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目的 研究伪装遮障材料在实用期的老化机理,获悉伪装遮障材料失效的主要环境因素。方法 通过分析伪装遮障材料在自然环境和实验室单因素环境中的性能变化,得出影响伪装遮障材料老化失效的主要因素。采用扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱仪、X射线光电子能谱仪表征材料的微观形貌、化学结构和化学成分变化,解释伪装遮障材料的老化机理。结果 获得了在不同自然环境、实验室单因素环境下,伪装遮障材料颜色外观和力学性能的变化规律,得到了伪装遮障材料在老化过程中发生的微观形貌、化学结构和化学成分变化。结论 伪装遮障材料在西双版纳自然环境下的老化程度最大,在济南自然环境下的老化程度最小。光照是导致伪装遮障材料颜色外观及力学性能降低的主要因素。老化过程中,主要是材料表面的聚氨酯发生老化、脱落,导致材料的力学性能下降。伪装遮障材料破坏时,纤维有2种失效形式,一种是纤维脱黏、直接断裂;另一种是纤维脱黏,拔出,或者拔出过程中断裂。  相似文献   
水环境中铬的存在形态及迁移转化规律   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
综合评述了水环境中铬的存在形态、污染特征及其迁移转化规律的研究现状.水体中铬主要是三价和六价,存在形态分为溶解态、离子交换态、有机结合态、无机沉淀态、残留态,迁移转化过程主要是水解、沉淀、络合、吸附和氧化还原等.对铬在水体中迁移和转化过程的动力学模型进行了论述.  相似文献   
骨炭对水中不同形态Sb吸附和解吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用骨炭作为吸附剂,研究其在不同骨炭用量、pH值和温度条件下对水中Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明,骨炭对Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附效果远好于Sb(Ⅴ),在0.2~8.0 mmol/L的Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)浓度下,骨炭对这2种形态Sb的去除率分别为46.1%~78.6%和9.6%~31.7%。采用Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程均可以很好地拟合骨炭对Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附,Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)的最大吸附容量分别为110.1034 mg/g和17.4167 mg/g。骨炭对Sb(Ⅲ)的解吸也大于对Sb(Ⅴ)的解吸。骨炭对Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附受不同骨炭用量、pH值和温度影响。  相似文献   
A study of climate change and anthropogenic impacts in West Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: During the last decades ecological conditions in West Africa have dramatically changed. Very evident is the climate change, which has resulted in a southward shift of the climate zones, e.g. a spread of the desert (Sahara) into the Sahelian zone. After the drought period of the early 1970s and 1980s, livestock density increased resulting in an intensification of grazing pressure. This anthropogenous phenomenon leads to similar landscape changes as those caused by the climate. Only very few investigations exist on vegetation dynamics, climate changes and land use changes for the Sudanian zone. The paper presents data on changes of precipitation, of land use, of the geographical range of species, and of the composition of the flora, which have to be regarded as proofs of the sahelisation of large areas of the Sudanian zone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Area of investigation: Burkina Faso. Precipitation data analysis: precipitation data from 67 stations; time series analysis and geo-statistical spatial interpolation. Analysis of land use change: Landsat satellite MSS and ETM+ data, acquired for two different dates between 1972 and 2001 analyzed by the software ERDAS/IMAGINE version 8.6 and ArcView 3.2 with the Spatial Analyst extension. Intensive ground truthing (160 training areas). Inventory of the flora: based on the data of the Herbarium Senckenbergianum (FR) in Frankfurt, Germany, and of the herbarium of the university of Ouagadougou (OUA), Burkina Faso, as well as on various investigations on the vegetation of Burkina Faso carried out in the years 1990 to 2005 by the team of the senior author. Life form analysis of the flora: based on the inventory of permanent plots. