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通过开环聚合法合成了聚乙二醇-聚己内酯嵌段共聚物(PEG-b-PCL),以PEG-b-PCL为囊壁、以戊唑醇为囊芯,采用自组装的方法制备了载药胶束。分别利用动态光散射仪(DLS)和透射电镜(TEM) 对其粒径进行了表征,通过紫外分光光度计和高效液相色谱仪测定了其载药量、包覆率和体外释药性能,用滤纸片法测试了载药胶束对木霉 Trichoderma viride 的抑菌性能。结果表明:PEG-b-PCL载戊唑醇胶束平均粒径为 250 nm,均匀度良好,载药量为 26.4%,包覆率为18.0%,体外释放192 h的释药率为83.35%,其对木霉的抑菌效果明显高于同浓度下的戊唑醇乙酸乙酯溶液。  相似文献   
地下啮齿动物种群生态学研究经常需要对动物个体进行标记,而传统的剪耳、剪趾标记法会造成动物伤害、影响动物行为等,与动物福利相悖。利用PIT标签于2014年秋季在祁连山东段标记高原鼢鼠30只,研究高原鼢鼠种群密度及越冬后体重、体长和尾长变化。结果表明,样地内高原鼢鼠估算种群密度为44只/hm2;越冬后高原鼢鼠平均体重为222.07g,显著高于越冬前平均体重193.74g,平均体长为19.4cm,显著高于越冬前平均体长18cm;雌性与雄性的体重增长率无显著性差异(P0.05)。被动式电子标签同时可适用于地下啮齿动物的种群生态学研究,是地下啮齿动物种群生态学研究中的一项新型技术手段。  相似文献   
[Objective] The aim of this study was to manually isolate the microstructures such as ovule and embryo of Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. by the non-enzymatic method. [Method] With the gum block and dissecting microscope, its floral characteristics, ovule and embryo were manually isolated and observed by the non-enzymatic method. [Result] C. bursa-pastoris had four calyces, four petals, tetradynamous stamen and silicle, while its embryogenesis contained globular embryo, heart-shaped embryo and torpedo-shaped embryo. [Conclusion] The microstructures such as ovule and embryo of plants become easier to be isolated manually with the viscosity of gum block, which has small damage on embryo or disadvantages of keeping original shapes, and also can used in multi fields studies. This test can also be accomplished in labs with poor experiment facilities.  相似文献   
MicroRNA(miRNA) is a class of important regulating non-coding small molecular RNA. The gma-MIR166 gene family consists of 21 members and their expression patterns diversify widely. It is important to analyze the evolution of gma-MIR166 gene family in order to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of miRNAs in soybean. In this study, we implemented soybean wide genome block analysis, the molecular phylogeny of gma-MIR166 and block analysis of gma-MIR166 family. The results showed that both chromosome big segmental duplications and tandem duplications were main reasons contributed to the expanding of gmaMIR166 gene family. These findings suggested that gma-MIR166 gene family might originate from one or two ancient miRNA genes. The results of research provided a support for evolutionary study of miRNAs in soybean and related species in Fabaceae.  相似文献   
为进一步提高轴向柱塞泵功率密度,首先结合前人工作针对功率密度给出量化计算公式,并对其中最重要的2个因素进行了研究。分析表明,影响因素1单位体积的每转排量主要由斜盘倾角与柱塞分布圆半径决定,并提出采用柱塞包覆滑靴形式提高该因素值,计算表明其柱塞泵功率密度可提高60%;影响因素2最高转速主要受自吸性能影响,且普通柱塞泵自吸性能受缸体腰型槽粘性阻力与强制漩涡阻力影响,并随着转速提高而下降,对此提出一种双向倾斜式腰型槽缸体,其仿真证明该结构具有离心甩油作用,其最高转速最高可提高45.4%。最后针对大排量双联泵功率密度下降问题提出了一种对称X型高功率密度轴向柱塞泵结构,其功率密度提高了43%。  相似文献   
区块链技术在食品安全领域的应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了比特币和区块链技术,分析了现有食品追溯系统面临的问题,结合区块链的几个主要特征,阐述了食品安全溯源体系引入区块链技术带来的革命性改变,变人的信任为机器的信任,可以低成本高效率地解决食品安全领域存在的信任难题,实现安全可信任的食品追溯。  相似文献   
