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长白山西坡风灾干扰区的恢复和保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长白山西坡发生的灾害性风灾干扰,一方面给长白山自然保护区的森林资源造成巨大损失,同时也提出了如何加强保护和加速恢复的新课题。文中分析了风灾干扰区的更新格局和过程以及干扰后处理的有关问题,提出了从立地和景观水平促进更新恢复的保护措施  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Bankfull depth and discharge are basic input parameters to stream planform, stream restoration, and highway crossing designs, as well as to the development of hydraulic geometry relationships and the classification of streams. Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of definitions for bankfull that provide a range of values, and the actual selection of bankfull is subjective. In this paper, the relative uncertainty in determining the bankfull depth and discharge is quantified, first by examining the variability in the estimates of bankfull and second by using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth. Fuzzy numbers are used to incorporate uncertainty due to vagueness in the definition of bankfull and subjectivity in the selection of bankfull. Examples are provided that demonstrate the use of a fuzzy bankfull depth in sediment trans. port and in stream classification. Using fuzzy numbers to describe bankfull depth rather than a deterministic value allows the engineer to base designs and decisions on a range of possible values and associated degrees of belief that the bankfull depths take on each value in that range.  相似文献   
胡杨林的衰退原因与林地恢复策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄培祐 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):121-124
胡杨广布于地中海沿岸并呈带状东延至中国和蒙古人民共和国。目前,胡杨林已普遍呈不同程度退化,以塔里木盆地为例,垦伐等人为因素使林地总面积迅速减少。现场观测发现,一些林区缺乏胸径20cm以下的立木,而该地从1972年以来断绝洪水来源,显示洪水对幼苗补给可能存在相关,该地断绝洪水多年后,2002年重新出现洪泛过程,洪水退后出现大量的幼苗生长,从而证实洪水过程是胡杨幼林发生的必要条件。本文就此现象提出恢复部分林地的对策。  相似文献   
汶川地震诱发了大量泥石流灾害,灾损土地利用和生态修复是灾区产业重建面临的重要课题。以北川县都坝河小流域为研究对象,通过调查灾损土地禀赋、灾害特征、土地需求,采取多因素耦合和关键因子限制分析法,探讨灾害胁迫条件下的经济活动与生态修复之间的互馈作用,结果表明:(1)流域新增土地供给源主要为泥石流灾损土地,土地资源化利用受灾害、聚落和产业结构控制;(2)灾损土地根据成因划分为沟口堆积型、沟道冲淤型以及岸坡侵蚀型,三者的肥力、安全性及交通条件等特征具有显著差异;(3)基于"因灾分区、耕地优先、产业共建、美居造景"的原则,建立了灾损土地的利用方式和生态修复模式,并选取杨家沟进行验证,沟域灾损土地利用方式为生态林地、产业林地及优质耕地,分别占比28.5%、56.3%、15.2%,生态修复措施主要为提高土地安全度、提升植被覆盖率和增强水保功能。该研究建立的震区土地利用和生态修复模式可有力协调人地矛盾、发展绿色经济和提升人居环境。  相似文献   
GIS支持下的秦岭植被景观梯度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦岭植被景观类型丰富,具有过渡性和复杂性特点,植被垂直分带明显. 在分析了大尺度秦岭植被景观空间水平分布格局的基础上,利用基于GIS梯度分析方法,分析秦岭的植被与海拔梯度的关系,得到秦岭不同植被景观类型的斑块数、分布范围、植被分布的海拨高度平均值和标准差,并以太白山为例,对太白山植物种进行了梯度分析. 结果表明,随着海拔高度的增加,太白山依次出现7种植被景观类型:温带草丛→温带落叶灌丛→温带落叶阔叶林→亚热带针叶林→亚热带和热带山地针叶林→草甸→高寒草甸等植被类型,植物种亦发生相应的变化.   相似文献   
通过研究露天煤矿排土场植被恢复初期土壤碳的变化规律及相关的影响因素,可为矿区排土场生态恢复提供科学依据和决策支持。为此,以内蒙古通辽高寒露天煤矿排土场土壤为研究对象,分别在2018、2019和2020年植物复垦土壤以及2021年未复垦土壤进行调查取样,探究了恢复初期土壤全碳、有机质、颗粒有机碳(POC)、矿物结合态有机物 (MAOC)和土壤微生物量碳(MBC)变化规律及影响因素。结果表明:植被复垦后土壤碳组分显著高于对照土壤,并随着排土场植被恢复时间的增加,土壤活性有机质中的POC、MAOC组分以及MBC的含量显著增加,但土壤全碳含量的差异不显著。土壤pH显著影响土壤全碳和MAOC含量,而土壤铵态氮与土壤碳累积呈负相关。随着植被恢复时间的增加,土壤pH降低,并与土壤全碳和MAOC的含量显著增加显著相关。因此,植被恢复对于排土场土壤碳累积具有重要的意义,同时在排土场生态恢复的过程中应重视土壤盐碱化治理。  相似文献   
