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[目的]建立全自动石墨消解—电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)、电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析方法对马奶中的常量及痕量矿物质元素进行测定。[方法]采用全自动石墨消解仪对样品进行前处理,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法对马奶中钾、钠、钙、磷4种常量元素进行测定,利用重量法配制标准溶液,以铑元素作为内标,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法对马奶中铝、砷、硼、钡、铍、镉、钴、铬、铜、铁、锂、镁、锰、镍、铅、锑、锡、锶、钛、铊、钒、锌、硒共23种元素进行测定。利用生物成分分析标准物质对结果进行质量控制。[结果]常量元素在0~20 μg/mL、痕量元素在0~200 ng/mL 具有良好的线性关系,标准曲线相关系数均可达到0.999以上,ICP-MS法各元素检出限在0.001 10~1.578 ng/mL,ICP-OES法各元素检出限在0.010 0~0.068 8 μg/mL;多次对生物成分分析标准物质中矿物质元素含量测定结果的相对标准偏差均小于11%(n=6),且测定结果与标准值相符。[结论]该方法线性相关性、检出限、准确度等方面能够满足准确、高效测定马奶中矿物质元素含量的要求。  相似文献   
[目的]比较华山松健康树皮、感疱锈病树皮中矿质元素含量的差异,为深入了解该病害对华山松的影响机理、探索水肥控制该病害的新途径提供理论依据。[方法]采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)测定华山松感染疱锈病(Cronartiu mribicola)后树皮矿质元素含量的变化。[结果]从华山松健康树皮中检测出矿质元素45种,从感染疱锈病树皮中检测出矿质元素46种。这些矿质元素中植物生长必需矿质元素均为14种,其他矿质元素31种(感病后为32种)。华山松感病后矿质元素总量降低了15.77%,其中,植物生长必需元素降低了15.54%,其他元素含量降低了17.07%,其中Ca含量减少最多,减幅约达75%。含量大小顺序也发生了变化,健康树皮中为Na〉Ca〉B〉K〉Si〉Mg〉S〉P,而在感病树皮中为Na〉B〉K〉Ca〉Mg〉P〉Si〉S。[结论]该研究结果为施用矿质元素控制疱锈病病害奠定了基础。  相似文献   
复混肥料中磷和钾的超声波-ICP-OES快速测定法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超声波快速样品前处理技术,结合ICP-OES(电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪),建立复混肥料中磷和钾快速测定法.通过高、中、低浓度复混肥料的平行测定和回收率验证,该方法的磷极差为0.14%~0.17%,RSD为0.76%~1.06%,回收率为98.8%~103.27%;钾极差为0.24%~0.34%,RSD为0.78%~1.23%,回收率为98.2%~102.4%;与国标法的绝对差值:磷为0.05%~0.19%,钾为0.07%~0.29%.结果表明,该方法具有较高的精密度和准确度,符合国标GB/T8573-2010和GB/T8574-2010对复混肥料样品平行测定和不同实验室测定结果的允许差要求.本方法简便、准确、快速,特别适合于大批量复混肥料样品中磷和钾的测定.  相似文献   
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, in combination with calculation of various biological factors, was used in this study not only for a simple illustration of the present status of some essential and non-essential metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and cadmium (Cd) in the grapevine cultivar Rkatsiteli and wild blackberry from East Serbia but also for the estimation of plant bioaccumulation potentials. Great majority of detected metal concentrations were in normal ranges except in few cases: Zn concentrations were at the level of deficiency in almost all plant parts, and some Cu and As concentrations were at the levels that could be considered phytotoxic. Biological accumulation factors provided very informative data on metal accumulation and translocation in both plants and pointed to low accumulation rates of metals except in the case of Cu, Zn, and As in some wild blackberry tissues.  相似文献   
[目的]研究维药巴旦木种仁中无机元素的含量分布特征,为巴旦木的品种质量评价提供新的试验方法和科学依据。[方法]采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES)同时测定巴旦木种仁中的26种无机元素Al、B、Be、Ca、Co、Cu、Fe、Mg、Mn、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Si、Sn、Sr、Ti、Zn、Cd、As、Se、V、Hg、Cr、K的含量,并用主成分分析法对测定结果进行分析。[结果]不同种及不同厂家的巴旦木种仁中无机元素的含量呈现相似的谱图排列,各元素的绝对含量存在显著差异;经主成分分析得出5个主因子,其累计方差贡献率达84.371%,第一、二和三主因子的方差贡献率为67.546%,故它们所对应的Fe、Ti、Pb、Na、Se、Cu、Mo、K、Zn、Ni、Ca、Sr是巴旦木种仁中的特征元素。[结论]该方法简便、快速、准确,适于分析测定维药巴旦木种仁中的无机元素,也为更好的开发和利用巴旦木药用资源提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
以自然光为对照(CK),采用不同颜色聚乙烯薄膜覆盖的棚架人工种植药用蔬菜紫苏(Perilla frutescens L. Britt),分析不同颜色棚膜下叶片光谱特性,并对紫苏的生长动态及矿物质的吸收与积累进行研究。结果表明:(1)有色膜覆盖下,400-700nm可见光的光谱占比均较自然光下显著提高(P<0.05),其中蓝膜、紫膜的提高幅度最大,而350-400nm紫外光以及700-900nm红外光波段的光谱占比均较自然光下有所降低;(2)除绿色膜之外,其它有色膜均显著提高单株紫苏的叶片总鲜重(P<0.05),以黄色膜下叶片鲜重最高,红色膜次之;(3)K、P、S、Cu元素在紫苏叶片中的含量以绿色膜下最高,Ca、Mg、Mn元素含量以蓝色膜下最高,各有色膜处理较自然光下均提高了K、Na、S元素在紫苏叶片中的含量而降低了Fe元素含量;(4)K、Cu元素在紫苏叶片中的累积量以红色膜处理最高,P、Ca、Mg累积量以黄色膜处理最高,各有色膜处理较自然光下均提高了K、P、Ca、Na、S、Zn、Cu等7种元素在紫苏叶片中的累积量而降低了Fe元素累积量;(5)自然光下紫苏叶片中的常量无机元素含量比值约为K:Ca:Mg:P:S:Na=107:93:27:15:7:1,微量无机元素含量比值约为Fe:Mn:Zn:Cu=524:21:7:1。综上,有色膜覆盖可以作为一种定向优化露地栽培紫苏生长或矿质品质的设施工程手段。  相似文献   
