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A field experiment was conducted to find out the critical physiological stages of irrigation schedules inducing better growth, physiological efficiency and seed yield potential of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrinum L., Var. S-99-1). For this purpose eight irrigation treatments were made comprised of four treatments of three irrigation (W1, W2, W3 and W4), three treatments of four irrigation (W5, W7 and W8) and one treatment of five irrigation (W6) at various physiological stages i. e. regeneration, flower initiation, full bloom, seed initiation and advance seed development stage.
Thus based on the experimental results the physiological role of watering in berseem seed production could be discussed as:
With-holding of irrigation either at regeneration or at full bloom stage developed potential water stress in plants as indicated by high proline content of irrigation treatments — W4, W1 and W7; and further brought out disturbance on the formation of carotene, synthesis of water soluble sugar and translocation of sugar towards reproductive organs during grain development stage. These stresses adversely affected the plant growth and flowering behaviour. The irrigation at seed initiation stage increased the seed yield. Continuous irrigation did not appear to be useful. Thus it can be concluded that irrigation at three critical physiological stages i. e. regeneration, full bloom and seed initiation was found to be essential for obtaining potential seed yield of berseem.  相似文献   
红檵木叶色变化的生理生化研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
红檵木(Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum)在春季新叶初发时,花红叶红,且叶片红艳可人,具有很高的观赏价值.但随着叶龄的增大,叶色发生较大变化,在初夏叶色变为暗红色,到了盛夏高温季节,叶色几乎变成了绿色,出现了生产上称之的"高温返青"现象.  相似文献   
【目的】研究低质量浓度微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)慢性暴露对生菜(Lactuca sativa)叶片及根系非结构性碳水化合物代谢的影响,为富营养化水体在生菜灌溉中的应用提供理论指导。【方法】以散叶生菜为试验材料,采用土培试验方法,设置不同质量浓度(0(对照组),1,5,10,30 μg/L)MC-LR的水溶液灌溉生菜30 d,通过分析生菜叶片及根系中可溶性糖(葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖)及淀粉含量、蔗糖和淀粉代谢相关酶活性的变化,探讨生菜非结构性碳水化合物代谢对MC-LR慢性暴露的响应。【结果】10和30 μg/L MC-LR组生菜对MC-LR的富集系数较5 μg/L MC-LR组分别显著上升10.85%和17.83%(P<0.05),而对MC-LR的转运系数分别显著下降17.46%和13.85%(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,1 μg/L MC-LR组生菜净光合速率显著提高了9.17%(P<0.05),叶片中果糖含量及根系中葡萄糖含量和淀粉酶(AMS)活性分别显著增加了52.71%,19.13%和37.01%(P<0.05);5,10和30 μg/L MC-LR组生菜净光合速率提高,但差异不显著(P>0.05),叶片和根系中葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖含量均显著增加(P<0.05),叶片中性转化酶(NI)活性分别显著降低了27.10%,38.01%和37.29%(P<0.05),淀粉合成酶活性分别显著增加20.92%,24.57%和30.28%(P<0.05),根系蔗糖合成酶、蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和AMS活性均显著增加(P<0.05)。【结论】1 μg/L MC-LR水溶液灌溉对生菜叶片和根系中非结构性碳水化合物的分布和代谢影响较弱;而5~30 μg/L MC-LR水溶液灌溉通过促进生菜根系淀粉分解和蔗糖代谢活性,维持体内较高浓度的可溶性糖,从而提高生菜的抗逆性。  相似文献   
为探讨可溶性干细胞因子(stem cell factor, SCF)基因表达水平与山羊毛色间的相关性,本试验利用实时荧光定量PCR(QRT-PCR)技术研究了SCF基因mRNA在黑色和白色山羊皮肤中的表达量,并对结果进行统计分析。经内参基因校正后,黑色山羊皮肤中可溶型SCF的相对表达量是白色山羊相对表达量的0.27倍(P>0.05)。可溶型SCF mRNA表达量可能与山羊毛色表型不存在相关性。  相似文献   
周鸿进  毛祝新  黄德君  傅华 《草业科学》2011,28(6):1198-1202
摘要:对青藏高原地区6个垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)居群8个不同生育期的可溶性糖(WSC)和粗蛋白质(CP)含量进行了测定。结果表明,居群间不同生育期WSC和CP含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),种源地来自青海共和县居群和甘肃临潭县居群WSC含量在整个生育期显著高于其他4个居群;CP含量甘肃玛曲县居群显著高于其他居群。整个生育期,WSC含量呈单峰曲线,初花至盛花期最高(P<0.05),初花期WSC含量最高为6.91%,最低为1.58%,CP含量整体表现为下降趋势,完熟期最低。不同居群间WSC和CP含量均表现出一定变异度,其变异系数变幅分别为36.47%~51.29%和4.76%~20.29%。相关性分析表明,WSC与CP含量呈显著负相关。  相似文献   
