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南水北调中线不同调水方案下的汉江水华发生概率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢平  窦明  夏军 《环境科学学报》2005,25(10):1343-1348
为评估南水北调中线工程对汉江中下游水华的影响,从汉江水华的成因机理分析入手,提出了汉江水华发生概率的计算模型.该模型由河流一维水动力学模型、水体富营养化模型以及随机数生成模型组成,它不仅可以模拟汉江水华的发生机理,而且可以对诱发水华的各种因子进行随机抽样组合,从而求出中线调水不同方案实施后汉江水华的发生概率.计算结果表明,在现状情况下汉江水华的发生概率为9.2%,南水北调中线各调水方案(无引江济汉工程)实施后,汉江水华发生的概率将有一定程度的增加,而如果调水方案与引江济汉工程同时兴建将大大减少汉江水华发生的概率.最后提出建议,汉江自身的水污染治理是减少水华发生概率的最根本措施,而丹江口水库和引江济汉工程的联合调度将会减小汉江水华发生的概率.  相似文献   
典型湖泊水华特征及相关影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011-2015年对太湖、巢湖和滇池水华高发季节的连续监测,以藻类密度和水华面积为判据评价了3个湖体的水华情况及变化趋势,探讨了水华发生的主要影响因素。结果表明:太湖水华程度以"轻度水华"为主,巢湖水华程度以"轻微水华"为主,滇池水华程度以"中度水华"为主;太湖、巢湖和滇池水华规模均以"零星性水华"为主;太湖和巢湖藻类密度与水温、pH、溶解氧、总氮、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度呈显著负相关,与氨氮无显著相关性;滇池藻类密度与水温、总磷和高锰酸盐指数均呈显著正相关,与透明度和氨氮呈显著负相关,与pH、溶解氧和总氮无显著相关性。  相似文献   
概述了微囊藻毒素的结构和性质,分析了其对人类健康的危害,综述了近年来国内外水体中微囊藻毒素的检测方法,提出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
太湖蓝藻水华时空分布与预警监测响应的分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
选择2007和2008年200幅EOS/MODIS太湖蓝藻监测遥感影像,统计分析了梅梁湾、竺山湾宜兴段、贡湖湾、东太湖胥口湾和湖州方向湖体蓝藻水华爆发的空间和时间分布规律。并在得出全太湖蓝藻水华空间和时间分布规律的基础上,从环境监测部门蓝藻预警监测工作的实际出发,将蓝藻水华预警监测的响应划分为常规监测和应急监测,提出了具体的监测要求,为环太湖地区的相关部门更好地开展蓝藻预警监测工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Roelke, Daniel L., Leslie Schwierzke, Bryan W. Brooks, James P. Grover, Reagan M. Errera, Theodore W. Valenti, Jr., and James L. Pinckney, 2010. Factors Influencing Prymnesium parvum Population Dynamics During Bloom Initiation: Results from In-Lake Mesocosm Experiments. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(1):76-91. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00392.x Abstract: The alga Prymnesium parvum forms large fish-killing blooms in many Texas lakes. In some of these lakes, however, P. parvum occurs but does not develop blooms. In this study, we investigated factors that may influence bloom initiation by conducting a series of in-lake experiments involving mixing of waters from Lake Whitney, which has a history of P. parvum blooms, with waters from Lake Waco where no blooms have occurred. In all experiments, the addition of Lake Waco waters resulted in a poorer performance of P. parvum. Various experimental treatments and field data show that differences in grazing, pathogens, nutrients, and salts between the two lakes were not likely factors that contributed to this observation. Industrial and agricultural contaminants, allelochemicals and algicidal chemicals were not measured as a part of this research. However, anthropogenic contaminants other than nutrients were not observed at levels exceeding water quality standards in Lake Waco in recent years. On the other hand, nuisance cyanobacteria are common in Lake Waco, where Microcystis sp. and Anabaena sp. were abundant during the initiation of our experiments, both taxa are known to produce chemicals with allelopathic properties. In addition, the emergent field of algal-heterotrophic bacteria interactions suggests that chemicals produced by heterotrophic bacteria should not be overlooked. Further research focusing on the chemical interactions between cyanobacteria and P. parvum, as well as the potential role of algicidal bacteria, in the initiation of P. parvum blooms is necessary, as it may be important to the management of these blooms.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu occurred at the end of April 2007 and had crucial impacts on the livelihood of millions of people living there. Excessive nutrients may promote bloom formation. