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The increasing use of sea water for industrial cooling presents a real threat to the ecological environment in the ocean. in Taiwan where many electric power plants along the coast take sea water for cooling, people are concerned seriously about nuclear power plants. There are three nuclear power plants in Taiwan. Each plant has two units for generating power. the first two are located along the northern coast of Taiwan. the third is located in Kenting National Park along the coast of southernmost Taiwan. the plants take sea water for cooling, and discharge their heated effluents to the ocean surface from the coast. the thermal effluents have variable effects on the ecological environment near the plants. Fishermen living near the power plants complain that the heated water affects the inshore fishery catch. in addition, the thermal water from the second plant is easily accumulated near the coastal zone to influence the nearby swimming area in the summer-time. the thermal water from the third plant bleaches or kills some corals in shallow water near the outlet, and this conflicts with the interests of Kenting National Park.  相似文献   
为满足《水污染防治行动计划》近岸海域水质考核要求,根据目前近岸海域环境监测工作的实际情况,在考核范围、评价方法、目标分解、计分方法等方面进行了比较,在保证公平、公正的前提下,以一致性、可比性和适应性为原则,提出的考核评价方法以单因子评价法和点位评价法为基础,在未达标情况下,按照水质目标完成比例计分;达标情况下,在达标分值基础上按水质的保持和改善给予不同程度的加分,通过实例研究分析能够适应近岸海域水质状况变化的考核工作要求。  相似文献   
王世亮  曹雪稚 《环境科学》2020,41(12):5428-5437
近年来,滨海旅游度假区蓬勃发展,其水体环境质量对人体健康有直接影响;全氟化合物(perfluoroalkyl substances,PFASs)在各环境介质中普遍被检出,因其潜在的毒性而引起广泛关注.以山东省20个滨海旅游度假区水和沉积物为对象,对其中12种典型PFASs的污染特征及其潜在生态风险进行了系统研究.结果表明,在20个度假区所有水体和绝大多数沉积物样品中12种PFASs都被检出;水和沉积物中PFASs的平均含量分别为67.91 ng·L-1和5.89 ng·g-1,全氟辛酸(perfluorooctanoic acid,PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(perfluorooctanesulfonic acid,PFOS)都是含量占绝对优势的物质;不同度假区水和沉积物中PFASs总含量(ΣPFASs)及各同系物的含量具有明显差异;在不同度假区水/沉积物体系12种PFASs的分配系数差异明显,长链PFASs(碳原子数≥7)具有更大的分配系数;城市工业废水和生活污水的排放是度假区水和沉积物PFASs的主要来源,水体盐度和沉积物有机质含量不是PF...  相似文献   
通过测定长江口滨岸9个典型采样点上覆水与表层沉积物样品中的多环芳烃(PAHs)污染水平,分析其组成、时空分布特征及其影响因素,并进行了生态风险评价.结果显示,枯季上覆水中PAHs浓度高于洪季,平均浓度分别为1 988 ng/L和1 727ng/L;表层沉积物中的PAHs也为枯季高于洪季,平均浓度分别为1 154 ng/g和605 ng/g;Phe是水和沉积物中PAH的主要成分.温度是控制上覆水中PAHs季节性差异的主要因素,而有机碳(OC)与碳黑(SC)则控制着沉积物中PAHs的富集;长江口滨岸复杂的水动力条件与各种人类活动产生的污染物输入影响了PAHs的空间分布,在一定程度上也导致了河口滨岸PAHs来源的复杂性.生态风险评价结果显示,长江口滨岸水-沉积物间的PAHs在一定程度上可能对该区生物造成潜在不利影响.其中,上覆水中个别PAH化合物的浓度水平已达到欧美等国生态毒理评价标准或超过了美国EPA水质标准,BaP浓度超过了我国地表水环境质量标准的规定浓度;表层沉积物中部分PAH化合物的含量超过了ER-L值和ISQV-L值.  相似文献   
对长江入海口北支沿海滩涂养殖区底泥重金属污染的总体水平进行调查,结果表明,滩涂养殖区底泥重金属含量满足海洋沉积物质量一类标准要求,污染程度属于安全Ⅰ级水平,重金属潜在生态危害属轻微级别,6种重金属潜在生态危害由大到小排序依次为Cd﹥Hg﹥Cu﹥Cr﹥Pb﹥As,2005年~2011年,底泥重金属污染程度均处于安全的Ⅰ级水平。  相似文献   
河流是大气温室气体重要的排放源.为了探讨天津市典型景观滨海河流N2O释放空间特征及影响因素,以天津市6条不同土地利用类型的滨海河流为研究对象,通过顶空-气相色谱法测定了N2O浓度、饱和度和扩散通量.结果表明,天津市不同景观河流N2O浓度都处于过饱和状态,表现为大气N2O的源;N2O浓度、饱和度和扩散通量均值为(23.85±15.20)nmol·L-1、(309.71±197.38)%和(27.04±16.46)μmol·(m2·d)-1,范围分别为12.70~115.69 nmol·L-1、 164%~1 502%和9.17~244.79μmol·(m2·d)-1.天津市不同土地利用类型河流N2O浓度和扩散通量具有较大的空间异质性,表现为:排污河>城市河流>郊区河流>农业河流.天津滨海河流N2  相似文献   
