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目的观察迪银片治疗银屑病的临床疗效。方法30例银屑病患者,口服迪银片8周,采用PASI评分法评价治疗前后效果,并观察有无不良反应发生。结果患者痊愈率56.7%,显效率36.7%,总有效率93.3%,无明显的不良反应。结论迪银片是临床治疗银屑病的有效药物之一。  相似文献   
There is evidence that the concomitance of psoriasis and obesity may originate from the interplay between multiple genetic pathways and involve gene–gene interactions. The aim of this study was to compare the genetic background related to obesity among psoriatic patients versus healthy controls by means of a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS). A total of 972 psoriatic patients and a total of 5878 healthy donors were enrolled in this study. DNA samples were genotyped for over 500,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using Infinium CoreExome BeadChips (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). Statistical analysis identified eleven signals (p < 1 × 10−5) associated with BMI across the study groups and revealed a varying effect size in each sub-cohort. Seven of the alternative alleles (rs1558902 in the FTO gene, rs696574 in the CALCRL gene, as well as rs10968110, rs4551082, rs4609724, rs9320269, and rs2338833,) are associated with increased BMI among all psoriatic patients and four (rs1556519 in the ITLN2 gene, rs12972098 in the AC003006.7 gene, rs12676670 in the PAG1 gene, and rs1321529) are associated with lower BMI. The results of our study may lead to further insights into the understanding of the pathogenesis of obesity among psoriatic patients.  相似文献   
Syndecans act as independent co-receptors to exert biological activities and their altered function is associated with many pathophysiological conditions. Here, syndecan-1 and -4 were examined in lesional skin of patients with psoriasis. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed altered syndecan-1 distribution and revealed absence of syndecan-4 expression in the epidermis. Fibronectin (FN)—known to influence inflammation and keratinocyte hyperproliferation via α5β1 integrin in psoriasis—was also decreased. Syndecan-1 and -4 expression was analyzed in freshly isolated lesional psoriatic human keratinocytes (PHK) characterized based on their proliferation and differentiation properties. mRNA levels of syndecan-1 were similar between healthy and PHK, while syndecan-4 was significantly decreased. Cell growth and release of the pro-inflammatory Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFα) were selectively and significantly induced in PHKs plated on FN. Results from co-culture of healthy keratinocytes and psoriatic fibroblasts led to the speculation that at least one factor released by fibroblasts down-regulate syndecan-1 expression in PHK plated on FN. To assay if biological treatments for psoriasis target keratinocyte proliferation, gelatin-based patches enriched with inteleukin (IL)-17α or TNFα blockers were prepared and tested using a full-thickness healthy epidermal model (Phenion®). Immunohistochemistry analysis showed that both blockers impacted the localisation of syndecan-1 within the refined epidermis. These results provide evidence that syndecans expression are modified in psoriasis, suggesting that they may represent markers of interest in this pathology.  相似文献   
The systemic inflammatory syndrome concept is one of the foundations that stand at the basis of revolutionary modern and future therapies, based on the in-depth understanding of the delicate mechanisms that govern the collaboration between the systems and organs of the human body and, at the same time, the fine balance that ensures a reproach-free operation. An interesting concept that we propose is that of the environment-inadequacy status, a concept that non-specifically incorporates all the situations of the organism’s response disorders in the face of imprecisely defined situations of the environment. The correlation between these two concepts will define the future of modern medicine, along with the gene-adjustment mechanisms. Psoriasis is a clear example of an inadequate body response as a result of exposure to as of yet undefined triggers with an excessive systemic inflammatory reaction and hitherto insufficiently controllable. Modern biological therapies, such as TNF-α, IL-12 family, and IL-17 inhibitors, are intended to profoundly reshape the cytokine configuration of patients with inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, with tremendous success in disease control. Yet, because of the important roles of cytokines in cancer promotion and control, concern was raised about the fact that the use of biologicals may alter immune surveillance and promote cancer progression. Both theoretical and practical data nevertheless showed that the treatment-induced control of cytokines may be beneficial for reducing the inflammatory milieu that promotes cancer and such have a beneficial role in maintaining health. We briefly present the intricate roles of those cytokine families on cancer control, with some debates on if their inhibition might or might not promote additional tumoral development.  相似文献   
