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The diffusive and in situ fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) have been measured and an estimation has been made of the water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 in three estuarine systems of the Cantabrian Sea during the spring of 1998. Each of these systems undergoes a different anthropogenic influence. The diffusive fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity obtained present values ranging between 0.54–2.65 and 0.0–2.4 mmol m−2 day−1, respectively. These ranges are in agreement with those of other coastal systems. The in situ fluxes are high and extremely variable (35–284 mmol TA m−2 day−1, 43–554 mmol DIC m−2 day−1 and 22–261 mmol dissolved oxygen (DO) m−2 day−1), because the systems studied are very heterogeneous. The values of the ratio of the in situ fluxes of TA and DIC show on average that the rate of dissolution of CaCO3 is 0.37 times that of organic carbon oxidation. Equally, the interval of variation of the relationship between the benthic fluxes of inorganic carbon and oxygen (FDIC/FDO) is very wide (0.3–13.9), which demonstrates the different contributions made by the processes of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of the organic matter, as well as by the dissolution–precipitation of CaCO3. The water–atmosphere fluxes of CO2 present a clear dependence on the salinity. The brackish water of these systems (salinity<20), where maximum fluxes of 989 mmol m−2 day−1 have been estimated, act as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The more saline zones of the estuary (salinity>30) act as a sink of CO2, with fluxes between −5 and −10 mmol m−2 day−1.  相似文献   
采用等温量热法、X射线衍射(XRD)和化学结合水量测定等方法,研究了含有不同比例的粉煤灰或磨细石英粉的复合胶凝材料在不同养护温度条件下的水化过程,观察了水化产物量和水化程度随水化龄期变化情况。在掺量相同时,矿物掺和料的种类变化不会对复合胶凝材料的初期水化过程有明显影响,其反应过程仍由其中所含硅酸盐水泥控制。活性的粉煤灰可延迟复合胶凝材料的水化反应,而惰性的石英粉则不会。热激发作用可显著促进粉煤灰的火山灰反应,但对于硅酸盐水泥的长期水化反应有抑制作用。热养护能促使水化初期生成的高含水率的CSH向低含水率的CSH变化;粉煤灰的火山灰反应生成的也是含水率较低的CSH凝胶。  相似文献   
The paper aims at investigating the trends of the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphorous in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy, in the last 35 years. The trend analysis of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and reactive phosphorus (RP) yielded rather different results. The decrease in ammonia nitrogen concentration, in particular, in the basin influenced by severe industrial discharges, is accurately described by a negative exponential model. The nitrate concentration did not show significant interannual trends, while wide seasonal variations have been detected. Reactive phosphorus concentration increased until the end of the 1970s at the stations close to the industrial area as well as in those influenced by river discharges and by sewages of the city of Venice. The sudden decrease that followed was most likely related with environmental policies, namely the improvement of wastewater purification treatments and the regulation of phosphorus use in detergents.  相似文献   
A carbon budget for the exchange of total dissolved inorganic carbon CT between the Greenland Sea and the surrounding seas has been constructed for winter and summer situations. An extensive data set of CT collected over the years 1994–1997 within the European Sub-polar Ocean Programmes (ESOP1 and ESOP2) are used for the budget calculation. Based on these data, mean values of CT in eight different boxes representing the inflow and outflow of water through the boundaries of the Greenland Sea Basin are estimated. The obtained values are then combined with simulated water transports taken from the ESOP2 