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矿物标型六性及其在胶东金矿中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前矿物标型研究和应用已进入一个新的阶段。作者从哲学的高度,把国内外矿物标型特征的分散研究加以集中概括和总结,提出了“矿物标型六性”的普遍规律,即普遍性、特殊性、变化性、相应性、继承性和分带性,对矿物标型特征研究具重要的指导意义。这些规律在胶东金矿中得到广泛应用,并已取得良好效果。  相似文献   
长乐—诏安断裂带活动特征与继承性活动   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林锦华 《华南地震》1999,19(2):57-61
对长乐-诏安断裂带的新、老断裂构造不同时期的活动规律及地震活动特征进行了分析,结果表明,该断裂在晚第四纪时期以继承性活动为特征,并表现出南强北弱的特点。  相似文献   
The cereal soils of the Northwest of Tunisia derive most of the time, from alluvial deposits or altered remains of carbonated and clayey rocks. Extraction of the clayey fraction permitted to reveal the presence of the following clayey minerals: kaolinite, illite, smectite, chlorite, as well as an illite–smectite interstratified layer, which is present in the deep horizons of the vertisol and in the isohumic soil. The presence of such types of clays shows that the evolution mechanism of soils is weathering of primary minerals inherited from the sedimentary rocks of the Northwest of Tunisia. These clays ensure to soils most of their cationic exchange capacity. Thanks to these clays, which have Ca++, Mg++ and K+ as exchangeable cations, the chemical fertility of these soils is ensured. It may be improved by increasing contents of organic matter, which is naturally few abundant in these soils. To cite this article: H. Ben Hassine, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
我国城市化进程中,街道的特殊性主要与其形成有很大关系。它不仅是连接两地通道,很大程度上还是人们公共生活的舞台,本文探讨了商行步行街的传承与创新。综合反映城市人文精神要素,进一步完善商行步行街的特色设计。  相似文献   
华贵栉孔扇贝壳色和闭壳肌颜色具有多态性,其中贝壳的桔黄色表型和闭壳肌的黄色表型具有重要的经济价值,是选择育种中的重要目标性状,对这些性状遗传规律的研究可为选择育种提供理论依据。采用自交、正反杂交和卡方检验方法对华贵栉孔扇贝的桔黄色与枣褐色等2个壳色和黄色与白色等2个闭壳肌颜色的遗传规律进行了研究。结果表明,华贵栉孔扇贝贝壳颜色和闭壳肌颜色均属质量性状,受基因控制,可以遗传,不受环境影响;贝壳桔黄色表型对枣褐色表型为显性;闭壳肌白色表型对黄色表型为显性;壳色和闭壳肌颜色为两个互不连锁的独立性状,在后代遗传过程中可以自由组合,独立遗传,不受母性影响;枣褐色贝壳或黄色闭壳肌个体均为隐性纯合体,其后代性状均与亲代相同;由于不能确定桔黄色贝壳或白色闭壳肌个体属于显性纯合还是杂合,显性纯合家系的获得必须通过建立家系并繁育2代才能实现。  相似文献   
槐树坪金矿床位于河南省洛阳市嵩县境内,是豫西熊耳山地区近年来新发现的大型金矿床。本次研究对槐树坪金矿区地表及井下不同类型的较新鲜围岩、蚀变岩和矿石以及地表1∶20000面积性土壤采样,分析29项微量元素,从岩石和土壤两种采样介质来确定槐树坪金矿床的地球化学找矿指示元素。一方面基于较新鲜围岩的元素含量特征确定每个微量元素在该区岩石中的异常下限,进而分别计算了蚀变岩和矿石中微量元素平均含量与异常下限的比值,即异常衬度。按照异常衬度大于1.4的标尺确定了蚀变岩与矿石中明显富集的微量元素组合。另一方面,基于Au与28项微量元素在较新鲜围岩、蚀变岩、矿石三种介质中含量关系散点图直观确定了指示金成矿的微量元素组合。综合二者确定出槐树坪金矿区岩石地球化学找矿的指示元素组合为Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Sn、Mo、Bi、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Nb计13项。针对地表1∶20000面积性土壤调查,采用上述岩石中异常衬度为1.4作为土壤异常下限绘制了槐树坪金矿区微量元素的地球化学异常剖析图,以槐树坪金矿区已探明鸡公山一带的主成矿段为模型确定了土壤地球化学找矿的指示元素组合为Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Bi、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、B计11项。综合上述结果认为在找矿指示元素组合方面土壤对岩石具有明显的继承性。基于岩石与土壤介质中共同的10项找矿指示元素,构建了归一化的综合异常指标,以鸡公山矿段为标准对整个槐树坪矿区进行了综合评价,发现槐树坪矿区内马蹄沟、秦佛爷沟、姜疙瘩和天坪西4处具有类似鸡公山矿段的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
本文简述了20世纪70年代谷德振先生提出的岩体结构控制论、90年代王思敬先生提出的地质环境理论和21世纪初李广诚提出的工程地质耦合理论的主要内容,阐述了上述理论的传承发展关系,并在提出时间、研究对象、研究内容、控制因素、基本思想、涉及学科和思想范畴等几个方面将3个理论进行了对比。最后依据上述理论对十三陵抽水蓄能电站地下厂房位置的选择和紫坪铺大坝位置与轴线方向的选择及所采取的工程措施进行了分析。  相似文献   
The marble- and metavolcanic-hosted Pb–Zn–(Ag–Sb–As) deposits of the Hällefors district, located in the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen ore province, south central Sweden, comprise both stratabound sulphides and discordant, Ag-rich sulphide–sulphosalt veins. The complex sulphide–sulphosalt assemblages of the Alfrida-Jan Olof mines at Hällefors were investigated by a combination of ore microscopy, electron-microprobe analysis, and in situ laser sulphur isotope analysis. The massive ore is characterized by positive and