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硫酸法钛白生产水洗工序清洁生产技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过开展水洗工段用水审计并试验了温度、偏钛酸ξ电位和漂白工艺对水洗的影响效果,从实践和理论上探讨了为其提高钛白质量改进水洗工艺的清洁生产方案的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   
2014~2017年北京地区霾日数和污染日数逐年减少,PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2和NO_2年平均质量浓度下降,污染程度缓解,采暖期中的11~12月尤为明显.针对空气质量的显著改善,从气象条件的改善和减排措施两方面进行探讨分析,并结合数值模式和大数据挖掘技术实现气象和排放对大气污染贡献率的定量化研究.结果表明,2017年与过去3 a相比,平均风速增加7. 9%,≥3. 4 m·s~(-1)的风速频次最高(10. 6%),≥70%湿度日占比最小(25. 1%);其中,采暖期与过去3 a同期相比,小风日数减少8. 6%、大气环境容量指数和通风指数平均增加约11%,边界层高度以3. 2%·a~(-1)的速率升高,尤其11~12月各要素改善更显著,且该时段内2014年各因子变化与2017年相似.非采暖期(4~10月)累积降水量558. 3 mm,仅次于2016年,有利于污染物的清除和湿沉降.利用WRF-CHEM对霾和污染频发的12月进行模拟发现,气象要素的改变导致2017年12月北京PM_(2.5)质量浓度较2014~2016年同期分别降低5%、38%和25%.因缺少政府实际施行的减排方案,无法利用WRF-CHEM量化气象和减排的具体贡献率,因此借助大数据挖掘算法,基于K近邻算法(KNN)和支持向量机(SVM)模型对气象和减排对空气质量改善的贡献进行评估,结果显示2017年减少的霾日和重污染日,65. 0%归因于减排的贡献,35. 0%归因为气象条件的改善.可见,气象与生态环境部门应继续加强数据开放共享,科学开展气象条件预报与减排评估.  相似文献   
以影响太湖入湖河流水质的24个因子值为研究对象,将PSO算法与SVM算法相结合。PSO算法用于优化SVM算法的参数c和g,以利于快速、高效地确定c和g的全局最优值;SVM算法基于最优的c和g,分别以24,21,18,15,12,9和6个因子作为特征向量预测水质的污染程度。结果表明,当特征向量为9个影响因子时预测率最高。其参数c=18.56,g=1.35,对应的预测率为:全局预测率92.59%,重度污染水质预测率88.89%,轻度污染水质预测率94.45%。因此,通过PSO和SVM混合算法,可以确定影响太湖入湖河流水质的主要因子,利用这些主要因子对水质进行预测预警,不但可以节省时间,而且可以得到精确的结果。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Machine learning techniques are finding more and more applications in the field of forecasting. A novel regression technique, called Support Vector Machine (SVM), based on the statistical learning theory is explored in this study. SVM is based on the principle of Structural Risk Minimization as opposed to the principle of Empirical Risk Minimization espoused by conventional regression techniques. The flood data at Dhaka, Bangladesh, are used in this study to demonstrate the forecasting capabilities of SVM. The result is compared with that of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based model for one‐lead day to seven‐lead day forecasting. The improvements in maximum predicted water level errors by SVM over ANN for four‐lead day to seven‐lead day are 9.6 cm, 22.6 cm, 4.9 cm and 15.7 cm, respectively. The result shows that the prediction accuracy of SVM is at least as good as and in some cases (particularly at higher lead days) actually better than that of ANN, yet it offers advantages over many of the limitations of ANN, for example in arriving at ANN's optimal network architecture and choosing useful training set. Thus, SVM appears to be a very promising prediction tool.  相似文献   
根据起重机械可能发生的事故和特点,制定具体的检查标准,对于施工现场安全管理工作具有比较实际的指导意义。本文重点对起重机械特别是塔吊的安全检查,探讨了常规、特殊检查标准;年度、月度、日检查标准;塔吊的金属结构、机械、电气、液压系统等方面的检查标准。并介绍了简单的检查方法。  相似文献   
周英男  闫大海  李丽  丛璟  王宁  彭政  王琪 《环境科学学报》2015,35(11):3769-3774
利用化学试剂PbCl2、ZnCl2来模拟危险废物,研究了烧结机共处置危险废物过程中Pb、Zn的挥发特性.首先选取PbCl2、ZnCl2两种化合物的纯化学试剂分别进行了热重分析实验,然后对掺有一定比例PbCl2、ZnCl2的烧结矿原料进行煅烧,采集分析煅烧烟气和煅烧所得烧结矿中Pb和Zn的总量.实验结果表明,在刚开始煅烧的一段时间内,Pb、Zn两种重金属挥发特性相似,均是随着时间的增加以及温度的升高而挥发率逐渐上升,而当煅烧超过一定时间后,其挥发和固化反应会达到平衡,当煅烧的温度为1200℃时,Pb和Zn的挥发率分别为97.13%和65.04%.运用化学反应动力学理论对Pb、Zn两种重金属在烧结机共处置过程中的挥发规律进行动力学模拟,模拟结果表明,PbCl2中Pb挥发的动力学方程可表示为α=f(T,t)=1-exp[-7.90exp(-5595/T)t];而ZnCl2中的Zn为α=f(T,t)=1-exp[-0.534exp(-3210/T)t].  相似文献   