[目的]探索放牧绵羊微量元素舔砖的制作工艺及饲用效果。[方法]以石粉、食盐、饲料级微量元素、膨润土和糖蜜等为原料研制放牧绵羊微量元素饲用舔砖,并研究所制舔砖对新疆细毛羊生产母羊和育成羊的饲用效果。[结果]添砖的最佳制作工艺为:微量元素预混料8%,石粉5%,食盐66%,膨润土9%,糖蜜12%,冲击压力50t,阴干时间9d;试验组育成羊体重、毛长、体高、体长分别增加6.12kg、0.96、4.90、6.99cm,而对照组(自由舔食食盐)分别增加1.60kg、0.36、3.73、5.46em;试验组生产母羊的羔羊初生体重、断奶育成羔羊数、羔羊成活率和母羊繁殖率分别为4.02±0.91k/只、64只、94.1%、128%,而对照组分别为3.81±0.86kg/只、54只、81.8%和108%。[结论]所研制舔砖对绵羊的饲用效果较理想。  相似文献   
目的 观察温针灸联合局部封闭治疗桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎的临床疗效。方法 选取68例桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎患者随机分成观察组和对照组(每组各34例),对照组给予单纯局部封闭治疗,观察组在对照组基础上给予温针灸治疗,观察两组患者治疗前后视觉模拟评分法(visual analog scale,VAS)、主要症状及体征评分,比较治疗后两组患者临床疗效。结果 治疗后,两组患者VAS评分和主症及体征评分总分均较本组治疗前有所降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01),且观察组评分均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组总有效率高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 温针灸联合局部封闭治疗桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎效果显著,且优于单纯局部封闭治疗,值得临床进一步研究推广。  相似文献   
The Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most harmful pests of mango causing direct damage by oviposition on the fruit pulp. Mango for export is subjected to hydrothermal treatment as a quarantine method for the control of this pest, but exposure to heat for long periods of time reduces considerably the quality and shelf-life of treated fruit. The aim of this work was to study morphological changes of third-instar larvae and adults of A. ludens after in vitro exposure to high temperature at sublethal times. A heating block system was used to expose larvae at 46.1°C for 19.6 and 12.9 min, producing 94.6 and 70% mortality, respectively. Treated larvae were processed for optical microscopy. A fraction of surviving treated larvae was separated into containers with artificial diet to allow development into adults. Adult sexual organs were dissected and processed for transmission electron microscopy analysis. Results showed that 94.6% of the treated larvae died at 46.1°C for 19.6 min and none of the surviving larvae eclosed to adulthood, as they developed as malformed puparia. For the in vitro treatment at 46.1°C during 12.9 min, 70% of the treated larvae died and only 3.75% reached the adult stage, but ultrastructural damage in the male testes and in the female ovaries was observed. Additionally, 11.1% of the adult flies from the in vitro treatment also showed wing malformation and were incapable of flying. The analysis showed that surviving flies were unable to reproduce.  相似文献   
研究发现,一些期刊一号多刊违反了一号一刊的规定,未对新增期刊申请新刊号,为逃避新闻出版署的检查,把频次标识为ⅹ月上旬、ⅹ月上半、A、下半月刊等形式,而不按实际发行情况标识旬刊、半月、月刊等形式,以及以月代期。一些期刊出版不遵守封面标识的有关规定,刊名不突出,或作夸大宣传,误导读者,外文刊未标识中文刊名。刊期标识也未遵循有关规定,较多期刊以月代期或不标识刊期;较多的期刊对月份的标识执行不力,未标识月的高达29.6%;对卷号的标识仅19.4%;部分期刊以总刊期代替刊期、卷号、年份、月份、频次。频次的标识,按发行实际正确标识的仅14.8%。标识的数字标准还有待统一,有标中文的和外文,而不是阿拉伯数字。调查的结果表明,期刊封面标识出版的有关规定执行并不乐观,还需要共同努力,提高期刊的综合出版质量。  相似文献   
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