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第四纪黄土剖面多元古土壤形成发育信息的揭示   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
唐克丽  贺秀斌 《土壤学报》2002,39(5):609-617
以时间尺度 2 0万年以来的洛川黄土剖面为研究对象。采用间隔 30~ 5 0cm的密集采样 ,通过土样的物理、化学、矿物组成和孢粉分析及土壤微形态镜鉴的综合研究 ,对第四纪生物气候环境演变提出了新的见解。对原以代表干冷环境沉积为主的黄土地层 (L) ,揭示了内伏半干旱环境的演化及相应的土壤发育过程 ;对原以代表暖湿环境的红褐色古土壤层 ,揭示了内伏干旱、半干旱环境的演化及干旱与湿润型孢粉共存的矛盾实质。研究证示 :深厚的黄土剖面是在第四纪生物—气候环境演变过程中 ,通过黄土沉积、成壤强弱交替演化 ,形成发育的由不同土壤类型组成的特殊的多元古土壤剖面体系。  相似文献   
中国长江三角洲地区一新石器时代水稻土细菌群落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ancient irrigated paddy soil from the Neolithic age was excavated at Chuodunshan Site in the Yangtze River Delta, close to Suzhou, China. The soil organic matter (SOM) content in the prehistoric rice soil is comparable to the average SOM content of present rice soils in this region, but it is about 5 times higher than that in the parent materials. As possible biomarkers to indicate the presence of the prehistoric paddy soil, the bacterial communities were investigated using the techniques of aerobic and anaerobic oligotrophic bacteria enumeration, Biolog analysis, and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). The results showed that in the buried soil layers, the prehistoric paddy soil had the largest number of aerobic and anaerobic oligotrophic bacteria, up to 6.12 and 5.86 log cfu g-1 dry soil, respectively. The prehistoric paddy soil displayed better carbon utilization potential and higher functional diversity compared to the parent materials and a prehistoric loess layer. The Shannon index and richness based on DGGE profiles of bacterial 16S rRNA genes were higher in prehistoric paddy soil than those in the prehistoric loess soil. It might be concluded that the prehistoric irrigated rice cultivation accumulated the SOM in plowed soil layer, and thus increased soil bacterial populations, metabolic activity, functional diversity and genetic diversity. Bacterial communities might be considered as the sensitive indicators of the presence of the prehistoric paddy soil in China’s Yangtze River Delta.  相似文献   
白垩纪钙质古土壤的发生学特征及古环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
古土壤形成于过去环境,是揭示环境变化历史的重要材料。新近纪(23.03 M a)以前形成的古土壤,年代久远、埋藏深、受成岩作用改造强烈,其发生学特征研究是古环境重建的基础。本文通过对白垩纪时期不同地点的钙质古土壤的发生学研究,拟恢复研究区域古环境。研究表明,古土壤剖面中的A层和B层形态分别产生变化,但层次差异依然明显,且表层土壤有机质含量一般高于表下层,钙积层(Bk)普遍发生并富含碳酸盐结核。可以观察到古土壤中方解石沿根孔淀积特征以及具滑擦面。钙质古土壤质地偏粗,为壤质砂土和砂质壤土。古土壤Bk层中的Ca、Mn、Sr相对富集,其余常量元素与Ba、Sc、Nb、Th、U、Cr、V、Co、N i等元素降低;δCe和δEu负异常以及相对富集重稀土元素。分别按照中国土壤分类系统和美国土壤系统分类两种分类体系进行了古土壤分类。由古土壤类型和特征可以推断白垩纪不同时期,在四川盆地梓潼—巴中地区、辽宁金岭寺—羊山盆地和松辽盆地出现过半湿润至半干旱的气候环境。  相似文献   
Catenary changes, archeology, micromorphology, and magnetic mineralogy of paleosols in coastal sands, Israel, were investigated under chronostratigraphic control by available luminescence datings from adjacent sites. At the outlet of Hadera stream, eolianites (Hebrew: “kurkar”) underlie paleosols with Epipaleolithic (approx. 17–20 ky) artifacts at the top and occasional Mousterian (>40 ky) artifacts in the subsoil. The optically stimulated–luminescence/infrared stimulated–luminescence (OSL/IRSL) dates (>50–12 ky) from adjacent sites roughly agree with the archeological findings. The paleosols show a magnetically depleted Vertisol superimposed on a magnetically enhanced cumulative Chromic Luvisol (WRB) (USDA: Rhodoxeralf, Israeli class.: Hamra). The latter contain approx. 0.25 mm thick, isotropic clay infillings distinctly separated from the soil matrix. These infillings are tentatively interpreted as the result of strong environmental disturbances, such as surface desiccation, subsequent waterlogging, and enhanced dust deposition, presumably at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. In addition to the massive accumulation of eolian dust, diverse pedogeomorphic changes lagging in time from the onset of climatic deterioration may have taken place in coastal settings. Recurrent desiccation cracks may have exposed subsurface materials repeatedly to sunlight, consequently resetting the luminescence signal. The eolianite sequences are thus distinct from loess/paleosol sequences from temperate climates and have to be treated more rigorously at a site‐specific level.  相似文献   
