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【目的】评价中国栽培大豆微核心种质的群体结构和遗传多样性水平,为拓宽大豆遗传基础、发掘优异基因、改良大豆品种提供理论依据。【方法】利用大豆20个连锁群上的100个SSR位点,对来自全国28个省补充完善的248份栽培大豆微核心种质进行SSR遗传多样性及群体结构分析;采用PowerMarker Version 3.25软件统计等位变异数、平均等位变异数、多态性信息量(PIC值)及亚群特有等位变异数等参数;基于遗传距离建立了栽培大豆微核心种质的无根Neighbor-Joining树;用Structure2.2软件对微核心种质的群体结构进行评价。【结果】100个SSR位点在248份材料中共检测出等位变异1460个,每个位点变异范围为2—33个,平均为14.6个,每个位点PIC值变异范围为0.158—0.932,平均为0.743。基于模型的群体结构分析显示,依据LnP(D)无法判断最佳K值(群组数),但通过计算系数ΔK发现,K=3为微核心种质的最佳群体结构。结合种质的生态类型及品种类型分析发现,地理来源相同的种质具有聚在一起的倾向,但来源相同的种质也有分在不同组的情况。不同生态类型及品种类型间均存在较多的互补等位变异和特有等位变异。【结论】中国栽培大豆微核心种质具有丰富的遗传多样性,可以用来拓宽大豆品种遗传基础;不同生态类型及品种类型间存在较多的互补及特有等位变异,是种质创新及品种改良的物质基础;栽培大豆微核心种质存在明显的群体结构,为微核心种质在育种中的直接或间接利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
为了建立甜菜DAMD扩增体系,以期利用DAMD引物应用于甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及分子标记辅助育种。本实验利用单因素变量的方法对甜菜DAMD体系进行优化。同时选用12个甜菜品种,利用优化的体系对25条DAMD引物进行扩增。获得甜菜的最适DAMD体系:总体积为20μL,包含模板DNA 10~80 ng、0.75 U的DNA聚合酶、0.2μL的d NTPs(2.5 mmol/L each)以及2.0μL的引物(10μmol/L)。同时25条引物均扩增出了清晰条带,除了个别引物多态性较差外,其余引物多态性都非常的丰富,其中引物62H(-)就可以把实验中用到的12个甜菜品种全部区分开。由此可见,DAMD引物的扩增效率很高,并且扩增结果稳定,条带清晰,非常适合甜菜品种指纹图谱的构建及遗传多样性分析。  相似文献   
Genetic variation and population structure among 1603 soybean accessions, consisted of 832 Japanese landraces, 109 old and 57 recent Japanese varieties, 341 landrace from 16 Asian countries and 264 wild soybean accessions, were characterized using 191 SNP markers. Although gene diversity of Japanese soybean germplasm was slight lower than that of exotic soybean germplasm, population differentiation and clustering analyses indicated clear genetic differentiation among Japanese cultivated soybeans, exotic cultivated soybeans and wild soybeans. Nine hundred ninety eight Japanese accessions were separated to a certain extent into groups corresponding to their agro-morphologic characteristics such as photosensitivity and seed characteristics rather than their geographical origin. Based on the assessment of the SNP markers and several agro-morphologic traits, accessions that retain gene diversity of the whole collection were selected to develop several soybean sets of different sizes using an heuristic approach; a minimum of 12 accessions can represent the observed gene diversity; a mini-core collection of 96 accession can represent a major proportion of both geographic origin and agro-morphologic trait variation. These selected sets of germplasm will provide an effective platform for enhancing soybean diversity studies and assist in finding novel traits for crop improvement.  相似文献   
The transient analysis of mini disc infiltrometer (MDI) measurements is an established method for characterising near-surface hydraulic characteristics of soils. The reliability of hydraulic characteristics obtained from transient analysis depends on the (1) adequacy of model, (2) adequacy of data, (3) measurement time and (4) measurement footprint. The measurement time dependence recommendations are reported only for a few soil textures, initially wet samples and tension infiltrometer (TI) with a higher measurement footprint than the MDI. This study investigated the adequacy of infiltration data (using cumulative