The UK government has recognised the vital contribution that the construction industry has to play in contributing towards sustainable development. While the issue of hardened concrete waste has received considerable attention, process waste arising from the manufacture of ready-mixed concrete is relatively unexplored. It is apparent that initiatives such as the landfill tax have encouraged UK ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to reduce substantially the amount of waste they produce. Environmental pressures continue to increase and ready-mixed concrete producers are being forced towards a closed loop production system.  相似文献   
Washing aggregate sludge from a gravel pit, sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and a clay-rich sediment have been physically, chemically and mineralogically characterized. They were mixed, milled and formed into pellets, pre-heated for 5 min and sintered in a rotary kiln at 1150 °C, 1175 °C, 1200 °C and 1225 °C for 10 and 15 min at each temperature. The effects of the raw material characteristics, heating temperatures and dwell times on the loss on ignition (LOI), bloating index (BI), bulk density (ρb), apparent and dry particle densities (ρa, ρd), voids (H), water absorption (WA24h) and compressive strength (S) were determined. All the mixtures presented a bloating potential taking into consideration the gases released at high temperatures. The products obtained were lightweight aggregates (LWAs) in accordance with Standard UNE-EN-13055-1 (ρb ≤ 1.20 g/cm3 or particle density ≤ 2.00 g/cm3). LWAs manufactured with 50% washing aggregate sludge and 50% clay-rich sediment were expanded LWAs (BI > 0) and showed the lowest apparent particle density, the lowest water absorption and the highest compressive strength. It was possible to establish three groups of LWAs on the basis of their properties in comparison to Arlita G3, F3 and F5, commercially available lightweight aggregates manufactured in Spain. Our LWAs may have the same or similar applications as these commercial products, such as horticulture, prefabricated lightweight structures and building structures.  相似文献   
Recycled water is a valuable resource that has potential to free up potable water supplies and recharge systems while improving the environment. Recycled water for washing machine could be one of the options as new end use of recycled water to alleviate the demand on existing and limited water supplies. This paper summarizes the findings of a research survey in Sydney, Australia to explore the attitudes and opinions of community towards the use of recycled water for different purposes, especially for the washing machine. The survey showed that 97% of the respondents were aware of the persisting water shortage problem while more than 60% of the respondents supported the use of recycled water for washing clothes. This paper exposes the basic concern of participants for using recycled water in washing machine. Health issue was found as the most concerns of the community. The survey also presents the further conditions to be considered for using recycled water for washing machine according to the participants’ opinions. Correlation between knowledge and attitudes of respondents was also found in this survey.  相似文献   
向膜生物反应器内投加40 g·L-1粉末活性炭处理尾水,运行效果良好.排泥和水力停留时间对处理效果有很大影响,流量和曝气量在一定程度上决定了膜污染的进程,粉末活性炭吸附降解了一些易引起膜污染的有机物,改变了污泥的性质,使膜通量得到改善.气洗和反冲洗能很好的维持膜通量,离线清洗可使膜通量基本恢复.  相似文献   
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