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地基承载力的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
进行地基承载力的试验研究, 对于充分利用和挖掘地基潜力、合理选择地基持力层、提高勘察工作质量、促进岩土工程勘察技术的发展具有重要的现实意义。本文结合唐山钢铁公司第二炼铁厂 2 5 6 0m3 高炉勘察实例, 系统介绍了地基承载力的试验研究过程, 并应用了-种有推广价值的试验技术室内模拟载荷试验。  相似文献   
当前信号远程传输方法,没有实现传输通道能量与传输通道信号并行,导致信号远程传输失真性较高。为提高地震信号远程传输的效率,提出新的高速铁路地震监测系统中信号远程传输技术。采用信号传输通道中地震信号能量的并行方法,通过信号传输通道中信号并行传输结构,实现信号在传输通道中双向传输;利用高频阻波电路阻断信号的高频载波通过谐振补偿电容,确保传输通道能量传输不受干扰;根据通道能量传输结构与信号传输过程,实现传输通道能量、信号并行,完成高速铁路地震信号远程传输中的失真控制。实验结果表明,所提方法丢包率较低,均值约为3%,远程传输时延仅为0.9s,是一种低误差、高效率的高速铁路地震信号远程传输方法。  相似文献   
A well-controlled 3-D experiment with pre-defined block heterogeneities is conducted, where neutron tomography is used to map 3-D water distribution after two successive drainage steps. The material and hydraulic properties of the two sands are first measured in the laboratory with multistep outflow experiments. Additionally, the pore structure of the sands is acquired by means of image analysis of synchrotron tomography data and the structure is used for pore-scale simulation of one- and two-phase flow with Lattice-Boltzmann methods. This gives us another set of material and hydraulic parameters of the sands. The two sets of hydraulic properties (from the lab scale and from the pore scale) are then used in numerical simulations of the 3-D experiment.  相似文献   
We discuss a strategy capable of a quantitative long-term monitoring of water saturation and volume variation of light non-aqueous phase liquids in the soil. The goal was reached monitoring a controlled sand cell contaminated with classical gasoline over 124 days, using geophysical methods such as electrical resistivity tomography, induced polarization and ground penetrating radar. We show that empirical relations, linking the water saturation to the physical parameters measured as resistivity from electrical resistivity tomography and travel time from georadar with advanced processing, are good tools for this purpose. The consistence of the proposed process is validated by both good overlap of results carried out from electrical resistivity tomography and georadar and theoretical models simulating the actual experiment.  相似文献   
阐述了虚拟仪器开发平台Lab VIEW的开发环境,并用图形化编程语言Lab VIEW设计了虚拟气象统计分析仪,分析仪界面友好、直观,适合于气象统计中数据的分析与处理。将虚拟仪器技术引入到气象科研中,使用在Lab VIEW平台下开发的控件,根据研究需要“组装”各种仪器,能够较大地提高工作效率。  相似文献   
结合CIELab颜色空间和傅立叶变换的优点,提出了基于傅立叶变换和CIELab变换的多源遥感影像融合方法——FFT-LAB。实验表明,该方法优于目前的GS、PCS、Pansharp等融合方法。  相似文献   
高校实验室是学科建设,科学研究和人才培养的重要基地,也是对学生进行综合素质教育的重要课堂,反映了高校的教学、科研和管理水平  相似文献   
Osmotic phenomena refer to water and solute transport processes that occur when transport of solute molecules or ions is restricted by the porous medium relative to that of water molecules. Chemical osmosis and reverse osmosis/ultrafiltration are osmotic phenomena. The studies of “coupled flow” caused by chemical osmosis have been widely applied in many fields, such as earth science, environmental science and civil engineering. This paper provided a review of the considerable advances in the field of chemical osmosis and clay semipermeable membrane since the 1950s. We summarized the research progress of chemical osmosis in clayey sediments into three aspects: theoretical basis, experimental research and numerical model. In particular, the laboratory equipment and measurement methods of the chemico-osmotic efficiency coefficient σ were described,. The existing discontinuous models based on the ‘diffusive double layer’ theory were summerized, as well as the various control factors of σ. It increases with Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), compaction pressure and decreases by the increasing of porosity and solution concentration. This paper also summerized the contimuum models based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which are used to explain and predict anomalies of hydraulic head pressure and salinity in clayey environments. For the future development of this discipline, it is critical to find a reliable method to confirm the σ value. It is also critical to emphasize the research on chemical osmosis in complex conditions and the influence of chemical osmosis on groundwater flow and solute transpotation. China has just stepped into this research area and more efforts should be made if significant progress is desired. This review will be helpful to further research on groundwater numerical simulation integrated with chemical osmosis in China.  相似文献   
利用全自动多功能三轴仪进行了粉土场地的液化后变形试验,探讨了粉粒含量对液化后应力应变关系的影响.试验时施加动加载使试样达到设定的液化程度,然后立即施加单调荷载,以模拟地震现场发生强震时初始液化到液化后变形的整个过程.研究发现,不同粉粒含量粉土场地发生液化后变形得到的液化后应力应变关系可采用推导的同一理论关系式表示,其系数的差异表明了粉粒含量对粉土液化后变形的影响.验证结果表明该关系式能较好地模拟粉粒含量对粉土场地液化后应力-应变的影响,为同一地区或相似地区粉粒含量变化的粉土场地液化评估提供依据.  相似文献   
低场NMR岩心分析能够刻度NMR测井响应,对于较为准确地预测储层的渗透率、束缚水体积等与产能密切相关的参数尤其重要.对来自南海东部油田的100%饱和盐水的砂岩岩心进行了变回波间隔的实验室NMR T2测量,随着回波间隔的增大对实验观测到的两种不同的T2 分布的移动进行了理论上的分析和解释.随着回波间隔的增加,T2谱向着长弛豫时间的移动可以用过优化NMR采集参数消除掉,而对另外一种由内部磁场梯度引起的移动即随着回波间隔增加T2谱向短弛豫时间的移动则复杂得多,至今为止也无法做到定量化内部磁场梯度的值,这种移动能够引起错误的NMR测井解释.因此理解内部磁场梯度对T2弛豫时间的影响是很有必要的.文中对由内部磁场梯度扩散引起的扩散弛豫对T2弛豫时间的影响进行了理论上的模拟计算,这有助于理解和解释岩石内部磁场梯度对NMR T2弛豫时间的影响.最后结合压汞毛管压力曲线,解释了具体的岩心实验结果,并且计算了具体的岩心的内部磁场梯度值,计算出的内部磁场梯度值应该被视为内部磁场梯度的几何平均值.  相似文献   
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