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人工湿地基质再生技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工湿地中基质对污染物的吸附是一个有限的过程,对其进行再生可减缓净化效果的下降趋势,降低周期性更换基质的材料消耗和购置成本,回用营养物质于农业。基质可以通过物理、化学或生物的方法原位或异位再生。其中生物再生成本低廉,生态友好且具有可持续性,是基质脱氮再生的最有效途径,可以通过优化离子浓度和交换速率,碳源、溶解氧、微生物群落结构等提高再生效果和速率。基质除磷物理再生效果受基质类型、磷浓度负荷、落干休作开始时机和持续时间等的影响,其操作简便,可在人工湿地的日常运行管理中原位实施。化学再生效果受基质种类、再生试剂的成分和浓度、环境条件如温度、pH值、Eh值和DO值等的影响,可在基质吸附饱和后作为应急措施使用。  相似文献   
The choice of substrates with high phosphorus adsorption capacity is vital for sustainable phosphorus removal from waste water in constructed wetlands. In this study, four substrates were used: quartz sand, anthracite, shale and biological ceramsite. These substrate samples were characterized by X- ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy studies for their mineral components (chemical components) and surface characteristics. The dynamic experimental results revealed the following ranking order for total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency: anthracite 〉 biological ceramsite 〉 shale 〉 quartz sand. The adsorptive removal capacities for TP using anthracite, biological ceramsite, shale and quartz sand were 85.87, 81.44, 59.65, and 55.98 mg/kg, respectively. Phosphorus desorption was also studied to analyze the substrates' adsorption efficiency in wastewater treatment as well as the substrates' ability to be reused for treatment. It was noted that the removal performance for the different forms of phosphorus was dependent on the nature of the substrate and the adsorption mechanism. A comparative analysis showed that the removal of particulate phosphorus was much easier using shale. Whereas anthracite had the highest soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) adsorptive capacity, biological ceramsite had the highest dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) removal capacity. Phosphorus removal by shale and biological ceramsite was mainly through chemical adsorption, precipitation or biological adsorption. On the other hand, phosphorus removal through physical adsorption (electrostatic attraction or ion exchange) was dominant in anthracite and quartz sand.  相似文献   
垂直流人工湿地系统基质优化级配研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选取生物陶粒、无烟煤、沸石、钢渣和蛭石为基质,按不同的级配方式填充成基质柱,进行垂直流人工湿地模拟柱净化污水实验.研究表明,粒径分层级配基质对COD的去除率均高于单一粒径基质,其中分层生物陶粒对COD的平均去除率高达72.91%.分层沸石对总氮的净化能力较单一粒径基质有所提高,平均去除率高达91.23%.填充了生物陶粒、沸石和无烟煤的模拟柱对有机物和氮的净化效果和单一基质没有显著性差异(p0.05).填充钢渣和无烟煤的模拟柱出水pH值均在正常范围内,但是除从上到下依次填充无烟煤、蛭石和钢渣的基质柱外,其它填充钢渣和无烟煤的模拟柱对磷素的净化能力都低于单一基质.种植植物对净化效果没有明显影响.在垂直流人工湿地中,针对水质特点选择高效的级配基质,如分层生物陶粒、分层沸石、分层无烟煤以及生物陶粒、沸石和无烟煤组合,在高水力负荷条件下可获得更好的处理效果.  相似文献   
以1984年、1995年、2008年遥感影像和2004年滨海新区土地利用现状图为主要数据源,配合其它历史数据,在遥感与地理信息系统技术支持下,对天津市滨海新区1984-2008年期闻景观格局及其动态变化进行分析。结果表明在研究期内滨海新区湿地面积整体呈下降趋势,湿地面积占总面积比例由1984年的48.16%降低到2008年的31.86%,其中以2004—2008年湿地减少速度最快,5年内湿地面积减少14.70%,占土地总面积13.4%的湿地转出变为建设用地。这其中的变化有湿地向其他用地类型转出、其他用地类型向湿地的转入,也有湿地内部盐田、水域和未利用地之间的相互转换。湿地与其他土地利用类型相互转换中以湿地转出变为建设用地为主要变化方式。  相似文献   
为了明确北方大规模人工湿地在冬季对TCS(三氯生)的去除效果,在山东省境内4个典型的大规模人工湿地(即武河人工湿地、大沙河人工湿地、新薛河人工湿地和洸府河人工湿地)内于冬季(2013年12月—2014年1月)进行取样,以超高效液相色谱串联质谱法测定人工湿地进出水中ρ(TCS),并分析不同湿地对TCS的去除效果. 结果表明:TCS在4个人工湿地系统进出水中均有检出,由于各人工湿地系统均承接当地污水处理厂尾水,冬季进水中ρ(TCS)偏高,为(800.81±83.37)~(1 151.00±47.13) ng/L,并以武河人工湿地为最高. 虽然人工湿地对TCS的去除率达22.44%~78.82%,但经由人工湿地处理后出水中仍含有较高浓度的TCS残留,经由人工湿地出水进入下游水体的TCS日释放量仍较高,其中洸府河人工湿地出水中高达92.60 g. 因此,冬季各人工湿地对TCS的去除效果在低温影响下有所降低,并且对下游水体和人类健康的威胁不容忽视.   相似文献   
