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黄酒行业工业废水COD与BOD_5相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄酒厂各工序产生废水及各酒厂产生综合性废水及其处理后的排放水进行COD、BOD5的测定,对两者的相关性进行研究,同时对两种回归方程作方差分析及相关系数的显著性检验.回归方程的建立对酒厂污染源监测分析、环境管理具有实际意义.  相似文献   
The synthetic analogue of a bacterially produced polyester, poly(5mm2/xxlarge946.gif" alt="beta" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) was synthesized from racemic 5mm2/xxlarge946.gif" alt="beta" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">-butyrolactone using anin situ trimethyl aluminum-water catalyst. The polymer was fractionated into samples differing in molecular weight and isotactic diad content. The latter was closely related to degree of crystallinity. The biodegradation of these fractions were examined by monitoring mass loss over time in the presence of anAlcaligenes faecalis T1 extracellular bacterial poly(5mm2/xxlarge946.gif" alt="beta" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase. The fraction with high isotactic diad tacticity content showed little or no degradation over a 50 hour incubation period, whereas the fraction of intermediate isotactic diad content degraded in a continuous steady fashion at a rate that was less than that for bacterial PHB. The low isotactic diad fraction underwent a rapid initial degradation, followed by no further mass loss. The presence of stereoblocks in the polymer structure of the various fractions was an influence on the degree of susceptibility towards degradation and is related to sample crystallinity.  相似文献   
Catalytic oxidation is widely used in pollution control technology to remove volatile organic compounds. In this study, Pd/ZSM-5 catalysts with different Pd contents and acidic sites were prepared via the impregnation method. All the catalysts were characterized by means of N2 adsorption- desorption, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), HE temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR), and NH3 temperature programmed desorption (NH3-TPD). Their catalytic performance was investigated in the oxidation of butyl acetate experiments. The by-products of the reaction were collected in thermal desorption tubes and identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. It was found that the increase of Pd content slightly changed the catalytic activity of butyl acetate oxidation according to the yield of CO2 achieved at 90%, but decreased the cracking by-products, whereas the enhancement of strong acidity over Pd-based catalysts enriched the by-product species. The butyl acetate oxidation process involves a series of reaction steps including protolysis, dehydrogenation, dehydration, cracking, and isomerization. Generally, butyl acetate was cracked to acetic acid and 2- methylpropene and the latter was an intermediate of the other by-products, and the oxidation routes of typical by-products were proposed. Trace amounts of 3-methylpentane, hexane, 2-methylpentane, pentane, and 2-methylbutane originated from iso4merization and protolysis reactions.  相似文献   
通过亚胺缩合的反应制备出阳离子荧光传感器(Cation Fluorescent Sensors,CFSs),并对其结构、光谱性能检测、荧光量子产率等进行了详细的研究.通过荧光化学传感器产生的荧光光谱一直是高效的分析方法,因此合成了新的基于席夫碱的荧光化学传感器,并研究了对各种金属离子的结合特性.在CH3CN溶液中测试了阳离子荧光传感器时不同阳离子的选择性响应,发现对Cu2+有较好的选择性,可用于Cu2+的检测.该类阳离子荧光传感器是基于2,2-联噻吩-5-乙醛的荧光发射基团和邻氨基苯甲醚为识别基团的一类阳离子荧光传感器.  相似文献   
Windblown dust is known to impede visibility, deteriorate air quality and modify the radiation budget. Arid and semiarid areas with unpaved and unvegetated land cover are particularly prone to windblown dust, which is often attributed to high particulate matter (PM) pollution in such areas. Yet, windblown dust is poorly represented in existing regulatory air quality models. In a study by the authors on modeling episodic high PM events along the US/Mexico border using the state-of-the-art CMAQ/MM5/SMOKE air quality modeling system [Choi, Y.