为验证水溶有机肥促进水稻早熟的作用,减轻不利天气对水稻产量的影响,采用对比试验的方法,从水稻生育期、病害发生、茎蘖动态、产量性状和经济效益等方面,分析水溶有机肥对水稻生产的影响.试验结果显示,水溶有机肥能使水稻成熟期提早2 d,增强植株抗逆性,增产增效.  相似文献   
建立HPLC法同时测定连花柴芩可溶性粉中绿原酸、甘草苷、连翘酯苷A及黄芩苷的含量。采用Venusil XBP C18分析柱 (250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),以乙腈-0.1%磷酸水为流动相,1.0 mL/min的流速下进行梯度洗脱,320 nm波长处对4种成分进行含量测定。结果表明,在此色谱条件下,4种组分分离度良好,分别在3.28~26.24 μg/mL、3.17~25.36 μg/mL、6.08~48.64 μg/mL及8.81~70.48 μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,加样回收率均大于96.61 %,RSD均小于1.75 %。该方法简便、快速、准确,重复性良好,可用于连花柴芩可溶性粉中绿原酸、甘草苷、连翘酯苷A及黄芩苷的同时测定。  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of supplemental complex water soluble vitamins on production performance, blood biochemical parameters and oxidative resistance of dairy cows in spring and summer.The experiment was designed by 2×2 factorial randomized blocks design.Eighty healthy dairy cows with similar parity and body weight were randomly divided to four groups, with 7 days of adaptation and 70 d experimental phase.The dairy cows in group Ⅲ and Ⅳ were fed a basal diet supplemented with complex water soluble vitamins in spring.The dairy cows in group Ⅱ and Ⅳ were fed a basal diet supplemented with complex water soluble vitamins in summer.The results showed that the ADFI and daily milk yield of dairy cows receiving water soluble vitamin in spring were extremely significantly higher (P<0.01);The ADFI of dairy cows receiving water soluble vitamin was significantly higher in summer (P<0.05) and daily milk yield were extremely significantly higher (P<0.01);The butterfat rate was extremely significantly increased and SCC was extremely significantly decreased in spring and summer (P<0.01);Supplementation of water soluble vitamin was also significantly increased LYM (P<0.05).In summer, T-AOC, T-SOD were extremely significantly increased (P<0.01), and TP, CK, LDH, TP, HDL and ALB were extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01) by water soluble vitamin supplementation than that of control group.In conclusion, complex water soluble vitamins could increase the production performance and non-specific immune function, improve the oxidative resistance and relieved the heat stress of the dairy cows.  相似文献   
The solubility and processability of polyaniline can be increased through aniline copoly with o-anisidine. Poly(aniline-co-o-anisidine) have good electrochromism .On condition that mole ratio between aniline and anisidine is 3:1,better reaction conditions of synthesizing poly(aniline-co-o-anisidine) with good solubility ,electrochromism and high yield was gotten through researches for effects of monomer ratio,monomer concentration,the amount of oxidant ,reaction times,reaction temperature,acid concentration on properties of poly(aniline-co-o-anisidine).The structure of polymers were characterized by IR spectrum.  相似文献   
利用高效液相色谱法 (HPLC) 分析了石硖、储良、东壁、青壳宝圆、冬宝9号、公妈本、九月乌、施冲浦、晚香等9个龙眼品种干果和鲜果的糖组分含量。结果表明,9个龙眼品种干果和鲜果中的可溶性糖主要有果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖;鲜果中的果糖含量16.4 ~ 36.0 mg/g,葡萄糖含量14.9 ~ 33.7 mg/g,蔗糖含量87.5 ~ 161.7 mg/g,总糖含量135.7 ~ 193.0 mg/g,甜度值144.5 ~ 200.8;干果中的果糖含量84.5 ~ 160.7 mg/g、葡萄糖含量67.5 ~ 125.8 mg/g、蔗糖含量169.0 ~ 356.8 mg/g、总糖含量444.6 ~ 538.2 mg/g、甜度值497.2 ~ 590.7;龙眼干果和鲜果中均以蔗糖含量最高;与鲜果相比,干果中的果糖、葡萄糖占比提高,蔗糖占比降低。  相似文献   
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