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砗磲科(Tridacnidae)的种类全部生活在热带浅水珊瑚礁。它们只分布在印度太平洋动物区系区。1956-1958年中国科学院海洋研究所在西沙群岛获得许多砗磲科的标本;1975年作者参加西沙群岛的考察,又特别注意观察、采集这类动物,得到较多的标本和资料。 砗磲科是双売类中一群高度特化的种类,它的外套膜大、很发达,有大量的单细胞藻虫黄藻(Zooxanthellae)与之共生;外套膜中还有一种特殊的结构叫玻璃体(hyaline organ),它们能聚合光线使虫黄藻大量繁殖作为自身养料的一部分,这一过程 Yonge(1936)取名叫“耕殖”(farm),这种蛤一藻的特殊关系叫互惠共生(Symbiotic mutualism)。 砗磲科贝壳方位的辨识与正常双壳类相反,这是由于它与虫黄藻共生的特殊关系导致外套膜面积增加,以致使这类动物生活时原来在背面的壳顶、铰合部和韧带朝下成为腹面;原来的腹面由于植物耕殖组织(plant farming tissue)的发达而移到背面,也即贝壳的自由端朝上。动物体的软体部也有少量“逆转”,前闭売肌消失,前收足肌移到后面;后闭壳肌和后收足肌相邻移到贝壳中央;足和足丝从贝壳铰合部的对应端——腹斜面的足丝孔伸出,直接在底面固着。 为了叙述方便,确定砗磲科贝壳方位时按以下方法:把壳顶朝下,铰合部与手持者相对,这样铰合部的末端是前端、相反的一方是后端;贝売的游离端朝上为背部,壳顶和足丝孔朝下为腹部,在手持者左面为左売,右面为右売。 根据 Rosewater(1965)的意见砗磲科全世界只有6种,这6种在我国西沙群岛都有分布。  相似文献   
白令海峡首次张开和中美洲航道关闭是新生代晚期两个最重要的古地理和海洋事件。除了其区域生物地理效应外 ,这些事件改变了北太平洋和北大西洋航道的形态 ,对北半球大洋环流和气候产生了重要影响。白令海峡首次张开所产生的最引人注目的结果是软体动物在北太平洋、北冰洋和北大西洋之间的交流。这一事件被称为“横越北冰洋的交流” ,涉及295个软体动物种 ,其中源于太平洋的261个 ,源于大西洋—北冰洋的34个。由于新第三纪晚期的这种交流 ,现今北冰洋软体动物的大部分源于北大西洋 ,尤其表现在北美北冰洋和西伯利亚东北部海岸 ,而大…  相似文献   
Two new species of Naticidae ( Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected from the coast of China are described: Cryptonaitca huanghaien- s/s sp. nov. and Sinum vittatum sp. nov. The morphological characteristics between the new species were described and the related information was provided. The similarities and differences between the new species and related species were also compared and discussed. The new species Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis differed from Cryptonaitca hirasei and Cryptonaitca andoi in outer shape, operculum and radula. The new species Sinum vittatum is similar to Sinumjaponicum (Lischke, 1869), but the shell of the former is flat-elliptical in shape, spire very small, slightly convex. While the latter is flat-globular in shape, apex light brown in color, without a brown band on the body whorl. The comparison results revealed that Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis and Sinum vittatum were two new species from the coast of China. Specimens studied were obtained from collections in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
The Bivalve Yangtzedonta is not the Brachiopod Xianfengella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The alleged "holotype"of the bivalve Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu.1985 figured by Qian (2001) is a broken and distorted specimen of the brachiopod Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 and not the holotype of Y. primitiva. Qian contends that the oldest recognized monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang, 1980), is neither a monoplacophoran nor the oldest molluscan fossil in the Meishucunian Stage of China. Furthermore, he considers that the oldest bivalve Xianfengoconcha eUiptica Zhang, 1980 is an inarticulate brachiopod, not a mollusc. WatsoneUa yunnanensis (He and Yang, 1982), is associated with Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu but indicates no evolutionary relationship between the Classes Rostroconchia and Bivalvia in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member of the Yuhucun Formation. Qian's confusion in using non-molluscan fossils to discuss the early evolution of shelled molluscs also confuses the basic concepts of the respective groups.  相似文献   