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Precipitation: Remarkable latitudinal shift of isohyets towards the South translates to a general reduction of average rainfall in great parts of the country. The last decade (1990-1999) shows some improvement, however, the more humid conditions of the 1950's and 1960's are not yet established again. Landcover change: In the study region the extent of arable fields and young fallows increased during the last 30 years from 580 km(2) in 1972 to 2870 km(2) in 2001. This means an average land cover conversion rate of 0.9% per year for the 6 departments considered. Change of the distribution of Sahelian and Sudanian species: Several species, mentioned in older literature as strictly Sahelian, today also occur in the Sudanian zone. Parallel to the spread of former strictly Sahelian species into the Sudanian zone, some former Sahelo-Sudanian species have withdrawn from the Sahel. Changes of the life form spectra of the flora: Considering their life form spectra, the flora of heavily grazed and of protected areas in the Sudanian zone show great differences. On areas intensively grazed the percentage of therophytes is evidently higher than on protected areas. Just the opposite is true for the phanerophytes. Their percentage is higher on the protected area than on the grazed zones. At the first glance, it is obvious to link the changes in flora and vegetation with the climate changes that have occurred during the last five decades (decrease of annual precipitation). However, not only climatic conditions have changed, but also population has increased, the percentage of land intensively used for agriculture and pasturing has increased and the time for soil regeneration today is much shorter than it was some decades ago. Thus, the landscape of the Sudanian zone has become a more Sahelian character. A comparison of the flora of an intensively used area of the Sudanian zone with that of a protected area shows a remarkable change in the life form spectra. The spectrum of the intensively used area is almost identical with that of the typical Sahelian flora. This comparison shows that the anthropogenic influence plays a greater role in the sahelisation of the Sudanian zone than the climate change. CONCLUSION: Climate change and anthropogenic influence both, lead to a sahelisation of landscape and flora. Thus in many parts of the Sudanian zone of West Africa sahelisation phenomena will remain and even increase independently from the reestablishment of the more humid climate conditions of the 1950ies. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: In order to maintain some parts of the characteristic Sudanian landscape with its characteristic flora and vegetation, the number and size of protected areas should be augmented. For all protected areas it has to be ensured, that protection is reality, i.e. respected an understood by local people, not only fiction. As long as the enlargement of intensively used areas continues the sahelisation of flora, vegetation and landscape will continue too.  相似文献   
