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Jrg Hermann 《Lithos》2003,70(3-4):163-182
The peak metamorphic conditions of subducted continental crust in the Dora-Maira massif (Western Alps) have been revised by combining experimental results in the KCMASH system with petrologic information from whiteschists. Textural observations in whiteschists suggest that the peak metamorphic assemblage garnet+phengite+kyanite+coesite±talc originates from the reaction kyanite+talc↔garnet+coesite+liquid. In the experimentally determined petrogenetic grid, this reaction occurs above 45 kbar at 730 °C. At lower pressures, talc reacts either to orthopyroxene and coesite or, together with phengite, to biotite, coesite and kyanite. The liberated liquid contains probably similar amounts of H2O and dissolved granitic components. The composition of the liquid in the whiteschists at peak metamorphic conditions, a major unknown in earlier studies, was probably very similar to the liquid composition produced in the experiments. Therefore, the experimentally determined petrogenetic grid represents a good model for the estimation of the peak metamorphic conditions in whiteschists. Experimentally determined Si-isopleths for phengite further constrain peak pressures to 43 kbar for the measured Si=3.60 of phengite in the natural whiteschists. All these data provide evidence that the whiteschists reached diamond-facies conditions.

The fluid-absent equilibrium 4 kyanite+3 CELADONITE=4 coesite+3 muscovite+pyrope has been calibrated on the basis of garnet and phengite compositions in the experiments and serves as a geothermobarometer for ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metapelites. For graphite-bearing metapelites and kyanite–phengite eclogites, forming the country rocks of the whiteschists, peak metamorphic pressures of about 44±3 kbar were calculated from this barometer for temperatures of 750 °C estimated from garnet–phengite thermometry. Therefore, the whole ultra-high-pressure unit of the Dora-Maira massif most likely experienced peak metamorphic conditions in the diamond stability field. While graphite is common in the metapelites, diamond has not been found so far. The absence of metamorphic microdiamonds might be explained by the low temperature of metamorphism, the absence of a free fluid phase in the metapelites and a short residence time in diamond-facies conditions resulting in kinetic problems in the conversion of graphite to diamond.  相似文献   

Organism relics or kerogens in oils are first obsenred by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The complexes of kerogens in oils are characterized by the presence of a great variety of microfossils or macerals. These kerogens in oils are mainly the residues of the original organic substances from which oil formed, and minor kerogens from enclosing rocks enter the oils, therefore, the components and types of the kerogens in crude oils can serve as an indirect indicator of oil-source rock correlation. This method was applied to Jurassic oils in the Junggar Basin and the Turpan-Hami Basin, and there are two types of the kerogens in oils: one containing a lot of macerals from terrestrial plants may derive from coals, and the other, characterized by a high content of microscopic algae, fungus spores and Acritarch, may originate from Permian organic matter. In addition, the reflectance of the vitrodetrinites in oils can be used as an indicator of oil-source rock correlation.  相似文献   
We have studied the influence of Ca-Tschermaks (Calcium Tschermaks or CaTs) content of clinopyroxene on the partitioning of trace elements between this phase and silicate melt at fixed temperature and pressure. Ion probe analyses of experiments carried out in the system Na2O–CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2, at 0.1 MPa and 1218°C, produced crystal-melt partition coefficients (D) of 36 trace elements (Li, Cl, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ge, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, In, Sn, Sb, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta and W), for clinopyroxene compositions between 10 and 32 mol% CaTs. Partition coefficients for 2+ to 5+ cations show, for each charge, a near parabolic dependence of log D on ionic radius of the substituting cation, for partitioning into both the M1 and M2 sites of clinopyroxene. Fitting the results to the elastic strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J.D., Wood, B.J., 1994. Prediction of crystal-melt partition coefficients from elastic moduli. Nature 372, 452–454] we obtain results for the strain-free partition coefficients of theoretical cations (D0), with site radius r0, and for the site's Young's Modulus (E).

In agreement with earlier data our results show that increasing ivAl concentration in cpx is matched by increasing D, EM1, EM2 and D0 for tri-, tetra- and pentavalent cations. The degree of fractionation between chemically similar elements (i.e. Ta/Nb, Zr/Hf) also increases. In contrast, D values for mono-, di- and hexavalent cations decrease with increasing ivAl in the cpx. The large suite of trace elements used has allowed us to study the effects of cation charge on D0, r0 and E. We have found that D0 and r0 decrease with increasing cation charge, e.g. r0=0.66 Å for 4+ cations and 0.59 Å for 5+ cations substituting into M1. Values of EM1 and EM2 increase with cation charge as well as with increasing ivAl content. The increase in EM2 is linear and close to the trend set by Hazen and Finger [Hazen, R.M., Finger, L.W., 1979. Bulk modulus-volume relationship for cation–anion polyhedra. J. Geophys. Res. 84 (10) 6723–6728] for oxides. EM1 values are much higher and do not fit the trend predicted by the Hazen and Finger relationship.  相似文献   

