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排序方式: 共有1768条查询结果,搜索用时 29 毫秒
Abstract– Juvenile chinook salmon in the Waitaki River, New Zealand and demonstration channels, living at about 16°C, increased in length by 0.32 mm day−1 between 4 November and 4 March. They gained weight quickly, accumulated large visceral fat deposits and had high conditions factors. At 1600 h, stomachs averaged half full. The number of prey tended to decline as the fish grew and consumed larger items. Initially the diet was based mainly on chironomid larvae, but by December it included a diversity of prey in more equal proportions. These included Deleatidium in the Waitaki; amphipods in the demonstration channels; various trichopterans, hemipterans, elmid beetles, zooplankton. terrestrial dipterans and a variety of other prey. There were significant differences between sites in numbers of prey consumed and these probably reflected differences in the benthos. Diets in the Waitaki differ from those in the Rakaia River and the food of juvenile salmon appears closely linked to the availability of a diverse range of possible prey.  相似文献   
通过对冷却水循环用离心泵产生汽蚀的因素进行分析,提出了防止汽蚀产生的技术措施,经生产应用效果良好。  相似文献   
研究了克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原未退化、中度退化和重度退化草地的植被和土壤微生物的季节动态。结果表明, 随退化程度增加, 克氏针茅的重要值降低, 冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)的重要值增加, 重度退化草地群落多样性最低。重度退化草地土壤全氮含量最高而有效磷含量最低。未退化草地土壤微生物碳、氮含量高于退化草地, 草地退化对菌根真菌(AMF)孢子密度、细菌、真菌和放线菌数量的影响随季节变化而不同。5―8月未退化草地真菌数量大于重度退化草地, 9月两者差异不显著。7―9月未退化草地细菌数量大于重度退化草地, 6月两者差异不显著。各指标均在7月或8月达到最高值。土壤真菌、细菌、放线菌与土壤全氮、微生物氮均有显著相关性。土壤真菌、细菌与土壤微生物碳有显著相关性。  相似文献   
绵羊MTNR1a基因mRNA表达量的季节性差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验分别于春分、夏至、秋分和冬至4个节气,随机选择体况良好体重相近的蒙古羊8只,外科手术取下丘脑、垂体组织样品,采用RT-PCR方法对其褪黑素受体MTNR1a基因表达进行半定量分析.结果表明:绵羊MTNR1a基因表达存在明显的季节性节律,下丘脑MTNR1a基因表达量在夏至时最低,秋分时最高,春冬季节相近;垂体MTNR1a基因表达量在秋分时最低,夏至时最高,春冬季节也相近.  相似文献   
Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors from carp ovaries were semipurified with wheat germ agglutinin at different moments of the reproductive cycle and their binding characteristics and tyrosine kinase activity were studied. Specific receptors for insulin and IGF-I were found. IGF-I receptors presented higher binding (23.8 ± 1.5%), number of receptors (965 ± 20fm/mg) and affinity (KD 0.24 ± 0.03nM) than those shown for insulin receptors (4.1 ± 1%, 530 ± 85fm/mg and 0.85 ± 0.1nM, respectively). Insulin and IGF-I receptors have a tyrosine kinase activity which is not different from that found in muscle of the same species. Seasonal changes were found in binding, with maximum values for insulin and IGF-I reached at the end of pre-spawning period (June). However, while IGF-I binding was observed in all stages, insulin binding decreased in autumn and disappeared in winter, which suggests a different role for the two peptides in ovarian physiology.  相似文献   
