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作为邓小平理论的重要组成部分,邓小平人民民主专政思想经历了一个比较长时间的发展过程。系统考察邓小平人民民主专政思想的形成、发展轨迹,有助于深刻理解和掌握邓小平人民民主专政思想的精神实质,对坚持和加强人民民主专政具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
In the recent decade, there has been observed across the Central and Eastern European states the regulatory trend towards the increase of the non-financial (first) pension pillar size at the expense of the financial (second) pillar. It tends to question the consequences of this shift for the future retirement benefits. Applying the portfolio approach we address this issue by running a series of simulations to find out how to allocate pension contributions between both pillars in an optimal way. Our study contributes to the existing literature as follows. First, we do not perform the assessment of the predetermined regulatory solutions, but we look for an optimal one. Moreover, we allow our optimal rule to be time-varying, if necessary, which would be a true novelty in this research area. Second, we do not base our estimates on historical trends; rather, we apply the long-term economy’s projection to account for the society’s ageing impact, which is a crucially important factor for the solvency of the pension system. Adapting some of the simulation assumptions to fit the Polish case, our results confirm that current regulations underestimate the role of the capital pillar and the optimal allocation between both pillars should be time-varying.  相似文献   
西方学者研究表明企业所得税是劳动力需求的重要影响因素,这一理论在中国是否适用?中国大部分上市公司为国有控股企业,这一特殊的制度背景是否会影响企业所得税与劳动力需求的关系?本文基于2007年企业所得税改革这一外生政策变化,在检验西方企业所得税与劳动力需求关系的理论在中国是否适用的基础上,就不同控制权的性质是否会影响企业劳动力需求的税收敏感性进行了检验。研究发现企业所得税税率降低和"就业税盾"增加提高了企业劳动力需求,但这种税率和"就业税盾"的变化对国有控股企业劳动力需求变化的影响要显著小于非国有控股企业。这表明税收是影响企业劳动力需求的重要因素,但国有控制权使得这种税收敏感性变弱。本文的研究结果不仅丰富了相关领域的国际学术文献,而且对我国就业政策的制定具有政策含义。  相似文献   
Expert judgement is pervasive in all forms of risk analysis, yet the development of tools to deal with such judgements in a repeatable and transparent fashion is relatively recent. This work outlines new findings related to an approach to expert elicitation termed the IDEA protocol. IDEA combines psychologically robust interactions among experts with mathematical aggregation of individual estimates. In particular, this research explores whether communication among experts adversely effects the reliability of group estimates. Using data from estimates of the outcomes of geopolitical events, we find that loss of independence is relatively modest and it is compensated by improvements in group accuracy.  相似文献   
The article examines the structural changes of China’s import market for domestic demand and the corresponding structural changes of Korea’s exports to China for Chinese domestic demand. Using 8-digit HS code data covering the period 2006–2014 and analyzing the processing steps as well as by industry, this study reveals that while the share of ordinary trade in total China’s imports has increased rapidly, the share of processing trade has decreased continuously since the mid-2000s. The article also shows that Korea’s exports to China is still processing trade-oriented. The slowdown of Korea’s exports to China is because of the concentration on processing trade, intermediate goods, electronics and chemistry.  相似文献   
While Open Source Software (OSS) communities provide opportunities for knowledge creation, we have a limited understanding of how entrepreneurs leverage OSS communities for their entrepreneurial ventures. Using social capital theory in a mixed methods case study, we compare entrepreneur and non-entrepreneur behaviors to investigate how entrepreneurs build social capital within an OSS community. This study shows that entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from non-entrepreneurs by focusing on cognitive and relational capital building activities, which in return makes it possible for them to leverage their social capital to influence and shape the environment in which they are operating. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurs strategically select which activities within the community to expend their limited resources on (e.g., developing code over participating in email conversations) and build their social capital more through their actions than through their words (e.g., showing their commitment to the community through code commits, bug fixes, and documentation). Given the liabilities of newness and smallness as well as other challenges faced by entrepreneurs, applying an open innovation strategy in OSS communities could be one approach where entrepreneurs, by developing and freely revealing their intellectual property to the community, share their way to success via OSS-infused entrepreneurial business ventures.  相似文献   
雄安新区规划建设在体制机制创新、经济高质量发展、新兴产业集聚、科技协同创新、城市空间布局、区域协调发展等方面具有重要的示范价值。雄安新区的规划建设启示我们,可在尝试贯通多个经济发展理论的基础上,构建适用于后发赶超地区的理论分析框架,为后发地区经济高质量发展、新兴产业集聚和区域协调提供理论指导。展望未来,雄安新区将在高标准建设、高质量发展方面形成更多可复制推广的制度创新成果和经验模式,引领国家级新区和未来城市发展。  相似文献   
中国参与全球生产链的技术溢出效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球生产链背景下的中国进口和外资表现出两个典型化特征:一是全部进口中中间产品占比非常高;二是在华外资企业对进口依赖程度高并且具有很强的外向型特征。这些特征影响了进口和外资这两大渠道对中国企业的技术溢出效果。本文的实证研究发现,中间产品进口对内资企业没有产生理想的技术溢出,且拉大了外资、内资企业间的技术差距;外资企业对进口依赖度越小,其技术溢出效果越好,且进口依赖度和外资数量的技术溢出效果存在正的交互作用;外资企业出口导向特征越明显,技术溢出效果越差。  相似文献   
内生创新努力、本土技术溢出与长三角高技术产业创新绩效   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
基于新增长理论的内生创新努力,分产业维和区域维运用1997—2006年面板数据,本文重点分析了本土技术溢出对长三角高技术产业创新绩效的影响,从中发现:从产业维角度看,长三角产业专业化集聚环境下的本土技术溢出效应呈弱的负外部性;从区域维角度看,作为创新极的上海对江(苏)浙(江)具有正的技术溢出效应,浙江能从上海和江苏的技术溢出中受益,而江苏受益于上海的同时也承受来自浙江的负外部性作用。  相似文献   
学生会作为学校党委、团委领导下的正式组织在高校的学生工作中发挥不可忽视的作用。学生会在组织结构上存在松散联结的基础,但它通过内部横、纵向的管理和外部行政系统的管理将其纳入到学校的行政体系中,并通过组织结构与组织成员理性化的结合,实现学生会组织结构的牢固联结,从而促使学生会各项工作的有序开展及目标实现。  相似文献   
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