quality and site conditions. During the first stages of decomposition there was N immobilisation in P. halepensis litter (poorer in N) and N release from Q. ilex litter (richer in N). In conclusion, in these forests soil microclimate and/or N availability appear to be more important controlling litter decomposition than the distribution of faunal activity.  相似文献   
Growth and soil N supply in young Eucalyptus tereticornis stands at two sites in Kerala, India, were examined in response to cover cropping with three legume species (Pueraria phaseoloides, Stylosanthes hamata, and Mucuna bracteata). The effects of legume residues on soil N supply were investigated in a long-term (392 day) laboratory incubation using leaching micro-lysimeters. Residues from the eucalypt and legume species had different rates of net N release during the laboratory incubation. Net N release was significantly related to residue N concentration (R2 =0.94), the C:N ratio (R2 =0.91), the lignin:N ratio (R2 =0.83), and the (lignin + soluble polyphenol):N ratio (R2 =0.95). Nitrogen release rates declined in the order Mucuna > Pueraria > Eucalyptus > Stylosanthes. There was no net N release from Stylosanthes residues during the 392-day laboratory incubation, whereas Mucuna and Pueraria released N throughout the incubation period. Net N release from mixtures of legume and eucalypt residues was not additive in the early phase of the incubation, probably because eucalypt residues initially immobilized a portion of the legume-derived N in addition to the soil-derived N. Legume establishment had no significant effect on tree growth at one site (Kayampoovam), but resulted in depressed tree growth at the lower rainfall site (Punnala) at 18 months. There were no significant treatment effects on growth at Punnala after that time. Cover cropping with legumes during the early phase of forest plantation growth may be a useful mechanism to enhance soil N supply and optimize the synchrony between N supply and tree N uptake. Although these effects did not translate into improved plantation growth in the 3 years of this study, improved soil organic matter and N fertility may help ensure sustainable productivity over several rotations in the future. This study showed that the effect of legumes on N dynamics varies markedly with legume species. This, together with other factors (e.g. competition with trees, N fixation capacity), will be important in selecting suitable species for cover cropping in forest plantations.  相似文献   
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