linearization [CL] and differentiated linearization [DL]) and measurement time influence on the hydraulic parameters determined from the transient analysis of MDI measurements for six soil textures. The objective of the study is to identify suitable MDI measurement durations for different soil textures for the initially dry state, considering both adequacy of data and time fractionation (measurement time influence). The data adequacy time obtained from the DL (TDL) was found to be 0.8 times less than the value obtained from CL (TCL). The marginal difference in TDL and TCL had a significant influence on the determination of infiltration equation coefficient C1 and negligible influence on coefficient C2. The time fractionation procedure adopted for identifying adequate MDI measurement time (Tm) was found to be comparable based on sorptivity (S0) and hydraulic conductivity (K0). The average Tm was also comparable with TDL and TCL with a strong positive correlation. The C2 values obtained based on Tm, TDL, and TCL were in better agreement than the corresponding C1 values. The adequate MDI measurement times identified by considering Tm, TDL, and TCL were texture dependent, ranging from 45 min for silt to 120 min for silt loam and silty clay loam. For loamy sand, it was 50 min; for sand, it was 70 min, followed by 60 min for loam.  相似文献   
为解决随着大、中型联合作业机具和跨区作业的发展.农村中占机具总量大部分的小型机具出现闲置.造成了农机资源的浪费问题,提出了4条提高利用率的途径和农机主管部门应做好的5项工作。  相似文献   
在人为活动占优势的景观内,不同土地利用方式和强度产生的生态效应是不同的,并且可以直观地反映在生态系统的结构和组成上。因此,本文利用Landsat TM和MSS遥感数据,以具有相对完整的自然生态过程的小流域作为评价单元,借助GIS空间分析和地统计分析功能,从景观生态学角度提出了景观生态指数来反映LUCC变化所带来的生态效应。研究发现,公主岭市1975—1986年间由于土地利用/土地覆被变化造成的生态风险不断增加,随后逐渐减小,到2000年局部地区又有所回升,这种变化与该地区土地利用类型的变化,特别是耕地、林地和草地的变化趋势呈高度相关,说明该地区土地利用/土地覆被变化对生物多样性及生态安全具有重要影响。  相似文献   
小型西瓜生育特性、种植模式与普通西瓜不同,种植过程中容易出现问题.基于小西瓜的生育特性,综述北方地区保护地栽培的主要技术要点,为提高小型西瓜的产量和品质提供参考.  相似文献   
Identification of a small core germplasm set representing the available genetic diversity is essential for its proper evaluation and subsequent utilization in rice improvement programmes. For constituting a small diverse mini‐core panel of Indian rice germplasm, a representative set of 6912 accessions drawn based on their geographic origin from the whole rice germplasm collection available in the National Gene Bank was genotyped using 36 microsatellite markers. Automated fragment analysis of amplicons yielded a total of 435 alleles, with an average 12.4 and range of 3–29 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.08 (RGNMS190) to 0.86 (RM552) with an average of 0.528. Based on genotyping data, a mini‐core consisting of 98 genotypes was identified. Ninety‐four per cent of the alleles present in the core set were present in the mini‐core. The identified small but diverse panel will be useful for further intensive trait‐specific evaluation and utilization in allele mining.  相似文献   
以微型节能保鲜冷库开发为标的,以保鲜增值(利润)率Ri为纵坐标,市场占有率Rs为横坐标,利润和市场占有率的期望值为原点,研究开发微型节能保鲜冷库的二维象限决策法推广技术。结果表明,微型节能保鲜冷库的最佳推广区域和最优保鲜品种象限区Ⅰ>Ⅱ>Ⅳ>Ⅲ。  相似文献   
浅析室内迷你水景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了室内迷你水景的定义及特点,分析了室内迷你水景的分类及配置,并展望了室内迷你水景的前景,为迷你水景的发展奠定了一定理论基础。  相似文献   
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