水稻秸秆生物炭中铜和镉的形态分布及释放特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于目前缺乏对生物质原料来源的管控办法,极有可能用产自受污染农田土壤的秸秆制备出具有高重金属含量的生物炭,因此,研究生物炭中重金属的形态分布及其释放特性对于防控生物炭应用产生的环境风险具有重要意义.基于此,分别采集江西省贵溪铜冶炼厂周边九牛岗污染区和中国科学院鹰潭红壤生态实验站清洁区种植的水稻秸秆制备生物炭(分别记为“九牛岗生物炭”和“红壤站生物炭”),分析两种生物炭中Cu、Cd的含量及其化学形态分布,考察不同固液比及pH对生物炭中Cu、Cd浸出的影响.结果表明:九牛岗生物炭中Cu、Cd的总量(以w计)分别为119.99、3.83 mg/kg,显著高于红壤站生物炭(19.50、0.96 mg/kg).尽管九牛岗生物炭中w(酸溶态Cu)、w(酸溶态Cd)显著高于红壤站生物炭,但在形态分布上,九牛岗生物炭中Cu、Cd主要为相对稳定态(可氧化态和残渣态),二者占比分别为80.3%、76.7%,高于红壤站生物炭(二者占比分别为53.2%、48.0%).高固液比和低pH可有效增加两种生物炭中Cu、Cd的浸出毒性,其中,九牛岗生物炭在固液比为1:20和1:60时,浸出液中ρ(Cu)、ρ(Cd)均超过GB/T 14848—2017《地下水质量标准》中Ⅱ类标准限值.动力学及累积释放试验表明,两种生物炭中的部分Cu、Cd可在短时间内迅速释放而后逐渐平稳并有上升趋势,且九牛岗生物炭中Cu、Cd释放量显著高于红壤站生物炭.研究显示,来自污染区水稻秸秆生物炭中的Cu、Cd活性显著高于清洁区生物炭,具有更高的环境风险.   相似文献   
江西丰城生态硒谷土壤硒有效性及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解丰城市生态硒谷土壤的供硒能力及其影响因素,通过实地调查采样,对丰城生态硒谷96个0~20 cm耕层土壤样品中硒含量、形态分布、重金属含量及部分土壤理化性质进行研究,并探讨与土壤硒有效性的关系。结果表明,该地区土壤全硒质量比变幅(541~831μg/kg)达到富硒土壤标准。易被生物利用的水溶态硒和可交换态硒质量比较少且在不同土壤样品中差异较大,变幅分别为10.30~38.23μg/kg和10.68~38.45μg/kg,且与土壤全硒有一定的相关性。土壤全硒、不同土地利用方式和土壤理化性质均对土壤硒的有效性产生影响,其中稻田土壤的供硒能力大于旱地,全P和速效P均与水溶态硒呈极显著正相关,在土壤硒有效性一定的条件下,全硒含量较高的土壤能够向作物提供较多的有效硒。  相似文献   
化学混凝法是城市污水处理深度除磷的有效方法,目前常用混凝剂主要存在成本高、除磷效率低且用量大等缺点.本研究采用常压酸浸法,以低成本的铝土矿和粉煤灰为主要原料制备无机复合混凝剂,并对其进行除磷应用及机理研究,结果表明:1自制混凝剂对生活污水中TP去除率达99.58%,出水TP含量为0.012 mg·L-1,优于GB18918—2002一级A标准.2 X-射线衍射和红外光谱结果显示,混凝剂中的Fe—OH、Al—OH、H—OH等基团能与水中的磷酸根作用生成沉淀达到除磷目的,该沉淀在沉降过程中还能吸附不易沉淀的含磷悬浮物,发挥网捕卷扫作用.3采用Ferron逐时络合比色法分析铝铁形态结果显示,混凝剂含有64.14%低聚态铝铁,能中和水中胶体的表面电荷致使胶体脱稳;11.27%中聚态铝铁可吸附在胶体表面,降低其表面电荷,同时以较高的分子量发挥吸附架桥作用;24.59%高聚态铝铁在沉淀过程中可包夹部分胶体粒子,以较大表面积发挥卷扫作用.4分形维数研究结果显示,絮体分形维数在1.2~2.8之间,分形特征较好,能有效发挥絮体的吸附架桥作用.5 Zeta电位分析结果显示,混凝剂本身带正电荷,能与水中带负电荷的胶体物质发生中和,从而压缩双电子层,使胶体粒子脱稳而从水中去除.混凝剂除磷过程是压缩双电层、电中和、吸附架桥和网捕卷扫多种机制共同作用的动态变化过程.  相似文献   
冉文静  傅大放 《环境科学学报》2010,30(11):2264-2269
通过盆栽试验,研究了投加螯合剂没食子酸gallic acid(5mmol·kg-1)与表面活性剂十二烷基磺酸钠SDS(1mmol·kg-1)对黑麦草(Lolium perenneL.)体内重金属亚细胞及形态分布的影响.结果表明,单独投加gallicacid增强了黑麦草对Cd、Pb的区室化作用及对Zn的细胞壁沉积作用;复合投加gallic acid和SDS增强了黑麦草对Cd的区室化作用和细胞壁沉积作用,以及对Zn的细胞壁沉积作用.单独投加gallic acid使黑麦草体内Cd、Zn总量分别增加了33.5%和6.0%,其中,惰性态Cd、Zn所占比例分别增加了6.2%、6.3%;复合投加gallic acid和SDS使黑麦草体内Cd总量增加了35.6%,Zn总量减少了1.1%,其中,惰性态Cd、Zn所占比例分别增加了7.2%、8.6%,增强了植物对Cd、Zn的螯合作用.各处理对Pb的亚细胞分布及形态无明显影响.  相似文献   
农村生活污水处理实用技术新进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
对高效藻类塘、一体化氧化沟、蚯蚓生态滤池和土壤毛细管渗滤净化系统四种实用工艺的特点和效果进行了介绍和分析,以供决策者参考。  相似文献   
水资源定价方法的初步探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢标  杨永岗 《环境科学》1999,20(3):100-103
根据水资源的特点,分析了开展水资源定价研究的目的和意义,设计了水资源存在价值及其经济价值确定方法的研究思路,研究认为,探讨水资源存在价值应考虑其本身的价值和环境容量虚幻成本2方面;水资源经济价值则包括水淘汰存在价值和水资源转化为水资源商品后物化的使用价值,这里的使用价值又包含水资源污染治理及损害成本、稀缺性价值、边际运行成本和边际时间成本等4个方面,在以上分析的基础上,给出了水资源定价的计算模型,  相似文献   
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