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The effects of various quinone compounds on the decolorization rates of sulfonated azo dyes by Sphingomonas xenophaga QYY were investigated. The results showed that anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (AQS) was the most effective redox mediator and AQS reduction was the rate-limited step of AQS-mediated decolorization of sulfonated azo dyes. Based on AQS biological toxicity tests, it was assumed that AQS might enter the cells to kill them. In the cytoplasmic extracts from strain QYY, AQS effectively increased decolorization rates of sulfonated azo dyes than other quinone compounds. In addition, we found a NADH/FMN-dependent AQS reductase using nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Native-PAGE).  相似文献   
本文介绍了3个反应体系,包括铁锰复合氧化物氧化吸附除砷体系、铁氧化物包覆零价铁光芬顿催化和负载型多价态锰氧化物臭氧催化体系,通过固液微界面不同的氧化还原反应,实现了对水中砷和难降解有机污染物的高效去除.重点介绍了不同氧化还原反应对污染物转移转化的作用机制,说明了水体中固液微界面氧化还原反应,对污染物的转移转化起着重要作用.  相似文献   
改良剂对根际土壤-水稻系统中镉运移的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
稻田镉(Cd)污染治理是我国目前农田重金属污染治理的重点和难点.铁的氧化还原过程对Cd在土壤-水稻系统中的运移发挥着极其重要的作用.从铁循环调控入手,研发阻控稻米Cd累积的钝化技术及产品,势必能为农田重金属污染治理提供新的解决途径.本研究以自主研发的改良剂为对象,通过野外田间试验,研究改良剂对Cd从根际土壤向根表铁膜迁移及在水稻不同组织器官间转运的影响,探索铁循环影响Cd在根际土壤-水稻系统中运移的机制.结果表明,改良剂施用促进了根际土壤中铁硫化物的形成,其与Cd共沉淀显著减少了分蘖期、拔节期和灌浆期根际土壤中乙酸铵浸提态Cd(NH4AcCd)的含量;成熟期排水烤田致使铁硫化物被氧化,其对Cd的释放显著增大了根际土壤中NH4Ac-Cd的含量;铁硫化物形成减弱了Fe(Ⅱ)从根际土壤向根表的迁移能力,铁膜中铁(DCB-Fe)的含量随之减小,铁膜对Cd的吸附能力减弱导致分蘖期和灌浆期铁膜中Cd(DCB-Cd)的含量显著减小;改良剂施用有效减弱了根系对Cd的转运能力,增大了拔节期、灌浆期和成熟期Cd在根系的分布比例,而减少了拔节期、灌浆期和成熟期Cd在茎叶、以及成熟期Cd在糙米中的分布比例.本研究成果将为后期改良剂的研发及应用提供理论依据,对解决稻田Cd污染治理难题具有重要意义.  相似文献   
本研究以藻华水体甲烷释放为对象,利用模拟柱培养实验,探究了沉降除藻和沉积物覆盖复合技术对富营养化甲烷释放的影响.结果表明,沉降除藻结合沉积物覆盖处理可有效改善水环境,实现对甲烷释放的控制,但不同覆盖材料的效果存在差异;活性炭效果要优于土壤和沸石.相比于对照体系水体溶解氧(DO)2. 5 mg·L-1和氧化还原电位(ORP)100 m V,沉积物界面ORP -125 m V,沉降除藻协同活性炭覆盖体系中水体DO和ORP分别升高至3. 1 mg·L-1和174 m V,沉积物界面ORP逆转为168 m V,实验期间甲烷释放量相对于对照组减少90. 2%.研究结果在富营养水体甲烷减排方面具有指导性意义.  相似文献   
零价铁(ZVI)去除Cu2+的特性及机制研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
陈玉伟  王建龙 《环境科学》2009,30(11):3353-3357
研究了零价铁去除水溶液中铜离子的影响因素及动力学特性,并利用X射线衍射(XRD)分析对反应机制进行了探讨.结果表明,当溶液中Cu2+的浓度为300 mg/L,零价铁的用量为1 g/L时,Cu2+的去除率99%.Cu2+的去除速度很快,且反应前30min零价铁去除Cu2+的过程可以用一级反应动力学方程模拟.零价铁去除Cu2+的机制主要基于氧化还原反应,Cu2+的还原产物主要为Cu和Cu2O.  相似文献   
Temporal changes of dominant microbial populations in groundwater in response to the leachate from Shanghai Laogang Landfill were investigated. Concentrations of dissolved redox-relevant species in groundwater suggested that the dominating redox process had changed from denitrification to methane-production/sulfate-reduction due to landfilling. Dominant microbial populations were determined using restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP) analyses of 16S rRNA gene libraries, which were further studied by sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. The results indicated that obvious shifts of dominant microbial populations had occurred in groundwater in response to the pollution of leachate. The closest relatives of some dominant clones are accordant with the dominating redox processes determined by hydrochemical analyses, based on the GenBank‘s indications on the ability to perform redox reactions.  相似文献   
