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Development and Extension of Seawater Desalination by Reverse Osmosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seawater desalination has been people‘s fond dream since ancient times,the dream is now becoming a reality.This paper presents a brief development history of reverse osmosis.Much attention was paid to innovative development in mebranes,modules.equipments and applied technology,including asymmetric and composite membranes,spiral-wound element and hollow fiber module,energy recovery equipments and different technological processes.The extension of reverse osmosis,such as desalination,pre-concentration,integrated processes and nanofiltration,is also briefly mentioned.  相似文献   
Dissakisites from Trimouns dolomite mine, France, have two kinds of single crystals: chemical-zoned and homogeneous types. Back-scattered electron microprobe (BSE) images of these dissakisites reveal both Ca–Al rich dark zones and Fe-ΣREE rich bright zones. Crystal structures of three dark and two bright zones in a chemical-zoned dissakisite and of a homogeneous zone in unzoned dissakisite were refined to individual R indices (about 3.0–5.0%) based on 1,400 observed [|F 0| > 4σF 0] reflections measured with MoKα X-radiation using the single crystal diffractometer. The differences in brightness between their BSE images arise from those in coupled substitutions of the elements occupying A2 and M3 sites. The main reason for these differences is that ten-coordinated A2 polyhedra and M3 octahedra are directly linked through their shared edge, which creates a great potential for making this coupled substitution. This zoning indicates that formation of the whole zoned crystal, where each zone could be grown steadily with its crystallographic axes mutually parallel to each other, may be identified as autoepitaxy.  相似文献   
对九岭区地质灾害发育的基本特征及其地质环境条件进行了概述,并对其形成条件进行了相关性分析;通过对地质灾害发育的基本规律、控制因素、触发因素与地质灾害关系的分析,采用环境地质学原理,建立区域地质灾害空间预测模型,圈定九岭区地质灾害的危险性分区,为实时地质灾害时间预警预报圈定有效的空间靶区。预测单元采用规则的栅格(500m×500m),共14415个单元;评价指标主要包括地形地貌、工程地质岩类、地质构造、破坏地质环境人类工程活动等四大类26个因子;利用GIS技术,提取出相关的数据信息;信息量预测方程:Ii=-1.164X1-0.999X2-0.681X3 …… 0.203X25-0.135X26(其中X1、X2、X3、…X26取1或0,即某单元中存在某种因素时取1、否则取0),据此计算出各单元格的信息量;根据地质灾害危险性分区临界指标,确定单元格的地质灾害危险性等级;合并同类项,并考虑类似的地质、自然环境具有类似的地质灾害问题的原则,进行归并与单元边界线的修改,得出九岭区地质灾害危险性分区。  相似文献   
Disequilibrium for Ca during growth of pelitic garnet   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
Compositional zoning in hundreds of almandine-rich garnets in amphibolite by facies micaceous quartzites from the Picuris Range, north-central New Mexico USA, indicates that although Mn, Mg and Fe achieve chemical equilibrium at hand-sample scale during garnet growth, Ca does not. Instead, Ca concentrations at the surface of growing garnets appear to depend strongly on kinetic factors that govern the local chemical environment, yielding disequilibrium for Ca at scales larger than the region immediately surrounding an individual porphyroblast. Detailed zoning profiles were obtained for 371 garnet crystals in a small volume of a single sample of garnetiferous quartzite, and core analyses were made of 97 additional crystals. Each analysis was made on a section that passed precisely through the morphological centre of the crystal, located by means of 3-D imagery from computed X-ray tomography. The data reveal strong correlations between crystal size and concentrations of Mn, Mg and Fe (but not Ca) in garnet cores; a relationship between crystal size and isolation; rigorous cross-correlations among concentrations of Mn, Mg and Fe (but not Ca); and systematic variations in Ca concentrations as a function of crystal size and core composition that are anomalous in comparison to the behaviour of the other divalent cations. We interpret these observations as the result of thermally accelerated diffusion-controlled garnet growth, in circumstances that promoted rapid intergranular diffusion and thus rock-wide equilibration of Mn, Mg and Fe, but that prevented equilibration at similar scale for Ca because of its more sluggish intergranular diffusion. The anomalous behaviour of Ca is made evident in these garnets by the presence of sharp spikes in Ca concentration, which are demonstrably not a consequence of any simultaneous rock-wide event, such as a change in pressure, temperature, or some other intensive parameter. Instead, Ca concentrations probably reflect the local extent of reaction in the immediate vicinity of each porphyroblast. To the degree that such kinetic factors introduce departures from chemical equilibrium for Ca, thermobarometric estimates that involve grossular contents of pelitic garnet will be in error.  相似文献   
