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Seasonal variations in dissolved nitrogen and silica loadings were related to seasonal variability in river discharge. Dissolved nutrient concentrations measured weekly at three stations in the Yaquina River, Oregon from 1999 through 2001, and then monthly in 2002 were used as the basis for developing a nutrient loading regression as part of a larger agency program for evaluating nutrient processes. Because realistic models of nutrient transport require dense data sets to capture both long and short term fluctuations in nutrient concentrations, data at one freshwater station also were collected hourly for the same years using an in-stream monitor.The effects of storm events on dissolved nutrient transport were examined during three storms, including one in a high rainfall-discharge year, and two in average years, one of which followed a drought year. During the drought year (WY2001), total dissolved nitrate input was considerably less than in wetter years. Dissolved nitrate concentrations, however, were unusually high in the first winter storm runoff after the drought. The freshwater dissolved nitrate nitrogen loads varied from 40,380 kg day−1 during a high-flow storm event to 0.11 kg day−1 during late summer, low flow conditions. Dissolved silica dynamics differed from those of nitrate because during storm events, silica concentrations in the Yaquina River decreased to near zero at the storm height, probably due to dilution by near surface or overland flow, and later recovered.During the time interval studied, over 94% of the dissolved nitrate and silica were transported from the watershed during the winter months of greater rainfall, indicating that seasonality and river flow are primary factors when considering nutrient loadings from this watershed system.  相似文献   
Wave-induced seabed instability, either momentary liquefaction or shear failure, is an important topic in ocean and coastal engineering. Many factors, such as seabed properties and wave parameters, affect the seabed instability. A non-dimensional parameter is proposed in this paper to evaluate the occurrence of momentary liquefaction. This parameter includes the properties of the soil and the wave. The determination of the wave-induced liquefaction depth is also suggested based on this non-dimensional parameter. As an example, a two-dimensional seabed with finite thickness is numerically treated with the EFGM meshless method developed early for wave-induced seabed responses. Parametric study is carried out to investigate the effect of wavelength, compressibility of pore fluid, permeability and stiffness of porous media, and variable stiffness with depth on the seabed response with three criteria for liquefaction. It is found that this non-dimensional parameter is a good index for identifying the momentary liquefaction qualitatively, and the criterion of liquefaction with seepage force can be used to predict the deepest liquefaction depth.  相似文献   
江西省永平铜矿西部排土场极限堆载高度确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外对排土场极限堆载高度的理论计算缺乏研究,目前尚无成熟的统一理论计算方法。文章结合永平铜矿西部排土场的工程实例,在进行边坡工程地质条件勘察与排土场岩土物理力学性质试验研究的基础上,采用数值计算方法对排土场进行了分层堆载数值模拟计算。通过对计算结果的分析,得到位移、塑性区与安全系数随堆载高度的变化规律,并确定了该排土场的极限堆载高度。  相似文献   