针对沈阳市地铁疏干水利用的现状,综合考虑沈阳市的实际情况,总结出地铁疏干水利用的几种方法,主要包括作为运河、湖泊的补换水源,用于修复、重建湿地,农业灌溉用水以及作为水源热泵的水源等。提出沈阳市地铁疏干水利用的指导思想和法律保障。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The vulnerability of wetlands to changes in climate depends on their position within hydrologic landscapes. Hydrologic landscapes are defined by the flow characteristics of ground water and surface water and by the interaction of atmospheric water, surface water, and ground water for any given locality or region. Six general hydrologic landscapes are defined; mountainous, plateau and high plain, broad basins of interior drainage, riverine, flat coastal, and hummocky glacial and dune. Assessment of these landscapes indicate that the vulnerability of all wetlands to climate change fall between two extremes: those dependent primarily on precipitation for their water supply are highly vulnerable, and those dependent primarily on discharge from regional ground water flow systems are the least vulnerable, because of the great buffering capacity of large ground water flow systems to climate change.  相似文献   
湖北省湿地的保护与利用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
湿地是地球上具有多功能的、独特的生态系统,是人类最重要的生存环境之一。湖北省地处长江中游,湿地类型多,面积较大,河、湖湿地系统是主要的湿地类型。湖北湿地具有较大的资源潜力和环境调节功能,是自然界生物多样性丰富的生态景观。近年来,湖北省湿地保护面临人口增长的压力,围垦、污染和过度开发等对湿地保护构成了严重威胁,湿地环境遭到干扰和破坏。加强湿地科学的研究,保护管理好湖北湿地及其生态环境,实现湿地资源的持续利用,是湖北省2l世纪环保工作所面临的一项重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   
绿狐尾藻分解及其氮磷释放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童雄  罗沛  刘锋  黄敏  陈哲  肖润林  吴金水 《环境科学》2019,40(7):3118-3125
湿地植物分解释放的有机物、氮和磷等会影响人工湿地对水体污染物的去除效率和出水水质.本研究采用尼龙分解袋法研究绿狐尾藻在水中的分解过程及氮磷释放特征.连续60 d的室内分解实验结果表明,前期(0~4 d)绿狐尾藻干物质质量损失速率快,占初始质量的30%,中后期(4~60 d)损失速率减慢,占31%.拟合的一级动力学分解速率常数为0. 014 2d-1,降解50%的干物质需48. 8 d.水体p H值变化情况:0~4 d从7. 60迅速下降到5. 63;中期趋于稳定;后期p H值回升到7. 03,与空白对照值接近.绿狐尾藻分解实验系统中溶解氧浓度从6. 30 mg·L~(-1)在1 d内快速下降到0. 61 mg·L~(-1),表明该系统一直处于厌氧状态.水中总氮浓度0~2 h迅速增加达到12. 7 mg·L~(-1),2 h~32 d逐渐降低到5. 80 mg·L~(-1),后期略有增加;总磷浓度初期快速升高到18. 4 mg·L~(-1),中后期趋于稳定.有机氮(占总氮65. 7%~94. 7%)和无机磷(占总磷61%~89%)是主要的氮磷存在形态.绿狐尾藻体内总氮含量随分解时间逐渐增加,从24. 3 mg·g~(-1)上升到60. 5 mg·g~(-1);而总磷含量从6. 09 mg·g~(-1)下降到2. 94 mg·g~(-1)后波动稳定,这可能与附着微生物对氮的吸收和固定等因素有关.本研究证实绿狐尾藻分解过程释放的氮磷营养元素会引起水体二次污染,为此采用合理的植物收割管理措施非常必要.  相似文献   
Dibenzothiophene (DBT) degradation mechanisms and the transformation of pathways during the incubation of three types of coastal sediments with C/N ratios ranging from 1 to 9 were investigated. The DBT degradation efficiencies were clearly improved with increasing C/N ratio in reed wetland sediments, tidal wetlands sediments and estuary wetland sediments. The quantitative response relationships between DBT degradation rates and related functional genes demonstrate that the Kodama pathway-related gene groups were dominant factors at low C/N ratios, while the 4S-related gene groups mainly determined the degradation rate when the C/N ratio was up to 5. Network analysis also shows that the pathway shifts from the Kodama pathway to the 4S pathway occurred through changes in the connections between functional genomes and rates. Furthermore, there were competition and collaboration between the Kodama and 4S pathways. The 4S pathway-related bacteria were more active in estuary wetland sediments compared with reed wetland sediments and tidal wetland sediments. The higher degradation efficiency in estuary wetland sediments may indicate the greater participation of the 4S pathway in the DBT biodegradation reaction. And the effects of ring cleavage of Kodama pathway caused more complete metabolizing of DBT.  相似文献   
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