陕西省区域环境地球化学分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了利用地壳元素分布特征与动植物微量元素含量间的关系,指导生态环境综合治理,借助已有的基础地球化学资料,进行陕西省地球化学分区,确定各分区的环境背景值、污染起始值、缺乏临界值、过剩值临界值,并将陕西省分为陕北、关中、陕南3个地球化学区,圈定了1个元素贫化区和2个元素富集区。提出应该在元素的缺乏和过剩的异常区内进行生物体内微量元素含量的定期检测。做到对地球化学疾病及时发现及时寻找对策,以保证人类生存环境的安全,提高生存质量。  相似文献   
We present the first data on the petrology of the mantle lithosphereof the Southeastern (SE) Slave craton, Canada. These are basedon petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies of mantlexenoliths in Pipe 5034 of the Cambrian Gahcho Kué kimberlitecluster. Major types of mantle xenoliths include altered eclogite,coarse garnet or spinel peridotite, and deformed garnet peridotite.The peridotites belong to the low-temperature suite and formedat T=600–1300°C and P= 25–80 kbar in a thick(at least 220–250 km), cool lithosphere. The SE Slavemantle is cooler than the mantle of other Archaean cratons andthat below other terranes of the Slave craton. The thick lithosphereand the relatively cool thermal regime provide favourable conditionsfor formation and preservation of diamonds beneath the SE Slaveterrane. Similar to average Archaean mantle worldwide, the SESlave peridotite is depleted in magmaphile major elements andcontains olivine with forsterite content of 91–93·5.With respect to olivine composition and mode, all terranes ofthe Slave mantle show broadly similar compositions and are relativelyorthopyroxene-poor compared with those of the Kaapvaal and Siberiancratons. The SE Slave spinel peridotite is poorer in Al, Caand Fe, and richer in Mg than deeper garnet peridotite. Thegreater chemical depletion of the shallow upper mantle is typicalof all terranes of the Slave craton and may be common for thesubcontinental lithospheric peridotitic mantle in general. Peridotiticxenoliths of the SE Slave craton were impregnated by kimberliticfluids that caused late-stage recrystallization of primary clinopyroxene,spinel, olivine and spinel-facies orthopyroxene, and formationof interstitial clinopyroxene. This kimberlite-related recrystallizationdepleted primary pyroxenes and spinel in Al. The kimberliticfluid was oxidizing, Ti-, Fe- and K-rich, and Na-poor, and introducedserpentine, chlorite, phlogopite and spinel into peridotitesat P < 35 kbar. KEY WORDS: kimberlite xenolith; lithosphere; mantle terrane; chemical zoning; thermobarometry; Slave craton  相似文献   
Danba (丹巴) domal metamorphic terrain belongs to Songpan (松潘)-Ganze (甘孜) orogenic belt, where typical Barrovian and Buchan metamorphic zones are preserved. The former included chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite zones, while the latter only developed silimanite+muscovite and sillimanite+K-feldspar zones. Integrated study has been carried on metamorphic reactions of garnet production and consumption, P-T paths and P-T-X-M phase relation and thermal tectonic model for Danba metamorphic zones. Petrological textures in thin sections show that garnet production and consumption in kyanite-sillimanite zone is mainly attributed to ChI+Ms+PI+Q=Grt+Bt+H2O and kyanite=sillimanite respectively. Based on mineral compositions, the geothermobarometry gives an average P, T condition of (4.9±0.3)×108 Pa, 543±30℃ for the first growth stage of the garnet and (5.8±0.3)±108 Pa, 534±29 ℃ for the second stage of garnet growth respectively. Anti-counter clockwise P-T paths were drawn using Gibbs method by NCMnKFMASH system for sample G98686 in the kyanite zone. The P-T-X-M modeling for the first mineral assemblages shows that the prediction is similar to the measured values in gossular, almandine and spessartine but mole fraction of pyrope and Fe/(Fe+Mg) deviated far from the contours; while that for the second mineral assemblages exhibits that the prediction is consistent with the measured value of pyrope, grossular content and Fe/(Fe+Mg) of garnet. A thermal tectonic model that there are at least three structure levels across the thrnst-decollement zones is presented according to the P-T paths, metamorphic grades and deformation styles for the staurolite-kyanite zone of the Barroviau type metamorphism, which will provide some constraints for the evolution of the nappe complex.  相似文献   
地质钻探技术与应用研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
钻探技术是取得地下实物资料、验证地下信息推断与解释、最终圈定矿体、计算储量、评估品位唯一的技术手段,是实现取得宏观影响大成果的重要技术支撑.我国钻探技术和装备水平与国外先进国家相比有很大的差距,但近些年来有了长足的发展.通过国家重大科学工程项目“中国大陆科学钻探工程”5158m“科钻一井”的实施,取得了一系列钻探技术成...  相似文献   
滕道鹏 《矿产与地质》2008,22(5):396-399
双王金矿床是秦岭泥盆系地层中一种类型独特富钠角砾岩型金矿床,在分析研究矿床赋矿地层、角砾岩带、角砾岩体的矿化及分带特征的基础上,阐述了该矿床的分带特征与金矿化的关系。  相似文献   
川西龙门山中段彭州式铜矿形成于岛弧构造环境,其形成经历了晋宁期幔源火山沉积和褶皱变形、印支期-燕山期以来强烈的构造挤压和破坏。根据研究区地层形变的各种构造形迹,将区内构造体系划分为北北西向"多"字型和北东向华夏式两种构造体系。"多"字型构造体系是在晋宁期右行剪切作用下形成北东—北北东向的褶皱带,后经印支期-燕山期以来的左行旋转至北北西而保留至今,表现为黄水河群组成的复式背、向斜褶皱带;华夏式构造体系显示了印支期以来北东—南西方向强大的挤压,表现为前期的叠瓦状断裂和后期的"飞来峰"构造。两种构造体系共同控制着彭州式铜矿床的形成及改造。根据二者的平面展布形态、构造出露特征及其动力学标志,将其划分为包容和交接两种复合关系,即"多"字型构造体系包容于华夏式构造体系中,在研究区南部二者呈反接关系。  相似文献   
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