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恩施碎米荠种子蛋白质双向电泳初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对湖北恩施高硒地区生长的具有超富硒能力的植物恩施碎米荠的种子蛋白质用TCA-丙酮沉淀提取,等电聚焦采用固相梯度胶条,双向电泳分离蛋白质.结果表明,蛋白质样品制备的质量高;银染胶图背景干净,蛋白点清晰,且呈现较好的聚焦结果,无明显拖尾或横纹现象;蛋白质集中分布在pH5~10的范围之内,分子量主要在20~60 kμ的范围之内.  相似文献   
Glutathione (GSH) and phenolics play an important role in plant defense against metal‐ion toxicity. The antioxidant activity and metal‐binding capacity of these compounds can account for the protective effects. In contrast to animal‐cell models, however, the possible interplay among these substances in stress defense of plants is poorly investigated. This study compares the influence of cadmium (Cd) on the profiles of both soluble phenolics and GSH in shoots of different Thlaspi and Noccaea species: two ecotypes of the nonhyperaccumulator T. arvense differing in Cd resistance (ecotype Aigues Vives, Cd‐sensitive, and ecotype Jena, Cd‐resistant) and two Cd‐tolerant Cd‐Zn hyperaccumulators N. praecox and N. caerulescens (formerly Thlaspi praecox and T. caerulescens). To reveal the possible influence of Cd‐induced sulfur (S) shortage on the stress response, plants receiving normal S concentrations (500 μM MgSO4) and plants treated with surplus S (500 μM MgSO4 + 500 μM K2SO4) were analyzed. Our working hypothesis was that species differences in tolerance to high tissue Cd concentrations should be reflected by differences in endogenous levels of GSH and phenolic compounds. The results reveal clear species‐dependent differences in both the constitutive patterns and the Cd‐ and S‐induced changes in shoot concentrations of GSH and phenolics. However, no simple relationship between these shoot concentrations and Cd accumulation and tolerance can be established.  相似文献   

The Japanese woody plant Chengiopanax sciadophylloides is well known for its extraordinary accumulation of manganese (Mn), and is used as a model for studying Mn uptake and utilization by plants. To clarify the role of manganese dioxide (MnO2) solubilization for Mn acquisition and further Mn hyperaccumulation in this plant, we examined the lowering of pH in the rhizosphere and Mn accumulation of this plant using regenerated plants. Plants regenerated from C. sciadophylloides calli lowered the pH of the culture broth continuously and simultaneously solubilized MnO2 added to the medium. The Mn content of the plant increased up to 1,300 mg kg?1 within 4 weeks of culture. Release of protein or specific organic acid from the roots was not observed. The medium used for plant culture maintained MnO2 solubilization ability after removal of the plant; however, this ability was lost by adjustment to the same medium pH of pre-culture conditions. In addition, pH lowering and MnO2 solubilization were suppressed by adding 1 mmol L?1 of the plasma H+-ATPase inhibitor Na3VO4 to the medium, and completely inhibited when 5 mmol L?1 of Na3VO4 was added. These results suggested that H+ leaking from plasma H+-ATPase plays an important role in MnO2 solubilization in the rhizosphere of C. sciadophylloides and in Mn accumulation in this plant.  相似文献   
