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目的 通过机载PCB板(Printed Circuit Board,PCB)在热带海洋大气环境下的腐蚀老化特征和电气性能退化规律分析,研究其在热带海洋大气环境下的环境适应性。方法 根据热带海洋大气环境中PCB板的实际使用环境大多为舱室内部封闭或半封闭的情况,分别设计并开展海南万宁海洋平台棚下暴露场和某海域环境户外简易遮蔽玻璃框下3 a的自然环境试验。结果 PCB板的焊点、焊盘、印制导线以及引线头等部位在2种试验环境中均出现了不同程度的腐蚀破坏,试验后期,所有部位的腐蚀程度全部达到了4级,导通电阻从几十毫欧增大至几十兆欧,绝缘电阻从10 GΩ以上降低至几兆欧。结论 在万宁站试验2 a和某海域试验3 a后,PCB板均不满足耐电压的技术要求(500 V交流电压60 s),万宁海洋平台棚下暴露场对PCB板的环境适应性更为严酷。  相似文献   
热带海洋环境条件对印制电路板性能参数的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁敏  邹凡  王忠 《环境技术》2014,(3):21-23
分析了热带海洋环境条件对印制电路板影响的主要敏感电气参数,采用典型印制电路板工艺样件开展了西沙自然大气暴露试验,根据试验结果,对敏感参数的变化规律进行了分析。  相似文献   
Introduction Photosyntheticphotonfluxdensity(PPFD)withinforestcanopiesisintrinsicallyheterogeneousinspaceandtime.Becausesomespeciesaregenotypicallysuitedforspecificlightregimes,understandingtheheterogeneityofthelightregimewithinaforestcanopyisimportantfor…  相似文献   
Community mitigation of hazard impact requires hazard knowledge and preparedness on the part of the members of diverse and complex communities. Longitudinal research in the tropical cyclone prone north of Australia has gathered extensive datasets on community awareness, preparedness and knowledge, in order to contribute to education campaigns and mitigation strategies. Data have been used to identify issues of vulnerability to cyclones and capacity to deal with the hazard. This has been developed as a community vulnerability and capacity model that may be applied to diverse communities in order to assess levels of capability to mitigate and deal with the cyclone hazard. The model is presented here in a simplified form as its development is evolving and ongoing.  相似文献   
我国东部沿海热带气旋演化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国是遭受热带气旋灾害最为严重的国家之一.其年际年代际演化特征仍不清晰.采用中国气象局公布的1949?—?2018年的最佳路径数据集、登陆热带气旋名录以及HadlSST数据,探讨近70 a以来我国东部沿海热带气旋的时空演化特征及其与海表温度变化的内在关联.结果表明:(1)70 a间,热带气旋生成个数以及登陆我国东部沿海地区的个数略有波动,但超强热带气旋个数生成以及登陆我国的个数呈现明显增加趋势;登陆我国东部沿海地区的热带气旋大多生成于7、8、9月份,但4月以及11月也存在热带气旋生成并登陆现象.(2)登陆我国东部沿海地区的热带气旋主要生成于西北太平洋海域(432个)、南海海域(199个)和东海海域(28个),且主要在我国广东(220个)、海南(153个)、台湾(146个)、福建(47个)登陆.(3)热带气旋生成及登陆我国气旋与全球海表温度具有高度相关性;与西太平洋海温呈正相关,与东太平洋与印度洋海温呈负相关.  相似文献   
热带气旋的短期气候预报检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
谢定升  梁凤仪 《灾害学》2002,17(2):32-36
用非线性预报的方法,作西太平洋、南海、以及登陆我国、登陆广东热带气旋的短期气候预测,用逐日气压场作登陆广东热带气旋的时段和地段以及南海海面带气旋出现的时间的气候预测。对近3年的热带气候预报进行检验,效果较满意。  相似文献   
Abstract: Growing threats to biodiversity in the tropics mean there is an increasing need for effective monitoring that balances scientific rigor with practical feasibility. Alternatives to professional techniques are emerging that are based on the involvement of local people. Such locally based monitoring methods may be more sustainable over time, allow greater spatial coverage and quicker management decisions, lead to increased compliance, and help encourage attitude shifts toward more environmentally sustainable practices. Nevertheless, few studies have yet compared the findings or cost‐effectiveness of locally based methods with professional techniques or investigated the power of locally based methods to detect trends. We gathered data on bushmeat‐hunting catch and effort using a professional technique (accompanying hunters on hunting trips) and two locally based methods in which data were collected by hunters (hunting camp diaries and weekly hunter interviews) in a 15‐month study in Equatorial Guinea. Catch and effort results from locally based methods were strongly correlated with those of the professional technique and the spatial locations of hunting trips reported in the locally based methods accurately reflected those recorded with the professional technique. We used power simulations of catch and effort data to show that locally based methods can reliably detect meaningful levels of change (20% change with 80% power at significance level [α]= 0.05) in multispecies catch per unit effort. Locally based methods were the most cost‐effective for monitoring. Hunter interviews collected catch and effort data on 240% more hunts per person hour and 94% more hunts per unit cost, spent on monitoring, than the professional technique. Our results suggest that locally based monitoring can offer an accurate, cost‐effective, and sufficiently powerful method to monitor the status of natural resources. To establish such a system in Equatorial Guinea, the current lack of national and local capacity for monitoring and management must be addressed.  相似文献   
