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汕头港湾附近水域的潮流特征,由于拦沙堤的建成及港池附近河道变窄而发生了一些变化。本文在取得现场实测资料的基础上,采用沿深度平均的二维浅水潮波方程,对该水体的潮流场进行了数值模拟计算,重现出潮流场在一个潮周期中的变化过程,分析潮流对污染扩散的作用。  相似文献   
Epidemiological studies suggesting the possibility of harmful effects on human (specifically children’s leukaemia) due to long-term exposure to magnetic fields of extremely low frequency (e.g. 50/60 Hz) and relatively low values (i.e. over the microtesla range) have stirred high activity in the topic of magnetic field mitigation. To reduce these fields, it is common to use passive metal screens (e.g. plates made of aluminium or steel). To design them, effective and fast numerical computations are highly desirable. In this article, a method is presented, which computes various parameters of screens in a given shielding problem and yields magnetic field distribution and shielding factors. The method takes into consideration the 3D field distribution and is able to solve systems with large aspect ratios (thin thickness in comparison with its other dimensions); this is a common problem where other methods such as finite elements often experience difficulties. The presented method computes separately the field inside and outside the screens. Afterwards, the solutions are “stitched” together along the border of the subregions. Two practical examples are given of the developed numerical method.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Biological responses to physical-chemical processes were examined in Toronto and Hamilton Harbours of Lake Ontario. Nutrient loadings to the harbors are large and are of similar magnitude, yet the trophic conditions of the harbors were considerably different. Lake oscillations were found to determine the flushing rates and environmental stability of the harbors. LOW residence times (<10 days) resulted in homogenous chemical conditions in Toronto Harbour, and prevented the establishment of large phytoplankton crops. The longer retention time of Hamilton Harbour permitted the establishment of huger phytoplankton crops. There probably exists a critical retention time where nutrient input events persist for a sufficient period of time for the algal community to adapt to and exploit the environmental conditions of nearshore areas.  相似文献   
高压输电系统发生接地短路故障时,会产生一个地电位升,对通信局(站)会危险影响,为了计算这个危险影响的大小,首先能够准确的计算出高压输电系统的地电流系数。本文论述了高压输电系统对通信局(站)危险影响中地电流系数的确定,介绍了地电流系数的定义,并分析了不同危险情况下地电流系数的计算。  相似文献   
主要研究了2种沉积物粒径(35 μm和130 μm)及底床微地形对沉积物中内源溶解性有机磷释放的影响。选取某浅水湖泊沉积物为研究对象,对其人工污染溶解性有机磷,利用室内循环直流水槽顶盖驱动流模拟风生流,考察静态和风生流作用下,不同粒径沉积物及底床微地形对溶解性有机磷释放的影响。实验结果表明:在20 cm·s-1及38 cm·s-1 2种驱动流速条件下,35 μm粒径沉积物实验组中沉积物有机磷释放速率均大于130 μm实验组。对于35 μm粒径沉积物实验组,在20 cm·s-1驱动水流扰动下,沉积物有机磷的平衡释放量为0.44 mg·L-1,在38 cm·s-1驱动水流扰动下为0.49 mg·L-1;对于130 μm粒径沉积物实验组,在20 cm·s-1和38 cm·s-1 2种扰动下的沉积物有机磷平衡释放量分别为0.29 mg·L-1、0.30 mg·L-1;驱动流速的提高促使达到平衡状态时的释放量提高,小粒径沉积物,提高驱动流速更利于平衡释放量的提高,且高驱动流速缩短达到释放平衡所需的时间。在底床微地形(对地形的描述采用y=0.1sin2πx)实验中发现,静态条件下,波峰处上覆水有机磷浓度首先逐渐降低至0.18 mg·L-1,其后升高至0.40 mg·L-1并达到平衡,而波谷处则不断上升至极大值0.87 mg·L-1,其后下降至0.77 mg·L-1并达到平衡;而在20 cm·s-1的驱动水流扰动下,波峰波谷处上覆水有机磷浓度变化较为一致,均逐渐增长至极大值0.39 mg·L-1和0.45 mg·L-1后达到平衡状态。此外,在静态和动态条件下,波谷处上覆水中有机磷含量始终高于波峰处。  相似文献   
The focus of this paper is on the dynamics of a dense current flowing along the continental slope, and the frictionally induced downward motion it experiences. In particular, the movement of the lateral boundaries where the isopycnals meet the bottom are considered. The current is taken to be wide compared to the Rossby radius, which is in accordance with observations and makes the dynamics quasigeostrophic. The time development of the plume thickness is studied, using three different parameterisations for the bottom friction.Independently of the choice of parameterisation, the following results are obtained: In the central part of the plume friction acts as a diffusive process to minimise the curvature of the upper surface of the plume. At the upper edge the plume quickly approaches a state with small slope, i.e. small geostrophic velocity and small frictionally induced downward flow. At the lower edge a tongue of dense water shoots out creating a widening layer. The thickness of the migrating layer is approximately equal to the boundary layer depth and its downward speed is comparable to the along-slope geostrophic velocity. The downslope end of the migrating layer may form a steep front which requires some precautions in the numerical procedure.  相似文献   