-J., Hyde, P., Fernando, H.J.S., 2006. Modeling of episodic particulate matter events using a 3D air quality model with fine grid: applications to a pair of cities in the US/Mexico border. Atmospheric Environment 40, 5181–5201], some of the observed PM10 NAAQS exceedances were inferred as due to windblown dust, but the modeling system was incapable of dealing with time-dependent episodic dust entrainment during high wind periods. In this paper, a time-dependent entrainment parameterization for windblown dust is implemented in the CMAQ/MM5/SMOKE modeling system with the hope of improving PM predictions. An approach for realizing windblown dust emission flux for each grid cell over the study domain on an hourly basis, which accounts for the influence of factors such as soil moisture content, atmospheric stability and wind speed, is presented in detail. Comparison of model predictions with observational data taken at a pair of US/Mexico border towns shows a clear improvement of model performance upon implementation of the dust emission flux parameterization.  相似文献   
化学解耦联剂对活性污泥产率的控制作用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
采用3,3',4',5-四氯水杨酰苯胺(TCS)作为代谢解耦联剂添加到活性污泥工艺中,进行连续曝气分批培养实验.结果表明:在TCS总投加量相同的情况下,采用一次性大剂量投加的污泥减量化效果好于分次小剂量投加.每d投加 12 mg TCS,污泥产量比对照下降了33%,而每2 d一次性投加24 mg TCS,污泥产量比对照下降了55%.污泥的CODCr去除能力有所下降,当一次性投加12 mg时,CODCr去除率比对照下降了12%,但出水氨氮及总氮质量浓度均未受影响.污泥的SVI有所上升,但沉降性能未见有明显变化.   相似文献   
实验采用一步离子交换法制备Cu-Ce-La-ZSM-5催化剂,然后采用共混法制得Cu-Ce-La-ZSM-5/CaH2催化剂。采用扫描电镜(SEM),电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES),X射线衍射(XRD),红外(FTIR)以及NO吸脱附(NO-TPD)对催化剂进行表征。结果显示CaH2的加入使得催化剂中铜离子存在形式发生变化,催化剂表面变光滑洁净,并且吸附NO能力增强。NO催化分解实验的结果表明CaH2提高了催化剂活性和抗氧性。CaH2助催性是由于其受热分解过程中产生的H2能将Cu^2+还原为具有催化活性的Cu^+,同时使催化剂表面洁净光滑更容易吸附NO。  相似文献   
曹佳红  黄铭  林军平 《四川环境》2003,22(5):30-31,44
本文针对GB/T7488-1987《水质五日生化需氧量(BOD5)稀释与接种法》中BOD5的测定和计算时接种稀释水的空白扣除方法,提出了直接测接种液的BOD5值,按接种液的比例在水样中进行扣除的方法,提高了BOD5值的准确性。更能反应BOD5的真实性。  相似文献   
珠芽魔芋种子5苗接力生长当年形成商品芋技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次提出珠芽魔芋种子具有5苗接力生长的生物学特性。种子能在一个不间断的生长周期中积累最大生物产量,避免魔芋需反复"换头"种植3—4年才能收获商品芋的低产生长模式,使魔芋的膨大系数由块茎的低于10倍提高到种子最高约7000倍,所获地下球茎重量平均达1560g。采用种子种植当年即可获用于加工的商品芋,消除了魔芋种植过程中固有的风险,使魔芋由低产作物变成高产作物,魔芋多糖总量将实现跨越式增长。  相似文献   
The paper examines trends in the average copper content of mined ores over the years. It has tended to decline over the long term, but by no means evenly. US averages are not typical of global averages, at least in the past four decades. Those have been both higher, and less volatile than in the US. One reason for falling averages is a change in the type of deposit mined, with a rise in the share of relatively low grade porphyry deposits. The different nature of their deposits is reflected in marked differences in grades between the different continents. African and Australian average grades are higher than the global average, and changes in the share of Central Africa in global output have affected the global average grade. Yields are have been consistently lower in North America than elsewhere, and Latin American average grades have trended downwards, reflecting both the ageing of mines and the rising share of production from porphyry deposits. Typically the yield of mines declines over time as mining proceeds. The average copper content of ore deposits is usually below the average yield of the ore accessed in the early years of production. The initial grades of new mines have not declined over the past forty years, and there has been no perceptible tendency for the average grade of porphyry deposits brought into production to decline over time. There is no apparent correlation between average grade and deposit size, but mine operators tend to exploit economies of scale to offset low grades. The relationship between the annual percentage yields (the head grade) and the reserve grades of deposits is not static. In recent years head grades have fallen closer to reserve grades. The relationship may be affected by movements in metal prices. Although the evidence about the influence of prices is not clear-cut, it does suggest that prices and cut-off grades may be inversely related. As many ores contain other valuable metals besides copper, copper yields will sometimes be subordinated to the extraction of these other metals. Copper equivalent grades have not moved in the same way as copper grades alone.  相似文献   
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