Land‐use dynamics and climatic gradients have large effects on many terrestrial systems. Exurban development, one of the fastest growing forms of land use in the United States, may affect wildlife through habitat fragmentation and building presence may alter habitat quality. We studied the effects of residential development and temperature gradients on bird species occurrence at 140 study sites in the southern Appalachian Mountains (North Carolina, U.S.A.) that varied with respect to building density and elevation. We used occupancy models to determine 36 bird species’ associations with building density, forest canopy cover, average daily mean temperature, and an interaction between building density and mean temperature. Responses varied with habitat requirement, breeding range, and migration distance. Building density and mean temperature were both included in the top occupancy models for 19 of 36 species and a building density by temperature interaction was included in models for 8 bird species. As exurban development expands in the southern Appalachians, interior forest species and Neotropical migrants are likely to decline, but shrubland or edge species are not likely to benefit. Overall, effects of building density were greater than those of forest canopy cover. Exurban development had a greater effect on birds at high elevations due to a greater abundance of sensitive forest‐interior species and Neotropical migrants. A warming climate may exacerbate these negative effects. Efectos del Desarrollo Exurbano y de la Temperatura sobre Especies de Aves en las Apalaches del Sur  相似文献   
Lichens are an important component of the boreal forest, where they are long lived, tend to accumulate in older stands, and are a major food source for the threatened woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). To be fully sustainable, silvicultural practices in the boreal forest must include the conservation of ecological integrity. Dominant forest management practices, however, have short‐term negative effects on lichen diversity, particularly the application of herbicides. To better understand the long‐term effects of forest management, we examined lichen regeneration in 35 mixed black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest stands across northern Ontario to determine recovery following logging and postharvest silvicultural practices. Our forest stands were 25–40 years old and had undergone 3 common sivilcultural treatments that included harvested and planted; harvested, planted, and treated with N‐[phosphonomethyl] glycine (glyphosate); and harvested, planted, and treated with 2,4‐dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D). Forest stands with herbicide treatments had lower lichen biomass and higher beta and gamma diversity than planted stands that were not treated chemically or control stands. In northwestern Ontario, planted stands that were not treated chemically had significantly greater (p < 0.05) alpha diversity than stands treated with herbicides or control stands. Our results show that common silvicultural practices do not emulate natural disturbances caused by wildfires in the boreal forest for the lichen community. We suggest a reduction in the amount of chemical application be considered in areas where lichen biomass is likely to be high and where the recovery of woodland caribou is an objective. Conservación de Líquenes en Bosques Boreales Manejados Intensivamente  相似文献   
Soil to plant transfer factor (TF) of60Co and 65Zn was determined fromradioisotope experiments on plants grown in pots underoutdoor ambient tropical conditions for three growingseasons (1995–1998). The TFs were obtained fordifferent plants/crops such as, rice, bean, peanutspineapple, cabbage, tomato, spinach and grass. Theaverage TF values of 60Co are found to be 0.087,0.15, 0.12, 0.67, 0.28, 0.79, 1.03 and 0.34respectively for the above mentioned plants/crops. Incase of 65Zn, the average TF values are found tobe 2.24, 1.17, 0.89, 1.09, 0.78, 1.34, 2.92 and 1.78,respectively, for the above mentioned plants/crops. Thedata will be useful to assess the radiation exposureto man associated with the releases of radionuclidesfrom nuclear facilities by means of radiologicalassessment models that require transfer factors asinput parameters to predict the contamination ofradionuclides in foodchain.  相似文献   
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