This mixed-method case study of environmental communication best practices in Louisiana, USA, identifies trends and approaches as informed by environmental psychology. The results provide key insights for environmental communicators, especially communicators in coastal regions. In-depth interviews with both environmental psychologists and environmental communicators showed that both groups emphasized knowing the audience, telling local stories, building relationships with target audiences and targeted messaging. Both psychologists and communicators also frequently mentioned general messaging concerns of source credibility, avoiding controversial terms and talking about issues, impacts and solutions to which the target audience can relate. A representative survey revealed that Louisiana residents are most interested in hearing about how environmental issues such as climate change, coastal land loss and flooding are affecting their own communities. This finding supports the idea that environmental communicators could do a better job tapping into strong place attachment and sense of community among coastal residents to promote action.  相似文献   
长江河口近岸水体自然净化作用及其初步评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
按照水体的净化机理,结合长江口和上海滨岸带近岸水体的物理、化学和生物等因素的实际特征,对近岸水体的自然净化作用进行了阐述和分析。并在历史资料和实测资料基础上,就近岸水体的自然净化作用进行了评价。评价结果表明,因长江河口近岸水体存在较强的自然净化作用机制,近岸水体体的自然净化能力较强,环境容量较大,但由于污染物输入量的不断增加,部分岸段近岸水体的环境质量有逐渐下降的趋势;近岸水体的自然净化作用具有明显的季节性变化,长江口南岸水域洪水季节水体的自然净化作用比估水季节强,而杭州湾北岸水域的自然净化作用表现为相反的变化趋势,因此建议在近岸污水排放过程中应考虑近岸水体的净化能力,遵循水体的自然净化作用规律。  相似文献   
沿海发达地区土地利用研究新进展与方向   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
土地资源的短缺、质量退化与低效利用.已成为影响沿海发达地区生态安全与可持续发展的重要制约因素,也是土地利用管理与规划决策所面临的现实难题。我国沿海经济发达地区作为人地矛盾激化和经济快速转型背景下特殊的人文生态脆弱区,受到了包括地理学、生态学、经济学和社会学等多学科学者的密切关注,尤其是近10多年来在沿海土地利用变化及其效应研究方面取得了丰硕成果。主要以土地科学研究新方向和沿海地区经济社会发展态势为基本背景.从土地利用类型及其转换格局、驱动力因素辨识与驱动机制、土地利用转换的效应、区域土地可持续利用.以及土地利用优化配置与调控等方面,对沿海地区土地利用研究进行了初步梳理和评述,并指出今后应重视深化沿海发达地区土地利用研究的9个重点问题。  相似文献   
This paper explores the status of sustainable development in small island developing states (SIDS), through the presentation of a case study on the Maldives, which is a typical small island developing state in the Central Indian Ocean. At the outset, a brief history of sustainable development as related to SIDS on the international agenda is outlined, starting from Rio to Barbados to Johannesburg. SIDS are expected to face many challenges and constraints in pursuing sustainable development due to their ecological fragility and economic vulnerability. It is the position of this paper that issues related to environmental vulnerability are of the greatest concern. A healthy environment is the basis of all life-support systems, including that of human well-being and socio-economic development. Priority environmental problems are: climate change and sea-level rise, threats to biodiversity, threats to freshwater resources, degradation of coastal environments, pollution, energy and tourism. Among these, climate change and its associated impacts are expected to pose the greatest threat to the environment and therefore to sustainable development. For small islands dependent on fragile marine ecosystems, in particular on coral reefs, for their livelihoods and living space, adverse effects of climate change such as increased frequency of extreme weather events and sea-level rise will exacerbate the challenges they already face. It is concluded that the paper path from Rio to Barbados to Johannesburg has made significant progress. However, much remains to be done at the practical level, particularly by the developed countries in terms of new and additional efforts at financial and technical assistance, to make sustainable development a reality for SIDS.  相似文献   
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