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本文从不同方面和断代论述了中国东南地区的基底杂岩时代、性质、构造环境、边界变质条件、地球物理场及其反映的构造格局、断裂体系、中生代火山活动的基底构造及类型分区。在此基础上提出了东南地区的构造划分及构造演化阶段和格局。并提出了不同类型的地体及其分类、大陆裂解、增生的新概念。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to examine the chemistry of Coalbed Methane (CBM) discharge water reacting with semi‐arid ephemeral stream channels in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. The study area consisted of two ephemeral streams: Burger Draw and Sue Draw. These streams are tributaries to the perennial Powder River. Samples were collected bimonthly from three CBM discharge points and seven channel locations in Burger Draw and Sue Draw. Samples were also collected bimonthly from the Powder River above and below the confluence of Burger Draw. Before sample collection, the pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured in the field. Samples were transported to the laboratory and analyzed for alkalinity, major cations, and anions. From the measurement of sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), practical sodium adsorption ratio (SARp) and true sodium adsorption ratio (SARt) were calculated. Results suggest pH and EC of CBM discharge water was 7.1 and 4.3 dS/m, respectively. The CBM discharge water consisted of higher concentrations of sodium and alkalinity compared to other components. The pH of CBM discharge water increased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel of Burger Draw from 7.1 to 8.84 before it joined with the Powder River. Dissolved calcium concentration of CBM discharge water decreased significantly (p = 0.000) in the downstream channel water. Subsequently, SARp increased approximately from 24 to 29. The SARt also increased significantly (p = 0.001) in the downstream channel water. For instance, SARt of CBM discharge water increased from 32.93 to 45.5 downstream channels after the confluence of Sue Draw with the Burger Draw. The only significant difference in water chemistry above and below the confluence of Burger Draw with the Powder River was pH, which increased from 8.36 to 8.52. The significant increase in SAR values of CBM discharge water in Burger Draw and Sue Draw tributaries suggest a careful monitoring of salinity and sodicity is needed if CBM discharge water is used for irrigation in semi‐arid environments. Results discussed in this study will be useful to downstream water users who depend on water for irrigation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Water scarcity in the Sevier River Basin in south‐central Utah has led water managers to seek advanced techniques for identifying optimal forecasting and management measures. To more efficiently use the limited quantity of water in the basin, better methods for control and forecasting are imperative. Basin scale management requires advanced forecasts of the availability of water. Information about long term water availability is important for decision making in terms of how much land to plant and what crops to grow; advanced daily predictions of streamflows and hydraulic characteristics of irrigation canals are of importance for managing water delivery and reservoir releases; and hourly forecasts of flows in tributary streams to account for diurnal fluctuations are vital to more precisely meet the day‐to‐day expectations of downstream farmers. A priori streamflow information and exogenous climate data have been used to predict future streamflows and required reservoir releases at different timescales. Data on snow water equivalent, sea surface temperatures, temperature, total solar radiation, and precipitation are fused by applying artificial neural networks to enhance long term and real time basin scale water management information. This approach has not previously been used in water resources management at the basin‐scale and could be valuable to water users in semi‐arid areas to more efficiently utilize and manage scarce water resources.  相似文献   
利用室内动三轴实验研究了振动频率与龄期对河道淤泥气泡混合轻质土(FMLSS)动力特性的影响。结果表明,振动频率和龄期对FMLSS的动力特性有明显影响。振动频率越小,轴向动应变和阻尼比越大,动模量越小。随着养护龄期的增长,动模量增大而阻尼比减小。动模量曲线在振动频率大、养护龄期长和水泥含量高时更加陡峭。当动应变较小时,不同龄期的FMLSS阻尼比很接近,随着动应变不断发展,阻尼比差异增大。FMLSS的动模量曲线都呈平缓衰减型,阻尼比在0.01~0.03之间,体现出FMLSS是良好的弹性材料。最后,探讨了振动频率和龄期对FMLSS动力特性的影响机理。  相似文献   
太湖水体中悬浮颗粒物的比吸收光谱特性及其参数化分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对太湖水体的野外采样,利用定量滤膜技术测量了水体中浮游植物色素的吸收系数(aph(λ))和非色素颗粒物的吸收系数(aNAP(λ)),进而推算比吸收系数.同时,对浮游植物色素和非色素颗粒物的比吸收系数的时空变化特征进行了分析.结果表明,浮游植物色素的比吸收系数(ap*h)在蓝光440nm的变化范围为0.008~0.268m2·mg-1,在红光670nm的变化范围为0.004~0.098m·2mg-1;;通过K-Mean算法将浮游植物色素的比吸收光谱分成3种具有不同光谱特征的类型,类别1、2和3占总数的百分比分别为61.0%、12.2%和26.8%,表明太湖水体中浮游植物色素的比吸收光谱是以类别1为主;;色素包裹效应因子Qa*(675)在Chla浓度<50mg·m-3时,随Chla浓度的增大迅速减小,而在Chla浓度>50mg·m-3时,其减小的趋势趋于缓慢,Qa*(675)与Chla浓度呈现出较好的幂函数关系.非色素颗粒物的比吸收系数(aN*AP)在蓝光440nm处的变化范围为0.012×10-3~0.143×10-3m2·mg-1,利用此处的比吸收系数建立的非色素颗粒物比吸收光谱的参数化模型,光谱曲线斜率...  相似文献   