青葙对镉的超富集特征及累积动态研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过盆栽试验,研究了青葙(Celosia argentea Linn.)在0(对照)、1、5、10、15、20、25 mg·kg~(-1)七个浓度下对土壤Cd的耐受和富集特征,评价了青葙对CdCl_2、CdSO_4、CdCO_3、Cd(OH)_2、Cd S、Cd O和Cd(NO_3)_2等形态Cd的富集能力,并在Cd污染的水稻田土壤中测试了青葙体内Cd的动态累积过程。结果表明,青葙对Cd具有极强的耐受和富集能力,在土壤Cd处理浓度≤15 mg·kg~(-1)时,其生物量未出现显著下降(P0.05)。除对照外,青葙叶片Cd含量均高于100 mg·kg~(-1),并且转运系数和富集系数均大于1,符合Cd超富集植物的基本特征。实验同时发现,青葙不仅能大量富集水溶性Cd,对难溶性Cd也表现出很强的超富集能力,在外源添加Cd(OH)_2、CdS和CdO等难溶性Cd的土壤中,青葙叶片Cd含量分别达到134、102、90.20 mg·kg~(-1),表明青葙具有修复不同形态Cd污染土壤的性能。总体而言,青葙对Cd的累积量随时间增加而增大,但在第8~12周时,其地上部植株Cd的富集量增加不显著(P0.05),由此判断第8周是青葙收获的适宜时期。青葙收获期短这一特性,对于缩短修复周期,提高修复效率有重要的意义。由于青葙生长快速,具有较大的生物量,对Cd耐受和富集能力强,可以认为青葙是一种具有潜在应用价值的Cd超富集植物资源。  相似文献   
张杏锋  李丹  高波 《广东农业科学》2014,41(16):151-155
通过研究超富集植物少花龙葵和李氏禾在加镉/铬和去镉/铬处理中重金属的富集情况,探讨镉/铬在这两种植物体内的分布和移动特征.结果显示,少花龙葵在100 mg/L Cd污染时生物量显著高于对照,根、茎和叶镉含量分别达到22 930、3 250、94 mg/kg,富集系数分别为229、32.5和0.9.去镉处理改变了镉在少花龙葵体内的分布模式.少花龙葵根、茎的镉浓度在去镉处理比加镉处理降低31.2%和35.9%,叶的镉浓度上升90.3%.少花龙葵在加镉处理成熟叶(第2、3片叶)的镉含量最高,在去镉处理中转移至老叶(第1片)和新叶(第5、6片)中.李氏禾在加铬处理20mg/L Cr(Ⅲ)和20mg/L Cr(Ⅵ)时叶生物显著低于对照,但在去铬处理恢复正常.在20 mg/L Cr(Ⅲ)和20 mg/LCr(Ⅵ)处理中李氏禾根、茎和叶的铬浓度相当,分别为7 114、1 021、223 mg/kg,富集系数分别为352、51和6.8.李氏禾不同叶位的叶片铬浓度相差不大,去铬处理没有改变铬在李氏禾体内的分布模式.结果表明,少花龙葵和李氏禾对镉或者铬污染具有很好的修复效果;镉在少花龙葵体内具有移动性,镉离子进入植物根、茎和叶后,受到外部环境影响可以进行再分配;李氏禾对铬的吸收是一个单方向过程,先在根系中积累,进而跨膜转运至茎中,少部分转移叶中,铬进入植物体各部位,很难进行再分配.  相似文献   
针对目前植物修复中对Cr、Cd、N i复合污染的超富集杂草类植物缺乏的状况,采用盆栽试验方法,研究了小飞扬草(Euphobia thym ifoliaL.)对3种重金属的积累特性以及重金属复合污染对植物生长的影响。结果表明,小飞扬草在低浓度组合下对Cr、Cd、N i的富集系数最大值均>1,分别为1.54、3.93、5.68,且能同时富集Cd、N i,具备了作为超富集植物的特征;3种重金属在小飞扬草内的迁移率大小顺序为Cd>Cr>N i;小飞扬草能耐受Cr、Cd、N i复合污染,可作为尾矿废弃地植被重建到修复过程中的优先选择植物。  相似文献   
植物修复是目前世界研究的热点,也是治理砷污染土壤的主要手段之一。综述了国内外对砷污染土壤植物修复在超累积植物开发、修复机理及修复技术的应用等方面的研究进展,并对该领域存在的问题和今后的发展趋势作了具体的分析,以期为砷污染区进行植物修复提供理论性参考。  相似文献   
植物对镉毒害的形态和生理响应研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cadmium (Cd) contamination has posed an increasing challenge to environmental quality and food security.In recent years,phytoremediation has been particularly scrutinized because it is cost-effective and environmentally friendly,especially the use of metal-hyperaccumulating plants to extract or mine heavy metals from polluted soils.Under Cd stress,responses of hyperaccumulator and non-hyperaccumulator plants differ in morphological responses and physiological processes such as photosynthesis and respiration,uptake,transport,and assimilation of minerals and nitrogen,and water uptake and transport,which contribute to their ability to accumulate and detoxify Cd.This review aims to provide a brief overview of the recent progresses in the differential responses of hyperaccumulator and non-accumulator plants to Cd toxicity in terms of growth and physiological processes.Such information might be useful in developing phytoremediation technology for contaminated soils.  相似文献   
本文对砷和钙处理下蜈蚣草羽叶中砷、钙的亚细胞分布、超微结构变化及钙定位进行了研究。无砷处理下,各亚细胞组分中砷的分布为:细胞壁>胞质>细胞器。0.2.mmol/L砷处理下,羽叶各亚细胞组分中砷的分布为:胞质>>细胞壁>细胞器。不同处理下,各亚细胞组分中钙含量变化规律相似:细胞壁最高,胞质其次,而细胞器远低于前两者。5.mmol/L钙处理对蜈蚣草羽叶细胞超微结构产生破坏,使细胞出现明显的质壁分离。在高砷高钙环境中,钙可能会增强砷对蜈蚣草的毒害效应,导致羽叶细胞的超微结构受到破坏。  相似文献   
氮对超积累植物东南景天生长和镉积累的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过水培试验,研究了氮素水平对超积累植物东南景天植株生长和镉吸收积累的影响。结果表明,在一定范围内供氮(4.0-16.0 mm ol/L)能明显促进东南景天的生长,随着氮素水平的升高,地上部和根系的生物量也提高,在供氮水平为16.0 mm ol/L时达到最大值,而当供氮水平≥32.0 mm ol/L时,东南景天的生长受到严重的抑制,其地上部和根系的生物量开始下降,各项根系形态的指标(包括根系长度、根系表面积、根系直径、根系体积)均有所降低。氮对东南景天体内镉积累有一定的促进作用,随着氮素用量的增加,体内镉含量逐渐升高,与生物量不同,镉含量在氮水平32.0 mm ol/L条件下达到最大。研究结果表明,适当提高营养液氮素水平,有利于东南景天的生长和镉吸收,为进一步利用东南景天修复镉污染土壤,提高修复效率提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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