目的探讨银屑病患者与健康人群肠道菌群多样性的差异。方法收集2017年5月至2018年6月间在中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所住院治疗的银屑病患者(银屑病组)及同期本院健康体检人群(健康组)的新鲜粪便标本,分析受试者相关临床资料。提取肠道菌群DNA,采用16S r DNA基因扩增和Illumina平台双端2×300策略测序,基于Gold数据库按>97%的相似性聚类操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU),对照Silva数据库进行物种注释及分类,各层级样本采用轶和检验分析物种差异; QIIME软件计算α多样性主要指数、β多样性分析,t检验分析指数差异,P<0. 05为差异有统计学意义。相关研究结果通过R及GraphPad Prism作图展示。结果符合入选和排除标准的11例银屑病患者及21例健康对照者入选本研究,两组研究对象的性别构成比、年龄和体质量指数无统计学差异(P均>0. 05)。DNA测序分析显示样本测序覆盖深度> 0. 99。银屑病组肠道菌群的OTU数量(278. 18±89. 75比722. 95±152. 81,t=10. 36,P<0. 01)、赵氏指数(433. 38±147. 47比1156. 08±292. 50,t=9. 291,P<0. 01)、香农指数(3. 56±0. 87比5. 73±0. 78,t=6. 972,P<0. 01)和辛普森指数(0. 79±0. 15比0. 94±0. 04,t=3. 287,P <0. 01)均显著低于健康组。RankAbundance曲线显示银屑病组肠道菌群均匀程度较低。PCoA分析(unweighted)显示银屑病组与健康组在第一主成分(24. 35%)可显著分离,Weighted Uni Frac分析可见银屑病组混杂在健康样本中无法区分,且与银屑病亚型无关。样本聚类分析显示,银屑病组肠道菌群与健康组有一定重叠性,银屑病样本特异性菌群少;在门层级,健康组中可检测到TM7,相对丰度为0. 000 066 9 (0. 000 033 4~0. 000 200 5),而银屑病组仅在个别样本中显示有微量存在,相对丰度为0(P<0. 05);在属层级,银屑病组双歧杆菌属[0. 000 033 4 (0. 000 016 7~0. 000 100 3)比0. 000 401 1 (0. 000 200 5~0. 001 337 0)]、布劳特氏菌属[0. 000 467 9 (0. 000 183 8~0. 000 434 5)比0. 002 206 0 (0. 000 935 9~0. 005 582 0)]、粪球菌属[0. 000 033 4 (0~0. 000 401 1)比0. 000 902 5 (0. 000 334 2~0. 005 315 0)]较健康组显著降低,健康组中的戴阿利斯特杆菌属和嗜血菌属仅在银屑病组个别样本中微量存在,克雷伯氏杆菌属在健康组和银屑病组个别样本中存在,但在银屑病组的相对丰度更低,接近0 (P均<0. 05)。个体样本高丰度菌群分析显示,银屑病组个别样本中多糖及短链脂肪酸代谢相关菌群的相对丰度降低。结论银屑病患者肠道菌群多样性低于健康人群。  相似文献   
Podoplanin is a sialomucin-like type I transmembrane receptor glycoprotein that is expressed specifically in lymphatic vessels, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles in normal skin. However, under pathological conditions podoplanin expression is upregulated in various cells, such as keratinocytes, fibroblasts, tumor cells, and inflammatory cells, and plays pivotal roles in different diseases. In psoriasis, podoplanin expression is induced in basal keratinocytes via the JAK-STAT pathway and contributes toward epidermal hyperproliferation. Podoplanin expression on keratinocytes can also promote IL-17 secretion from lymphocytes, promoting chronic inflammation. During wound healing, the podoplanin/CLEC-2 interaction between keratinocytes and platelets regulates re-epithelialization at the wound edge. In skin cancers, podoplanin expresses on tumor cells and promotes their migration and epithelial-mesenchymal transition, thereby accelerating invasion and metastasis. Podoplanin is also expressed in normal peritumoral cells, such as cancer-associated fibroblasts in melanoma and keratinocytes in extramammary Paget’s disease, which promote tumor progression and predict aggressive behavior and poor prognosis. This review provides an overview of our current understanding of the mechanisms via which podoplanin mediates these pathological skin conditions.  相似文献   
Psoriasis is an immune disease caused by rapid and incomplete differentiation of skin basal cells. Natural products such as indirubin have historically served as excellent sources for the treatments of psoriasis. However, the poor solubility and bioavailability due to its plane and rigid crystal structure, which limits its efficacy. Herein, to improve the efficacy of indirubin, a hydrogel-based microemulsion drug delivery system was developed for transdermal delivery. The mean droplet size of the optimized microemulsion was 84.37 nm, with a polydispersity index (PDI) less than 0.2 and zeta potential value of 0~−20 mV. The transdermal flux and skin retention of indirubin at 24 h were 47.34 ± 3.59 μg/cm2 and 8.77 ± 1.26 μg/cm2, respectively. The optimized microemulsion was dispersed in carbomer 934 hydrogel to increase the consistency. The indirubin-loaded microemulsion gel was tested on an imiquimod-induced psoriasis mouse model. Results showed that this preparation can improve psoriasis symptoms by down-regulating the expression of IL-17A, Ki67, and CD4+T. This experiment provides great scalability for researchers to treat psoriasis, avoid first-pass effects, and increase the concentration of targeted drugs.  相似文献   