Boron detection in soil extracts by inductively-coupled plasma optical-emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) can be influenced by iron interference, particularly in strongly weathered tropical forest soils. Boron concentrations in Mehlich-III extracts of 230 soils under lowland tropical forest in Panama were markedly overestimated at the most sensitive ICP-OES wavelength (249.772 nm) compared to a less sensitive but interference-free wavelength (208.957 nm) due to iron interference. Hot-water extracts contained insufficient iron to interfere in boron detection, but boron quantification in total element digests was affected strongly by iron interference at 249.772 nm. The relationship between boron overestimation and iron was used to correct a database of 300 Mehlich-III extractable boron measurements made at 249.772 nm for soils from a large forest dynamics plot. We recommend that boron measurements in tropical forest soils by ICP-OES should use the less sensitive 208.957 nm wavelength to avoid interference by extracted iron.  相似文献   
The essential and toxic element concentrations in buckwheat were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer(ICP-OES). The concentration data were subjected to common chemometrics analyses, including correlation analysis(CA), principal component analysis(PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA), to gain better understanding of the differences among the tested samples. Our results indicated that the essential and toxic element concentrations were not different between Fagopyrum tataricum(L.) Gaertn and F. esculentum Moench. The element concentrations varied among buckwheat samples from different sources. Commercial tartary buckwheat tea contained several essential elements, thus, could be used as the source of essential elements. The detection of toxic heavy metals in commercial tartary buckwheat tea suggested that safety issue of such buckwheat products should be seriously concerned. Our results also revealed that the place of origin and the processing protocol of tartary buckwheat affected the element concentrations of the commercial form. The implications to the quality control and safety evaluation of buckwheat were extensively discussed.  相似文献   
Studies on metal pollution (cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, manganese and nickel) in South African terrestrial environments are severely lacking. Due to being relatively unaffected by industrialisation, the Thohoyandou region may provide data on natural levels of metals for use as baseline data. The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) was chosen as a bio-indicator of metal pollution due to its abundance, non-migratory lifestyle and close association with humans. The aims were to determine the viability of using feathers as a non-lethal bio-indicator tissue compared with muscle. Plume feathers, flight feathers and muscle tissue were analysed using ICP-OES techniques. Analyses of tissue metal concentrations identified the following trend: plume feather > flight feather > muscle tissue. Within the Thohoyandou region, Magondi, which was affected by anthropogenic activities at the time of sampling, had significantly higher concentrations (p ≤ 0.05) for each of the metals, indicating potential metal contamination from various sources. Alternatively, Makonde had the lowest metal concentrations and may be an important reference site for future comparative studies. The results showed that the House Sparrow can be used as a bio-indicator organism in South African terrestrial environments. The plume feathers indicate that they are a good non-lethal tissue for determining metal pollution levels on a temporal scale, indicating recent metal exposure.  相似文献   
采用微波消解法处理样品,建立了电感耦合等离子体光谱法同时测定有机肥、复混肥和尿素中铅(Pb)、砷(As)、汞(Hg)、铬(Cr)、镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)、钴(Co)、锌(Zn)、镍(Ni)和锑(Sb)11种元素的分析方法。优化了微波消解条件、仪器条件,进行了方法的检出限、精密度、准确性试验。方法检出限为0.003~0.015 mg/L,相对标准偏差均8.1%,回收率为82.4%~103%,通过水系沉积物标准参考样(GBW-07311)及国家标准方法的验证表明,该方法具有简便、快速、准确、灵敏度高等特点,适合有机肥、复混肥和尿素中11种元素的同时测定。  相似文献   
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