文章对内蒙古西伯地区蛇绿混杂岩带岩石学、岩石地球化学、微量元素、稀土元素、U-Pb同位素年龄测定的综合研究表明:1该混杂岩体以变质橄榄岩、橄榄辉长岩、细粒辉长岩为主;2变质橄榄岩具有低铬、钛、贫钙和高镁的特点,辉长岩类具有富铝、钛含量中等的特点;3微量元素富、稀土元素含相容元素Cr、Ni、Co,而贫大离子亲石元素LILE(不相容元素)K、Rb、Sr、Ba、Zr、Y、P、Ti等;4本区超基性岩的形成时代大约在早泥盆世早期。  相似文献   
本文论述了近年来白云鄂博矿区在旷物学、岩石学、地球化学和矿床成因研究方面的进展。在矿物学研究方面,除以往研究过的一百多种矿物外,八十年代中期以后,又相继发现并研究了含铌锐钛矿、含铌钙钛矿、锶铁钛石、水磷钙钍石、白云鄂博矿、未命名氟碳酸盐新种矿物、珀硅钛铈铁矿、硅钡镁石、带云母等矿物;发现了矿物间的共生和交代关系。在岩石学研究方面,找到了霓长岩,发现了霓长岩化作用,确定了火成碳酸岩岩石的存在。在地球化学和矿床成因方面,提出了稀土稀有金属矿化与火成碳酸岩岩浆活动有成因联系的见解。  相似文献   
大同火山群地质及岩石学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大同火山群以盆地为对称轴分布,中更新世晚期火山位于盆地的轴部,中更新世早期火山位于盆地两侧。计算的延伸和断裂速率分别为0.43cm/a和0.22cm/a。大同火山群主要属于碱性橄榄玄武岩系列,中更新世早期火山的一部分属于拉斑系列,夏威夷岩是大同火山岩的一个主要类型.中更新世早期火山岩的氧化物变异趋势可能是受高压下Ol+Opx的分离作用控制.中更新世晚期火山岩氧化物变异趋势暗示了是受岩浆混合作用的控制。  相似文献   
烧变岩岩石学及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雷  刘池洋 《地球科学》2008,33(4):515-522
烧变岩的研究有益于对煤层形成以来所经历的构造运动、古气候和古地理的探讨.为了获得有关烧变岩基本特征的数据资料, 本文利用扫描电镜、能谱测试、古地磁及ICP-MS等测试手段对陕北神木地区烧变岩进行了系统的岩石学及稀土元素地球化学的分析研究.剖面上将烧变岩分成烧熔岩和烧烤岩两个序列.扫描电镜观察及能谱测试显示, 各矿物均显示烧熔迹象, 除伊利石外未发现其他类型粘土矿物; 磁化率测试显示烧变岩具异常高的磁化率; 地球化学分析显示烧变岩稀土元素配分特征近于沉积岩(原岩) 特征; 纵向剖面上, 随烧变程度增大(由烧烤岩至烧熔岩) 其稀土元素总量逐渐减小, 烧熔岩稀土元素总含量较烧烤岩的要明显低; 另外, 烧熔岩表现为较明显的Ce负异常, 而烧烤岩则表现为无Ce异常, 有些甚至表现为偏正异常.   相似文献   
索尔碎屑岩出露于西藏中部索尔—戈昂错一带,角度不整合覆盖于果芒错蛇绿混杂岩中的地幔橄榄岩之上,粗碎屑岩层和细碎屑岩层互层产出,并见有角砾状灰岩夹层。索尔碎屑岩中粗碎屑岩主要由灰黑色碎屑和土黄色基质所组成;细碎屑岩呈灰黑色,块状构造。碎屑的主体成分为蛇纹岩,并含有少量的尖晶石和斜长石,基质为泥晶结构碳酸盐。碎屑主要呈棱角状—次圆状,边界平直,可能是构造破碎后快速堆积而形成的。在蛇纹岩碎屑边部普遍可见垂直边界生长的板状或粒状方解石,部分碎屑之中方解石呈逐步向内部生长的趋势,而在少量的岩石中已形成了交代残余结构,反映索尔碎屑岩中的碎屑受到了碳酸盐不同程度的交代作用。通过与Gebel Mohagara蛇绿质碳酸盐岩和West Magnitogorsk古岛弧中出露的蛇绿质碳酸盐岩对比研究,初步认为索尔碎屑岩是地幔橄榄岩发生破碎后受到碳酸盐热液流体的交代所形成的。  相似文献   
Enclaves in intermediate-acid plutons from Tongling can be divided into three types: xenoliths, relics and magmatogenic enclaves. The magmatogenic enclaves consist of cumulates, micrograined dioritite mixtite and dioritic chilled border enclaves. Petrologically, relics with eyed and meta-poikilitic texture are characterized by high content of biotite (>80%) and low content of cordierite and grossular. The cumulates with accumulate texture consist of a great amount of pyroxene, hornblende and minor spinel and phlogopite. The micrograined dioritic mixtite is composed of more hornblendes and feldspar and less needle apatites and an ellipsoid basic core included in plagio-clase. The chilled border enclaves have the same mineral association, but more dark minerals than the host rocks consisting of plagioclase, quartz, alkaline feldspar, hornblende and biotite. Geochemically, the relics exhibit high REE content (455.8×10-6) and high ratio of LREE/HREE, more obvious Eu negative anomaly and are rich in Cr and  相似文献   
水口山矿田花岗质潜火山杂岩的成因特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
水口山矿田内发育的花岗质岩石并非是互不联系的单体,而是一套由地下火山作用一潜火山作用在特定的构造条件和不同深度环境下,以不同方式形成的并规律结合的岩浆岩组合──花岗质潜火山杂岩。包括浅成(超浅成)侵入的花岗闪长质岩石、次火山侵入的英安份岩质岩石及其伴生的隐爆碎屑岩类。老鸦巢Ⅳ号角砾岩是英安玢岩质母岩浆在超浅成环境下隐蔽爆破而形成的隐爆角砾岩,它至少存在三条标志以区别于其它各类角砾岩。这套潜火山杂岩具过渡性地质地球化学特征。  相似文献   
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