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition appears to play an important role in algal bloom formation. Bulk deposition and rain water samples were collected respectively from May 1 to November 30, 2007, the period of optimal algal growth, to measure the bulk atmospheric deposition rate, wet deposition rate, and dry deposition rate for total nitrogen (TN; i.e., all species of nitrogen), and total phosphorus (TP; i.e., all species of phosphorus), in northern Lake Taihu, China. The trends of the bulk atmospheric deposition rate for TN and the wet deposition rate for TN showed double peaks during the observation period and distinct influence with plum rains and typhoons. Meanwhile, monthly bulk atmospheric deposition rates for TP showed little influence of annual precipitation. However, excessive rain may lead to high atmospheric N and P deposition rates. In bulk deposition samples, the average percentage of total dissolved nitrogen accounting for TN was 91.2% and changed little with time. However, the average percentage of total dissolved phosphorus accounting for TP was 65.6% and changed substantially with time. Annual bulk atmospheric deposition rates of TN and TP during 2007 in Lake Taihu were estimated to be 2,976 and 84 kg km−2 a−1, respectively. The results showed decreases of 34.4% and 78.7%, respectively, compared to 2002–2003. Annual bulk deposition load of TN for Lake Taihu was estimated at 6,958 t a−1 in 2007 including 4,642 t a−1 of wet deposition, lower than the values obtained in 2002–2003. This may be due to measures taken to save energy and emission control regulations in the Yangtze River Delta. Nevertheless, high atmospheric N and P deposition loads helped support cyanobacterial blooms in northern Lake Taihu during summer and autumn, the period of favorable algal growth.  相似文献   
Nostoc calcicola cells exposed to mercuric chloride (0.05–0.25 M), methyl mercuric chloride (0.05–0.15 M) and the fungicide ceresan (phenyl mercuric acetate; 0.05–0.20 M) showed sensitivity in the sequence: methyl mercury3) over phenyl mercuric acetate (0.51×103); inorganic mercury occupied the intermediate position with a bioconcentration factor of 1.32×103. The data infer that larger molecules of organomercurials may not be taken up by cells at the rate and extent comparable to the smaller species.  相似文献   
藻源性湖泛发生过程的季节差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藻源性湖泛在春季和夏季均有发生,但湖泛发生的完整过程在野外很难被追踪到.本文利用专利装置进行了春季与夏季藻源性湖泛的室内发生模拟,研究了湖泛发生过程中水体视觉和嗅觉两方面特征指标的变化过程.结果表明:湖泛在春季比夏季需要更长的酝酿时间方可发生,且持续时间较短;春季湖泛发生时水体真色度与悬浮固体含量均要高于夏季,且波动更显著;夏季湖泛致臭物质的变化较春季更明显,具有迅速、持久的特点;春季与夏季藻源性湖泛过程均具有嗅觉特征先于视觉效果显现的现象,即呈现先臭后黑的特点.  相似文献   
肖琳  杨佳怡 《环境科学》2019,40(9):4018-4022
湖泊富营养化和水华暴发已经成为突出的环境问题之一,了解水华对湖泊氮素的转化和去除的影响,对于削减湖泊氮负荷至关重要.本文研究了水华对沉积物中氮转化和氮转化相关功能基因的影响,并采用结构方程模型分析了水华影响湖泊中氮转化和去除的途径.结果表明,与厌氧氨氧化相比,反硝化作用是太湖沉积物氮削减的主要途径,对沉积物中总溶解性氮去除率的解释度为42. 3%.水华可以直接造成沉积物中TDN和TOC量的增加,提高厌氧氨氧化菌、nir S和nir K的基因丰度,并且间接提高沉积物中氨氮和硝酸盐的浓度,通过增强厌氧氨氧化和反硝化过程加速沉积物中氮的去除.  相似文献   
通过2007年1—12月对武汉月湖不同的取样点进行监测,并选择汉江琴台段水域作为研究对照,调查了月湖水体硅藻、蓝藻与水体主要元素的种类,采用PCA、CCA分析法探讨了月湖水体硅藻、蓝藻与水体元素种类的关系。结果表明:月湖水体中所含元素全年监测出28种;汉江琴台段水域中所含元素全年监测出27种。经PCA分析表明,月湖水体中累计贡献率较大为磷(P)、砷(As)、铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn);汉江琴台段水域累计贡献率较大为硅(Si)、锑(Sb)、镉(cd)、钒(V)、钡(Ba)、Ag(银)、钼(Mo)。月湖水体中蓝藻密度大于硅藻,汉江琴台段水域硅藻密度大于蓝藻。经CCA分析表明,月湖硅藻密度与硒(Se)、锶(sr)、银(Ag)、Ba、铝(A1)呈正相关关系;月湖蓝藻密度与P、Cu、铬(Cr)呈正相关关系,月湖蓝藻密度与镁(Mg)、镍(Ni)、钙(ca)、锌(zn)、硫(S)呈负相关关系。CCA分析中,汉江琴台段硅藻密度与铅(Pb)、硼(B)、As、Cr、Zn、A1、Cu、Mn、Fe、P呈负相关关系,汉江琴台段硅藻密度与Mo、ca、钴(Co)、V、Sr、Ag呈正相关关系;汉江琴台段蓝藻密度与钠(Na)、S、Mg、Ni、钾(K)呈负相关关系。月湖水体缺乏可溶硅(dissolvedsilicon,DSi),硅藻会提升对其他元素(Se、Sr、Ag、Ba、A1)的吸收能力,这些元素会起到缺乏元素(si)近似的作用,替代性可能出现。水中各种元素的组态是导致月湖浮游植物群落发生演变的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
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