Ⅰ Ⅱ-ASBR中厌氧颗粒污泥的微生物组成及特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在35℃下以奶粉人工合成废水为底物连续运行了两段厌氧反应器(ⅠⅡ-ASBR),且于ⅠⅡ两柱中形成了两种不同的厌氧颗粒污泥,为了解厌氧颗粒污泥的微生态结构及生物学特性,对ⅠⅡ两柱中厌氧颗粒污泥的形态及微生物组成进行扫描电镜观察,并测定了其不同基质中的比产甲烷活性、辅酶F420和胞外多聚物的含量。结果表明:ⅠⅡ-ASBR反应器ⅠⅡ两柱中厌氧颗粒污泥形态及微生物组成差异明显,Ⅰ柱的厌氧颗粒污泥大而密实,Ⅱ柱的较小,呈多孔的网状结构,Ⅰ柱中厌氧颗粒污泥以甲烷八叠球菌、球菌及短杆菌为主,丝状菌较少,Ⅱ柱则以丝状菌、短杆菌为主,球菌较少;Ⅰ柱颗粒污泥利用葡萄糖、甲酸、丙酸的产甲烷活性较高,利用乙酸的活性相对较低,Ⅱ柱颗粒污泥利用葡萄糖、乙酸的产甲烷活性较高,而利用甲酸、丙酸的产甲烷活性较低;辅酶F420的含量Ⅱ柱比Ⅰ柱明显要高,而胞外多聚物含量Ⅰ柱比Ⅱ柱的高。  相似文献   
Reliable estimates of animal density are fundamental to understanding ecological processes and population dynamics. Furthermore, their accuracy is vital to conservation because wildlife authorities rely on estimates to make decisions. However, it is notoriously difficult to accurately estimate density for wide‐ranging carnivores that occur at low densities. In recent years, significant progress has been made in density estimation of Asian carnivores, but the methods have not been widely adapted to African carnivores, such as lions (Panthera leo). Although abundance indices for lions may produce poor inferences, they continue to be used to estimate density and inform management and policy. We used sighting data from a 3‐month survey and adapted a Bayesian spatially explicit capture‐recapture (SECR) model to estimate spatial lion density in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and surrounding conservancies in Kenya. Our unstructured spatial capture‐recapture sampling design incorporated search effort to explicitly estimate detection probability and density on a fine spatial scale, making our approach robust in the context of varying detection probabilities. Overall posterior mean lion density was estimated to be 17.08 (posterior SD 1.310) lions >1 year old/100 km2, and the sex ratio was estimated at 2.2 females to 1 male. Our modeling framework and narrow posterior SD demonstrate that SECR methods can produce statistically rigorous and precise estimates of population parameters, and we argue that they should be favored over less reliable abundance indices. Furthermore, our approach is flexible enough to incorporate different data types, which enables robust population estimates over relatively short survey periods in a variety of systems. Trend analyses are essential to guide conservation decisions but are frequently based on surveys of differing reliability. We therefore call for a unified framework to assess lion numbers in key populations to improve management and policy decisions.  相似文献   
Population viability analysis (PVA) is a reliable tool for ranking management options for a range of species despite parameter uncertainty. No one has yet investigated whether this holds true for model uncertainty for species with complex life histories and for responses to multiple threats. We tested whether a range of model structures yielded similar rankings of management and threat scenarios for 2 plant species with complex postfire responses. We examined 2 contrasting species from different plant functional types: an obligate seeding shrub and a facultative resprouting shrub. We exposed each to altered fire regimes and an additional, species‐specific threat. Long‐term demographic data sets were used to construct an individual‐based model (IBM), a complex stage‐based model, and a simple matrix model that subsumes all life stages into 2 or 3 stages. Agreement across models was good under some scenarios and poor under others. Results from the simple and complex matrix models were more similar to each other than to the IBM. Results were robust across models when dominant threats are considered but were less so for smaller effects. Robustness also broke down as the scenarios deviated from baseline conditions, likely the result of a number of factors related to the complexity of the species’ life history and how it was represented in a model. Although PVA can be an invaluable tool for integrating data and understanding species’ responses to threats and management strategies, this is best achieved in the context of decision support for adaptive management alongside multiple lines of evidence and expert critique of model construction and output.  相似文献   
Long-term stationary studies on the ecology of the northern mole vole (Ellobius talpinus Pall.), performed by the mark–recapture method from 1985 to 1997, have provided original data on population dynamics and structure. The analysis shows that, to reveal cyclic fluctuations of population size in this species, the period of three years should be taken as a unit of time for estimating the duration of one phase. The 12-year population cycle in E. talpinus has four distinct phases: an increase, a peak, a decline, and a minimum. At each phase, the population is characterized by certain features of family structure, age composition, birth and death rates, and the composition of migrants.  相似文献   
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