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郭渊 《中国食用菌》1996,15(2):19-21
为提高天麻栽培产量,扩大天麻栽培地域,提高山区有限土地利用率,笔者将影响天麻田间高产栽培的几个关键因子进行比较试验,总结出天麻田间高产栽培的有效措施,为大力发展天麻生产提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
鸡传染性法氏囊病河北野毒株的分离研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔺祥清 《中国家禽》2000,22(5):11-14
采用血清学方法、鸡胚培养、病理组织学检查方法,从河北省不同年份鸡IBD免疫鸡群中分离和鉴定了HE93,HG96,XN98和HQ99 4个毒株,4个毒株回归鸡的死亡率分别为50%,40%,0%和10%,从年份上看,IBDV毒力有逐渐减弱的趋势。接种鸡胚并传代,前2个毒株均在第一代时鸡胚全部死亡,且出现典型的鸡胚病变,而后2个毒株,初代培养鸡胚不死亡,当传至第4代才出现大部分死亡和鸡胚病变。HE93、  相似文献   
草坪型高羊茅种子活力的研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
韩建国  毛培胜 《草地学报》1995,3(4):269-275
对美国俄勒冈州引入的六个种子批的草坪型高羊茅种子用加速老化测定法、电导率测定法、温室出苗测定法、田间出苗测定法和标准发芽测定法进行的种子活力研究表明:不同种子批的活力有明显的差异。标准发芽测定中高发芽率且差异不显著的种子批其加速老化后的发芽率、田间出苗率、电导率都有显著的差异。加速老化后的发芽率、电导率与田间出苗率之间都存在极显著的相关关系。加速老化后的发芽率比标准发芽率测定的发芽率更接近田间出苗率。从高发芽率到低发芽率种子批也表现出种子活力从高到低,但标准发芽测定的发芽率从高到低降低的速度较加速老化后的发芽率和田间出苗率降低的速度缓和的多。各种子批的千粒重与种子活力、种苗芽长和种苗芽重之间不存在极显著的相关关系,但种苗的芽长和芽重在某种程度上受种子大小的影响。  相似文献   
在青海省海拔2000~2500m和2500~3000m两个不同生态区域设置抗性观测圃,调查评价从国际马铃薯中心(CIP)引进的60份资源田间晚疫病抗性,资源D9在整个生育期表现出免疫症状,15个资源表现为高抗,18个资源表现抗病,同时还对晚疫病菌流行生理小种的毒性基因进行动态监测。  相似文献   
The Less Favoured Area (LFA) scheme is a major element of the EU Rural Development Policy, aimed at supporting farming in areas with natural handicaps or low soil productivity. It has been in place since 1975 and accounts for 14% of total Community funding. In 2003, the European Court of Auditors recommended that the socio‐economic criteria on which the current scheme is based be replaced by biophysical criteria. Reviews of the proposals suggest that in Atlantic climates of Northwest Europe, the new criteria do not delineate adequately areas where agricultural productivity is constrained by the biophysical environment and that such areas are instead demarcated by the occurrence of excess soil moisture conditions. In this paper, we review the impact of excess soil moisture conditions on the sustainability of farming systems and their role in constraining strategic and tactical farm management practices. In particular, we review the scientific evidence on the impact of excess soil moisture conditions on herbage growth, herbage utilization, farm operations and environmental sustainability. On the basis of this, we propose an additional biophysical criterion for the new delineation of LFAs, namely the length of time that soil water is in excess of field capacity (‘field capacity days’). While there is no clear threshold for field capacity days above which agricultural sustainability is acutely constrained, the evidence reviewed in this paper suggests that the sustainability of intensive livestock farming and tillage systems is particularly challenging in scenarios where the 80 percentile of field capacity days exceeds 220–230 days.  相似文献   
There is a growing recognition for the need to develop sensitive indicators of soil quality that reflect the effects of land management on soil and assist land users in promoting sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Three soil enzymes (dehydrogenase, phosphatase and invertase) microbial biomass as biological variables and soil organic matter content (SOM) were investigated relative to fertilization and soil fertility (estimated by crop yield) at a long-term fertilization trial (Keszthely, Hungary). 0-34.7-69.4-104.1t farmyard manure (FYM) ha m 1 5 yr m 1 and the corresponding amount of mineral fertilizers (NPK) were applied in two different crop rotation systems. There were four straw and/or stalk incorporating treatments in the second crop rotation 'B'. Enzyme activities, microbial biomass and the amount of SOM were generally higher in the fertilized soils than in the unfertilized soils. The type of amendments (mineral, FYM or mixed) had significant effects only on the amount of SOM. The correlations among the biological variables and the crop yield were generally low (r < 0.250. The differences in field management resulted only in the invertase activity.  相似文献   