With the development of computer graphics, the three-dimensional (3D) visualization brings new technological revolution to the traditional cartography. Therefore, the topographic 3D-map emerges to adapt to this technological revolution, and the applications of topographic 3D-map are spread rapidly to other relevant fields due to its incomparable advantage. The researches on digital map and the construction of map database offer strong technical support and abundant data source for this new technology, so the research and development of topographic 3D-map will receive greater concern. The basic data of the topographic 3D-map are rooted mainly in digital map and its basic model is derived from digital elevation model (DEM) and 3D-models of other DEM-based geographic features. In view of the potential enormous data and the complexity of geographic features, the dynamic representation of geographic information becomes the focus of the research of topographic 3D-map and also the prerequisite condition of 3D query and analysis. In addition to the equipment of hardware that are restraining, to a certain extent, the 3D representation, the data organization structure of geographic information will be the core problem of research on 3D-map. Level of detail (LOD). space partitioning, dynamic object loading (DOL) and object culling are core technologies of the dynamic 3D representation. The objectselection, attribute-query and model-editing are important functions and interaction tools for users with 3D-maps provided by topographic 3D-map system, all of which are based on the data structure of the 3D-model. This paper discusses the basic theories, concepts and cardinal principles of topographic 3I)-map,expounds the basic way to organize the scene hierarchy of topographic 3D-map based on the node mechanism and studies the dynamic representation technologies of topographic 3D-map based on LOD, space partitioning, DOL and object culling. Moreover. such interactive operation functions are explored, in this paper, as spatial query, scene editing and management of topographic 3D-map. Finally, this paper describes briefly the applications of topographic 3D-map in its related fields.  相似文献   
基于RS和GIS的农业土地利用污染分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜馨  吴健平  石纯 《现代测绘》2004,27(3):12-14
农业已被确认为地表和地下水最主要的非点源污染源,而土地利用方式又是影响非点源污染的关键性因素。大规模的土地利用与开发、化肥与农药用量的增加、规模养殖业的发展、生活垃圾的增加等,这些非点污染源严重威胁水体质量,进而影响到人们的生活。为了更好地预测和控制、管理非点源污染,必须研究其负荷定量化问题。本文从以上几方面入手,讨论了非点源污染与农业土地利用方式之间的关系,利用组件GIS技术,以网格为评价单元,实现非点源污染负荷的定量计算及可视化分析。文章最后以上海市松江区作为研究区域,对该区的污染情况进行了分析。  相似文献   
丁明明  黎磊  龚磊强  詹慧英 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1173-1182
据全球气候变化模型预测,未来极端洪水事件将呈现增多和加剧态势。极端洪水对沉水植物功能性状、生长发育状况及整个生态系统均有深远的影响,研究极端洪水对沉水植物生长发育的影响对理解和预测气候变化过程中水生态系统的变化具有重要意义。本文针对极端洪水事件引起的水位急剧上升和营养负荷量增加双重效应,在实验周期90 d内设置对照(水位保持75 cm)、2种极端洪水条件(水位在第1天从75 cm快速上升至150 cm + NP输入、水位从75 cm逐步上升至150 cm + NP输入)以及水位保持75 cm + NP输入4项处理(后3项处理中营养输入总量相同),研究了极端洪水对沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)生长、繁殖对策及生物量分配的影响,实验过程中还同步监测了浮游植物、附着藻类和水体营养状况(TN和TP)。在苦草的17个测定指标中,只有根生物量分配和有性繁殖分配在4个处理下无明显变化。从水位的单独作用看,相对于营养增加且水位恒定的处理,两种洪水条件(水位急剧上升和逐步上升)均降低了苦草的分株数、叶片数、间隔子数、间隔子总长、最大根长、花果数以及各器官生物量和总生物量,促进了人工基质表面附着藻类的生长。水位急剧上升时,植株对间隔子的生物量投资倾向于最小,而株高和植株对叶的生物量投资倾向于最大。从营养负荷的单独作用来看,相对于对照组,营养增加且水位恒定的处理中水体N浓度显著增加,促进浮游植物和苦草表面附着藻类的生长,但是从二者的Chl.a浓度来看,浮游植物遮光作用相对较大,抑制了苦草叶、根和间隔子的生长,但有性繁殖生物量无明显变化。从水位和营养负荷联合作用的模式来看,水位上升和营养负荷两个环境因素的联合作用会使入湖营养负荷加强水位上升对沉水植物生长的影响效应,二者的联合作用使叶、根、间隔子和有性繁殖生物量均大大降低。因此,极端洪水对沉水植物的不利影响较大,一方面水位抬升会直接影响沉水植物,另一方面会通过浮游植物间接影响沉水植物生长发育。  相似文献   
载荷试验检测复合桩基承载力的影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对桩基检测中水泥土桩复合地基检测承载力实测值与设计值差别很大,从工程地质条件、地基处理情况、检测方法出发,通过实例分析了复合地基承载力取值的影响因素。分析表明:桩设计参数取值偏低、地基土的力学性能未充分利用、设计的安全储备偏大是影响承载力取值的主要因素,检测时桩间土含水量的变化也有一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
现有桥梁中有一部分需要进行加固,而采用高强复合玻璃纤维进行加固在国内尚属起步阶段,研究其加固性能,尤其是加固后的疲劳性能是一项有意义的工作。本文进行了高强复合玻璃纤维加固RC梁在重复荷载作用下的弯曲性能试验研究。试验表明:粘贴高强复合玻璃纤维后混凝土梁的疲劳寿命提高了2倍多,其疲劳变形减少了61%~65%,加固梁的疲劳抗裂性能得到了较大改善。因此,粘贴复合玻璃纤维是提高混凝土梁疲劳性能的有效方法,可用于延长混凝土梁的使用寿命。本文还通过加固梁的钢筋应力幅值与疲劳寿命的关系,拟合出S-N曲线。  相似文献   
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