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消防射水对导线火烧熔痕金相组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
模拟火灾现场,制作不同线径铜导线的火烧熔珠,然后在不同温度下对熔珠进行冷却.利用金相显微镜对火烧熔珠的金相组织进行观察,发现铜导线火烧熔痕在不同温度下经消防射水冷却后,会出现类似一次短路和二次短路熔痕的金相组织.  相似文献   
拉深是利用拉深模具把平板材料变成开口空心零件的冲压过程,是典型的变形工序。通过对不锈钢拉深件成形过程中的滑移状态及应力、应变分析,揭示了不锈钢拉深件成形时的表面划痕出现的根源,进而提出了表面保护的基本方式。  相似文献   
This paper provides non-hazardous solid waste audit procedures and bench mark audit data for golf courses (GCs). The paper also demonstrates the narrow scope of solid waste audit data, and the need to move towards a broader auditing scope such as that contained in sustainability auditing frameworks. A case study of Clear Lake Golf Course, located in southwestern Manitoba, Canada was completed. Annual waste generation rates at the GC were estimated to be 46.2 tonnes/year with 83% of this material compostable. Grass clipping material generated from the putting greens accounted for 79% of the waste stream. The GC achieved a solid waste diversion rate of 81% (waste generated not destined for landfill per total waste material generated). A future, realistic target of 97% diversion was also identified. The 7 day audit period was found to be unsuitable for estimating grass clipping generation rates. Implementation of a broader sustainability framework for future audits will harmonize many existing management functions such as solid waste auditing, waste characterizations, pollution prevention, green procurement, customer satisfaction, and the efficiency of the operations.  相似文献   
为克服化工火灾调查中人为因素的影响,增强事故调查的科学性和准确性,在总结化工火灾现场特点的基础上,提出化工火灾事故调查时应遵循的假设推理法,通过证据收集、分析资料、建立假设、检验假设和选择假设,构建化工火灾事故调查的证据系统,包括实物证据,位置证据、文件证据和人证,从火灾动力学角度分析了火灾痕迹的影响因素。结果表明:假设推理法重视证据收集,综合使用归纳推理和演绎推理,有助于避免主观判断的影响;采用系统方法收集证据,扩大证据收集的范围,列举证据清单和优先考虑敏感性证据的方法有助于提高调查效率;火灾行为、材料的热响应和灭火行动对火灾痕迹的形成有直接影响,分析时应充分考虑,以免作出错误的判断。  相似文献   
Abstract: Understanding the way in which habitat fragmentation disrupts animal dispersal is key to identifying effective and efficient conservation strategies. To differentiate the potential effectiveness of 2 frequently used strategies for increasing the connectivity of populations in fragmented landscapes—corridors and stepping stones—we combined 3 complimentary methods: behavioral studies at habitat edges, mark‐recapture, and genetic analyses. Each of these methods addresses different steps in the dispersal process that a single intensive study could not address. We applied the 3 methods to the case study of Atrytonopsis new species 1, a rare butterfly endemic to a partially urbanized stretch of barrier islands in North Carolina (U.S.A.). Results of behavioral analyses showed the butterfly flew into urban and forested areas, but not over open beach; mark‐recapture showed that the butterfly dispersed successfully through short stretches of urban areas (<500 m); and genetic studies showed that longer stretches of forest (>5 km) were a dispersal barrier, but shorter stretches of urban areas (≤5 km) were not. Although results from all 3 methods indicated natural features in the landscape, not urbanization, were barriers to dispersal, when we combined the results we could determine where barriers might arise: forests restricted dispersal for the butterfly only when there were long stretches with no habitat. Therefore, urban areas have the potential to become a dispersal barrier if their extent increases, a finding that may have gone unnoticed if we had used a single approach. Protection of stepping stones should be sufficient to maintain connectivity for Atrytonopsis new species 1 at current levels of urbanization. Our research highlights how the use of complementary approaches for studying animal dispersal in fragmented landscapes can help identify conservation strategies.  相似文献   
