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The present article reports the investigation of the effects of surrounding brightness on a visual search for three safety colors: red, orange, and yellow. Images of visual stimuli consisting of an array of colored circles placed on a large visual field (a visual angle of 40°) were displayed on an 80‐in. screen with a DLP projector. Experiment I examined the search efficiency under three levels of background luminance that were equivalent to the three target luminances. The results showed that the search efficiency for the orange target decreased as the number of distractors increased, under each of the background luminance levels, whereas the efficiency scarcely decreased for the red and yellow targets. Although a reduction in background luminance increased the search efficiency for the orange target, it is suggested that the effect of background luminance is smaller than the effect of the target color in search efficiency. Experiment II examined the search efficiency under three conditions of low levels of incident illuminance, which were matched with a linear regression to the luminance of color chips of safety colors measured twilight conditions. The results showed that the search efficiency for the orange target decreased as the number of distractors increased under each of the different illuminance conditions, whereas the efficiency scarcely decreased for red and yellow targets. Furthermore, as illuminance decreased, the search time for the orange target was more greatly impacted than for red or yellow. These results imply that the recognition of orange tends to be influenced by the surrounding brightness. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 400–409, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20152  相似文献   
应用有限元法对辽宁省大伙房水库输水工程主体隧洞结构进行了仿真分析,从而得到隧洞结构的应力分布规律,研究确定薄弱部位并采取相应的稳定措施,以便保证隧洞施工的安全与经济。  相似文献   
实时地掌握围岩松动圈的范围对矿藏的安全生产具有重要的意义。利用超声波探测的灵活性和准确性,本文提出了一种基于超声波的围岩松动圈监测系统设计方法。此方案利用超声波在岩体中的传播速度与岩体的受力状态和裂隙程度的关系来实时地监测围岩松动圈的情况,具有方便、灵活、易于操作等特点。  相似文献   
对中东及周边国家和地区的石化工业总体情况做了简要介绍,并对主要国这和地区的乙烯工业现状、发展趋势及特点进行了分析和预测,同时就其对我国的影响提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   
针对泥岩隧道的特殊性,通过优化光面爆破的爆破参数,讨论泥岩隧道掘进的经济性、安全性。采用预埋振速传感器监测的方式,分析光面爆破对隧道周围岩体的扰动。现场光爆技术应用效果显著,隧道开挖轮廓线内基本未出现超欠挖现象,半孔率达86%以上,爆破进尺提升约15%,孔痕长度基本均匀分布一般都在孔长的66%以上;萨道夫斯基公式的系数K衰减明显、α基本稳定,光爆的振动速度和围岩扰动都得到了有效控制。  相似文献   
丰宁抽水蓄能电站地下厂房洞室群的施工期围岩变形具有量值大、时效特征明显、不同深度围岩均可能发生变形的特点。为研究该地下厂房围岩变形时效特征,基于工程地质条件和监测数据,开展围岩变形机制研究。分析结果表明:地下厂房围岩变形的分布特征和时效特性,既与围岩在开挖卸荷后所出现的岩体质量下降、围岩强度减小、岩体蚀变现象有关,也与围岩内存在节理裂隙或断层等不连续地质结构在开挖卸荷作用下易发生张开或错动有关。采用由伯格斯流变模型与带拉伸截止限的摩尔-库伦塑性屈服准则组合而成的复合黏弹塑性模型,进行围岩流变力学参数反演,获得了与监测值吻合较好的围岩变形和变形时程曲线计算结果。根据洞室群围岩开挖支护稳定性分析结果,可知截至主厂房第V层开挖支护完毕,洞周围岩局部变形和塑性区深度均较大,且塑性区贯穿主厂房和主变室洞间岩柱,围岩稳定性总体较差。因此,主厂房在第V层开挖完毕后暂停继续下挖,专门进行洞室群的系统性加强支护是必要的。  相似文献   
The measurement of surface stresses in surrounding rocks with the use of a relief method of annular hole-drilling was studied by numerical analysis. The stress relief process by hole-drilling was then simulated with the use of finite element method. The influences of the borehole diameter(d), the initial stresses and the ratio of the initial principle stresses on the variations of the remained stress and the released stress in function of the relief depth(h) were discussed. The relation between the non-dimensional ratio of the released principle strains and that of the initial principle stresses, and the effect of the elastic modulus and the Poisson ratio of the rock mass on the stress relief curves were studied. The results show that the stress relief behavior formulated with the non-dimensional ratio of the released stress and the ratio of h/d is only sensitive to the ratio of the initial principle stresses and the Poisson ratio. The stresses are completely released when h equals 1.6d, and the tensile stresses take place on the bore core surface in the relief measurement process. Finally, a non-complete relief method of annular hole-drilling for measuring surface stress in surrounding rocks is proposed and the procedure is presented.  相似文献   
李现宾 《人民黄河》2015,(2):107-110,115
为了建立易于理解和应用的围岩稳定性分类模型,采用主成分分析法对围岩样本数据进行降维处理,以Logistic模型来描述围岩稳定性影响因素与围岩稳定性之间的经验关系。选取影响围岩分类的5个主要因素,根据分类标准,采用在每级标准中随机内插的方法,得到100个标准样本,用于建立PCA-Logistic模型。分析结果显示,PCA-Logistic模型拟合效果良好,对工程实例的预测结果同投影寻踪模型和分形-插值模型完全一致,表明该模型在围岩稳定性评价中具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
范开平 《人民长江》2011,42(23):58-61
彭水水电站地下厂房引水隧洞和尾水隧洞布置在KW51、W84两大岩溶系统之间,由于受地质条件制约,流道及附属洞室群均穿过岩溶系统。因地下厂房洞室群规模较大,厂区岩溶发育且规模大、性状复杂,因此施工难度大,施工安全问题尤为突出。在施工过程中根据岩溶的性状,采取了分高程、多工作面的施工方案,在超前预探、动态监测、控制释放等措施保护下,对岩溶系统进行了清挖、置换回填、灌浆加固、深层锚固、喷混凝土封闭等处理措施,有效地保证了施工安全及进度,为复杂岩溶地区的地下电站建设取得了成功的案例及有益的经验。  相似文献   
水工隧洞洞径大,地质构造复杂,因其地质背景和岩体各种特性参数不准确,理论计算难以准确掌握其工作状态,尤其在施工期还受到施工过程的扰动.原型监测是监控其工作状态的有效手段.文中以某电站地下厂房进水隧洞为例,根据现场监测资料,通过建立回归模型,分析、预测隧洞围岩体的变化规律,并探讨了围岩体的空间变形分布情况.分析结果表明隧洞围岩体目前是稳定的.  相似文献   
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