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, serving as an effective mechanical barrier between the internal milieu and the external environment. The skin is widely considered the first-line defence of the body, with an essential function in rejecting pathogens and preventing mechanical, chemical, and physical damages. Keratinocytes are the predominant cells of the outer skin layer, the epidermis, which acts as a mechanical and water-permeability barrier. The epidermis is a permanently renewed tissue where undifferentiated keratinocytes located at the basal layer proliferate and migrate to the overlying layers. During this migration process, keratinocytes undertake a differentiation program known as keratinization process. Dysregulation of this differentiation process can result in a series of skin disorders. In this context, aquaporins (AQPs), a family of membrane channel proteins allowing the movement of water and small neutral solutes, are emerging as important players in skin physiology and skin diseases. Here, we review the role of AQPs in skin keratinization, hydration, keratinocytes proliferation, water retention, barrier repair, wound healing, and immune response activation. We also discuss the dysregulated involvement of AQPs in some common inflammatory dermatological diseases characterised by skin barrier disruption.  相似文献   
Over the past 10 years, it has become increasingly evident that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a multisystem disease that affects multiple extra-hepatic organ systems and interacts with the regulation of several metabolic and immunological pathways. In this review we discuss the rapidly expanding body of clinical and epidemiological evidence supporting a strong association between NAFLD and chronic plaque psoriasis. We also briefly discuss the possible biological mechanisms underlying this association, and discuss treatment options for psoriasis that may influence NAFLD development and progression. Recent observational studies have shown that the prevalence of NAFLD (as diagnosed either by imaging or by histology) is remarkably higher in psoriatic patients (occurring in up to 50% of these patients) than in matched control subjects. Notably, psoriasis is associated with NAFLD even after adjusting for metabolic syndrome traits and other potential confounding factors. Some studies have also suggested that psoriatic patients are more likely to have the more advanced forms of NAFLD than non-psoriatic controls, and that psoriatic patients with NAFLD have more severe psoriasis than those without NAFLD. In conclusion, the published evidence argues for more careful evaluation and surveillance of NAFLD among patients with psoriasis.  相似文献   
Umbilical cord blood (UCB) has long been seen as a rich source of naïve cells with strong regenerative potential, likely mediated by paracrine signals. More recently, small extracellular vesicles (sEV), such as exosomes, have been shown to play essential roles in cell-to-cell communication, via the transport of numerous molecules, including small RNAs. Often explored for their potential as biomarkers, sEV are now known to have regenerative and immunomodulating characteristics, particularly if isolated from stem cell-rich tissues. In this study, we aim to characterize the immunomodulating properties of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell-derived sEV (UCB-MNC-sEV) and explore their therapeutic potential for inflammatory skin diseases. UCB-MNC-sEV were shown to shift macrophages toward an anti-inflammatory phenotype, which in turn exert paracrine effects on fibroblasts, despite previous inflammatory stimuli. Additionally, the incubation of PBMC with UCB-MNC-sEV resulted in a reduction of total CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell proliferation and cytokine release, while specifically supporting the development of regulatory T-cells (Treg), by influencing FOXP3 expression. In a 3D model of psoriatic skin, UCB-MNC-sEV reduced the expression of inflammatory and psoriatic markers IL6, IL8, CXCL10, COX2, S100A7, and DEFB4. In vivo, UCB-MNC-sEV significantly prevented or reversed acanthosis in imiquimod-induced psoriasis, and tendentially increased the number of Treg in skin, without having an overall impact on disease burden. This work provides evidence for the anti-inflammatory and tolerogenic effect of UCB-MNC-sEV, which may be harnessed for the treatment of Th17-driven inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis.  相似文献   
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