homogeneous 34S (+1.4 to +2.7 V-CDT), whereas vein-hosted sulphides and sulphosalts exhibit similar, but generally less positive to slightly negative 34S (–0.6 to +2.0). Comparison of the observed ore mineral assemblages with calculated phase equilibria in the system Fe–As–S–O–H and isotopic fractionation as a function of temperature, oxygen fugacity and pH indicates that the vein-type mineralization was formed from relatively reduced and rather alkaline hydrothermal fluids. At these reduced conditions, fractionation of 34S via changes of fO2 is insignificant, and thus the isotopic signatures of the vein minerals directly reflect the composition of the sulphur source. We therefore conclude that the vein-type ore essentially inherited the sulphur isotope signature from the pre-existing massive sulphides via metamorphic remobilization at approximately 300–400°C and 2–3 kbar. Scales of remobilization observable are on the order of about 5 mm to 30 cm. Overall, the sulphide–sulphosalt assemblages from the Alfrida-Jan Olof mines exhibit 34S values which are comparable to a majority of metasupracrustal-hosted deposits in the Bergslagen province, thereby suggesting a common origin from ca. 1.90–1.88 Ga volcanic-hydrothermal processes.Editorial handling: S. Nicolescu  相似文献   
徐杰 《华南地震》2011,31(4):23-28
地震构造带是地震地质研究最重要的内容之一.几十年来,许多研究者对我国所有已知的地震构造带进行了大量的调查研究,但这些都是老(先存)断层带新活动而导致地震的构造带.笔者通过多年的研究发现,还存在新构造时期(N-Q)才产生的断层带或地震构造带.揭示出唐山-河间-磁县、庙西北-黄河口和腾冲-耿马-澜沧等几条新生地震构造带.由...  相似文献   
Historic sandstone structures carry an inheritance, or a ‘memory’, of past stresses that the stone has undergone since its placement in a façade. This inheritance, which conditions present day performance, may be made up of long-term exposure to a combination of low magnitude background environmental factors (for example, salt weathering, temperature and moisture cycling) and, superimposed upon these, less frequent but potentially high magnitude events or ‘exceptional’ factors (for example, lime rendering, severe frost events, fire). The impact of complex histories on the decay pathways of historic sandstone is not clearly understood, but this paper seeks to improve that understanding through the use of a laboratory ‘process combination’ study. Blocks of quartz sandstone (Peakmoor, from NW England) were divided into subsets that experienced different histories (lime rendering and removal, fire and freeze–thaw cycles in isolation and combination) that reflected the event timeline of a real medieval sandstone monument in NE Ireland, Bonamargy Friary (McCabe et al. 2006b). These subsets were then subject to salt weathering cycles using a 10% salt solution of NaCl and MgSO4 that represents the ‘every-day’ stress environment of, for example, sandstone structures in coastal, or polluted urban, location. Block response to salt weathering was monitored by collecting, drying and weighing the debris that was released as blocks were immersed in the salt solution at the beginning of each cycle. The results illustrate the complexity of the stone decay system, showing that seemingly small variations in stress history can produce divergent response to salt weathering cycles. Applied to real-world historic sandstone structures, this concept may help to explain the spatial and temporal variability of sandstone response to background environmental factors on a single façade, and encourage conservators to include the role of stress inheritance when selecting and implementing conservation strategies.  相似文献   
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