Abundance estimates are essential for assessing the viability of populations and the risks posed by alternative management actions. An effort to estimate abundance via a repeated mark‐recapture experiment may fail to recapture marked individuals. We devised a method for obtaining lower bounds on abundance in the absence of recaptures for both panmictic and spatially structured populations. The method assumes few enough recaptures were expected to be missed by random chance. The upper Bayesian credible limit on expected recaptures allows probabilistic statements about the minimum number of individuals present in the population. We applied this method to data from a 12‐year survey of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the lower and middle Mississippi River (U.S.A.). None of the 241 individuals marked was recaptured in the survey. After accounting for survival and movement, our model‐averaged estimate of the total abundance of pallid sturgeon ≥3 years old in the study area had a 1%, 5%, or 25% chance of being <4,600, 7,000, or 15,000, respectively. When we assumed fish were distributed in proportion to survey catch per unit effort, the farthest downstream reach in the survey hosted at least 4.5–15 fish per river kilometer (rkm), whereas the remainder of the reaches in the lower and middle Mississippi River hosted at least 2.6–8.5 fish/rkm for all model variations examined. The lower Mississippi River had an average density of pallid sturgeon ≥3 years old of at least 3.0–9.8 fish/rkm. The choice of Bayesian prior was the largest source of uncertainty we considered but did not alter the order of magnitude of lower bounds. Nil‐recapture estimates of abundance are highly uncertain and require careful communication but can deliver insights from experiments that might otherwise be considered a failure.  相似文献   
标点符号问题产生的原因很复杂,有现实原因,也有历史原因;有直接原因,也有间接原因;有外部原因,也有内部或自身原因。其实质是书面语言问题,具体地说,表层是使用技巧和习惯问题,中层是语法问题,深层是逻辑问题。因此,问题的解决要靠国家、社会、学校和家庭多方共同创造条件、采取相应的措施。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Mate choice by females can introduce difficulties to captive breeding programs because there may be a conflict between the conservation manager's choice of mate (based on random allocation or maximizing heterogeneity) and the females' own preferences, often resulting in incompatibility and aggression. Similar effects are caused by inappropriate social contexts at the time of pairing. We manipulated the social experience of male and female harvest mice ( Micromys minutus ) to investigate whether we could enhance compatibility between randomly allocated mates by altering female preferences. In one experiment, we used a choice test to identify female preferences between two males and then varied the competitive context of unpreferred males by transferring competitor's scent marks into their cages. The manipulation caused them to increase their investment in a form of olfactory signaling (scent marking), which female rodents use as an indicator of male quality when choosing mates. The manipulation increased their attractiveness relative to the initially preferred male when the choice test was repeated. In a second experiment, we tested the effect of females' familiarity with the odor of males by transfer of male scent marks to female cages. Females preferred familiar males in choice tests and were less aggressive toward them when pairs were introduced than females paired with unfamiliar males. This kind of approach can influence mate choice, and transferring scent marks between cages or collections is an effective and practical behavioral means of improving success in conservation breeding programs.  相似文献   
一种赤腹松鼠种群数量的估计方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赤腹松鼠剥食树皮的行为对林木危害严重,根据野外长期的观察和研究发现,赤腹松鼠在剥落树皮上遗留下来的上门齿齿印间距具有个体差异,可以用作个体识别的依据.对2003年监测样地内赤腹松鼠在剥落树皮上的齿印间距测量记录,并统计分析以估计赤腹松鼠的个体数量.结果表明:种群数量与危害率的相关系数为0.876,P=0.01,表现出很强的正相关关系;显示在较小面积内,该方法可以用来估计赤腹松鼠的个体数量.同时对该方法的基本条件和局限进行了讨论.图2表4参10  相似文献   
在电气线路火灾原因的调查中,为更好地区分铜导线一次短路与二次短路的熔痕特征,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X-射线能谱仪(EDS)对2种熔痕的形貌和相应的元素成分进行了试验研究。结果表明:铜导线一次短路与二次短路熔痕的表观形貌特征和元素成分具有明显的不同,二者的区别主要表现在熔痕表面所含的气孔、元素种类及导线本体与熔痕之间的过渡区方面,一次短路熔痕表面气孔多,元素种类少,导线与熔痕之间有明显界限,二次短路熔痕则相反。该研究结果可以区分短路熔痕形成的环境气氛,以此判断导线短路熔痕类型,为电气线路火灾原因的调查提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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