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Abstract. The ability of two nitrogen cycle models, of contrasting complexity, to predict N mineralization from a range of grassland soils in the UK, was evaluated. These were NCYCLE, a simple mass balance model of the N cycle in UK grasslands, and CENTURY, a more complex model simulating long-term C, N, P & S dynamics in grassland ecosystems. The models were tested using field measurements of net N mineralization from a range of grassland soils (differing in soil type, history & management practice), obtained over a 2 year period using a soil core incubation technique. This method was considered to measure the total net release of mineral N from the soil organic matter over a specified time, including N which may have been recycled several times. NCYCLE consistently under-estimated mineralization rates at all sites. By contrast, there was some correlation between CENTURY predictions of net N mineralization and field measurements. This may have reflected the different abilities of the two models to simulate N recycling. Neither model, however, was able to predict adequately the effect of cultivation and reseeding on net N mineralization.  相似文献   
柞蚕肠液理化性质与饲料效率的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对柞蚕肠液的理化性质与饲料效率的相关性进行研究的结果表明 :柞蚕肠液对促进蚕体抗病与消化吸收功能有着重要作用 ,平均每头蚕有肠液 1 76mL ,品种间开差为 0 78mL ,相对开差 5 7 80 % ,肠液量越多 ,饲料效率越高 ;柞蚕不同品种肠液pH平均值未发现明显差异 ,但强健好养饲料效率高的品种个体间开差小 ;柞蚕肠液缓冲力除与品种强健性有关外 ,还与品种的饲料效率呈正相关 ,在强健丰产与高饲料效率品种中 ,肠液恢复pH原值所需时间越短 ,饲料效率越高 ,电刺法取出肠液后 ,肠液恢复缓冲力所需时间是恢复其pH原值时间的 1 8倍多 ,同恢复肠液pH原值所需时间长短与品种强健性和饲料效率的关系完全一致。  相似文献   
Sandy‐textured Mediterranean soils are invariably depleted in organic matter and supply only small amounts of N to crops. To compensate for these deficiencies, we tested the N supply from six organic wastes applied to a Cambic Arenosol in pots growing ryegrass. The results showed that the behaviour of the wastes in supplying N to a ryegrass crop grown in this soil can be predicted by observing their performance in laboratory aerobic incubations. The N made available during these incubations fitted well to a one‐pool kinetic model.  相似文献   
国产MJ3210小型木工跑车带锯机锯解正交试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用正交试验设计法,对国产MJ3210小型木工跑车带锯机的锯解质量进行研究。通过实测马尾松锯材尺寸偏差、表面粗糙度等参数,得到其最佳的进料速度、锯解厚度和锯卡高度的组合方案。结果表明,该设备具有结构简单、出材率高、锯解精度高、质量好、成本低和生产效率高等优点。  相似文献   
国产硝酸磷肥含氮27%,磷13.5%。所含速效氮中硝态氮均占一半。研究麦田不同水分对硝酸磷肥中硝态氮在土壤中扩散结果显示,硝态氮在土壤中下移深度与土壤湿润峰的深度基本一致,在小麦越冬期有表聚现象。当灌水量为田间持水量时,硝态氮移动深度为40~50cm,是在主要根系活动层内,这对小麦吸收有利,不会产生氮的流失。等氮磷条件下,硝酸磷肥与磷铵加尿素在北方地区有同样肥效。  相似文献   
本文估计了褐壳蛋鸡洛岛红(AA)和浅花苏赛克斯(BB)在正反反复选择(RRS)下的近交系数,分析了近交对选择标准饲料利用率及其相关性状和繁殖性状的影响。试验群体由两纯种及其正反交组合和相应的对照组组成。经过7个世代的RRS和近交试验,试验组AA和BB(括弧里为对照组1AA和1BB)用系谱材料计算出的平均累积近交系数分别为2.58%和3.23%(9.33和8.17%)或每代为0.43%(1.35%),用有效群体含量估计出的AA与BB的相应数值为2.91%与2.83%(5.84%与5.92%)或每代为0.42%(0.86%)。1%近交系数导致的孵化率和饲料利用率的近交衰退较严重(0.5%和0.4%),其次是产蛋性状(约0.3%),而体重和蛋重只有0.1%左右。在本研究中,通过连续7代的RRS与合适的留种率等措施,成功地将闭锁群体的近交系数控制在3%以下的低水平,消除或减轻了近交对饲料利用率等重要经济性状的不利影响。  相似文献   
In a field trial conducted during 1992–93 and 1993–94, the effect of basal (B) nitrogen (N) (45 and 60 kg N ha−1) and foliar application (F) of water (W) or 10 kg N ha−1 and 400 or 600 ppm ethrel (E) (2-Chloro ethyl phosphonic acid) at 70 days after sowing was studied on leaf area index and dry mass at 90 days and pod number per plant, seeds per pod, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, oil content and oil vield at harvest of mustard ( Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss.) cv. T-59. Recommended basal (B) application of 90 kg N ha (BN90) was used as control. On the basis of 2 year data it was found that basal application of 60 kg N and foliar spray of 10 kg N ha −1 and 600 ppm ethrel gave higher values for growth and yield characteristics and enhanced seed yield and oil yield by 12.5 and 14.8%, respectively over control BN90.  相似文献   
为明确温度和外源砷对水稻生长发育的影响,选取江苏地区常见的8个水稻品种为试验材料,通过添加不同浓度外源砷[0(As0)、0.5(As0.5) 和1 mg?L-1(As1)]和模拟不同温度[白天/夜晚分别为30 ℃/25 ℃(T0)和35 ℃/30 ℃(T1)],在人工气候箱内进行了发芽和苗期培养试验,并分析了8个品种水稻种子萌发、幼苗生长及砷含量状况。结果表明,外源砷对水稻的芽长和活力指数具有抑制作用,与对照(T0As0)相比,T0As1处理使不同品种水稻的芽长和活力指数分别降低13.69%~43.34%和28.14%~52.88%。 而温度对水稻种子萌发的影响与水稻品种有关。在T1处理下,盐两优1618的发芽率、芽长和活力指数均优于其他品种。温度和外源砷的共同作用显著降低了不同品种水稻的芽长(P<0.05)。与T0As0相比,T1As1使水稻芽长显著降低5.66%~43.34%。水稻根长和根系活力显著受到温度和外源砷的单一因素的影响。与T0As0相比,T0As1处理使水稻根系活力降低3.01%~58.21%。温度和外源砷的共同作用抑制了水稻根长和根系活力,其中T1As1使水稻根系活力显著降低53.80%~89.01%。不同品种水稻的苗高和根系活力在相同温度或外源砷处理下具有显著差异(P<0.05),其中盐两优888的苗高和根系活力均处于较高水平。水稻茎叶砷含量在外源砷处理下显著增加,在增温处理下却降低。与单一的砷处理相比,温度和外源砷的共同作用降低了水稻茎叶的砷含量。综上可知,温度和外源砷影响水稻的生长及砷吸收,但水稻生长状况具有明显的品种间差异,其中盐两优888和盐两优1618在增温和外源砷共存条件下的种子萌发和生长状况优于其他水稻品种。  相似文献   
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