version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). The fluxes of inorganic carbon are presented for three layers; a surface mixed layer, an intermediate layer and a deep layer, and the imbalance in the fluxes are attributed to air–sea exchange, biological fixation of inorganic carbon, and sedimentation. The main influx of carbon is found in the surface and the deep layers in the Fram Strait, and in the surface waters of direct Atlantic origin, whereas the main outflux is found in the surface layer over the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the Knipovich Ridge, transporting carbon into the Atlantic Ocean via the Denmark Strait and towards the Arctic Ocean via the Norwegian Sea, respectively. The flux calculation indicates that there is a net transport of carbon out of the Greenland Sea during wintertime. In the absence of biological activity, this imbalance is attributed to air sea exchange, and requires an oceanic uptake of CO2 of 0.024±0.006 Gt C yr−1. The flux calculations from the summer period are complicated by biological fixation of inorganic carbon, and show that data on organic carbon is required in order to estimate the air–sea exchange in the area.  相似文献   
为解决复杂地质条件地区隧道工程建设中出现的不明气体问题,以川藏铁路某隧道出现不明气体为切入点,结合工程地质学、地球化学等学科交叉的研究方法与思路,对该不明气体的成因机制及演化特征进行研究,探索一种研究不明气体的新思路。基于现场采样测试与全天候监测,总结分析该不明气体成分特征及其演化规律,得出该不明气体为混合成因气体;同时,从不明气体的工程地质条件入手,着眼于区域油气资源和煤系地层的分布及区域地质构造、岩石裂隙发育情况,排除不明气体由其他地区运移而来的可能;在此基础上,进行岩石室内试验,通过对不明气体赋存环境进行地球化学分析,分别论证气体的有机成因及无机成因,得出该不明气体是原地产生的,经历了有机成因和无机成因2个阶段且储量有限,对工程后期影响不大,为隧道后期顺利施工提供了指导。  相似文献   
沥青路面的结构行为方程为基于性能的沥青路面结构设计方法奠定了良好的理论基础,但先前的研究仅较好地考虑了荷载、环境和结构等因素对沥青路面使用性能的影响,而对材料因素的影响考虑得较为粗略。鉴于材料影响的复杂性,论文从较为宏观的角度通过改性沥青和普通沥青结构行为方程和现场疲劳方程的建立给出改性沥青影响系数与改性-普通沥青寿命比值的关系,从而利用此关系以及通过试验获得的改性沥青和普通沥青混凝土的疲劳方程即可确定结构行为方程中的材料影响系数。  相似文献   
李辉  罗雪  张裕卿 《中国公路学报》2020,33(10):115-124
沥青的开裂和塑性变形是疲劳损伤过程中的2个耦合子进程。为了分离沥青在疲劳损伤阶段的开裂子进程及塑性变形子进程及寻求疲劳损伤进程与2个子进程的关联特征指标,基于能量力学法及动力学理论研究沥青的疲劳损伤进程、开裂子进程及塑性变形子进程。首先采用能量力学法从沥青疲劳损伤阶段不同温度下的累积总耗散伪应变能(DPSE)分离出开裂导致的累积耗散伪应变能(DPSEc)及塑性变形引起的累积耗散伪应变能(DPSEp);然后采用三参数模型来匹配沥青疲劳损伤进程、开裂及塑性变形子进程的耗散伪应变能,获得了能够定量描述能量耗散演变快慢的特征能量变化率;最后基于动力学理论建立沥青疲劳损伤阶段的特征能量变化率与温度的关系,并确定表征沥青疲劳损伤进程的动力学指标。结果表明:基质沥青及SBS改性沥青的DPSE,DPSEc,DPSEp的特征能量变化率与绝对温度倒数呈线性关系,DPSEp的特征能量变化率随温度的增加而增加,而DPSEc的特征能量变化率随温度的增加而减小,其原因是随着温度的升高,沥青塑性变形发展变快,而开裂则减缓;SBS改性沥青疲劳损伤进程、开裂子进程及塑性变形子进程的活化能(163.9,70.1,91.6 kJ·mol-1)均大于基质沥青相应进程的活化能(94.0,47.0,45.8 kJ·mol-1),这表明SBS改性沥青抗开裂性能及抗永久变形性能均好于基质沥青;此外,SBS改性沥青及基质沥青疲劳损伤进程的总活化能等于开裂子进程及塑性变形子进程的活化能之和。因此,可通过活化能这一动力学指标将沥青疲劳损伤进程、开裂子进程与塑性变形子进程进行关联。  相似文献   
考虑老化的沥青结合料低温感温性指标   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
为了验证不同老化程度沥青结合料的针入度指数IP、当量脆点T1.2与SHRP低温弯曲梁流变指标间的关系,选取3种常用重交基质沥青进行薄膜烘箱试验和不同时长的压力老化容器老化,测定不同老化程度沥青在不同较高温度的针入度,得到针入度温度指数AlgP、K、IP和T1.2;测定不同较低温度60 s时的弯曲梁流变指标S、m,得到低温蠕变温度指数AlgS和Am。通过试验得出:随着老化程度的增加,沥青的感温性降低,温度稳定性增加,T1.2呈升高趋势;对不同老化程度的沥青而言,其较高温度下的针入度温度指标AlgP、K与较低温度下的低温蠕变温度指标AlgS、KlgS、Am、Km之间具有较好的相关性;中国“八五”攻关专题中建议的沥青低温性能评价指标IP和T1.2与SHRP建议的低温性能评价指标S和m之间具有较好的相关性。  相似文献   
为了研究沥青胶结料在恒定低温储存过程中产生的热可逆老化机理,运用调制式差示扫描量热分析(MDSC)和低温红外光谱(LT-FTIR)技术对沥青胶结料热信号与红外光谱的热历史依赖性进行了试验分析,以确定2种不同分子量的线性饱和链烃(C20H42和C32H66)对热可逆老化的贡献。研究结果表明:沥青恒定低温硬化并非所有沥青的固有特性,存在不受恒定低温热历史影响的沥青胶结料;低分子量的饱和长链烷烃(石蜡)因其与沥青具有较好的相容性,会通过扩散的方式随着恒定低温时间的延长逐渐从沥青基体中析出,从而导致沥青的恒温硬化现象;由于高分子量的饱和长链烷烃与研究采用的沥青在相同条件下相容性差,其石蜡与沥青的二相分离结构并没有随着恒定低温时间的延长产生明显的变化。与热分析相比,低温红外光谱技术可在较低的降温速率下直接用于测试固态沥青中的石蜡分子单元而不会产生热滞后效应。石蜡的结晶会导致红外光谱在735~715 cm-1处形成吸收峰,且吸收峰信号随温度降低而增强。沥青中的石蜡初期(0~8 h)析出较快,随着时间延长,析出速率放缓,持续时间可长达72 h。通过试验的直接观测,确定了沥青中低分子量石蜡的持续析出或沉淀是导致所用胶结料热可逆老化的根本原因。  相似文献   
为了在有限样本条件下得到高黏改性剂优选基质沥青的控制指标,对境内外2种高黏改性剂与4种常用基质沥青进行配伍性试验,并以针入度、软化点、低温延度、60℃动力黏度及170℃布氏黏度为控制指标,从而得出配伍性最佳的基质沥青,然后分别对每种基质沥青进行针入度、软化点、延度等全套常规性能试验和不同老化程度的温度扫描、频率扫描等流...  相似文献   
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