An AFLP Genetic Linkage Map of Pacific Abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A genetic linkage map of Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) was constructed using AFLP markers based on a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy in a full-sib family. With 33 primer combinations, a total of 455 markers (225 from the female parent and 230 from the male parent) segregated in a 1 : 1 ratio, corresponding to DNA polymorphism: heterozygous in one parent and null in the other. The female framework map consisted of 174 markers distributed in 18 linkage groups, equivalent to the H. discus hannai haploid chromosome number, and spanning a total length of 2031.4 cM, with an average interval of 13.0 cM between adjacent markers. The male framework map consisted of 195 markers mapped on 19 linkage groups, spanning a total length of 2273.4cM, with an average spacing of 12.9cM between adjacent markers. The estimated coverage for the framework linkage maps was 81.2% for the female and 82.1% for the male, on the basis of two estimates of genome length. Fifty-two markers (11.4%) remained unlinked. The level of segregation distortion observed in this cross was 20.4%. These linkage maps will serve as a starting point for linkage studies in the Pacific abalone with potential application for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs.  相似文献   
滑蛤属至今已发现的种都分布于北半球,这些种类都是冷水种。新种Liocyma chinensis是一个温水种,采自渤海莱州湾,这是滑蛤属在亚洲大陆最南的分布界线。新种的发现,增加了黄、渤海动物区系中的冷水性因素。  相似文献   
渔山列岛于2008年成为国家级海洋生态保护区,为了解渔山列岛保护区内潮间带软体动物次级生产力的时空变化。于1982年和2010年的3个季节(春、夏、冬)在渔山列岛进行潮间带软体动物调查,采用多元统计分析软体动物时空差异,以Brey经验公式计算分析软体动物次级生产力(P值,P/B值)。结果表明,年际间物种食性结构发生了明显的改变,1982年潮间带软体动物对次级生产力贡献率最大的物种有单齿螺(Monodonta labio)、锈凹螺(Chlorostoma rustica),占软体动物总次级生产力的42.88%,2010年潮间带软体动物对次级生产力贡献率最大的物种有覆瓦小蛇螺(Serpulorbis imbricata)、条纹隔贻贝(Septifer virgatus),占软体动物总次级生产力的75.96%。1982年,年均栖息密度为2758ind/m2,年均生物量为2100.26g/m2,年均次级生产力为240.04g/(m2·a),年均P/B值为0.63a–1;2010年,年均栖息密度为699ind/m2,年均生物量为1101.85g/m2,年均次级生产力为94.82g/(m2·a),年均P/B值为0.55a–1。多因素方差分析表明软体动物次级生产力年际间差异显著(F=5.761,P0.05),季节间和潮位间差异都不显著(F=0.135,P0.05;F=2.076,P0.05),P/B的值较低,表明该海域软体动物世代更替速度较慢,2010年的P/B值(0.55a–1)低于1982年的P/B值(0.63a–1),表明近30年来群落结构受到影响。  相似文献   
厦门港岩石岸潮间带软体动物的生态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据1982年2月至1983年2月在厦门港岩石岩潮间带采集的软体动物,论述了其种类组成,数量分布,生活型及影响软件动物分布的主要环境因子,厦门港岩石岸潮间带共发现软动物54种。其中,多板类6种,腹足类33种,双壳类15种,优势种有僧帽牡蛎,黑荞麦蛤,复瓦小蛇螺,粗糙滨螺等。与60年代初调查结果比较得出,厦门港岩石岸潮间带的软体动物群落是相对稳定的,潮汐是决定河口结果比较得出,厦门港岩石岩潮间带  相似文献   
于1989-1990年在海南岛、广东蛇口以及青岛近海采集12种牡蛎,进行循环系统的比较解剖学研究。首次提高了牡蛎的循环系统有两种类型,即附心脏型和无附心脏型。两者之间的主要区别是:(1)附心脏型无肌套血管,其外套血液主要来自环外套动脉和附心脏;无附心脏型,由于无附心脏和环外套动脉,其外套血液主要来自肌套血管。(2)附心脏型是通过出鳃静脉和外套静脉分别将鳃前部和后部的血液送回心耳;无附心脏型的外套静  相似文献   
柳宵 《海洋信息》2000,(3):24-26
我国是世界海洋大国之一,也是海洋生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,生物物种种类丰富,生态类型齐全。已记录的物种有20278个,它们隶属于5个生物界,44个门,具有海洋生态系统的各种类型。动物界记录的种类最多,约24门,12794种。超过2500种的有环节动物、脊椎动物和软体动物等三个门,超过100种的有8个门。  相似文献   
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