Gravity driven flows on inclines can be caused by cold, saline or turbid inflows into water bodies. Another example are cold downslope winds, which are caused by cooling of the atmosphere at the lower boundary. In a well-known contribution, Ellison and Turner (ET) investigated such flows by making use of earlier work on free shear flows by Morton, Taylor and Turner (MTT). Their entrainment relation is compared here with a spread relation based on a diffusion model for jets by Prandtl. This diffusion approach is suitable for forced plumes on an incline, but only when the channel topography is uniform, and the flow remains supercritical. A second aspect considered here is that the structure of ET’s entrainment relation, and their shallow water equations, agrees with the one for open channel flows, but their depth and velocity scales are those for free shear flows, and derived from the velocity field. Conversely, the depth of an open channel flow is the vertical extent of the excess mass of the liquid phase, and the average velocity is the (known) discharge divided by the depth. As an alternative to ET’s parameterization, two sets of flow scales similar to those of open channel flows are outlined for gravity currents in unstratified environments. The common feature of the two sets is that the velocity scale is derived by dividing the buoyancy flux by the excess pressure at the bottom. The difference between them is the way the volume flux is accounted for, which—unlike in open channel flows—generally increases in the streamwise direction. The relations between the three sets of scales are established here for gravity currents by allowing for a constant co-flow in the upper layer. The actual ratios of the three width, velocity, and buoyancy scales are evaluated from available experimental data on gravity currents, and from field data on katabatic winds. A corresponding study for free shear flows is referred to. Finally, a comparison of mass-based scales with a number of other flow scales is carried out for available data on a two-layer flow over an obstacle. Mass-based flow scales can also be used for other types of flows, such as self-aerated flows on spillways, water jets in air, or bubble plumes.  相似文献   
基于二维水动力模型,在仅考虑潮流作用条件下,通过计算欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流并结合粒子追踪方法研究了辽宁大连—朝鲜龙渊郡连线北侧的北黄海北部海域的潮余流结构和粒子运移的趋势。结果表明:欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速整体较小,呈现由南向北的流向,但在獐子岛及长山群岛的附近岛屿和朝鲜半岛沿岸的海域欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流流速较大。对比粒子追踪计算的结果与欧拉余流和拉格朗日余流的结果表明,流向与粒子运移路径基本一致。该海湾的余流及粒子运动规律特点对辽东半岛东岸及朝鲜半岛西侧海域的排污及污染控制有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Vassova lagoon is a typical Mediterranean (small, shallow, micro-tidal, well-mixed) coastal lagoon, receiving limited seasonal freshwater inflows from direct precipitation and underground seepage. An intensive study was carried out in order to quantify the mechanisms responsible for the intra-tidal and residual transport of water, salt, nutrients and chlorophyll at the mouth of this lagoon and to assess the lagoon's flushing behavior. Results indicated that although the system is micro-tidal, tidal effects appeared to be the dominant factor for the longitudinal distribution of physical and chemical parameters, while the associated residual flow is also important and serves as a baseline measure of overall circulation. However, analysis of the net longitudinal currents and fluxes of water, salt and nutrients revealed the importance of non-tidal effects (wind effect and precipitation incidents) in the mean tidal transport. It is shown that the Eulerian residual currents transported water and its properties inwards under southern winds, while a seaward transport was induced during precipitation incidents and northern winds. The Stokes drift effect was found an order of magnitude lower than the Eulerian current, directed towards the lagoon, proving the partially-progressive nature of the tide. Nutrients and chlorophyll-α loads are exported from the lagoon to the open sea during the ebb phase of the autumn and winter tidal cycles, associated with the inflow of nutrient-rich freshwater, seeped through the surrounding drainage canal. The reverse transport occurs in spring and early summer, when nutrients enter the lagoon during the flood tidal phase, from the nutrient-rich upper layer of the stratified adjacent sea. Application of a tidal prism model shows that Vassova lagoon has a mean flushing time of 7.5 days, ranging between 4 to 18 days, affected inversely by the tidal oscillation.  相似文献   
为模拟自然生境下风生流对浅水湖泊沉积物的扰动并研究沉积物释放溶解性有机磷的特征,选取了某浅水湖泊沉积物为研究对象,对其人工污染溶解性有机磷,利用室内循环直流水槽的顶盖驱动流模拟湖泊风生流,考察静态和模拟风生流条件下,沉积物中溶解性有机磷释放特征。实验结果表明,静态条件下,沉积物中溶解性有机磷在实验初始释放量较大,0~10 h内释放浓度由0 mg·L-1达到0.12 mg·L-1,其后释放量缓慢增加,在152 h达到最大释放浓度0.35 mg·L-1后保持动态平衡。相对静态条件,模拟风生流作用下沉积物中溶解性有机磷释放速率明显增大,驱动流速为20 cm·s-1和38 cm·s-1的实验在起始时间段内,有机磷释放量是静态的2倍和3倍,释放达到平衡所需时间约是静态的1/10和1/24。但静态和动态条件下沉积物溶解性有机磷最终的释放平衡浓度相差不大,三者上覆水释放平衡浓度分别为:0.350、0.350和0.375 mg·L-1。暗示顶盖驱动流促进沉积物溶解性有机磷释放速率增大,并不能显著增加释放总量。动态实验条件下,不同驱动流速时,黏性层和紊流的上覆水中溶解性有机磷浓度变化不同。0~5 h实验期间,黏性层溶解性有机磷浓度与近底流速呈正相关性,中层紊流区域的浓度则与近底流速呈负相关性。  相似文献   
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