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ABSTRACT: In most studies, quantile estimates of extreme 24-hour rainfall are given in annual probabilities. The probability of experiencing an excessive storm event, however, differs throughout the year. As a result, this paper explored the differences between heavy rainfall distributions by season in Louisiana. It was concluded by using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests that the distribution of heavy rainfall events differs significantly between particular seasons at the sites near the Gulf Coast. Furthermore, seasonal frequency curves varied dramatically at the four sites examined. Mixed distributions within these data were not found to be problematic, but the mechanisms that produced the events were found to change seasonally. Extreme heavy rainfall events in winter and spring were primarily generated by frontal weather systems, while summer and fall events had high proportions of events produced by tropical disturbances and airmass (free-convective) conditions.  相似文献   
渭河径流特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田宏伟 《灾害学》2006,21(2):99-102
由于工农业的快速发展,渭河径流逐年减少,污染加重,河道淤积不断发展,洪涝灾害时有发生,对中下游人民生产生活造成严重影响.为了减少洪害,减轻污染,必须保证渭河常年径流稳定.  相似文献   
镇江城市径流颗粒粒径分布及其与污染物的关系   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
朱伟  边博  李磊 《环境科学学报》2008,28(4):764-771
为了解城市中不同粒径颗粒物对于径流中污染物的影响,2006年3月在镇江城市不同功能区地表采集了沉积物样品和径流样品,分析了颗粒物的粒径分布和污染物浓度.结果表明,晴天条件下道路沉积物主要由粒径<250μm的颗粒组成;降雨初期主要为<5μm的颗粒物随径流迁移,随降雨历时的延长较大颗粒开始随径流迁移,降雨期间随地表径流迁移主要为小于150μm的颗粒物,特别是5~40μm粒径段的颗粒要特别予以关注;同时污染物浓度也由降雨初期的高浓度逐渐下降并趋于稳定.明确了径流中污染物的主要输出形态,并通过分析不同降雨历时污染物与固体悬浮物和颗粒粒径的相关性探明了径流污染物形态输出的原因,从而为城市非点源污染的管理以及控制方法的选择提供科学依据.  相似文献   
This study tested and evaluated the agricultural non-point source(AGNPS)model for the Wuchuan catchment, a typical agricultural area in the Jiulong River watershed, Fujian Province. China. The AGNPS model was calibrated and validated for the study area with observed data onten storms. Thedata on eight stormsin 2002 were used for calibration while data on two stormswere used for validation of the model. Considering the lack of water quality data over a long-term series, a novel method, comparing an internal nested catchment with its surrounding catchment, was used to supplement the less long-term series data. Dual calibration and validation of the AGNPS model was obtained by this comparison. The results indicate that the correlation coefficients were 0. 99 and 0. 98 for runoff, 0. 94 and 0. 95 forthe peak runoff rate of the large catchment and the small catchment, respectively, and 0. 76 forthe sediment of the small catchment only. Each pair of correlation coefficients is homogeneous for the same event for the two catchments. With the exception of the sediment yield and particulate phosphorus, the peak nmofr rate and other nutrients were well predicted. Sensitivity analysis showed that the Soil Conservation Service curve number and rainfall quantity were the most sensitive parameters, which resulted in high output variations. Erosivitv and other parameters had little influence on the hydrological and quality outputs.  相似文献   
喀斯特坡地地表径流系数监测初报   总被引:38,自引:11,他引:27  
通过对喀斯特坡地6种不同土地利用条件下径流小区的地表径流和植被穿透雨量以及地下水出口水位变化进行野外定点连续观测研究,结果表明,6个径流小区地表径流系数均非常小,介于0.01%~12.81%。显然,喀斯特坡地的地表径流易于入渗转化为地下径流。受人为活动影响较大的径流小区,地表径流系数随降雨量的变化呈指数函数型变化特征,容易产生地表径流系数的突变式增长。  相似文献   
黄河上中游天然径流多时间尺度变化及动因分析   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:35  
运用小波分析等方法对黄河上中游天然径流序列进行了分析,揭示了河川径流多时间尺度变化规律,并对径流在不同时间尺度上变化的影响因素进行了探讨。研究结果对于认识黄河径流的变化规律、开发利用管理黄河水资源有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
应用连续农业非点源污染AnnAGNPS模型(Annualized AGricultural NonPoint Source Model)模拟三峡库区林农复合小流域的径流、泥沙和营养物输出,以2003年和2004年的小流域观测数据对模型分别进行校准和验证,并以统计参量决定系数(R2)、Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(E)和相对误差(VE)对模拟结果进行评定.结果表明,径流量模型模拟结果误差在可接受范围之内,模型校准期模拟值VE值为5.0%(R2=0.93,p<0.05),验证期内模型VE值为6.7%(R2=0.90,p<0.05);与径流模拟比较,泥沙模拟结果精度较低,校准期内模型VE值为15.1%(R2=0.63,p<0.05),验证期内模型VE值为26.7%(R2=0.59,p<0.05);次降水较小,产生径流和泥沙较少时,模型模拟值则偏高,反之则偏低.氮输出模拟决定系数R2值0.68(p<0.05),略高于磷输出模拟决定系数(R2=0.65,p<0.05).模型对径流输出的模拟精度高于对泥沙和营养物的输出模拟.在三峡库区农林复合小流域应用AnnAGNPS模型模拟农业非点源污染输出满足流域管理要求.  相似文献   
岳桢铻  李一平  周玉璇  郑可  于珊  伍彬 《环境科学》2022,43(4):2018-2029
降雨径流是城市河道污染的重要来源之一.为了解降雨径流的污染特征,对南宁市老城区进行降雨径流同步采样监测,分析不同降雨条件下不同下垫面污染状况、初期冲刷效应及污染贡献比等特征,探讨了径流污染初期冲刷计算方法及影响因素分析,并根据老城区菜市场下垫面讨论降雨径流下垫面选取标准与必要性.结果表明,南宁市老城区径流污染中,道路及...  相似文献   
高速公路雨水径流重金属污染初期效应   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
通过对8场降雨高速公路路面雨水径流中溶解态和颗粒态Cd、Cu、Pb和Zn 4种重金属进行现场取样检测,在定性分析径流重金属污染初期效应存现的基础上,定量分析了重金属污染初期效应的显著程度,并探讨了降雨特征对径流重金属污染初期效应的影响.无因次累积负荷分数-累积体积分数曲线分析结果表明,大多数降雨事件中总重金属存在较显著的初期效应,除溶解态Pb不具有初期效应外,其余溶解态与颗粒态重金属均存在较显著的初期效应.少数降雨事件的径流在中后期存在二次冲刷效应.初期冲刷比值分析结果表明,拦截并处理径流初期25%流量(径流的体积分数,下同)可去除整个降雨事件中所排放的35%~39%(质量分数,下同)的重金属污染负荷.总重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序如下:Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb;溶解态重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序如下:Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb;颗粒态重金属初期效应的显著程度顺序为:Cu>Cd>Pb>Zn.重金属初期冲刷比值与降雨特征相关性分析表明,平均降雨强度对径流重金属污染负荷初期效应的影响显著,降雨历时、降雨量、前期晴天数和产流时间对径流重金属污染负荷初期效应的影响较小.  相似文献   
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