Degradation rates of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) under natural environmental conditions are largely unknown. Here we present results from a field experiment monitoring the change in mass, C- and N concentrations of a variety of charcoal types in a Norwegian boreal forest over a period of 20 months. The charcoal types represent different feedstock tree species, production temperature regimes, and placements in the forest, i.e. above ground, in the humus layer or in contact with the mineral subsoil. The types of charcoal had different initial C concentrations mainly depending on their production temperature. Nevertheless, all types of charcoal at all placements in the forest showed an initial drop in their C concentrations, which subsequently rose back to reach near initial values in part of the charcoal types. In part of the charcoal types, N concentrations decreased throughout the experiment, exhibiting considerable variation among feedstock species, production temperature regime, and placements in the forest. C/N ratios rose especially in charcoal made from wood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and charcoal that had been stored in contact with the mineral subsoil showed the most rapid mass gain. Our results confirm the important influence of production temperature and feedstock type on the degradation of charcoal, but they also show that microbial activity and environmental conditions play significant roles in charcoal degradation and thus for the fate of pyrogenic carbon under natural conditions.  相似文献   
Agricultural extension is an approach to rural development and agricultural transformation in which training, demonstration and technology transfer are key to reducing rural poverty, ensuring food security, and sustainably managing natural resources. During recent decades, different extension approaches have been tested and validated by the Ethiopian government and non-governmental organizations to stimulate participation in the agricultural extension system (AES). The most recent was a German-funded project entitled “Integrated Soil Fertility Management Project” (ISFM+), which employed a novel approach to piloting and upscaling proven technology and best practice. The purpose of this study was to analyze and document the modalities of ISFM+ and illustrate its effects on technology uptake and dissemination. The study used a mixed methods approach to collect data. ATLAS.ti and SPSS were used for data management and analysis. Farmer Research and Extension Groups and Farmer Field Schools were found to be central to the participation process. Also, the ISFM+ was found to aid technology transfer and helped to increase grain and residue yields as well as farmer livelihoods. Based on these empirical findings, it is argued that the ISFM+ approach and technology should be integrated and institutionalized in the mainstream AES in order to promote their extensive application.  相似文献   
转Xa21基因杂交水稻选育和评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过基因枪转基因方法和双质粒共转化体系将Xa21基因转入优良恢复系明恢63,得到转基因系M12和M22,并进一步做田间试验、新品种选育和食用安全性评价。结果显示:M12和M22对中国的所有白叶枯病小种都表现出高度抗性,但与原受体品种明恢63相比,农艺性状上有许多变异,主要表现在:结实率、千粒重等农艺性状变差,与珍汕97A的配合力显著降低;但与温敏不育系(X07S、056S)配组的F1有较好的田间表现。通过多代回交和分子标记辅助选择,成功地将Xa21基因从M12株系转到保持系80-4B和不育系80-4A中,得到抗白叶枯病的皖21B和皖21A。并利用皖21A不育系选育出优良杂交组合抗优97(皖21A×R-18),该组合在两年区域试验和一年生产试验中产量表现突出,米质优良。对不同世代和不同遗传背景的转基因品系进行白叶枯病鉴定和Southern分析表明:Xa21基因都能稳定遗传和正常表达,连续16代的种植并没使其白叶枯病的抗性减弱或丧失,而且不论Xa21基因是纯合的还是杂合的都有相同的抗性表现。对大鼠和小鼠的饲喂试验表明:转基因大米实质上等同于非转基因大米,是安全无害的。  相似文献   
采用田间喷雾施药,在陕西省榆林市进行了马铃薯早疫病防治技术研究。开展不同药剂混配的防效比较试验。试验结果表明:不同处理均对早疫病有抑制作用,且存在显著差异,其中:苯酰锰锌+精甲霜锰锌、吡唑醚菌酯+枯草芽孢杆菌、代森锰锌+ 氟噻唑吡乙酮药剂组合对早疫病防效较好,防效分别为74.2%、70.3%、67.6%,兼有防控晚疫病作用,建议推广使用;丙森锌+烯酰吗啉、苯酰锰锌+精甲霜锰锌、氟啶胺+氟菌·霜霉威、嘧菌酯+噁酮·霜脲氰处理的防效较差,依次为:58.9%、54.6%、50.8%和50.5%。  相似文献   
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