Seventeen samples of B-horizon of Pleistocene Terra Rossa soils from carbonate rock were collected in different Countries of the Mediterranean regions (Spain, Italy and Southern Turkey).  相似文献   
High rates of pedogenesis on unconsolidated volcanic materials imply the accelerated generation of the soil memory. The purpose of this research was to extract the high resolution (centennial scale) paleopedological records from the Late Holocene paleosols of the El Chichón volcano formed during the last 2000 years. We studied buried monogenetic Andosols on the dated tephras and a pedocomplex formed from a set of thin ash layers deposited on older Acrisol derived from shales. Particle size distribution, DCB-extractable Fe, oxalate-extractable Fe, Al and Si, sand and clay mineralogy, organic carbon content and stable C isotope composition in humus were evaluated and interpreted as the elements of the soil memory. However, some differences were found in properties of two buried soils, especially in the kind of A horizons. We attribute such differences of individual Andosols to be caused by ancient human impact because it has been demonstrated that humid conditions persisted during the last 1300 years. Thus the drought that was supposed to provoke the collapse of the Maya civilization at the end of I millennium A.D., should have been a short-term event, below the resolution of this paleopedological record. The Andic Acrisol pedocomplex demonstrated the domination of the humid tropical climate over longer time intervals (probably major part of the Holocene) with possible minor dry episodes.  相似文献   
Paleosols of the S coastal plain of Israel were studied in a characteristic sequence situated in the Ruhama badlands area. At the upper part of the sequence, there is a Loessial Arid Brown Soil (Calciorthids), characteristic of the mildly arid climate of the area. The soil has two calcic horizons and four clayey layers alternating with four calcareous layers which are beneath them. Physical, chemical, and magnetic‐susceptibility data and micromorphological evidence indicate that each clayey layer together with the calcareous layer beneath it forms a single pedogenic unit. These units are similar to modern Grumusolic soils (Xeric Paleargids or Xererthic Calciargids) that occur in the semiarid belt of the S coastal plain and develop on eolian‐dust parent material. The calcareous layers are in fact calcic horizons formed by leaching of the carbonates from the clayey layers and accumulated in the form of in situ carbonate nodules. The leaching of the carbonates is not complete; they were never completely leached in the past. This feature together with a typical brown color is also characteristic of the modern soils developed in the semiarid water regime of the area. The four superimposed paleosols represent four cycles. It is suggested that they were formed in two phases. During a dry environment, a short phase of rapid eolian‐dust accumulation prevailed, followed by a stable phase of soil development in a somewhat wetter climate. Dating by optically stimulated luminescence and previous dating by 14C in the area suggest that the upper two paleosol cycles belong to the Last Glacial period whereas the other two cycles are of an earlier age. The magnetic‐susceptibility values decrease with age and react different from temperate areas. Below the four cycles, two totally leached paleosols developed on sandy parent material occur. Both paleosols have a reversed magnetic polarity and are hence older than 780 ky BP. The upper one is a Brown Mediterranean soil, and the lower one is a Red Mediterranean soil. Thin‐section evidence suggests that they formed on terrestrial sand dunes.  相似文献   
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