王家庄人工湿地(面积12 000 m2)位于云南滇池东岸呈贡县,湿地进水来自5条农业区汇水干渠,经矩形堰均匀布水后流过湿地。湿地于2002年8月起运行,初期优势植物为茭草(Zizania latifolia)、芦苇(Phragmites communis Trin)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)、菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和水芋(Calla palustris),7个月后,莲藕完全被水花生所替代。采用现场采样及室内分析的方法,研究了湿地对农业径流中磷去除的季节性规律。结果表明,2002年10月至2004年6月,湿地具有良好的拦截进水磷的能力,有效降低了农业区农业径流对滇池的污染。进水总磷(TP)负荷为241(旱季,每年10月至翌年4月)和199(雨季,每年5月至9月)g.hm-.2d-1,TP浓度为0.04 ̄3.21(旱季)和0.00 ̄1.44(雨季)mg.L-1。出水TP浓度沿程1/3处为0.03 ̄0.49(旱季,每年11月至翌年4月)和0.03 ̄0.71(雨季,每年5月至10月)mg.L-1,沿程2/3处为0.00 ̄0.68(旱季)和0.00 ̄0.73(雨季)mg.L-1。TP去除率沿程1/3处为-73.7% ̄82.8%(旱季)和-215% ̄79.3%(雨季),沿程2/3处为-367% ̄100%(旱季)和-262% ̄93.1%(雨季)。受雨水稀释和停留时间变短的影响,雨季的TP去除率低于旱季。受滇池水位和湿地出水水位的影响,旱季时湿地TP的去除呈现“V”字型规律,雨季时湿地TP去除率沿程降低。总体而言,来水中的磷、有机质和速效铁以沿程逐渐降低的方式分布于湿地表层土壤中。秋末冬初时(每年11月至12月),菖蒲的含水率和生物量(鲜重)均比春季(每年3月至5月)的低,而生物量(干重)比春季的高。菖蒲从11月到12月仍在生长发育。  相似文献   
水管通水冷却是大体积混凝土温度控制最常采取的施工温控措施之一,人工操作劳动强度大,成本高.针对船闸结构混凝土温控特点,依据有关规范和借鉴地下水工衬砌混凝土通水冷却智能控制经验,确定了结构混凝土通水冷却智能控制3个参数(通水时间、冷却水温和温降速率),提出了内部温度曲线控制目标和智能控制技术方法,并配套研制了智能化控制设...  相似文献   
Community structures of Collembola and their seasonal fluctuations were studied in eight southern Quebec sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) forests growing on mull, moder and mor humus types. Endogeic species were extracted from soil cores using Berlese-Tullgren funnels while epigeic species were collected using pit-light traps (Luminoc®). Comparisons of species presence, abundance, and dominance among sites and seasons were done using Sorensen's similarity coefficients and CANOCO. A total of 92 species from 7 families and 35 genera were identified. Species dominance and community structure differed according to humus types. Two groups of endogeic species were identified. The mor/mor-moder type group included Folsomia penicula, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) spp. Que., Micrisotoma achromata, Onychiurus (Protaphorura)? parvicornis, Onychiurus (Onychiurus) sp. A Que. And Onychiurus (Onychiurus) sp. B Que. The mull/mull-moder type group included Isotoma (Desoria) notabilis, Tullbergia (Tullbergia) silvicola, Tullbergia (Tullbergia) clavata, and Pseudosinella alba. Such clear humus type relationships were not found among the epigeic species, but important seasonal changes in community structures were found for these species. Spring species were Sminthurinus (Katiannina) macgillivrayi, Hypogastrura (Ceratophysella) maheuxi, Hypogastrura (Hypogastrura) sp. A Que. and Sminthurinus (Sminthurinus) latimaculosus. Tomocerus (Pogonognathellus) flavescens, Sminthurinus (Sminthurinus) henshawi, and Orchesella hexfasciata appeared in the summer samples while Dicyrtoma (Dicyrtoma) aurata was found only in fall samples where it was dominant in most sites along with either Sminthurides (Sminthurides) lepus or Sminthurinus (Sminthurinus) quadrimaculatus. No strong seasonal trends were found among the dominant endogeic species.  相似文献   
对不同季节交让木叶片叶绿素荧光参数的日变化进行了测定.结果表明,交让木各叶绿素荧光参数在春季和秋季的日变化幅度小.夏季8:00~18:00,F0(最小荧光)和NPQ(非光化学淬灭系数)呈现先升后降的规律,最大值分别出现在12:00和14:00,而Fm(最大荧光)、Fm′(光适应下的最大荧光)、Fv(可变荧光)、Fv/Fm (PS Ⅱ最大光能转换效率)、Fm/F0(电子传递效率)、Fv/F0(PS Ⅱ潜在活性)则呈现先降后升的规律,12:00出现最小值.冬季8:00~16:00,F0日变化幅度较小,而Fm、Fm′、Fv、Fv/Fm、Fm/F0、Fv/F0的日变化则呈现先升后降的单峰曲线,最大值出现在12:00~14:00之间,而NPQ在一天中的变化情况则正好相反,最小值出现在12:00~14:00.春季和秋季的Fv/Fm、Fm/F0和Fv/F0明显高于夏季和冬季,表明交让木在春季和秋季叶片PSⅡ光能转化效率、电子传递效率和潜在活性都明显高于夏季和冬季.交让木夏季和冬季叶片的NPQ参数明显高于春季和秋季,表明交让木叶片在夏季和冬季吸收的光能有较大比例用于耗散而保护自身的光合机构.  相似文献   
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