曾亮  吴敏  吴国娟 《中国环境科学》2019,39(10):4329-4336
为探究不同热解温度下生物炭的电子交换能力,通过限氧升温炭化法,利用水稻秸秆在不同热解温度条件下制备生物炭,与氧气、铁氰化钾氧化剂和柠檬酸钛还原剂进行氧化还原反应,对生物炭的得电子能力(EAC)和失电子能力(EDC)进行定量分析.结果显示,热解温度对生物炭的电子交换能力有较大影响,随热解温度升高至500℃时,生物炭的EAC和EDC达到最大,分别为3.86,1.72mmol/g高于500℃后,随着温度的增加,EAC和EDC逐渐减小,这是由于生物炭的醌类和酚类官能团的结构改变以及持久性自由基强度变化的联合作用.此外,柠檬酸钛和连二硫酸钠两种氧化还原电位不同的还原剂进一步证实了还原剂电位对生物炭EAC的影响.且生物炭具有氧化还原的可逆性,可逆的EAC与EDC之和近似等于生物炭的电子储存能力.  相似文献   
无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对传统无砾石管式地下渗滤系统存在的处理性能差,渗滤通量低两个问题,通过去掉包裹织物,提高渗滤管开孔率、改变开孔方式,设计了无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统。通过实验研究表明,无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统对COD、氨氮的去除率比传统管式系统分别提高了10.8%、12.7%,总磷去除率并无显著差异,ORP值提高约85 mV,渗滤通量提高26.8%。在3.3 cm/d的水力负荷下,无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统出水COD、氨氮、总磷平均浓度分别为19 mg/L,0.62 mg/L,0.048 mg/L。渗滤管下10 cm的土壤层去除了约70%的COD,80%的氨氮和91%的总磷,向下随着土壤深度的增加,单位厚度的土壤层去除的污染物量呈显著下降趋势。  相似文献   
Nitrogen removal performance and nitrifying population dynamics were investigated in a redox stratified membrane biofilm reactor (RSMBR) under oxygen limited condition to treat ammonium-rich wastewater. When the NH4+-N loading rate increased from 11.1±1.0 to 37.2±3.2 gNH4+-N·m-2·d-1, the nitrogen removal in the RSMBR system increased from 18.0±9.6 mgN·d-1 to 128.9±61.7 mgN·d-1. Shortcut nitrogen removal was achieved with nitrite accumulation of about 22.3±5.3 mgNO2--N·L-1. Confocal micrographs showed the stratified distributions of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in the membrane aerated biofilms (MABs) at day 120, i.e., ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB) were dominant in the region adjacent to the membrane, while heterotrophic bacteria propagated at the top of the biofilm. Real-time qPCR results showed that the abundance of amoA gene was two orders of magnitude higher than the abundance of nxrA gene in the MABs. However, the nxrA gene was always detected during the operation time, which indicates the difficulty of complete washout of NOB in MABs. The growth of heterotrophic bacteria compromised the dominance of nitrifiers in biofilm communities, but it enhanced the denitrification performance of the RSMBR system. Applying a high ammonia loading together with oxygen limitation was found to be an effective way to start nitrite accumulation in MABs, but other approaches were needed to sustain or improve the extent of nitritation in nitrogen conversion in MABs.  相似文献   
海底铁锰氧化还原过程的模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋金明 《环境化学》1993,12(1):29-35
本文用室内海水-沉积物平衡箱研究了沉积物间隙水中铁、锰的垂直变化分布和随时间变化的分布,Fe~(2+)随深度、时间的变化幅度大,在六个月的实验期内均是如此,而Mn~(2+)在放置三个月后即趋于稳定;Fe~(2+),Mn~(2+)产生的宏观经验动力学表明:Fe~(2+)受pH影响远比Mn~(2+)大,且随着深度的增加更为明显,Fe~(2+)在较下层产生速率大,而Mn~(2+)反之;Fe~(2+)的扩散转移是上覆海水向沉积物中转移,扩散量为-60.7ug/m~2d,Nn~(2+)转移方向相反,扩散量为1746.2ug/m~2.d。  相似文献   
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