Vertical and temporal distributions of N and P in soil solution in aquatic-terrestrial ecotone (ATE) of Taihu Lake were investigated, and the relations among N, P, ORP (oxidation reduction potential), TOC, root system biomass and microorganism were studied. As a whole, significant declines in TN, NO3^--N, DON (dissolved organic nitrogen) and TP concentration in soil solution have occurred with increase of the depth, and reached their minima at 60 cm depth, except for NH4^+-N, which increased with depth. The concentration of TP increased gradually from spring to winter in the topsoil, the maximum 0.08 mg/L presented in the winter while the minimum 0.03 mg/L in spring. In the deeper layer, the concentration value of TP fluctuated little. As for the NO3^--N, its seasonal variation was significant at 20 cm depth, its concentration increased gradually from spring to autumn, and decreased markedly in winter. Vertical and temporal distribution of DON is contrary to that of NO3^--N. The results also show that the variation of N and P in the percolate between adjacent layers is obviously different. The vertical variation ofTN, TP, NO3^--N, NH4^+-N and DON is significant, of which the variation coefficient of NO3^--N along the depth reaches 100.23%, the highest; while the variation coefficient of DON is 41.14%, the smallest. The results of correlation analysis show that the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus correlate significantly with TOC, ORP, root biomass and counts of nitrifying bacteria. Most nutrients altered much from 20 to 40 cm along the depth. However, DON changed more between 60 and 80 cm. Results show that soil of 0-60 cm depth is active rhizoplane, with strong capability to remove the nitrogen and phosphorus in ATE. It may suggest that there exists the optimum ecological efficiency in the depth of above 60 cm in reed wetland. This will be very significant for ecological restoration and reestablishment.  相似文献   
根据有色金属矿山恢复开采项目环境影响评价工作中的不足,提出应关注的几个重要问题,主要涉及产业政策及规划相符性、矿山历史遗留问题、公众参与等。  相似文献   
城市河流硬质护岸生态修复研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对硬质护岸给城市河流生态环境造成的影响,初步探讨了生态型河流护岸的概念与内涵;分类介绍了硬质护岸生态修复一些代表性的技术和方法,分析了这些技术的适用范围;并提出了目前关于硬质护岸生态修复技术研究的热点问题和发展方向。  相似文献   
对矸石土样及植被材料进行采样测定,研究分析矸石的供肥能力、微量有毒元素含量、矿区植物中微量有毒元素的含量。研究结果表明:刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)对Cu、As元素吸收能力大于其它植物;荠菜(Capsella bursapastrois)对Zn元素的吸收能力较其他植物强;狗尾草(Setaria viridis)对Cr元素具有较强的吸收能力。依据矸石废弃地立地类型特点,矸石废弃地人工植被景观恢复过程中应选择臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)、刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)作为先锋树种,宜优先选用刺槐×沙棘×荠菜(Robinia pseudoacacia×Hippophae rhamnoides×Capsella)、刺槐×沙棘×狗尾草(Robinia pseudoacacia×Hippophae rhamnoides×Setariaviridis)、臭椿×沙棘×狗尾草(Ailanthusaltissima×Hippophae rhamnoides×Setaria viridis)群落与刺槐林、臭椿林配植模式。运用生态恢复的方法对矸石废弃地进行人工植被景观恢复与重建,恢复其受损伤的生态系统,这对矸石废弃地植被恢复有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
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